Archon of Minus

By MCPELuisTuican

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From battling a group of terminals, to being send to a heavenly plane, to veing send to a world where gods wa... More

Chapter 1:Is it wrong to send the King of Minuses to another world?
Chapter 2:Eh, I can do better
Chapter 3:There's more than one way for air maneuvering
Chapter 4:Let's raid some temples!
Chapter 5:Let's use some combos for this one
Chapter 6: What is a pirate, really?
Chapter 7: Always keep your tricks hidden
Chapter 8:A hunt of thieves and deceit
Chapter 9:Secrets aren't just for girls
Chapter 10:A femboy on the run
Chapter 11:The wind is wild around here
Chapter 13:You can't be caught with no evidence
Chapter 14:A case with no clues can't really be solved
Chapter 15:The Fatui have some serious budget
Chapter 16:This room is getting hot
Chapter 17:Magic numbers are profitable just for magicians
Chapter 18:Wine gets people closer
Chapter 19:A break up is always heart crushing
Chapter 20:Toys break way too easily
Chapter 21:Messing with people is just too much fun
Chapter 22: Flying isn't as easy as it might seem
Chapter 23:Shiels are the worst!
Chapter 24:Is this supposed to be a hero?
Voice Lines:Monsdat
Chapter 25:Overworking isn't good even for a perfect girl
Chapter 26:Occupations are different in another world
Chapter 27:As expected of a traveler
Chapter 28:Look for thighs, get an mage
Chapter 29:Obsessions become boring over time
Chapter 30:He developed a new technique!
Chapter 31:Girls swoon for the waist grab
Chapter 32: Sometimes obsessions resurface
Chapter 33:Arson makes people open up
Chapter 34:Otherwordly girls are weird
Chapter 35:We're recruiting a rebel?
Chapter 36: Everyone loves vengeance
Chapter 37:Abuse talk makes situations awkard
Chapter 38:Aristocrats talk way too much
Chapter 39:Don't freeze up on a walk
Chapter 40:Paimons are easily distracted
Chapter 41:A good meal is reccomended before a mission

Chapter 12:Theft can be holy too

613 41 1
By MCPELuisTuican

Kumagawa stared at the elemental being floating above him, a plan already forming in his head. After aiming he threw the two screws in his hands towards the living ball of Anemo.

Although the Eye of the Storm had no eyes, it certainly had a field of vision. The plates around it instantly moved in front of it, blocking the the two oversized screws heading it's way.

The plates around the elemental being moved once more when oversized screws were shot from different angles around it out of nowhere, blocking once again. Seeing this unfold Venti let out an hum of interes.

Venti:This isn't elemtal control of Geo, but he can summon those screws at will. And he doesn't even need to shoot them himself? He truly posseses some extraordinary abilities, but...Why haven't they fallen.

True to his words, while the plates blocked the screws, they didn't fell on the ground. While not stabbing it, the sharp ends of the screws still remained blanaced on the plates, even though they were on angles on which that would be impossible.

Kumagawa:[Ah, so I was right. It's strong, sure, but...It isn't much smarter than the other monsters we encountered.]

Kumagawa looked at Lumine, the girl nodding at him. Understanding her role in this she begam gathering Anemo into her feet.

With a mocking grin Kumagawa snapped his fingers. That simple action made the screws began to continously rotate, drilling into the plates until they shattered.

The orb pulsed with Anemo, the wave of elemental energy pushing the screws away before they could impale it. A beam of Anemo was shoot from the orb, affectimg a large area and pulling everything there towards it.

But it was already too late. With the Anemo gathered at her legs Lumine leaped, the elemental energy propulsing her straight towards the Eye of the Storm.

Gripping her sword with two hands she raised it and thrusted. The blade went straight through the orb, ending the Eye of the Storm into a release of pure Anemo.

Her momentum being over Lumine fell towards the ground. However, Kumagawa was already there, catching her in his arms.

