The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

203 27 86

Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Plot Twists & Geass
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload
Entering The Dreamverse
Becoming Real
The Multiverse's Destruction
"Happy" Birthday
Making A Fake Kira
Setting A Trap
Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Chaos In Gotham City
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping
The Neo World Duel Carnival
End Of The First Round
Closing Stages Of The War
The Final Battle Begins
Desperate Survival
Don Thousand's Downfall

Reality Warping Limit Break

4 1 1
By Fireking492

The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 27: Reality Warping Limit Break

Date: May 5th, 2024

Blue Maiden(Aoi) speaks: "It's over. They're gone. But this can't be the end of it, right?" Aqua nods: "You're right. I sense more enemies concentrated in 2 locations on this island." Dr. Faker has a thoughtful expression on his face: "If that's the case, that means that the remaining enemies are organizing in those locations to try to kill all of us for Don Thousand. I have had enough of manipulations and suffering originating from Don Thousand. We must win this war." Yuri speaks up: "Alright then. So where are our enemies concentrating, exactly? I can't wait to start fighting them in fights to the death!" Tania replies: "I know exactly where they are. When I pretended to be on their side, I was made aware of all significant events on this island including details about where the others who were brought here to crush all of you are located. One group: the Society Of Light has taken over the Obelisk Blue dorms or rather, what's left of them after this universe fell to Don Thousand's empire. The other group is at the old research facility where scientists once experimented with a certain monkey Judai ended up freeing from captivity." Amnael nods, still in one of his alchemically created bodies: "I can confirm everything you just said, Tania. All of it is true. None of it is a lie. We have to split into 2 groups ourselves because that second group is just as trouble as the Society Of Light. They are the Supreme King and his dark monster army. The old research facility has been transformed into a new castle for the Supreme King. Of course, such should be impossible given that the Supreme King is a part of Judai but somehow, the Supreme King was separated from him soon after we lost this universe."

Judai nods: "I remember it all too well. It feels like there's a void of some kind inside of me now." It didn't matter to use which group was tougher at this point. It was obvious that the Supreme King and whoever leads the Society Of Light now are Barian Emperors. Many of us could feel it because of overwhelming energy that was being given off from those 2 locations. I ended up going with those who chose to pursue the Society Of Light. Anna Kaboom shouts: "I can't wait to blast some Society Of Light members back to their senses! The Light of Destruction and its society will not last a day longer with us coming to take care of them!" Katori cautions: "Don't get too confident, Anna. We know they're going to be far tougher than even we expected up till today." Before we even reached the dorms, we were confronted by Society Of Light members. O'Brien speaks: "Hey, is it me or do they have us surrounded? Also, weren't Manjome, Asuka, and Daichi with us just a few minutes ago?" Having turned off our duel disks after Trueman and Darkness were taken care of, us duelists activate them again. And then, the Ojama brothers appear in spirit form in your view. Ojama Yellow screams: "Manjome has gone bananas! He's lost it again! He threw us away again!" We ready ourselves for those surrounding us to show themselves. Most of us can sense them or detect them in other ways. Judai speaks: "Keep your guard up everyone. Our enemies are immersed in all kinds of power." Manjome clad in a mostly white Duel Academia uniform appears first with a smirk on his face.

"You will all see the light or you will die! The light must prevail and help destroy all enemies of Don Thousand! We, the Society Of Light will welcome you or destroy you! Embrace the light! But if you don't want to, then prepare to be made to anyway or die in great agony!" Asuka is next: "And in case you're wondering, you aren't going to get out of this with teleportation or some other trick. We have you not only surrounded but unable to get by us unless you somehow can defeat us, our powers, and our monsters." And then, the rest of them showed too, even Daichi who looks fully committed to the cult this time. He speaks firmly: "I will use the power of science to teach you why you must see the light and how to do it! Appear, Water Dragon and all of my other best monsters!" Manjome laughs: "It's time! White Night Knight! White Night Dragon! And more! Show yourselves!" I summon my monsters before drawing my sword of course. Damn. This is a difficult situation. Our foes are brainwashed but we have to get past them in order to move any closer to Obelisk Blue. Right now, we are right outside of the main campus building where the cafeteria, nurse's office, card shop, duel arenas, gym and more are located. Not far from the main entrance to it in fact. Anna is the first to attack: "Gustav Max, let's blow some of their monsters away in an aggressive and fast series of blasts!" Having ridden her rocket launcher/hovercraft up to now, she dismounts from it in order to hold it with both of her hands. As Gustav Max attacks, she sends explosive rocket after explosive rocket at our enemies' monsters. Manjome laughs: "What's wrong? You don't want to hurt us! Too bad you will have to beyond just destroying our monsters! Our leader Takuma Saio is waiting to hear of our victories against all of you!"

Kenzan replies: "That's not going to happen! Ultimate Tyranno, show him what I mean! Stomp as many monsters as you can!" Anna's attacks along with Gustav Max's somehow don't have any effect on our foes nor do Ultimate Tyranno's. The rest of us try to attack at once as well but to no avail. Regnes says: "This isn't good. They are somehow strong enough to withstand all of our attacks. Not even the least powerful of their monsters was destroyed." Suddenly, a bunch of Duel Ghouls appear to also surround us while saying constantly: "Duuuuuuuuuuuuel meeeeeeeee.." Yubel manifests in a solid form through Judai: "These Duel Ghouls aren't my doing. Something else is going on besides what we know is going on." They summon all 3 versions of themselves including Terror Incarnate and try to devastate the monsters of our foes but even their abilities don't work on the monsters. Chronos screams: "What is this?! Why aren't any of their monsters being defeated?! I even have my Ancient Gear Golems constantly dealing damage but nothing! Mama Mia!" "Not even alchemy is changing the tide of battle. This is concerning, nya." Pharaoh the cat actually does something by running towards Manjome. Manjome screams: "No! I hate cats! I still hate them! Stay away from me!" He ends up being defeated by Pharaoh's intense scratching while hissing and growling aggressively. Asuka shakes her head: "I never knew Manjome was THIS weak. Oh well, I will just have to serve Saio and Don Thousand far better than he ever could. Let's finish them off, society members. We have no time to waste." Suddenly, our foes transform into Barians along with their monsters, revealing themselves to be far more powerful than they were letting on.

