{Unfinished business}

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The morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow on Nozomi's tired face. She's up before the rest of her classmates, her movements mechanical as she prepares for the day. The common room is silent, a stark contrast to the turmoil within her.

Bakugo, who has always had a keen sense for trouble, notices Nozomi's early rise. He finds her in the kitchen, her back to him as she makes tea. The tension in her shoulders is palpable.

"Hey," Bakugo's voice is gruff as he approaches her. "You're up early."

Nozomi doesn't turn around. "Couldn't sleep," she replies, her voice flat.

Bakugo frowns, sensing there's more to it. "That call last night," he probes, "who was it?"

Nozomi stiffens, her grip on the teacup tightening. "Just a wrong number," she lies smoothly.

Bakugo isn't convinced. "Nozomi," he says, a warning edge to his voice. "If someone's giving you trouble—"

She cuts him off, turning to face him with a forced smile. "Really, it's nothing. I can handle it."

But Bakugo sees the lie in her eyes, the same way he sees through her tough exterior. "You don't have to deal with it alone," he insists.

Nozomi looks away, her facade cracking. "I'm fine, Bakugo. Just... let it go."

He watches her for a moment, the unspoken words hanging heavy between them. Bakugo may not know who Takashi is or what he wants with Nozomi, but he knows trouble when he sees it. And he knows Nozomi well enough to recognize the signs of her distress.

"Alright," he concedes, for now. "But I'm here if you need me. You know that, right?"

Nozomi nods, grateful for his presence but not ready to share her burden. "I know," she whispers.

As the day progresses, Nozomi's classmates notice her subdued demeanor. She's quieter than usual, her laughter a rare sound. They exchange concerned glances, but no one dares to ask. Nozomi has always been a pillar of strength, and seeing her like this is unsettling.

In the training sessions, she's distracted, her usual focus gone. Bakugo keeps a watchful eye on her, ready to intervene if needed. Haruto, too, offers silent support, his presence a comforting constant.

By the end of the day, the whispers grow louder. Something's wrong with Nozomi, they say. But without her opening up, they're left to wonder and worry.

As night falls, Nozomi retreats to her room, the weight of her secrets heavier than ever. She knows she can't keep running from her past, from Takashi. But for now, she chooses the safety of silence, her trust in others as fractured as the sketches in her book.

And Bakugo, ever the protector, stands guard, a silent sentinel ready to defend her from the ghosts that haunt her.

{Next day}

The park was serene, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves as dusk settled. Nozomi and Shoto sat on a bench, a comfortable silence between them. Shoto's gaze was fixed on the distant skyline, while Nozomi scrolled through her phone, her expression unreadable.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed, breaking the calm. A message from Takashi flashed on the screen, demanding a meeting. Shoto glanced over, a flicker of curiosity in his eyes, but he said nothing, respecting her privacy.

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