
By Sxrvivor_

478 58 2

In the action-packed universe of My Hero Academia, Nozomi Akatsuma, a fiery new entrant with a quick temper a... More

{Adventure begins}
{Training starts}
{Declared war}
{Sports Festival}
{Cavalry Battle}
{Final Event: First Round}
{First Round:Final Match}
{Second round}
{Nozomi's Struggles}
{Second round:Final Match}
{Nozomi Vs Katsuki}
{Character description}
{Troubled hearts}
{Kinship's Echo}
{Hikari Guardian}
{Echoes of resolve}
{Unspoken Bonds}
{Echoes of destiny}
{Luminous Beginnings}
{Flavours of Friendship}
{Unspoken Words}
{Colours of feelings}
{Starry bonds}
{Crushed Souls}
{Lonely hearts}
{Not alone}
{Battle of Kamino}
{Next, It's your turn}
{1-A Alliance}
{Quirkday Celebration}
{Flirty pact}
{Flirt Battle}
{Bonds of chains}
{Playful Symphony}
{Unfinished business}
{Tough feelings}
{Shadows Unveiled}
{Bridges of redemption}
{Warm Memories}

{His comfort}

6 0 0
By Sxrvivor_

The night air was crisp, carrying the weight of Nozomi's sorrow as she stood on the rooftop of the U.A. dorms. The city lights below were a blurred tapestry through her tear-filled eyes, each one a reminder of the world that continued to spin despite her pain. She felt a crushing weight on her chest, a silent scream for it all to just end.

As she stood there, her tears a silent river, she heard the heavy door to the rooftop open. Footsteps approached, deliberate and firm. She didn't need to turn to know who it was-**Katsuki Bakugo**. His presence was as commanding as the explosions he wielded.

"Nozomi," Katsuki said, his voice softer than usual but still carrying the sharp edge that was inherently him. "What are you doing out here alone?"

Nozomi tried to compose herself, to wipe away the tears, but they kept coming. "I just wanted... I wanted some air," she lied, her voice a mere whisper.

Katsuki walked up to her, standing a respectful distance away. He didn't touch her, didn't offer empty platitudes. Instead, he simply stood with her, sharing the silence, the night, the pain.

After a moment, he spoke again, his voice barely audible over the wind. "Whatever you're thinking, whatever you're feeling... it's not the end. You're too damn strong for that."

Nozomi looked up at him, her eyes meeting his. In them, she saw not the usual fiery anger but a fierce determination, a reflection of the strength he saw in her.

"You've got a fire in you, Nozomi," Katsuki continued. "I've seen it. Hell, I've fought against it. Don't let this snuff it out."

His words, rough around the edges but sincere, were a lifeline thrown into the turbulent sea of her emotions. Nozomi took a deep breath, the first real breath it seemed in hours, and nodded.

Katsuki turned to look out over the city with her, their shoulders almost touching. "We'll face this crap together," he said. "You're not alone."

And as they stood there, two heroes in the making, the night didn't seem quite so dark anymore.

{Next Day}

The evening shadows stretch across the dormitory halls of U.A. High as a somber silence envelops Nozomi Akatsuma's room. She sits curled up on her bed, her gaze lost in the void of her own turbulent thoughts. The weight of her past and the relentless pressure of hero training have left her feeling isolated, her spirit dampened by a cloud of sadness.

Outside her door, Katsuki Bakugo stands with a furrowed brow, his ear pressed against the wood, listening to the faint echoes of Nozomi's distress. He clenches his fists, a surge of determination coursing through him. With a decisive motion, he slides the door open, stepping into the dimly lit room.

"Nozomi," Bakugo says, his voice firm yet laced with an uncharacteristic warmth. "Enough moping around. You're coming with me."

Before she can protest, Bakugo reaches out, gently but firmly grasping her hand, pulling her to her feet. He doesn't wait for her agreement, knowing that sometimes action speaks louder than words. Nozomi's eyes widen in surprise, a flicker of resistance flashing across her face, but it fades as she meets Bakugo's unwavering gaze.

He leads her through the corridors, the sounds of their classmates growing louder with each step. As they reach the common hall, the door swings open to reveal Class 1-A gathered in a circle, an assortment of board games and snacks laid out before them. Their faces turn towards Nozomi, a chorus of cheers and welcoming smiles greeting her.

"Look who I found!" Bakugo announces, a hint of pride in his voice. "Let's show her how heroes unwind!"

The warmth of the room, the laughter of her friends, it all begins to seep into Nozomi's heart, chasing away the shadows that had settled there. She's reminded that she's not alone, that these people are her family now. They pull her into the fold, handing her dice and game pieces, their banter light and easy.

As the game begins, Nozomi finds herself laughing, genuinely, for the first time in what feels like ages. The game is silly, the stakes are low, but the company is precious. In this moment, surrounded by her classmates, with Bakugo by her side, Nozomi feels the heaviness lift from her shoulders.

