🇬🇧 Once Upon a Time #Heroph...

By VaneAfter2022

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How did the love story between the two co-stars begin? Well, you just have to read about it and find out. Jo... More

Once Upon a Time - Josephine
Prologue - Hero
Prologue - Josephine
Chapter 1 - The start -
Chapter 2 - Hero
Chapter 3 - Josephine
Chapter 4 -Breakfast together
Chapter 5 - The park
Chapter 6 - ice cream
Chapter 7 - I'm not competitive!
Chapter 8 - Let's rehearse together
Chapter 9 - Let's start!
Chapter 10 - Mercy?
Chapter 11 - Photoshoot
Chapter 12 - It's natural!
Chapter 13 - Lunch
Chapter 14 - A real date!
Chapter 15 - The lake
Chapter 16 - Just collegues
Chapter 17 - My Hero ❤️
Chapter 18 - Montage Scene
Chapter 19 - Like a hurricane
Chapter 21 - Would you?
Chapter 22 - Touch me
Chapter 23 - Ops...
Chapter 24 - The storm

Chapter 20 - Ciak, action!

143 13 3
By VaneAfter2022


It's the first evening ever that we all spend together, drinking, dancing, laughing, joking and chatting about everything.
The cast is now complete and I must admit that they are all very nice and friendly.
Maybe even too friendly, since Kad hasn't let go of me for a second all evening, never missing an opportunity to touch my arms and Inanna really makes sweet eyes at me, as Jo said.
But wasn't she engaged? Well, I honestly don't remember.
In any case, I hadn't noticed anything, but the hundredth time Kad touched my arm, feeling the muscles, I thought there was something strange.
She's nice, but seems to try a little too hard to find topics to talk about with me. She always comes back to experiences in fashion, talks about fashion shows in which she participated or in which she was a spectator.
Jo watches me from afar, I see her talking and laughing with Samuel.
I like to see her having fun, but at the same time I would like her to only laugh at the jokes I make. Oh, I know, it's a really stupid thought, I realize.
So I stay quiet here, on the sofas we have occupied in this place and avoid getting close to her.
Plus, Anna has practically kidnapped her since dinner. She sticks to her and doesn't let go for a second.
She says everyone only has eyes for me, but she doesn't realize the fascination she has on other people.
Jo has a magnetic personality that attracts everyone nearby.
I nod at Kad, not really even knowing what she's talking about.
I sip my drink trying to look interested.
I lost attention when she started talking about an Armani fashion show. Again.

"You and Jo..."
I turn to Dylan who watches me curiously. I had spent a moment too long observing her.

"Me and Jo?" I'm playing dumb.

"Are you seriously together? You look at her in a way..." He smiles pointing at her.

"Uh, no. We...uhm...we're not together." I sigh and look back at her. I can't stop myself from looking at her.
She is having a drink with Anna and Sam. Her laughter resonates here too, above the music.

"But you would like it!" He taps me on the shoulder playfully. "There's nothing wrong. She's a beautiful girl, intelligent, nice! Too bad she only has eyes for you, otherwise I would have already tried!"

Just the idea that someone might approach her to flirt makes my blood boil.
"Yeah. She's really cool!" I admit with a sigh. I haven't admitted anything really, just that she's amazing.
That's the truth, innit?
And then Dylan just said she only has eyes for me.
I like this statement a lot and now I like him a little more.

"Try it then!" He urges me "Every left is lost!"

"Yeah..." I sigh again "You're right!"
If only it were easy!
I leave my glass on the table in front of me, get up and join her.
Or at least I try.
I am intercepted by Inanna and Pia in the center of the track.
They laugh and dance like crazy, surrounding me completely.
"Girls, I don't know how to dance!" I shake my head, raising my voice to be heard.
They don't seem to have understood anything, because they continue to dance without making room for me to pass.
“I'll see you later, okay?” Finally Inanna hears me and leaves an opening.
I pass them and go straight to Jo, hoping that no one else stops me in the meantime.
When I arrive at their table, Anna looks at me dumbfounded and I realize that I didn't prepare any excuse before coming here to her.
"Hey!" I smile.