But we suspected as much and tripled our efforts to bring them down by fighting a lot harder from there only to still not do any damage anyway. A certain duelist on our side steps forward in between us and me while yawning. "Aren't all of you just tired of this fighting?" The Duel Ghouls of course appear to be just as tough as the society members are. But instead of easily tanking our attacks, they keep being easily defeated only to stand right back up as if that never happened each and every time. The duelist who just talked is Belowski of course. Chronos freaks out again: "Belowski! Not here! You'll get us with your special power as well!" "Chill out, Professor. I know what I'm doing. Just chillax. Everything is going to be real calm and chill like some radical peaceful field with a light breeze on a bright and real sunny day not far from the beach.. I summon Happy Lover, my 3 Moki Mokis, and Moki Moki King. Society Of Light, Duel Ghouls, don't you just want to wind down and relax? What's the point of fighting when you're doomed to lose in the end? Not even your man Don Thousand can protect you from the chill. But you shouldn't fear the chill. Instead, embrace it and just lay down. Napping is so much better than fighting. Trust me. Let go of all of your responsibilities and just relax. It's not that hard. Deep down, you want to relax just as much as I want to. I know it. I can see it dawn on your faces now. Just embrace the calm and take a nice long nap till the Sun goes down. That's right, you're starting to do it. Aren't you tired of all of your negative vibes? You don't need to do anything except chill now. I promise."

And with that, it wasn't very long at all until all of the Duel Ghouls and Society Of Light members were napping. Moonshadow, the ninja and duelist part of the Lancers speaks up: "That takes care of them for now but we must remain cautious. Therefore, we must make it impossible for them to use their duel disks and cards against us again." Ghost Gal replies: "In other words, take them or shut them down to the point they would have to be fixed by a tech whiz to work properly again." "You are correct." Biara speaks up: "Or we could plant a cyber virus that does what needs to be done." Spectre grins: "That would be somewhat exciting." We decide on using a cyber virus but not just any virus. But the Crash Bug Virus which quickly messes up the duel disks of the Duel Ghouls and Society Of Light members(and would later be undone when they all came back to their senses with help later..). With that being said and done, we run towards where Saio must still be only to be confronted by Prince Ojin who belongs to a small nation that launched a powerful satellite into space which was almost used to cause the Light Of Destruction's plans to succeed. Ojin speaks: "I will not allow any of you to pass. In order to get to Takuma Saio, you will have to defeat me first. I summon Satellite Cannon." Tron and his sons step forward along with Yuzu and her counterparts. Rin(one of her counterparts) speaks: "We'll handle him! Despite what he just said, go on ahead to deal with the possessed Takuma!" We do so and charge into the main Obelisk dorm building. There, Saio is already looking completely nuts and out of it. He laughs: "So you fools have made it here faster than I expected. But that doesn't matter for I will make all of you see the light or die if that proves to be impossible!"

That's when we are all hit by a satellite blast. Kenzan yells: "Saur! This hurts!" "I remember you but don't worry, you will finally be by my side soon enough! The cards tell me the destiny of all of you. You will join my side and make the Society Of Light truly unstoppable, allowing Don Thousand to conquer the entire multiverse! Judai, your Gentle Darkness will be crushed under my power! You'll see that as the blast only continues to hurt you more and more! It is still not finished with you all!" I can feel not just the pain of being blasted despite the fact that my armor is still in great shape at the moment. I can feel something attempt to take me over. I close my eyes in order to better focus on resisting it. But I don't have to do much in that department as it starts quickly failing to take me over. I guess being cursed with being a zombie means the Light of Destruction cannot possibly possess me. The blast stops before the presence leaves my body and mind. I open my eyes to see a disgruntled Saio: "This cannot be! The satellite was unable to take over any of you! None of you saw the light!" Ghost Gal smirks: "Believe me, we've been through enough of these kinds of situations. We aren't so easily taken over anymore." "You fools have testing my patience! Very well! Then I will have to make you see the light by force!" In a twist, he activates a duel disk onto for it to change in appearance and become large and long enough to hold a lot more than just 5 monsters and 5 spells and/or trap cards plus the extra monster zone, Pendulum zones, and field spell zone. None of us have seen something like this before. But we don't verbally react, we just bring back any of our monsters that were destroyed.

Saio smirks widely with a twisted look on his face as his hair literally floats up unnaturally as he begins to transform into a Barian Emperor. Once that's done, he says: "Now is the time for all of you to face your destiny! Allow me to introduce you to my monsters! First is Arcana Force 0: The Fool! But that's only the beginning! I have over 20 Arcana Force monsters and they will all come here to make you see the light or destroy you! Whatever happens is destined to happen! Destiny will decide your fate! *seconds later* And now! Arcana Force EX: The Light Ruler and Arcana Force EX: The Dark Ruler! All of my Arcana Force monsters are here! You will not be able to resist the light for much longer! I have foreseen it all! I know every move that you will make before you make it! I have memorized this entire confrontation and so much of what led up to it as well as what it resulted in carefully and extensively! I won't even try to block or dodge your attacks! Nor will my Arcana Force monsters! Go ahead! Try to stop me! Nothing you do will work!" We all choose to focus specifically on individual Arcana Force monsters or Saio himself. Myself and a few others go for The Dark Ruler. "Haaaaaa! Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 100! We'll see how binding destiny really is!" Saio laughs as he watches all of us attack his monsters as well as himself: "I told you, nothing you do is going to work! Now it's time for the roulette of destiny to begin!" Manifestations of each Arcana Force card appears above each Arcana Force. "For a time, this part of my monsters really was determined seemingly randomly but I am one with destiny so I know exactly what each one will land on! They will all be right side up to devastate you all!"

