{Shadows Unveiled}

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Nozomi stands at Bakugo's door, her resolve clear in her eyes. She knocks, and when he answers, she doesn't hesitate.

**Nozomi:** "Bakugo, I need you with me. I'm going to confront Daiki, and his quirk manipulation could be dangerous. Will you come?"

Bakugo's response is immediate, a nod that conveys his unwavering support.

**Bakugo:** "You don't even have to ask. I'm there."

They walk side by side to the old bridge, the setting sun casting long shadows on their path. Daiki is already there, waiting, his presence like a dark cloud over the tranquil scene.

**Nozomi:** "Daiki, we need to talk. This has gone on long enough."

Daiki's smirk is infuriating, but Nozomi doesn't falter.

**Daiki:** "What's there to talk about, Nozomi? You're just another piece in the game."

Nozomi takes a deep breath, her next words are crucial.

**Nozomi:** "It's not a game. Our mothers died because of the path our father chose. I know you feel betrayed by him, as do I. But we can choose differently."

Daiki's facade cracks, the mention of their shared loss hitting home.

**Daiki:** "Betrayed? He was like a father to me too, Nozomi. And he threw us away like we were nothing."

Nozomi steps closer, her hand outstretched.

**Nozomi:** "We can't change the past, Daiki. But we can build a new future, together. Let's honor their memory, not with vengeance, but with hope."

Daiki hesitates, his eyes locked on Nozomi's. The bridge creaks beneath them, a testament to the fragile moment.

**Daiki:** "Hope... after all this time?"

Bakugo watches, his usual impatience subdued by the gravity of the moment.

**Daiki:** "Maybe... Maybe it's time for a new path."

As Daiki's hand meets Nozomi's, Bakugo's presence is a silent vow of protection, his readiness to act a comfort to Nozomi.

In the midst of this, Daiki's eyes flicker to Bakugo, a mischievous spark within.

**Daiki:** "And who's this? Your boyfriend?"

Bakugo's face turns a shade of red, his usual fiery demeanor replaced with embarrassment.

**Bakugo:** "I—No, I'm not—"

Nozomi laughs, the sound light and genuine.

**Nozomi:** "He's not my boyfriend, Daiki. He's a friend. A very good one."

The tension breaks, and for a moment, on the bridge where futures hang in balance, there's a sense of peace, a hint of laughter, and the possibility of a new beginning.

After the confrontation, Nozomi, Bakugo, and Daiki find themselves walking to a small, secluded park near U.A. High School. It's a quiet place, often overlooked, where students rarely venture. The park is a sanctuary of sorts, with a gentle stream running through it and benches that have borne witness to many private conversations.

As they walk, Nozomi and Daiki fall into a tentative conversation, rekindling the bond that had been strained for so long. Bakugo hangs back slightly, giving them space, yet his gaze never strays far from Nozomi. He watches over her protectively, even as he sees the barriers between siblings begin to crumble.

Daiki, with a newfound softness in his demeanor, turns to Nozomi.

**Daiki:** "And Ren? Where does he stand in all of this?"

Temper×TemperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora