Blood of My Death

بواسطة TheStory1983

333 38 2

Blood of My Death follows twin sisters as they travel to a remote location, hoping to aid one twin to walk ag... المزيد

Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter One - Part One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter One - Part Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter One - Part Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Two - Part Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Six
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eight
Blood of My DeathBlood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Ten
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eleven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twelve
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fourteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Sixteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Seventeen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eighteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Nineteen
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Six
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Eight
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Six
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Eight
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Two
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Three
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Four
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Five
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Seven
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Eight
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Nine
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifty
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifty-One
Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Fifty-Two

Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Six

5 1 0
بواسطة TheStory1983

Muffled voices sounded around me. The words were hard to distinguish at first. Someone was having a conversation, so I tried to open my eyes or lift my head. The searing pain was still ever so present. I felt it most in three spots in my back, around my wrists and ankles. Moving my limbs was out of the question. Even a tiny movement caused shock waves of pain. It was a struggle for me to open my eyes at last. Two guards were talking to each other several feet from me. I was in one store, a diner. They bound my arms and legs to a chair with cuffs. Inside the inner rings, I could feel needles or spikes digging into my skin. It was the same for my ankles. Smoke was coming off the area around the cuffs like a cigarette. The smell of burnt flesh filled my nose. 'What the hell was wrong? Why was my wrist being burned like that?' I wondered in pain. One guard noticed that I was now awake.

"Sir, the test subject is awake," the guard informed.

"Get out there and find the other one!" the other guard said forcibly.

"Yes sir, Captain Biggs," the guard said, then left the store in a hurry.

"You know, you little shits have cost me a lot of work. First you let those damn vampires we worked so hard to capture escape. Then, I had to chase you here just to get sidelined after you kill some of my best men," Captain Biggs stated in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't care about what problems you got!" I countered in a labor voice.

"They may have sidelined me, but I can't wait until the other ones still running around get shipped back to the lab in pieces. The researchers only need one of you to continue the project. I'll take you back and get a substantial reward," Captain Biggs said, chuckling.

"Where's Rachael! What are you going to do to her and the others!" I demanded weekly.

"You'll find out. Not that you'll be able to help them," Captain Biggs said as he pulled out a rod.

"You see this little thing right here can stop you dead in your tracks. A simple weapon, really. Made from cold iron," Captain Biggs explained.

"If anything happens to my friends, you'll be the first to go!" I yelled with a little more strength.

"That so? Then I guess I'm going to have to teach you a brief lesson later than," Captain Biggs said, coming closer with the rod.

He inched the rod closer to my face, aiming for my left cheek. The closer it got to my face, the end of the rod turned orange rather than white. I could feel the heat coming off it. It was an intense heat that made me remember just how hungry I was. Not to mention, the rage was still boiling.

"You must be undoubtedly dying for some precious blood. After all that damage you took. I have to admit, I didn't think you'd gain the thirst so fast. Yeah, I bet you mad as fuck, too," Captain Biggs stated as he withdrew the rod.

"You must like the sound of your voice because you just won't shut up!" I yelled.

The Captain put the rod he was holding back in its holster. He then ripped what little clothes I had on my chest off, revealing my bare breasts. His expression showed he was enjoying the sight of my chest.

"I think I'm going to give you that lesson now. A worthy thing like you needs a good pounding," Captain Biggs said as he leaned closer to me.

I spat in his face. That caused him to pull the rod back out and press it against my cheek. The sudden touch of the rod to my face sent a pain that was greater than I had felt before. After he withdrew the rod, he glared at me.

"I bet you wished you could heal right now. No amount of vampire healing or werewolf healing going to heal that," Captain Biggs gloated.

"What the hell is that thing?" I cried.

"Need to know. You ain't on the list to know," Captain Biggs said.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, trying to move.

"Someone is about to get fucked and it's not me," Captain Biggs stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

He took his helmet off to reveal his face. A thirty-something tall man with a military-style haircut was blonde. He had an oval face with stern lips and a scar going through his right eye. The man had hazel eyes that glared at me with arrogance as he prepared to remove more of his uniform. He was a formidable man with an equal presence. Before he could go any further, a guard ran in, calling his name. This seemed to aggravate him more.

"What is it?!" Captain Biggs demands.

"We found the other one! It's attacking the perimeter," the guard explained.

"Then use the special cold iron bullets!" yelled Captain Biggs.

"It's moving too fast and...," The guard stopped as he turned, shooting at something.

"What is it?" Captain Biggs demanded.

"It's here, Captain!" the guard cried.

Something red impaled his chest, followed by two more. He dropped to the ground, dead. More gunfire sounded off outside the diner. A few other guards ran inside, taking cover. Captain Biggs grabbed his rifle, dropping the rod in haste.

"Our position is being overrun!" a guard shouted.

"How? By what?" Captain Biggs shot back.

"Werewolves! The test subject lured them here!" Another guard answered.

"Shit, how did they get to this area? Fall back!" Captain Biggs ordered.

"What about the captured test subject?" a guard asked.

"Let the wolves have them. There's still two we can capture. Move out!" Captain Biggs commanded.

"Yes, sir!" the guards replied.

"Looks like I must give you that lesson some time later! Don't worry, sloppy seconds are fine with me," Captain Biggs said as he groped my breast and then shoved his other hand between my legs.

I head-butted him, breaking his nose as he cried out. He picked the rod up, jabbing it in my rib cage. The rob pierced my skin as if I made it out of butter. Scorching agony struck me in waves. I cried out so loud my lungs felt like they had ruptured. My torturer just smiled at me with satisfaction as he assaulted my breasts one last time before leaving. They disappeared out of my sight, leaving me helpless for the coming monsters. 'Werewolves? I couldn't believe that was what the things chasing us were. Now they'd get me,' I thought as my chest was in pain. He lodged this rob deep in my ribs. A dagger that caused me labored pains with each breath. 'Had It punctured one of my lungs?' I thought. A rustling sound caught my attention, but I was too weak to lift my head again.

"Kristonia!" Rachel cried out.

The sound of her voice gave me the strength to look up. Rachel, drenched in blood, ran to me, dropping to her knees. She tried to pull the rod from my ribs, only to cry out in pain.

"What is this thing?" Rachel questioned, looking back as another round of gunfire went off.

"Cold iron or something. I don't know why it burns like this," I replied, coughing up blood.

"I'll find something to pull it out. Just hang in there!" Rachel ordered as she darted behind the diner's counter.

Moments later, she came back with a hammer and an arm full of towels. She sat the hammer down beside the chair I was in and used towels to cover the rod as she carefully pulled it out. The more she pulled it out, the less pain there was. It still hurt severely, and once it was out, she threw it across the room. She used the hammer to pry the cuffs from the chair, then used the hammer to pry them off my wrists and legs. The cuffs come off more straightforward than I had expected, freeing me from the chair. I tried to stand, only to collapse to the floor. The wound from the cold iron rod had left me bleeding. Rachel used the towels to put pressure on the wound. She used both sleeves from her clothes to wrap them around my waist, making a makeshift bandage. The gunfire was still going on outside the diner. Rachel helped me to my feet, allowing me to lean on her.

"We should have an opening while the guards are fighting those beasts out there," Rachel explained.

"Werewolves. That's what they called them," I said, coughing more blood.

"Don't talk right now! We can worry about that later," Rachel ordered.

We exited the diner, making our way out of the fighting between the two groups. Rachel looked back every so often to check if we were being followed. We turned into a stairway and ascended up as many floors as we could. When she was sure we were safe, she slowed our pace. We crossed several more floors going from different stairways. I was thankful for the maze-like layout of the place. Anyone following us would have a hard time finding us. We were getting close to the waypoint we had set earlier today. Rachel helped me to sit on a step in the stairway. Rachel must have placed our packs in the corner earlier. She took out what little medical supplies we had and began treating my wounds. The things in my back she removed with care, tossing them down the stairway.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"I don't know. It was a long time. They chased me for a good while before I lost them. Took even longer to figure a way to get you out," Rachel explained.

"How did you get away?" I questioned.

"I did what you did," Rachel stated. "When I saw what was happening to you, everything slowed down then I saw Cure," Rachel went on.

"You saved me. That vile Captain was about to do some horrible things to me," I revealed.

"Biggs. I'm going to kill him!" Rachel said in anger.

"One of us will for sure!" I assured him.

"We better get moving. I don't want those werewolves getting us either," Rachel suggested.

"Are we almost to the checkpoint?" I asked.

"Just a few more floors. Can you make it the rest of the way? I'll carry you if I have too," Rachel stated.

"I can make it. Let's get going," I replied.

Rachel collected our gear, and then we pushed forward to the checkpoint. We got there with no other problems. It was a residential area. Rachel sat me down on the floor, checking doors. None were accessible, so we moved on, repeating the process. It took some searching before we found an unlocked residence. Rachel hurried me to the sofa and began searching the apartment. Fifteen minutes later, she returned with some medical supplies. She removed the bandages and cleaned my wounds.

"There is some field that keeps things fresh in this place. I wonder what else is in here too," Rachel said.

"Is there anything to eat? I'm starving," I asked.

"I'll cook something if I can after I treat these wounds. The bleeding hasn't stopped. It's not like the wounds we had before. Biggs must have coated that cold iron in with some kind of poison," Rachel explained.

"How could iron have this effect on me or us? It's just iron," I asked, puzzled.

"None of these wounds are healing promptly. From what we have observed, they should heal faster than this. I mean, the bullet wounds you had have completely healed," Rachel said.

"All done here. I'll take you to the bedroom while I prepare some food. The refrigerator had fresh food. That field is inside there too," Rachel explained.

"That is convenient!" I responded.

The bedroom was nice and comfortable. Rachel even helped me change clothes. She didn't want me taking a bath until my wounds stopped bleeding. I lay on the bed, relaxing the best I could. While I waited, I tried to wrap my head around how they had found us. 'How are we being watched? If so, for how long? These experiments there weren't to help my sister walk again. Did they want both vampires and werewolves to bite us? Then there was that cold iron. I knew a little lore about vampires and werewolves. Silver kills one and stalks to the heart of the other. Oh, sunlight, too. Of course, that was in holo-Movies. Nothing real as far as I knew. Cordelia said we'd change,' These thoughts ran through my mind over and over. 'Where did Death fit in? Who was this Cure that Rachel was seeing too? Were they ghosts or something else entirely? So what did that make them? What exactly was DNA Labs doing to us?'

Truth is, the information we sought was out of reach. They had all the power and knowledge on their side. If we wanted to have any chance of escaping, we'd have to fight. To become stronger on our own. We couldn't just react anymore. There was one good thing that I learned from the scum of a man, Captain Biggs. My sister and Diane were there. That was enough for me. Once we reunited, we stood a better chance. Rachel brought something that smelled good to the room.

"Eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes are ready to go!" Rachel announced.

"God, I'm hungry!" I said as she handed me a plate.

"I hope you like the food," Rachel said as she dug into hers.

"Of course! This is a delicacy," I answered after a big bite.

It was shocking how hungry the two of us were. Before I knew it, Rachel was off to bring seconds back, and we ate our seconds in an almost frenzy. We had five servings a piece. I still wasn't feeling full, as I was starving for more. Rachel made a whole new batch of food for the two of us. The more I ate, the hungrier I got. My skin was feverish, and I was sweating bullets. Rachel noticed my condition as I noticed she was in the same boat as me.

"Both of us sweating and starving like this can't be normal," I pointed out.

"Do you think it has something to do with needing blood or something?" Rachel questioned.

"Then why can't I stop eating food? If it had something to do with vampirism wouldn't we feel thirsty more?" I asked.

"I felt thirsty, but it's not as bad as this hunger," Rachel replied.

"Me too. Maybe it's both. We don't know enough about what they have done to us," I said, holding my ribs.

"Let me check that," Rachel told me to reach for my bandage.

She carefully unwrapped my waist, removing the soiled bandages. I looked to see how it was, and the bleeding had stopped. Some healing appeared to be occurring, but it still hurt bad. In a few days, it will heal. I wasn't going anywhere until then.

"Let's take a bath," Rachel suggested.

"Together?" I stuttered.

"Yes, I'm not letting you out of my sight until you are better," Rachel states matter-of-factly.

We removed our clothes, tossing them aside. They were just rags at the point. The shyness of being naked around Rachel seemed gone. 'Was it because of what she'd told me earlier?' I thought. Rachel helped me to the bathroom beside the master bedroom. It was a reasonably large bath. I waited as she prepared the tub with water. 'Seeing her made me wonder if Diane and my sister had gotten close like this too?' I thought idly. After a few minutes, the bath was ready, and I stepped in first, testing the water. It was nice and hot. I nodded to Rachel as she got in behind me. She washed my back and hair for me, cleaning the wounds on my back. It didn't hurt as she was gentle while she cleaned. Her hands were soft against my back. This wasn't like the last time we showered. Something was different in her. The sudden touch of her breast against my back startled me. She was crying, and the sound made me cry.

No matter how tough I tried to act, this last encounter was traumatic. The reality was catching up to both of us at the same time. We needed to let it all out now. Everything we had been through until now had just been released. Nothing could hold us back anymore. However, we came to be here, we'd move forward together, and all four of us would survive.

"You know I became a doctor to help people. I thought If I could help one person, then it would be worth it. Then I came here to this nightmare. I thought I was going to be doing groundbreaking research. Doctor Rachel Lisa Warren. That had a wonderful sound to it," Rachel said in a trembling voice.

"Well, I think that Doctor Rachel Lisa Warren has done an amazing job. Lisa is also a beautiful name," I replied in tears.

"You're just saying that because you like me," Rachel cried.

"No, you are amazing! Lisa is a lovely name. It's better than Gemma," I stuttered.

"Gemma, huh? That's a beautiful name," Rachel said, sounding a little happier.

"See, everything isn't all bad. At least I got to meet you!" I replied.

She hugged me tight for a few moments longer. It was my turn to clean her back and hair. I was as gentle as I could, like she had with me. They had wounded her with those same weapons, too. I could imagine the struggle she went through to free me, realizing that wasn't easy to do. The bath lasted a while longer before we got out to dry off. While we were drying off, I decided now was it. I threw my towel on the floor and kissed Rachael. I held her close as we locked together. She returned my kiss fully. It was a moment I would not soon forget. I drew back from kissing her and still embracing her.

"That was worth everything we have been through," I whispered.

She answered by giving me another kiss as we locked in a long embrace. Afterward, we would rest for the day or night. There was no way to know the time. Both of us were exhausted from everything that happened.

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