That's when the monsters begin attacking us back as we try to damage or even destroy them. Our efforts are in vain as only we are taking damage. My armor gets pretty banged up very quickly but I'm not down or out. Far from it. I haven't become as strong as I am only to be sent straight to oblivion by a monster used by a possessed fortune teller insistent that we are doomed to join his side according to destiny. Neos speaks loudly: "Do not give up, warriors of BRAINS. There is a way out of this. All we have to do is keep holding on until we find that way. When that happens, only then can we put an end to this situation." Saio laughs again: "It's hopeless! You cannot stop destiny from playing out and causing you to do what was already predetermined for you to do!" I sigh: "Destiny in this case sure does sound a lot like the assertion some people in my world have that everything we do is determined by some God who may or may not exist. Some dismiss other gods as false gods and it makes me think as a former Christian: what makes their God so special and above the rest? Well, they clearly craft it so that their God's existence cannot be debunked with logic because said God defies time and space. God is a more abstract concept than even quantum theory. At least quantum theory has some basis on observable fact. In Parable Of The Sower by Octavia Butler, it is said that God is change, not necessarily an immortal omnipotent being who knows, watches, and predetermines everything. But there is only one ultimate destiny that we know of. It's the destiny created by the cycles of existence and influenced by The Plot and even Abstractoa most notably. Saio. No, Light of Destruction. Your destiny stuff is pointless. Because in the end, we will end up fighting the forces of evil in a great battle and that means you will fall someday if not today.

We are going to be fighting against you in that battle. That cannot be disputed at this point." The Light Of Destruction's true form starts appearing in Saio's aura which is filled with all kinds of power including Barian: "You think destiny isn't on my side?! How foolish! I will make you learn that it is destiny that will leave you set to serve me and thus Don Thousand for all eternity from now on! YOU WILL ALL SEE THE LIGHT!" I keep trying to damage The Dark Ruler to no avail. The others have no luck either. We have no idea what it's going to take to best Saio/the Light Of Destruction and his monsters. What's worse is that the damage being dealt to us is only increasing. Blaze, Barla, and Herbsalvin suddenly appear around me. Barla grins: "Hell yeah! We're now back in action! Let's fight this Dark Ruler together!" Blaze nods eagerly: "We can't give up or lose here!" Herbsalvin adds: "For the bonds we uphold and cherish, we will make a stand. Swift, my knight. You know what I want to say to you but can't right now." Barla yells: "Damn! My explosives and bullets aren't doing a thing against this monster! Oh well! Looks like it's time to take more drastic measures! Feel the power of my job as a Tank! Supersonic Laser! Wild Shot!" But those attacks don't do anything either. Anna shouts to all of us: "Nothing is working! It's time for the BRAIN Blasters! It just has to be!" Most of us pull our BRAIN Blasters in just seconds. I put my sword back into its scabbard before I did so myself. With that done, I prepare to fire my blaster and do so almost immediately. As a result of that, my efforts join with the others to actually do damage to our foes. Saio only laughs again: "Did you really believe I didn't foresee even this seeming turn of events?! Think-"

"*unison* BRAIN Blaster: Extremely Lethal Mode. Activate." That's a new mode introduced in the latest iteration of the blasters that were just finished last week. Because of it, we start dealing a lot more damage, defeating even The Dark Ruler and The Light Ruler in the process. Saio remains as strong and unharmed as ever but is clearly angry: "You have defied destiny! No, this can't be! But still! You were foolish and lowered your guard! All of you have been severely hurt while you weren't even looking at yourselves!" He's right, he and his monsters got us good just now. His right hand abruptly turns on him: "What is happening now?! Is destiny slipping away from my mastery?! NO! NOOOOOOOO!" A calmer version of him speaks from out of nowhere: "I am regaining my body. You won't use me any longer, Light of Destruction." "How dare YOU DEFY DESTINY! I WONT ALLOW YOU TO REGAIN YOUR BODY. NO, I WILL ABSORB YOU AND YOUR BODY COMPLETELY!" The Light Of Destruction fully manifests as its true form combined with the appearance and abilities of a Barian Emperor and imaginary number. Saio defiantly brings back all of his monsters and orders them to attack the force of destruction as we try to attack it as well. But nothing is able to do anything to it. Instead, it does in fact absorb Saio before absorbing all of his monsters as well. It laughs: "At long last, I can truly begin my plots of destruction, I am even more powerful now that I have fully absorbed Saio and his monsters. Destiny has brought us to this point but it will also bring us to the point at which all of you are ultimately destroyed at my ends! There is no escape from destiny! This is the end!" Just as the Light Of Destruction unleashes a devastating attack in all directions, myself and other heavily armored individuals intercept the attack from each and every side.

We all yell some variant of: "Not so fast!" I pull out my shield, put it in my left hand, and block with it and my sword as best as I can. Thanks to this, I can able to endure a lot of the attack's force before finally being knocked back as my armor completely shatters. I fall to the floor and barely hang onto consciousness with our foe now ignoring me and the others who have suffered the same way now to focus on the others who are still standing. I could hardly watched as it devastated our comrades, making their injuries a lot worse and even ending up destroying all our monsters even the likes of Hope Beyond and Neos Wiseman. In the end, all of our gooses were cooked now that we were all on the ground, unable to move or actively struggling to get back up. The Light Of Destruction laughs harder and louder than ever before: "Now, destiny has finally sealed your fates for good! You defied destiny but destiny still came through in making certain that you would suffer just the way you were meant to! Now I give you one last chance to see the light! That is the only way you will survive any further! I will soon unleash all of my power against all of you and wipe every trace of you out should you continue to resist your destiny of joining my side!" But before he even saw our weak but defiant expressions, something else happened.