"Heyyyyyy!!!" Jo surprises me by throwing her arms around me.

Ok, I wasn't expecting this one.
I put my arm around her waist, smiling.
"You drank?"
She looks up with a toothy smile and stares at me for a few seconds.
Yes, she definitely drank a little too much.
And her excess could be a few sips of this drink she has in her hand, given that she is practically teetotal.
I approach her glass and smell the contents.
"What is it? Rum?" I ask her.

"Rum and Coke!" She nods giggling "It really sucks!!!" She bursts out laughing.
"I missed you!" She hugs me, dumping most of the drink on me.

“Okay, how about we put this down?” I take the glass from her hands.

"Nooooo, I like it!" Jo grabs the glass again and brings it to her lips. She makes a disgusted face when she tastes a little more and her eyes fill with tears.

"Jo, you're disgusted!" I shake my head in amusement "Why do you keep drinking it?"

She shrugs nonchalantly and tries again, even more disgusted.
"Do you want some'?" She hands it to me.
I take the glass from her hands and taste the contents a little. The liquid burns in my throat like lava and a bitter, acidic taste invades my mouth.
It really sucks!
"Okay!" I cough, placing the glass away from us "I'd say that's enough for tonight!"

She nods this time and rests her head on my chest, completely abandoned to me.
"I missed you! But I won't tell you, that would be pathetic!" She mumbles into my shirt.
I laugh amusedly. This new version of her, I hadn't met yet. It's fun, although I prefer it a thousand times sober.
I lean down to her ear "I missed you too! How are you feeling?"

"You know, when you talk to me like that, I get shivers all over my body!" She exclaims looking into my eyes. "You make me want to kiss you! Kiss you for real! With tongue and everything!" She laughs suddenly amused by her own words.
Thank goodness the music is really loud, so it's unlikely anyone can hear us.
The only thing that does not go unnoticed is our closeness.
Anna looks at us smiling as she drinks her drink a short distance from us. She doesn't say anything, but I know she understands very well that there is more between Jo and me than just a simple working relationship.
Soon we are joined by the rest of the cast and Jo moves away from me, going to dance with the girls a little further away.
Now that I know she's a little tipsy, I don't let her out of my sight. Not that it was any different before, but now I feel even more protective of her.
Shane brings us a tray of more drinks but I politely decline. It's good that one of us is sober tonight.
I don't want to face shooting tomorrow with a colossal hangover.
Luckily Jo didn't pick up any glass again. She will need water soon though.
“I'll be right back,” I tell Shane, placing a hand on his shoulder.
He nods as he continues handing out drinks to the guys.
I approach the bar to get two bottles of water and in the meantime I look around.
They are all laughing and joking among the crowd of people dancing on the floor.
It's a really nice group of people.
We have been lucky!
Jo is with Anna and is bouncing to a song I don't know.
From here I can't hear what she says, but I see that she is singing with her hands raised above her head. She throws her head back and laughs. She laughs a lot.

"Would you like me to buy you a drink?"
I turn and a girl with long red hair looks at me smiling.
I have no idea who she is.

"Uh, no thanks. I've had enough to drink for tonight!" I smile at her kindly. I look back to where Jo was dancing. She's talking to Shane now, close to his ear to be heard over this chaos.

"Beautiful and responsible. Wow! Do you want to marry me?" The girl giggles.

I shake my head smiling "You get straight to the point, huh?"

"I'm Madison, nice to meet you" she holds out her hand and waits for my move.
If I wasn't completely lost in a certain Australian girl, this Madison would be a really nice conquest. Redhead, large green eyes and quite pronounced lips. She's really cute.

"Hero, can't we leave you alone for a moment as you make all the girls around here fall in love?" Samuel joins me patting me on the shoulder. He leans towards the barman and orders some water too.

"I'm Hero" I shake her hand "As you will have understood!"