She's home, she's safe, and she's loved. And for now, that's more than enough.

The game is **"Heroic Charades"**-a twist on the classic game where players act out a hero's quirks or famous battles without speaking, and their teammates must guess who or what they are portraying.

Nozomi's turn comes, and she stands up, a mix of excitement and nerves. The room quiets down as everyone's attention focuses on her. She takes a deep breath, centers herself, and begins her silent performance.

She starts with strong, determined steps, mimicking the stance of a well-known hero. Her hands move with precision, crafting an invisible object in the air. Her classmates throw out guesses, "Ingenium! Hatsume Mei! Cementoss!" But none are correct.

Then, she shifts her movements, now embodying the essence of a battle. She dodges, weaves, and throws punches at an unseen foe. Her expression is fierce, yet there's a grace to her actions that hints at a deeper narrative.

A lightbulb goes off in one of her classmates' heads, "It's Todoroki's fight against Midoriya during the Sports Festival!" The room bursts into applause as Nozomi nods, confirming the correct answer.

Her portrayal wasn't just of the fight; it was a tribute to the emotional journey of the characters involved. Her classmates see not only Nozomi's understanding of heroics but also her empathy for the heroes' stories.

As she takes her seat, her classmates' cheers and smiles warm her heart. In this moment, Nozomi feels a sense of camaraderie and joy, a reminder that even in the toughest times, she's part of a family at U.A. High.

The common room of U.A. High is alive with the energy of Class 1-A's game night. The students are gathered in a circle, playing a round of "Heroic Charades," and it's Bakugo's turn. He steps into the center with a determined look, ready to take on the challenge of imitating Nozomi.

He starts by standing still, closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath, just as Nozomi does when she's about to use her telekinesis quirk. Then, with a sudden flourish, he lifts his hands, fingers splayed out as if he's manipulating unseen objects in the air, a perfect mimicry of Nozomi's powers.

The class watches in silence, a mix of amusement and curiosity on their faces. Bakugo then transitions, his hands moving gracefully as if he's painting a masterpiece, capturing Nozomi's artistic flair. He's so engrossed in his performance that he doesn't notice the small smile creeping onto his face, a rare sight that mirrors Nozomi's gentle nature.

Just as the class begins to murmur guesses, one voice cuts through the noise. "It's Nozomi!" shouts Eijiro Kirishima, his voice booming with excitement. "Bakugo's doing Nozomi!"

The room bursts into laughter and applause, and Bakugo, usually so fierce and stoic, can't help but join in the mirth. Nozomi, her heart warmed by the affectionate tribute, claps the loudest, her eyes shining with gratitude and joy.

In this moment, the bond between the students of Class 1-A is palpable, a testament to their friendship and the respect they have for each other's unique abilities and quirks. Bakugo's imitation of Nozomi is not just a game; it's an acknowledgment of her strength and the special place she holds in the class.

The common room of U.A. High is filled with the raucous laughter and cheers of Class 1-A, gathered for a spirited game of "Heroic Charades." Denki Kaminari, known for his electrifying personality, steps into the spotlight for his turn. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he prepares to imitate the one and only Katsuki Bakugo.

Denki puffs out his chest and scowls, trying his best to emulate Bakugo's infamous explosive demeanor. He stomps around the room, making exaggerated explosion gestures with his hands, and even throws in a few of Bakugo's signature grunts and shouts for good measure.

The room is in stitches, watching Denki's over-the-top performance. Amidst the laughter, Nozomi Akatsuma watches closely, a smile playing on her lips. She knows that beneath Denki's humorous display lies a well-observed imitation of their hot-headed classmate.

Without missing a beat, Nozomi calls out, "That's Bakugo!" Her voice cuts through the laughter, and all eyes turn to her as Denki points in her direction, nodding enthusiastically. He gives her a thumbs-up, acknowledging her quick and accurate guess.

Bakugo, who had been trying to maintain a stern facade, can't help but crack a smile at Denki's antics and Nozomi's spot-on recognition. It's a moment of light-hearted fun that showcases the strong bonds and deep understanding among the students of Class 1-A.

Bakugo stands slightly apart from the rest of Class 1-A, his arms crossed as he leans against the wall. The game of "Heroic Charades" is in full swing, and the room is filled with the sounds of laughter and playful shouts. But Bakugo's attention is elsewhere; it's fixed on Nozomi, who is currently acting out her turn with an infectious enthusiasm that lights up the room.

From his vantage point, he watches her every move, noting how her eyes sparkle with excitement and her laughter seems to resonate with a melody all its own. She's completely at ease, her usual reserved demeanor washed away by the joy of the moment. It's a side of her that few get to see, and Bakugo can't help but feel a tug at his chest-a mixture of admiration and something deeper, something he's not quite ready to admit to himself.

He's always been good at hiding his emotions, keeping them locked behind a facade of indifference or anger. But with Nozomi, it's different. She has a way of getting under his skin, of making him want to be better, to be more than just the hotheaded hero everyone expects him to be.