Someone appeared in between us and the Light Of Destruction. It's Mizuchi, the sister of Takuma Saio. She yells: "Takuma! I know you're still there! Break free of the Light Of Destruction! Don't let him use you any further!" The Light Of Destruction has a visible struggle go on in its form as Takuma attempts to escape the creature's hold on him. "Mizuchi!" "Takuma. Keep fighting! I will use my power to help you, brother!" "Sister.. You've come for me?" "I've been waiting for the right moment and this is the right one." LOD laughs: "You think that I will let you escape, Takuma Saio? I won't allow it. I still need your powers and that requires you to remain one with me and your Arcana Force-" Mizuchi activates a spell card without a duel disk: "Defusion!" "What are you doing now, weak human whose destiny is to also see the light?!" The spell is somehow successful and this is shown almost immediately, swiftly freeing Takuma from the LOD along with his Arcana Force monsters who then surround the LOD, ready to destroy it if they can help do so. The LOD recovers from the shock and laughs: "So be it! But this does not change any of your final destinies that will come to pass today! I will carry out those destinies even without your power, Takuma-" Some kind of energy field visibly appears around our foe and it cannot escape it for some reason. Dominic, Reiji, Biara, Leo Akaba, Dr. Faker, and others appear, having vanished from the fight unnoticed earlier. The LOD demands: "What have you done?! This will not change your destinies, it will only delay them! I'll make sure of it! Just watch! This is my full-"

It is interrupted as some kind of box is formed on all sides of it, trapping it inside instantly. We can't even hear its voice anymore. Dominic explains what's going on while literally throwing hundreds of splash potions of healing on as many of us as he can: "Using the theoretical Schrodinger's cat experiment as a base, we designed a giant box. It's no ordinary box. It replicates the conditions of the box Schrödinger's cat is put inside for the theoretical experiment but has adjustments to ensure it really seems like the Light Of Destruction is both dead and alive. In such a bizarre space, even the Light Of Destruction will struggle to get out. We made certain of that in its design and function." I speak weakly: "And because one of the solutions to the problem Schrödinger's cat is as a theory is the multiverse.. That means that the Light Of Destruction must be in a strange state of flux, unable to do anything given the existence of infinite timelines combined with the fact that our number cards are preventing any alternate timelines caused by other possible choices being made instead of all of the ones that are being made in our full view in this time and place from forming." Biara nods: "In other words, we can defeat the Light Of Destruction. And we will use an energy accumulator to do so. All that's needed from all of you is to try to unleash any energy based attacks you can including magical spells. The energy will be absorbed and then be directed towards our foe and concentrated to the tightest possible space. It will then be fired, break through the box, and destroy the Light Of Destruction." No one objects to that plan. We just go ahead and help make it work by contributing whatever we can, ignoring our wounds and the damage done to the building we're in.

We hear the LOD scream as it is obliterated after the box is obliterated itself. Silence soon falls upon the area we're in. Before anyone goes anywhere, everyone, even me gets treated in whatever ways are needed to fully heal all of the injuries we've gotten as well as blood replenishment stuff. Once everyone was back to 100% and all gear was fixed up successfully, we hurried towards the Supreme King's newest castle where the fight still rages on. However, when we get there, we see the fallen bodies of countless members of the Supreme King's army. Judai exclaims: "Well, it looks like the others were able to get through them all before we even got here." The Duel Ghouls and society members we left behind to nap try to ambush us. Takuma responds right away by using his powers, even new ones he has gotten since joining BRAINS to free their minds. Manjome rubs his head: "What the hell was I just doing?! And what's with this white outfit! I hate it!" The Ojama brothers, now solid in form tackle hug him while crying tears of joy. Amnael checks on Judai: "Judai, I know you have many bad memories from the Duel Monsters Spirit World and what Yubel caused. Are you going to be able to face the Supreme King even despite that and the fact that he's a part of you?" Judai nods: "I can do it. I'm not alone." Neos appears next to him: "You are right Judai. You are not alone." After the now former Duel Ghouls and society members recover, Girag expresses a concern: "Isn't it strange that so many current and former Duel Academia former students didn't end up becoming fully fledged Barian soldiers even if that meant most of them became you know what instead?"

Katori nods: "I have to agree on that. What's with that?" Kaito speaks: "There must be a fail safe trap involved somewhere. It was too easy to return them to normal. Orbital, scan them for Barian energy." "You got it, Master Kaito! ..Scanning now.. ..Oh no! They have massive amounts of Barian energy! What's more is that they all have imaginary numbers still inside of them! They could turn on us again at any moment!" Manjome sweats: "I got all of that inside of me?! How can I get rid of it?! Tell me!" Bray steps forward in a powerful way to get our attention: "I shall take care of that. It will take a few minutes. Everyone else, just keep moving. I will catch up with them soon. You need to get to helping our other comrades as soon as possible." Tron and his sons appear with Yuzu, her counterparts, and a restored to normal Prince Ojin. Tron speaks: "Bray, allow us to help you. Our crests may make it easier for what you are able to do to be completed. After all, they have been capable of doing all kinds of things!" While they talk things out and did what needed to be done, the rest of us along with Yuzu, her counterparts, and Ojin enter the castle. We find the others struggling against the Supreme King's top subordinates. Yuzu's father shouts: "Grrrr! This is taking so long and my Gutsmasters just keep getting destroyed left and right!" "D/D/D Oblivion King Ragnarok! D/D/D Flame High King Genghis! D/D/D Wave High King Caesar! D/D/D Gust High King Alexander! And all of the other D/D/D mighty kings I have summoned! Unleash true devastation on our foes in order to aid our comrades!" "Go, my C/C/C monsters! I will continue to be gritty!" Reiji then pulls out a greatsword and jumps into battle himself, shocking the monster Chaos Sorcerer..