Her eyes widen as she looks at Sam.
"Are you a group of super cool&hot guys? Where were you hiding?" She shakes her head in disbelief "And he's getting water too! Amazing!"

She looks at us both like we're aliens.
Sam chuckles along with me "You know how it is, responsible man and all!" He winks at her.

"I need water!!!" An unmistakable voice comes to me loud and clear.
Jo leans over my shoulders and looks at me with wide eyes.

I laugh handing her the bottle, just opened "And I was coming to bring you this!"

She looks at me even more in disbelief "You are my savior!!!" She drinks it greedily, moving a lock of hair from her face.

When she opens her eyes again, he notices redhead Madison, right next to me.
"Oh God, sorry! Did I interrupt something?" She says in panic.
I hope this is a rhetorical question, since I only have eyes for her.

At the same time I shake my head, Madison exclaims "Hero was just about to ask me to dance!"
She holds out her hand and waits.

I smile and quickly look around.
There is no one we know.
"Sorry, Madison" I wrap my arm around Jo's hips and pull her towards me towards the stool "But I don't think my girlfriend is very keen!"
They both look at me in amazement, for two different reasons, obviously.
Madison didn't think I was engaged, although I gave her no reason to think otherwise anyway, and Jo... Well, I never called her my girlfriend, in any context.
She doesn't seem to be very upset, as she immediately abandons herself to me, looking at the girl sideways.

“I know what you're thinking and I understand you, sister!” She rolls her eyes. “This guy is annoyingly sexy and damn cool! I'm a lucky one!” she drinks from the bottle again, finishing the contents before placing it empty on the counter. "He's also smart, kind, super sweet and romantic! Would you believe it?"
It's loud, but it's adorable. I hold back so as not to laugh. She has no brakes and says everything that comes into her head. "And he is with me!" She looks at me smiling and happy.
I look back at her and desperately want to kiss her now. I hold her tighter and feel her sigh on my chest.

"Your friend, on the other hand..." Madison leans over to look at the spot where Sam had been.
I smile at her "Why don't you go and ask him?" I point it out in the middle of the track. He is dancing with a tall, blonde girl with short hair. I think I saw her arrive today, along with the other actors who will be extras, but I'm not sure.
She nods and gets up from the stool. The fact that Sam is busy with a girl doesn't seem to stop her at all.
I admire her determination, even if it is probably risky to behave like this. She will take a lot of "no" for an answer and it's not exactly great to feel rejected.

"Who was she?" Jo asks me as she slides between my legs, her shoulders resting on my chest.
I hug her and breathe her scent in her hair. I kiss her cheek and hear her giggle. Right now I don't care if anyone sees us.

"Madison, apparently. I don't know anything else. She probably likes Sam, or she likes everyone a little bit. I don't know." I smile thinking about how quickly she moved on to courting me and then Samuel.
Jo nods and remains silent, looking out at the crowd of people dancing. I caress her belly with my hands, holding her closer to my chest.
Her hands touch mine and she shakes them.

"You are jealous" I laugh in her ear.

"No!" She exclaims immediately, turning towards me as if I had said something absurd.

"You know, you can tell me if you're jealous!" I repeat the same words she said to me a few hours ago, when I returned to the room.
We were only separated for a short time and the idea that she had always been with Shane and Dylan bothers me a little. I'm jealous. I'm definitely jealous.
I would like her all to myself, but at the same time I like her to make friends with everyone. It's a strange feeling.
Plus, I trust her completely and know she wouldn't do anything to make me feel bad in any way.

"Oh, damn! Of course I am!" She keeps her gaze in mine "I care about you!" She looks at my lips and I have a terrible desire to kiss her.
I swallow and bite my lip to keep from messing up. There's no point in putting on a show. It's one thing to be close, it's another to kiss as if we were running out of air.

"I like you jealous!" I whisper in her ear.

“I have no reason to, right?” her eyes are suddenly worried, or so they seem. I do not know what it means.

