The Fragile & The Broken ⊗ [b...

By OfMiceAndMaryJane

186K 7.8K 2.2K

Its crazy how you can develop a crush on someone in an instant, but also very unfair considering im gay and g... More

The Fragile & The Broken ⊗ [boyxboy]
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14

Chapter 13

7.8K 399 219
By OfMiceAndMaryJane

I cant even explain how great things have been. it feels like my life actually has meaning now, Chris is the reason i wake up smiling every day.

"Damian?" I look up from my thoughts to see my mother standing in the doorway.

"Yeah mom?" I answer still somewhat preoccupied.

"I have to talk to you." She says before coming in and sitting with me on my bed. Thoughts fly through my head, what could be the matter? Did i do something wrong? Did she find out about Chris and I?

"Damian, since your father left us a few years back, you know ive been struggling to support us." I sighed in relief figuring this was just another one of those "we need to tighten our belts and start saving money" talks.

"honey, we cant afford to live here anymore. Youre aunt has agreed to take us in for a few months while I look for work."

I couldnt believe it. how could this happen!? I felt like my whole picture perfect life was crashing down in front of me.

"Mom! I cant live with aunt Kate, she lives 2 hours away! How would I get to school?" I shouted completely distraught by the fact I wouldnt be able to see Chris if I moved away.

"You'll have to transfer to her school district Damian, I'm sorry." she said quietly, as if she was ashamed.

"But I finally made friends mom! You cant do this to me, Its not fair!" I yelled. I saw her eyes start to water and I immediately felt bad and shut my mouth.

"Please pack your things hon, were leaving Saturday morning." she whispered getting up, closing my bedroom door behind her. I collapsed into myself, allowing my tears to fall freely. What was i supposed to do? I hated this, but I couldnt blame my mom. its not her fault.

I decided to call Chris.

I listened as the phone rang, I wasnt sure what Id say but I knew he would.

"Hello?" I heard, making my insides tighten.

"Chris." I whimpered trying to control my breathing.

"Whats wrong Damian? where are you?" I told him I was at home, although it was barely audible.

"Ill be right over." He said in such a way it was almost like a demand. I shook my head even though I knew he couldn't see me, and hung up.

I did my best to swallow my tears but for the most part was failing horribly. I cried and cried, and cried, in wait of being saved by the only person I knew that could. Christopher.

*A/N: I'm on vacation this week with my boyfriends family, so I may not have time to update often. But I'm really trying to write as much as possible !

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