He yells: "How did you all survive the Society Of Light?!" Shun smirks: "Most of them were pushovers when facing Belowski's power and the Light Of Destruction stood no chance against the practical application of all of that complicated quantum physics that I can't seem to fully understand!" "I see. Well then. We have no choice but to use our full powers to crush all of you here because his majesty doesn't think facing any of you is worth his time even now!" We all attack along with our once again revived monsters. I scream at the top of my lungs to let out a battle cry I just needed to let out while dual wielding with my sword and BRAIN Blaster. Durbe is among those to attack from above. He rides Number 44: Sky Pegasus in order to do so. Alito punches the lights out of weaker Supreme King servants alongside Number 54: Lion Heart. Nasch does very well alongside Number 73: Abyss Splash and his formerly Barian number Silent Honor ARK. Ryo rides Cyber End Dragon while using his own darkness to fuel his Cyber Dragons but without corrupting them or himself. Kenzan transforms into basically an anthro dinosaur version of himself to fight alongside his dinosaurs. Asuka fights passionately with her Cyber Angels. Some of them move in ways resembling dancing except the dancing is quite deadly. It goes on from there. (Yes. Bray finished the necessary process to remove Don Thousand's influences on her and the others already.) I myself go toe to toe with some of our foes while carving a deadly arc with my sword and creating holes with my BRAIN Blaster. The display of science fiction laser blaster with medieval derived swordplay was not something they saw coming.

That gave me an upperhand that actually allowed me to help bring some of them down. I was grateful for the victory as we just cleaned house for a while. But when only the top 5 of the Supreme King's subordinates were left, things changed quickly. Chaos Sorcerer frowns before laughing: "That's it! We can't hold anything back anymore! Barian Battlemorph! I know you've seen other duel monsters merged with Barian power but trust me, we are stronger than any of them were so this will be what finally ends all of you! We'll kill all of you so his majesty doesn't have to waste his time on pathetic weaklings like you all! Hahahahahahaha!" Bron, Mad King Of Dark World laughs: "It really is all over for you! Our king has Super Polymerization but you won't even get to see him use that against you! Instead, we will just kill all of you right here right now!" Barla smirks: "It's time for us to go all out too!" Chaos Sorcerer staggers as his transformation into a Barian finishes: "What the hell did you just say?!" Ghost Gal also smirks: "We have been holding back too. In order to conserve our energy for fighting the Supreme King together!" "You think you're strong enough to get past us without using everything you have?! Even if you do use your full power, that won't be enough!" Daichi speaks: "I'm afraid you are mistaken. I have already calculated all kinds of equations and formulas in order to beat each and every one of you. Comrades, I have studied all of their moves including the ones they've just made against us. And under the mentoring of Dr. Zweinstein, I was even able to further develop my skills in using mathematics to create the right strategy to defeat any opponent in Duel Monsters.

In addition to having the friends I have and my growing card collection and other growing skills, I can now defeat almost any opponent under the right conditions and calculations even outside of Duel Monsters. Miracles and pure chance situations do happen but I've managed to use probability theory in order to factor all of that in while still acknowledging my passion and bonds. Leave these 5 to me. I can handle them from here. I have to thank those of you who taught me well in the use of various weapons and styles of fighting. That's all going to be put into good use." We let him face them alone, confident he can pull off a scientific and mathematical upset that just wasn't seen coming at all. We then run up the stairs behind the 5 enemies only the find 2 more enemies waiting for us and in the way of us reaching our actual target. Jim, Ryo, O'Brien, Kenzan, Sho, Chronos, Asuka, Amnael, Camula, Tania, and Bonaparte step forward. Tania speaks: "We'll handle these two and call out if they prove to be too much for us." The two laugh at them all only for their laughs to be quelled by ominous footsteps and an overwhelming presence. Most of us draw our main weapons in response. Regnes speaks: "It's the Supreme King. He's coming." The two who stood in our way are bowing respectfully in a certain direction. The Supreme King walks down some stairs until he's on level with all of us. He then speaks to his two loyal servants: "You are dismissed. You do not have to guard me any longer. I will handle these intruders myself and crush them with the power of the Gentle Darkness. Once they are defeated, they will be sent to the stars just like how my numerous fallen servants are about to be as well."

The Supreme King activates his duel disk and it expands to reach the size of Takuma's when he was still controlled by the Light Of Destruction. He points at Judai: "My weaker self, you will fall along with your useless friends." Yubel manifests again next to Judai. "Yubel, you will not stand in the way of my path of destruction in the name of Barian and Don Thousand. He has given me this world to rule, earning him a loyalty even I couldn't have foreseen having in the slightest. I am not someone who can just be controlled and manipulated. Instead, I'm the one with the power and control. My servants will continue to obey me unless they want to face the consequences including being sent to the stars." Without saying anything else, the villain summons all kinds of Elemental Heroes who look darkened somehow. Some of my comrades are shocked by this but most aren't. We mostly focus on preparing for what's next. The Supreme King says: "None of you are scared. But you should be for I'm about to do something that will make you terrified. Chaos Draw." He uses the power of the Barian Chaos Draw to draw exactly what he wanted to draw. And he just keeps doing it, drawing various fusion cards we have never heard of before, allowing him to fuse his monsters several times each other, giving way to a variety of monsters such as Evil Hero Infernal Gainer, Malicious Edge, and Dark Gaia. But it gets worse still. "Go, Barian Battlemorph." His armor, helmet, and cape were already intimidating enough but now that he transforms into a Barian Emperor, it's much more frightening and dark.