Seeing all of this go on Venti gave loud applauses. Lumine pushed herself off Kumagawa's arms, landing safely on the ground right as Paimon returned at their side.

Venti:Seems the dragon wasn't the only thing affected by this change in the wind...Now then, you were saying someone had told you about the dragon?

Lumine:Lisa told us about it. The dragon used to be one of the Four Winds, right? Is it because people didn't pay tribute to them anymore?

Kumagawa:[She also mentioned that it was the only one alive in present. I wonder...Who could possibly affect someone like that?]

Venti:Is that so? Quite the scholar I must say, that Lisa. She's not wrong. The conflict has reached this point, only because both sides have resorted to the use of force.His hate, however, did not arise from the people not making tribute to The Four Winds. Nor was it born from his own nature, but instead came about as a product of his degradation.


Venti:The black blood flowing through his heart has been torturing him for years. That's what has allowed him to be led astray by the lies of the Abyss Mage.

Lumine:Abyss Mage? Never heard such a name.

Venti:They are from the Abyss Order, an organization comprised of non-human beings. They despise mankind.

Kumagawa:[Non-human beings...]

Kumagawa thought about it for a moment and then dismissed it immediatly. Najimi was still dead and she'd find no enjoyment in something so trivial.

The corrupted dragon it's a trope that's been done so many times. Not even one of the non-equals would lose their time on it.

Paimon:What's wrong? Did the wind affected your health?

Kumagawa:[No, just thinking about something stupid.]

Lumine:I think I've heard of them before in Monsdat...

Venti:Correct. They are from the Abyss Order, an organization comprised of non-human beings. They despise mankind. I don't know where they come from. All I know is that they hold deep hatred towards the human world. Many hilichurls out in the wild take orders from them and act as their weapons. Before arriving here, I too was like Dvalin, cursed and left to waste.

Venti sighed, his eyes looking somewhere far away. However, he quickly recovered and continued his explanation.

Venti:But now, before us stands the Symbol of Monsdat's Hero, the place from which Monsdat rose. The wind amongst the branches is good, I love the way it smells...Being here with you beneath this great tree feels like when the tear was purified earlier. Like the poison is leaving my body...Mmmmmmm... Feels much better.

Paimon: So...How exactly did you get poisoned?

Venti:Ahh...That would be because I tried to communicate with Dvalin earlier, but was...Interrupted...As a result, not only did I not manage to help Dvalin break his curse, but instead, was also infected myself!


Lumine got embarassed, remembering what had happened when she started journying with Kumagawa. She was already neck deep into all of this, wasn't she?

Lumine:That was...Me?

Venti:Yes, it was you! So, to make up for it, Traveller, you're coming with me to the Cathedral!

Paimon:The Mondstadt Cathedral? To do what exactly?

Venti:To claim a certain Holy Lyre der Himmel.

Paimon:So this...Holy Lyre der Himmel is...

Venti:One of the most treasured items in Monsdat. It's the lyre that Barbatos used to play. With it, perhaps I can help Dvalin draw his gentle nature back out of this nightmare he's going through.

Paimon stared at him with a deadpan. If Kumagawa's theory is true, she's so gonna laugh in the face of this annoying bard about how he had to beg for his lyre.

Paimon:Will it really stop Stormterror from causing more damage?

Venti: Of course. I'm the best bard in the world. There's not a single song I do not know, no matter if it's from the past, present, or future. Look me in the eyes. Do you not find me trustworthy?

Lumine:Look into my eyes. What are you hiding?

Venti:What could I possibily be hiding?

Lumine sighed and looked towards Kumagawa, wanting to ask if they can stop with the charades already. Unfourtunately, the excited look in his eyes told her there was no chance for her wish to come true.

Paimon:So how can we get the Holy Lyre?

Venti:It's said that it's enshrined deep within the Cathedral, somewhere safe. I'll go take a look around. You can come if you want.

Kumagawa:[We're really gonna rob such a scared place? It was woth it waking up this morning after all!]

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