I look at her questioningly.
"We're not together, but that doesn't mean I flirt with other girls." I reassure her. For me there is only her, even if we haven't given a name to the relationship between us.
Why the hell didn't we give this a name? We'll have to talk about it!
We keep going around it, for some reason.
She nods, biting her lip, before looking back in front of her again.
I hear her sigh, thanks to the fact that my chest is pressed against her back.

"Thanks for the water!" Her voice echoes over me.

"Forget about it!" I kiss her head "Do you feel better?"

She nods, continuing to turn her back to me.
While the rest of the world dances and has fun, I enjoy the most beautiful sensation of all: her close to me.

"What do you guys say, shall we call it a night?" Anna joins us, placing the drink on the counter. "We start tomorrow at 12.00!"
We both nod and go in search of the whole group, scattered here and there in the room.
I hold Jo's hand, partly because she isn't completely stable in the heels she's wearing and partly because I feel like it. Now I also have the excuse to hold her hand, since she's feeling a little tipsy.
The water helped, but not completely.
We gather the group and head outside, getting into the cars that are already waiting for us, like Cinderella's carriages. The only difference is that it's Uber and it's 2.30 in the morning. It's long past midnight!
Jo gets into the car with Pia and Anna, while we split up in the other cars.
When I return to the room, the light in her room is on.
I take off my shoes and jacket. I need a shower, I feel all sticky and I definitely smell like smoke or who knows what was in the air of that place where we were.
I'm too sleepy though, so I'll probably put it all off until tomorrow.
I look out the door of Jo's room to see if she's okay.
She's sleeping, fully dressed, on her stomach on the bed, starfish style.
I smile leaning against the door frame.
Her breathing is heavy. She really collapsed from sleep!
I go over to take off her shoes, she can't sleep all night like this.
I gently take them off, trying not to wake her. I won't be able to take off the dress and even if I could, I wouldn't. It would seem like an invasion of her privacy to me.
I turn off the light on her bedside table and go back to my room.
I take off all my clothes and the sticky feeling remains.
I absolutely have to take a shower now!
As much as I don't want to, sleeping like this would be terrible!
I sigh as I turn on the light in the bathroom.
The hot jet of the shower relaxes me and makes me even more sleepy.
I go out and dry myself quickly with a bathrobe.
Finally I get under the covers remaining only in my boxers and it's pleasant to feel the cool sheets in contact with my skin.
Sleep doesn't take long to arrive and soon I find myself dreaming of a girl in a beautiful red dress throwing her arms around me and confessing how much she missed me.


Remind me not to drink. Never again.
Definitely never again.
I feel all broken, like my bones broke last night, for some reason.
I seem to remember everything I said and did yesterday, so I probably wasn't that drunk after all. It's already something reassuring.
But my brain explodes in my head. Any noise feels like an atomic bomb inside my ears.
That's why I never drink.
I have no idea why I decided to try and get a drink yesterday.
Gross, by the way.
I wanted to have fun, let myself go a little more than usual, but if I have to be like this every time... No, thanks! I have more fun sober!
Hero, as a good knight of the 19th century, as Mia now calls him, saved me by bringing me a bottle of water when for me it was now like a mirage in the desert.
The drink I drank, or at least tasted, was truly terrible. I can still taste it on my tongue.
Of course, I didn't brush my teeth! How disgusting!
I slowly get up on the bed, sitting up.
Oh good. I still have my dress on!
At least I didn't sleep with my shoes on. I don't remember taking them off, but I might have done it automatically. I always take my shoes off as soon as I enter the room.
I hold my head in my hands, closing my eyes.
I need a nice hot shower! I can't imagine what my makeup will look like now, since my pillow has black stains from mascara and eye shadow. I'll look like a panda.
I giggle to myself at the idea of looking like a sleepy little panda.
Little by little, I manage to get up.
I sigh, pulling the dress over my head.
It is also painful to do this movement.
No, I will never drink again! It's decided.

"Good morn..." Hero stops, stands still in our connecting door. He looks at me with wide eyes before covering them with his hand. "Damn! I should have knocked! Sorry!"