As Nozomi catches someone's wild guess and bursts into another peal of laughter, Bakugo's gaze softens. He's so caught up in watching her that he doesn't notice Eijiro Kirishima sidling up next to him, a knowing grin on his face.

"Dude, you've got it bad," Kirishima whispers, elbowing Bakugo gently.

Bakugo's scowl returns instantly, and he shoots Kirishima a glare that could melt steel. "Shut it, Shitty Hair," he growls under his breath, but there's no real heat behind his words.

Kirishima just laughs, clapping Bakugo on the back before he rejoins the group, leaving Bakugo to his silent vigil. No one else notices the exchange, and Bakugo is grateful for it. His crush on Nozomi is his secret to keep, at least for now.

But as he watches her, surrounded by friends and laughter, he can't help but wonder what it would be like to be part of that warmth. To let down his guard and just be Katsuki, not Bakugo, not the explosive hero in training, but just a guy with a crush on a girl who can lift objects with her mind and paint like a master.

It's a thought that lingers, even as he pushes off the wall and joins the fray, his usual bravado back in place. But every so often, his eyes find Nozomi again, and the ghost of a smile touches his lips, hidden from everyone but Kirishima.

Bakugo stands in the corner of the room, his eyes never straying far from Nozomi. His thoughts are a turbulent storm, much like his quirk, but amidst the chaos, there's a singular, unwavering desire: to keep Nozomi safe, to be the one she turns to for protection.

In his mind, he plays out the scene. He imagines pulling her close, away from the dangers of the world they're training to fight against, and into the safety of his arms. He sees himself wrapping her in a bear hug, strong and unyielding, a fortress built of muscle and resolve.

"Nobody's gonna lay a finger on you," he thinks fiercely. "As long as I'm here, you're safe." It's a vow he makes silently, a promise to himself and to her, even if she doesn't know it.

He knows it's not his style to be openly affectionate or protective, but with Nozomi, it's different. She's been through so much, and he can't stand the thought of her facing any more pain. If he could, he'd shield her from it all, keep her smiling and laughing as she is now, forever untouched by the harshness of their reality.

But he keeps these thoughts locked away, hidden behind a gruff exterior. For now, he's content to watch over her from afar, his silent vigil speaking volumes of the depth of his care. It's a side of Bakugo that few get to see, and it's reserved only for Nozomi.

The common room at U.A. High is dimly lit, the soft glow from the overhead lamps casting shadows on the walls. Bakugo stands by the window, staring out into the night, his thoughts a tempest of conflicting emotions. Nozomi is there too, laughing with Mina Ashido and Kaminari, her laughter like a beacon in the darkness.

Eijiro Kirishima approaches Bakugo, his footsteps barely audible. He leans against the windowsill, studying his friend's profile. Kirishima knows Bakugo better than most-the fire in his eyes, the hidden vulnerabilities beneath the tough exterior. And he knows about the feelings Bakugo guards so fiercely, the ones he refuses to acknowledge.

"Hey, Bakugo," Kirishima begins, his voice low. "When are you gonna confess?"

Bakugo's jaw tightens, and he doesn't turn to look at Kirishima. "What the hell are you talking about?" he mutters, feigning disinterest.

Kirishima chuckles softly. "You know exactly what I mean. Nozomi. You've been watching her like a hawk. It's not just friendship, man."

Bakugo's grip on the windowsill tightens. "Shut up, Red Riot. It's none of your business."

"But it is," Kirishima insists. "We're friends, and friends look out for each other. You think she doesn't notice? The way you're always there, the way you get that rare softness in your eyes when you look at her."

Bakugo's silence is answer enough. He's never been good at hiding things from Kirishima, not when they've been through so much together-the battles, the victories, the losses. And now this-the unspoken ache that ties him to Nozomi.

"You're scared," Kirishima continues gently. "Scared of rejection, scared of vulnerability. But Bakugo, you're a damn hero. Heroes take risks. They fight for what matters."

Bakugo finally turns, his crimson eyes locking onto Kirishima's. "And what if she doesn't feel the same?" he snaps. "What if I ruin everything?"

Kirishima's grin is unwavering. "Then you'll deal with it. But you won't know until you try."

Bakugo's chest tightens. He watches Nozomi laugh, her head thrown back, and he wonders what it would be like to hold her, to confess the feelings that have been burning inside him. But fear claws at him, the fear of losing her, of shattering the fragile balance they've built.

"Maybe," Bakugo mutters, "I'll keep watching her from afar. It's safer."

Kirishima shakes his head. "Safer isn't always better, man. Sometimes you gotta risk it all. Nozomi's worth it."

And as Bakugo watches Nozomi, he wonders if Kirishima is right. Maybe it's time to stop hiding, to step out of the shadows and into the light. To confess, even if it means risking everything.

But for now, he keeps his feelings locked away, a secret flame burning in his heart. And Kirishima, the only one who truly understands, stands by his side, ready to catch him if he falls.

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