I don't think I've ever seen such evil looking armor before in my entire life. My armor can look intimidating but not nearly to this scale. Additionally, the villain activates the spell Supreme King's Castle to add to his already powerful advantage. "There, I am ready to crush all of you with my full power." At first, we are still able to overpower and outwit him and his Evil Hero monsters. But that doesn't last for much time. In fact, we are forced to watch as the tables are turned on us in a horrifying way. Up until now, the Sacred Beasts have remain sealed away while growing in power but after a critical hit was done to the Supreme King with Judai's involvement, that would soon change. Getting back up, he speaks darkly and calmly: "That will be the last time you are ever able to damage me. Your doom truly starts here at this very moment." He leads us to the huge balcony of his current castle by taking some of us as captives out of nowhere only to let them go, walk to the very edge of the balcony and raising his right hand as high as it can go. From that hand, Gentle Darkness, Barian power, and imaginary number power is visibly heading towards somewhere specific on the island. The ground at which Judai and Kagemaru dueled begins to open up, allowing something to rise to the surface. Amnael exclaims: "No! He's unlocked the Spirit Gates that have once again kept the Sacred Beast cards sealed away!" Yubel is concerned: "He's doing what I once did myself.. He's even forgotten about the bond he and I shared.."

The Supreme King speaks in a commanding voice: "Sacred Beasts. Haman. Uria. Raviel. I release you from your seal so that you may aid me in crushing these weak mortals. We will act as one. I will give you all the energy you need to revive one more time. You have already collected much from that battles that have been waged here." And just like that, the 3 Sacred Beast cards appear in his right hand along with a 4th card of unknown origin. He activates that 4th card: "I only require one instrument of destruction. That instrument will be myself. I activate Supreme Fusion. With it, I will fuse myself with the 3 Sacred Beasts and all of my Evil Heroes. You will stand no chance against my power now." Before our eyes, the Supreme King becomes more beast than human, gaining a demonic lord like form crossed with features mostly stemming from Haman, Uria, and Raviel. He speaks to us: "Monsters, spells, and traps will not work against me anymore, not even your precious and irritating action cards. With all of the power I now wield, this is checkmate for all of you." In one single attack that was too fast to be processed in my brain in time, we were all sent back and left seriously injured all over again. Bray sighs: "It is time then. I must create a healing aura once again. Swift. Don't worry, it shall not affect you. I'll make sure of it. I will keep all of you from perishing so easily! I shall resist in the way only I can against the Supreme King!" Thanks to her, all of our comrades fully recover in seconds, ready to fight once again. Carlos sneaks up on me to hand me more poisons and withering potions. I thank him before he sneaks to attack the Supreme King from behind. Dominic yawns: "What a nap causation. We are going to have to constantly push our limits to win this time. As long as Bray's healing aura is in effect, that won't be so hard to do. We must make use of that while we still can."

The Supreme King sprouts the heads of the Sacred Beasts on different parts of his body, his form becoming even more twisted than Supreme King Zarc's. Amon Garam, a former transfer student at Duel Academia suddenly manifests a form that merges him with Exodia as well as Exodius. He speaks: "Supreme King, I will help stop you with the power of Exodia and Exodius. I vowed to save the Duel Monsters Spirit World years ago and now, I want to save the multiverse but do not wish to rule it. I sought to rule the Spirit World but now I see that that would not have been the best way to approach things. Yubel used me but just like her, I've changed for the better." The Supreme King replies: "I do not care about your story. You will be crushed because you are weak just like everyone else who dares to oppose me today. You are not cowards but you are still weak for thinking you have a chance of defeating me. Especially now that I have become this powerful." He then resumes trying to get rid of us all including with blasts from the Sacred Beast heads on different parts of his body. Judai suddenly collapses. Yubel speaks to all of us: "Judai has been without the Supreme King inside of him for too long. While it is true their consciousnesses are separate, their spirits aren't. That is why Judai was able to manifest the Supreme King's powers after he was sent to the stars. Until Judai and the Supreme King reunite, Judai will be left unconscious but at the moment, letting them become one would only make our situation worse." Yubel flies off after some of us cover her so that she can move Judai to the same safe place Dominic was taken to by Blaze earlier. It's far away but still a good place to hide someone.

The SK speaks to us: "Try and defeat me again if you dare. I am waiting for you to try and fail to even hurt me in the slightest." We cautiously attack him only to be beaten back once again. Ryo scowls: "Damn it, the Supreme King is nearly untouchable. I do not know how we could ever harm him now that he's one with his Evil Heroes and the Sacred Beasts." Daichi appears, having his monsters drag the nearly defeated top 5 of the Supreme King's subordinates: "Mathematically, there is a way for us to find what needs to be done to defeat the Supreme King. I better start calculating as soon as I can to try to find it without the complicated worlds of math and science. That way, I can then use it to execute a plan designed to defeat the Supreme King for certain." Dominic yells: "It's a nap causation but the first part of the solution is to stretch our limits constantly while fighting him!" I add: "That's right! This is the perfect chance to do just that thanks to Bray! Let's go on and try to win in the time we have until Bray's aura runs out! Let's try not to cause Bray to be drained completely of mana! Haaaaaaaaa!" I manifest the Artist's Eye in both of my eyes for the first time in a battle. I have been training hard in getting it in my right eye as well. With that done, I scream: "Graceful Protector! It's time! Enhance Armament! Release Recollection!" My sword is now surrounded by strong pink energy. I push my Ki, chakra, wind power, and so on to the very peak of their current levels. I even combine as many of my sword attacks into one single move over and over, putting in as much force as I possibly can until each move while using my active imagination to make things harder for the Supreme King.

I create a big stack of weapons, roller coasters, and who knows what else because I don't remember every single thing I created in that moment. But I did it. I did all of it and went on a roll for a while. The fight was literally leveling the entire island just about. We were pushing ourselves to mind blowing things. Dominic was legitimately splitting this universe off from the rest of Don Thousand's empire and causing all kinds of things to appear: black holes, wormholes, you name it. Reality was destabilizing around us. I could see the scientist convert his own life force into mana to help keep that up. Yappa Yappa was so into it that he largely reverted to his old ways of talking and behaving except without any interest in killing any of us. But we weren't the only ones doing the most wild things we possibly could. Everyone was. Even Pharaoh the cat who is now putting into question the laws of physics by what he was doing to attack the Supreme King. I didn't even know we could get this wild if our limits suddenly stopped being a concern for a while. This is BRAINS Collective unchained. The Supreme King was forced to attack us harder and harder in an attempt to damage even just one of us but that still wasn't enough because Bray was also converting her life span into mana. "I shall not allow myself to stop casting offensive spells or maintaining the healing aura! No matter the cost, I must keep going!" My body is constantly on fire from how far I'm constantly pushing myself. If things keep up, the whole universe could become a singularity, leading to a destructive chain reaction.