It takes me a few seconds before I realize that I'm in my underwear and bra.
Among other things, I wore the smallest panties I had and the bra is a balcony bra. The dress yesterday would otherwise have exposed everything and I wanted to avoid.
The hilarious thing is that I'm showing everything off right now anyway, even without doing it on purpose.
If nothing else, he's the right person to do it with.

"I go to take a shower!" I mean literally taking refuge in the bathroom.
I chuckle, closing the door behind me.
I hear him mumble as he goes back to his room. He will apologize to me three hundred times. I already know!
He's incredibly respectful and that's something I love about him, even if he hasn't figured out how to knock on a door before entering yet.
I continue to laugh as I position myself under the jet of water.
It's relaxing and the headaches seem to ease a little.
I close my eyes taking some deep breaths.
I wash my hair, which has become a shapeless mass from having been tied up for too long.
When I get out of the shower, the glass is completely fogged up. I draw little stars and write my name, as if I were signing some autographs.
Who knows if it will ever happen?

"Jo, shall we go to breakfast together?" Hero knocks on the door.

"All right!" I say out loud "Give me ten minutes and I'm ready!"

"Ok, I'll wait for you in my room!" I feel him moving away.
I take the hairdryer and try to do it as quickly as I can. Generally I would leave them damp, without worrying too much given the heat it is in this period. But my head hurts and the hotel air conditioning makes the air really cold. There's no point in walking around with wet hair.

When I leave the bathroom, Hero's voice reaches me as if he were far away, yet he is in the next room.
I hear him talking to someone, but I don't hear the other voice.
He's probably on the phone, his friends are constantly calling him!
He's not a guy who is constantly playing on his cell phone or on social media, not at all. But he is definitely always in touch with his family and group of friends in London.
I often see him take photos or videos which he then sends via WhatsApp.

"I'm ready!" I look at his door but he's not there. The curtains covering the French windows flutter, revealing the outside.
That's why his voice reached me as if he were distant: he's on the terrace.
I let a few minutes pass, in which I hear him laughing and joking with someone.
I like his laugh.
I like everything about him, to be honest.
Yesterday he took care of me and I saw how he interacted with the girl who tried to pick him up. Kind but distant, he didn't give her a chance to flirt with him and at the first opportunity he introduced me as his girlfriend.
He probably did it just to get out of that situation, maybe he didn't like the girl. But something clicked inside me: it drives me crazy that he called me 'his girlfriend'.
I sigh looking towards the terrace.
I would really love to be with him if we didn't have this sort of expiration date on our heads.
A month and a half. In a month and a half everyone will return to their own lives, without knowing if we will ever see each other again.
The film could be a total flop and if there are no sequels, the chances of us meeting again will be slim to none. He is always traveling around the world as a model, I go on auditions after auditions to try to get a measly part in some film.
There are thousands like me: blondes, light eyes, long hair. It's not easy to stand out from the crowd. For him it's a different story. Man always have a fast track in some way, there's no point deluding ourselves otherwise.

"Jo!" Hero appears from behind the curtains. He smiles and his eyes quickly run over my body. "Are you ready?"

I nod while remaining silent.
Too many thoughts will make my brain explode, sooner or later.

"Let's go then!" He takes the keys to his room and we go out.
Now we don't even pay attention to leaving two different rooms anymore. If anyone saw us, we decided to say that we had simply come to wake each other up. Nothing wrong with all this. It's a simple lie.
And it's also quite credible, in my opinion.
If we seriously had two separate rooms, chances are we would actually do this!

"Did you rest?" He looks at me carefully as we reach the elevator as always.

"Yeah. My head just hurts a little!" Sigh.

“Do you remember everything you did yesterday?” He smiles.
His question alarms me: what do you mean if I remember everything? What have I done?
I look at him fearfully as he continues "When you started dancing on the bar counter, it was epic!"
We get into the elevator and I can't say a word.
What have I done?!? It is not possible!!!
"We tried to get you down, but you were screaming that you wanted to dance the Can Can! It was fun!" He chuckles.

