{First Round:Final Match}

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The next battle is between Nozomi Akatsuma and Daichi Nakamura.

The U.A. High School Sports Festival is abuzz with excitement as two promising students, Nozomi and Daichi, take their positions in the arena. The crowd's anticipation is palpable, each spectator eager to witness the clash of quirks that is about to unfold.

Nozomi, gifted with the quirk of Telekinesis, stands with a calm demeanor, her eyes closed as she centers herself, ready to manipulate the very forces of gravity and motion to her will.

Daichi, bearing the ominous quirk of Chains of Death, exudes a more aggressive presence, his hands already twitching as if he's visualizing the chains that he can conjure at a moment's notice, capable of binding, slicing, or crushing whatever they touch.

As the starting signal blares, Nozomi's eyes snap open, and with a mere thought, she sends a barrage of debris flying towards Daichi. He responds in kind, his chains materializing from thin air, intercepting the projectiles with a cacophony of metallic clashes.

Daichi retaliates, sending his chains slithering across the ground like vipers, aiming to entangle Nozomi's feet. But she's quick on her feet, levitating just in time, using her telekinesis to hover above the ground, out of reach.

The battle intensifies as Nozomi focuses her power, lifting larger objects - benches, barriers, even pieces of the arena itself - and hurling them towards Daichi with increasing velocity. Daichi's chains become a whirlwind of defense and offense, parrying the attacks and extending towards Nozomi with lethal precision.

Nozomi, however, is not just a force of destruction. She uses her telekinesis to create a shield of spinning debris around her, deflecting the chains' attacks while she searches for an opening.

The moment comes when Daichi overextends, his chains reaching too far, leaving him momentarily vulnerable. Nozomi seizes the opportunity, compressing the air around Daichi into a tight bubble, restricting his movements.

But Daichi is not defeated yet. With a roar of effort, his chains explode outward, shattering the telekinetic bubble. The chains rush towards Nozomi, who narrowly dodges, feeling the deadly whoosh of air as the chains pass by.

They stand, panting, assessing each other. Nozomi with her floating arsenal ready to strike, Daichi with his chains poised like deadly serpents. They know the next move could decide the match.

With a sudden burst of speed, Nozomi sends a focused blast of telekinetic energy towards Daichi, not to attack, but to disorient. Daichi's chains flail wildly, and in that moment of confusion, Nozomi strikes, not with her quirk, but with a well-placed judo throw, using Daichi's momentum against him.

Daichi hits the ground hard, the impact knocking the wind out of him. Nozomi stands over him, offering a hand to help him up. The battle is over, and while Nozomi is declared the winner, both students have gained valuable experience and a mutual respect for each other's strengths and abilities.

The crowd erupts in cheers, not just for the victor, but for the incredible display of skill and sportsmanship from both competitors. This battle at the U.A. High School Sports Festival will be remembered as a highlight of the event, showcasing the potential of the next generation of heroes.

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