It might even be possible for it to condense into a black hole and that would wipe out a huge swath of the multiverse very quickly. Okay. Maybe things aren't that wild but they could get there somehow. Our foe speaks: "You are all doomed. Stop resisting and you will be given the mercy of dying right here and now! I have no time to allow any of you to mess with what I'm trying to do. I am far too busy to tolerate much more this game you are attempting to play with me." Things are only getting more and more bananas. "CONTINUOUS GREAT INFERNAL TORNADO SLASH: 2 THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!" That's right. I did THAT. Carlos handed me poisons that were scarily powerful to me when I briefly looked at their individual labels. The kinds of poison that can even spread from planet to planet as gas: something from a civilization whose advanced technology even puts the most cutting edge of BRAINS technology to shame. I don't know where he got it all from but I'm not going to question it. He wouldn't take unnecessary risks unless he were pulling a prank. These poisons were no prank. To put things into perspective, Minecraft's potion stats would probably label the poisons running through me right now as like Poison 1 Million or something nutty like that. That's how I was able to do something so completely unthinkable and out of the question even though my nervous system was on serious fire. Below our feet, the world we were on became a black hole. The Solar System was sucked into it and it grew. We were seeing some kind of bizarre version of a rapid acceleration of a universe's predicted future, leading to either the Big Crunch or a heat death in which even black holes eventually evaporate, bringing an end to the last sources of heat in a universe. I'm not even sure how any of this was possible at this point.

It's like Dominic's messing with reality caused a runaway effect of some kind. Judai suddenly wakes back up, stimulated by what was happening now. Due to all of the wormholes and such that were forming now, different parts of the universe were being linked together and that was beginning to quickly draw them in physically closer. The Supreme King's immense power also played a huge key in all of this madness. The power scaling was even more off the charts now than has become usual. We were now seeing a Big Crunch which is meant to happen after an unfathomable number of years into the future happen in mere minutes. Cosmos bodies were now crashing into each other and somehow, the fact that with the Earth now a black hole went all the air, we were still breathing fine, another bizarre effect of our fight with the Supreme King now that we were pushing so far past our limits. What is allowing Bray to maintain the healing aura to this extreme of an extent not to mention a length? It can't be just her life span, can it? Wait.. It could. Miis created in Tomodachi Life and Miitopia can't die of old age as far as we're aware. But in Mii World, we know miis have died of old age. At the same time, things that have happened in my copies of those games are basically canon in Mii World. The whole mii creation feature may be actually tied to Mii World as well somehow. Theoretically, that could mean that Bray and other miis could have infinite life span or at least technically could. Maybe they will die of old age but all that stuff could mean that as far as life conversion to mana is concerned, they have infinite life. That would explain what the hell is going on right now.

Our foe is getting increasingly angry: "You fools! Give up and accept your doom! Your deaths will be much more swift that way!" Judai replies: "We won't give up! Isn't that right, everyone?!" Shinji yells: "You know it! Unite and fight! Unite and fight! My Battlewasps will continue to bring the sting!" Aki adds: "This is our fight! We will stop you, Supreme King!" I then realized that the others must have taken the pain numbing pills I did earlier themselves. How else are they hanging onto sanity? Better question: how am I still hanging onto sanity given that I'm feeling all of the pain in full? I am even suffering from mana exhaustion from using up all of my mana, causing my body to begin to rot away since I'm still a zombie in the midst of all of this. I counter it by using my Artist's Eye to keep creating mana potions only to drink them every 20 or so seconds so I'm not reduced to bones. I do not want to become a walking skeleton. That's even worse than being a zombie. Everything that is happening has long crossed the line of madness. That's an understatement even unlike how annoying many advertisements are online. "True Shadow Hurricane x1000! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The universe has now become all blobbed together into some strange version of a Big Crunch and its feeling like all of it may end up exploding into a new Big Bang. Such an energy release would obliterate all of us completely into atoms for sure. Things are getting intense and emergency level now. We have to end this battle NOW. We have to win or lose NOW. Various others are echoing my thoughts through what they're shouting. As I write this, I'm even sweating in large part due to the intensity of all of this. That doesn't happen too often.

This is unbelievable. Every few major battles at this point, something reality bending like this happens and that appears to only be happening more and more frequently. The Supreme King's attacks have stopped growing in intensity, force, or even speed or frequency. He has reached his limit but is unable to exceed it like we can. That means his body isn't some kind of monster level healer at the moment. This is truly yet another of those unprecedented moments. However, something bad happens to Bray. She is literally reduced to skull and bones from converting so much life force into mana. Dominic yells: "NAP CAUSAAAAAAAATTTTTION! IM NEXT IF WE DONT END THIS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! THE AURA WILL ONLY LAST FOR 15 MORE SECONDS! EVERYONE, USE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE RIGHT AWAY AND SEND IT TO THE SUPREME KING SO WE CAN END THIS BATTLE ONCE AND FOR AAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!" And from now on, everyone would know of Dominic's ability to scream in very rare situations. "CONTINUOUS GREAT INFERNAL TORNADO SLASH: FOUR THOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUSAAAAAAAAAAND!" I almost lost consciousness from doing that. I couldn't even hear anyone else after that until 4 things happened. The Big Crunch gave way to a new Big Bang. Barian power returned to the newly reborn universe and somehow rapidly accelerated time by over 10 billion years around us, causing us to be back on Duel Academia island in under a second.