"You are making a fool of me!" I point a finger at him.

“You even told me you missed me and kissed me in front of everyone!” He shakes his head in amusement.
I remember telling him that I missed him but not that I kissed him.

"You're definitely kidding me!" I cross my arms in front of my chest "I would never do any of this!"

"Won't you kiss me?" He raises his eyebrows waiting for my response.

"Of course yes, but not in front of everyone!"

"And instead..." He chuckles as the doors open and we go out into the hall "Ask Anna, if you don't believe me!"

"I don't ask anyone for anything!" I snort. Oh my God what a shame! Did I seriously do all this?

Inanna smiles at us as soon as we enter the breakfast room. She has a plate full of various things to eat and seems to have the same headache as me.

She raises a hand to stop us "Don't say anything, my head will explode!" She closes her eyes and sighs.
Hero chuckles as he goes to get a plate for himself and one for me. He hands it to me and I thank him quietly.

"Those drinks were stronger than I thought! I spent the night with an incredible stomach ache!" She sighs, coming next to me.

"I slept with my clothes on and didn't take off my make-up! This morning I looked like a panda!" I comment by getting some waffles and strawberries.

"Same thing. I couldn't take my clothes off!" She snorts.

"Here are the souls of the party!" Dylan shouts, putting his arm around both of their shoulders.
The grimace of pain we make is as if they had just shouted at us with a megaphone in our ears.
"Uhhh I see you haven't quite recovered, huh?" He chuckles amusedly.

"Shut up. Don't say a word!" Inanna orders him.
The situation would be laughable if I didn't feel physically devastated.

"They spend the evening dancing on the tables and this is the result" Hero shakes his head amused.

"What did you say?" Inanna's eyes widen in horror.
Both he and Dylan nod laughing.
I no longer understand whether they are making fun of us or not.
I sigh as I go back to filling my plate with food.

"They're having fun annoying you" Shane's reassuring voice makes us both turn "You drank a little, but you didn't put on a show"

"Oh goodness!" Inanna sighs, rolling her eyes "You two! You'll pay for it!" She points to Hero and Dylan who are going to sit at the huge table they set up for everyone.
Our coffee table, mine and Hero's, is just a memory. A very sweet memory.
It seems like a lifetime ago, absurd!

"He..." Shane turns to Hero "He wouldn't let anything happen to you" he lowers his voice pretending not to notice as he fills his plate "He's been watching you from afar all evening. He's a really good guy!" He winks at me before walking with me to the table.

I'm speechless.
He has known us for a day and has already understood what there is between us.
Are we that obvious?
I remain silent and sit next to him.
"Between us...I mean, me and Hero" I start a conversation that I realize I don't know how to finish.

"Uh, don't worry. You don't have to tell me anything. I was just telling you to let you know, in case you didn't notice yesterday." He smiles as he starts to eat "Generally I like to mind my own business, I hate intrusiveness. Sorry if I took the liberty!"

I quickly shake my head "No, no. Absolutely! In fact, thank you!"
I don't know what to say, really.
We eat in silence. Inanna orders everyone who joins us shortly after not to speak. She literally glares at them and, in any case, Kad and Pia also seem quite tired from the evening just passed.
The only one as fresh as a rose is Meadow but luckily she respects the request for silence.
It's only 8.00 and an intense morning of rehearsals awaits us with the new cast, before starting to shoot some scenes after lunch.
The program that Jenny gave us is very detailed. We won't finish shooting until tonight, if all goes well.
She is very meticulous and each scene will be shot multiple times, from various angles.
It will be fun but quite tiring.
After breakfast, we all feel a little better and go to the rehearsal room together.
The script is read in full, several times, skipping only the parts where it's just me and Hero, since we've already rehearsed these days.
It's very emotional and there's a particular energy in this room. We are many different people who still don't know each other well but we are all incredibly in tune.
The conditions for doing a good job are all there!