It looked as destroyed as it did before we pushed all of the damn limits we could. The Supreme King was vaporized along with the Sacred Beast cards which would never again at least for now have to be Duel Academia's problem. Last but not least, various comrades of ours grabbed us all before we could fall to the ground. When I was next aware of anything at all, I was in some kind of strange machine I have never seen before. Dominic comes up to it while having his body clearly undergo rapid reverse aging, causing his hair which had turned white during the end of the battle to begin to regain its dark ish red. He presses a button on the machine and it opens up. He helps me out of it because I literally can't move right now in part because I was submerged in some kind of clear fluid. "Swift, they almost lost both of us. But we made it. What a nap causation. Don't worry, Bray is being brought back as we speak. She's going to be okay. Might recover sooner than either of us. All of that madness only happened an hour ago thankfully. I'm so glad you're awake. That isn't a nap causation." "What was I even in up till now?" "*yawns* That my friend is something that was built on the fly an hour ago. It took a lot of thinking and science to pull it off. It basically restores a rotting away individual who is undead and left without any natural mana left to a point at which their body isn't rotting away and their natural mana is all back to normal. Oh and the rotting that has happened so far is reversed through it as well. I never imagined that anything like what we just went through would happen. Can you walk by yourself?" I try and succeed and nod. "Good. Because we have just one last problem to take care of. The base of operations has been moved to Domino City. The GX and Duel Monsters universes are ours now and have been as restored to normal as they can get without Don Thousand noticing much."

"What is this last problem?" "Thankfully, we didn't have to remove any of your gear. Just had to magically repair it so let's walk and talk towards where the problem is. Some of our comrades easily liberated the 5Ds universe after our success in defeating the Supreme King so completely that Judai stated that the SK is inside of him again now but it would be a while before he felt fully like himself. There was no trace of the Supreme King's imaginary number in the end. We even have some footage gotten from an unknown source of Don Thousand being disappointed that the imaginary number was destroyed before he could take it back. The problem is in the 5Ds universe which is inaccessible by way of Quantum Leap right now for some reason so we have to go to a portal to get there. We are currently inside our new base of operations. It is part of Domino's KaibaCorp skyscraper underground. Actually, this area is part of where Kaiba's virtual world could be accessed through human sized pods. Okay, so the problem shouldn't take too long to deal with. Remains of Illiaster joined forces with the most twisted individuals who have ever been a part of Sector Security, the former duel gangs in Satellite, and the Facility's guards and higher ups. They did that to ambush some of our comrades and are pinning them down with the help of Barian power and imaginary numbers of course. We need to get there as soon as possible to help." A few minutes later, we are in the midst of the ambush right outside the Facility of all places. With the number of reformed individuals from Neo Domino City or the universe's future, it's clear that Don Thousand had trouble with finding individuals to oppress survivors of the conquest of the universe.

But he found some alright. To our surprise, even Divine is amongst the crowd of those doing the ambushing. I summon my monsters quickly and draw my sword in the blink of an eye before joining in on the fight. It was a pretty brutal one too. I helped fight against Divine. I guess Don Thousand just wanted to get a little more use out of the former cult leader. Aki, being one of the people he manipulated most when he was a cult leader was the one time defeat him. And we would never see him again. Okay. We knew he was going to come back within the next few years but as for during the war going on, we aren't going to see him again. That's for sure. But after defeating the entire ambush, Paradox appeared one last time: "I have returned once more to destroy Duel Monsters! And this time, I will start with this city!" Z-One, Antinomy, and Aporia physically confronted him. Z-One starts: "There is no more need for that mission, Paradox. Yusei Fudo erased our miserable future by fixing Momentum." "I do not care! It's personal now! I WILL destroy Duel Monsters and then other games after that!" "Tech Genus Blade Blaster! Come forth!" "Wisel! Granel! Skiel! Astro Mekanikal!" "You leave me no choice! Go, Malefic World, Malefic Paradox Dragon, and Malefic Truth Dragon!" "I am saddened to fight you, Paradox. You are our friend after all even now. I summon the most powerful of my Timelords include Lazion." The rest of us also joined in. It had been 2 hours since Dominic and I had come to help take care of this whole problem. A lot longer than expected but that didn't matter much to us. Paradox laughs: "None of you can stop me! I have learned a lot from back when I was killed by the Assault Team in the Infinityverse with the help of some who are present right now! Go, Barian Battlemorph!"

He and his monsters undergo wicked transformations but we were scared or deterred. No, that just made us more adamant on beating Paradox once again. The Wacky Clowns yell: "It's about time for some mischief and mayhem! That will help us close the book on this guy for good!" And so, a bunch of individuals known for mischief engage in chaos at once, confusing Paradox long enough for the rest of us to get 5 seconds of direct hits on him. As a result of that, he was now somewhat weakened already right off the bat. But we didn't stop for even a second, not even to react to anything he said. But it was clear that Paradox was becoming more ambitious and chaotic in madness as well. That was what was going on with him, ever so determined to destroy Duel Monsters. Sadly for him, while he did push us to the limits again, leading to all of us being seriously hurt by his dragons along with his own tricks, everything he did just wasn't enough to overcome us. That's because we ended up fusing together and that was the end of Paradox. The fusion we created was too much for him and his dragons to handle. He lost badly and was obliterated once more. We won't be seeing him again anytime soon unless some necromancer we don't know about just brings him back for some reason. After that, we all dispersed to our temporary bases throughout the parts of Don Thousand's empire we have taken from him. They haven't been separated back into what they once were but they're still under our protection now anyway. That being said, we continue to suffer a lot as we fight more and more intense battles all over the multiverse.

His forces keep attempting to take more universes but our measures to prevent that not only keep getting better. But they also mostly keep our foes away so that most of us don't have to spend much time repelling invasions anymore for the time being. And that's that.

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