Kad and I are the first to start.
After a quick lunch, we all go to the set together.
Those who are not on stage obviously move away and take advantage of the opportunity to rehearse the part again and again.
Everyone, except Hero.
I see him talking to Jenny, she nods and he thanks her, sitting down a little behind her. He has one of his usual dark hats on his head and is looking at us attentively.
Did he stay and watch us?
Kad and I start rehearsing the various scenes in which we are together.
They are small parts throughout the film and this involves various changes of clothing and makeup. She has crazy energy and her character is just as I imagined it while reading the book.
It's her first time on a set, but you can tell she's used to being the center of attention in her modeling work.
She listens to Jenny's advice and adapts to every take.
Hero remains out of sight, in the darkness of the room that should be Tessa and Steph's dorm room.

“I think he likes me, you know?” Kad catches me watching Hero. Her words ring in my head.
"He's been here for hours, when he could easily be elsewhere" she sighs "Yesterday we talked a lot, we have a lot of things in common"
I do not know what to think.
On the one hand I would laugh on the other it makes me confused.

"Alright girls, let's take a break to change some lights. Jo, we'll call you when it's your turn!" Jenny claps her hands and the crew comes to life, invading the set.
Hero gets up from the chair he was occupying and joins us.
He is holding a paper bag and two takeaway drinks.
"Hey! You were amazing!" He smiles at both of us.

"Thank you!" I smile biting my lips. His compliments always make me very happy.

"You are very kind!" Kad replies "Are they for us?" Points to what I assume are coffee or something like that.

"Uh, well... Yes!" He hands her a cup and she thanks him, blushing a little.

This situation is strange and I don't like it.

"I'm going... Well, I'm going over there for a moment!" I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, I just know I need to get out of the way.

"Wait." He stops me "Oat milk with a splash of barley coffee" he hands me the glass.
I'm stuck watching it.
He remembers what I like!
"And cookies" he hands me the paper bag "I know how much you like them and after yesterday's evening... I wanted to make up for the little prank this morning!" he runs a hand over the back of his head while I take the bag, in disbelief.
Why am I so insecure? He clearly got these things for me or at least I was on his mind when he did. Kad's words shouldn't destabilize me so much!

"Thank you!" I look him straight in the eyes. I would like to kiss him right now!

"You can share them if you like." He continues almost embarrassed.

"You're super cute!" Kad kisses him on the cheek, then takes a sip of coffee.

“Are you…” I clear my throat “Did you stay here?” I point him to the chairs behind the cameras.

"I asked Jenny if I could stay. I want to learn more about how directing works." He smiles.
I didn't think he was interested in this kind of thing, but I like it. He shows that he has other interests besides just acting.
I nod and take a bite of a cookie.
Wow! Very good!

"Do you want some'?" I hand it to him and he takes a bite from exactly where I ate, still looking into my eyes as he does so.
It's an extremely intimate thing to do and if I were asked to paint a romantic scene, this would be it for me.
I know, it goes beyond what is typically considered romantic, but I'm not like everyone else.
I feel Kad's inquiring gaze on me, but I don't care. She implied that he was here for her, when that's clearly not the case and I don't want to point it out to her.
She's clearly got a crush on him and right now, I kind of dislike her, even though I understand her well. It's difficult not to be overwhelmed by Hero. If not impossible!

"Alright girls, let's start again!" We place our snack on a nearby table.
Kad returns to the bed to resume the scene. They have closed the windows to give the impression that it is early morning.
I must look heartbroken because Tessa just broke up with Noah.

“You're doing great!” Hero whispers, winking at me, before returning to his place, behind the cameras.
I smile biting my lips.
I love it!
I take a deep breath, close my eyes and get into the role again.

Let's go!


Author's notes

Today is an important day for me and I wanted to celebrate it with you, with a new chapter in this story. 🎉💓

Leave a star if you liked it! 🌟
The comments too, I love them! So comment as much as you want!

Thanks again for your support, you are amazing!

A hug 💕


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