Slytherin boys reacts, prefer...

By DaisyJones9990

581K 5.5K 1.4K

Exactly what the title says. This will include. Tom, Matteo, Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Enzo and Regulus More

When you hug them from behind
When you ware their clothes.
Storm (Draco Malfoy)
Protector (Tom Riddle)
The bet pt.1 (Matteo Riddle)
The bet pt.2 (Matteo Riddle)
When you kiss them and run away
Group Chat messages pt.1
Cheating on your boyfriend with Draco Malfoy
A/N. Thank you
Cheating on your bf with Matteo Riddle
You send them a spicy pic in class
They wake up and your in their bed. (you wernt their when they went to bed)
gc messages pt.2
What they would post on Insta for your bday
Dating Draco Malfoy would be like.....
When their clingy
Cheating on your bf with Tom Riddle
Violent Psycho!
Dating Tom Riddle would include....
Dating Matteo Riddle would include.....
You ask them to come back when their out
A/N please read
They find out your pregnant
You feel the baby kick for the first time
You go into labour
When your baby walks for the first time
Your baby speaks for the first tim
You ask them to buy you tampons
Theodore Smut
You being on your period
gc messages pt.3
Draco Smut
Random texts with Draco Malfoy
Random texts with Matteo Riddle
Gc mesagges pt. 4
Their lock screen and home screen
Gc messages pt.5
Matteo x Y/N smut
Gc messagea pt.6
Gc messages pt.7
Gc messages pt.7 again
What they would get you for your birthday.
What they would do for your birthday.
Gc messages pt.8
How would they cuddle you
You text them on someone elses phone.
you ask them what your name is on their phone
You ask for their credit card.
You getting a tattoo of their name.
Group imagine pt.1
You not saying 'i love you' back after an argument
You text them someones following you at night
Group imagine pt.2
Gc messages pt. 9
They slap your ass
You ask them if they would still love you as a worm
Names they call you
When THEY accidentally text you instead of their friend.
When THEY accidentally text you instead of their friend (again)
Regulus catch up
Regulus catch up pt.2
Early Bird (Tom Riddle)
gc messages pt.10
Your insta stories of you went to Hogwarts.
Not exciting.
Group imagine pt.3
You give them a hickey
You ask them to take your V-Card.
They ready your mind while in class.
Happy Birthday Amore (Theodore Nott)
Matteo Riddle Instagram Stories
Them losing a quidditch match.
Theodore Notts Insta Stroies
You text them 'Shes busy' as a prank
Your insta stories if you went to Hogwarts pt.2
Pathetic Potter (Draco Malfoy)
Regulus Blacks Instagram Stories
Trust fund baby pt.1 (Regulus Black)
You ask them for hand pics
Lorenzo Berkshire Instagram Stories
Random texts with Tom Riddle
Them finding out your famous in the muggle world
Draco Malfoy Instagram stories
Group messages pt.11
Lost Friendship
Them breaking up with you and later seeing you with their child
Revenge Bitch (Lorenzo Berkshire)
Clingy (Enzo Berkshire)
Late night date (Draco Malfoy)

Them Finding Out You Speak Another Language.

5.2K 75 25
By DaisyJones9990

A/N I'll put what it is in English under each boys part.



Tom was in his dorm reading, while you were sat at his desk doing your Potions homework that Tom had already done. You were finding it extremely difficult and started to mumble things under your breath.
"Blöde Hausaufgaben für blutige Zaubertränke. Warum ist es so schwierig? Ich wünschte, es würde sich von selbst erledigen." Tom's eyes shot up from his book.
"Is that German?" You looked at Tom.
"Yeah" Tom stared at you for a moment before putting his book down and walked over to you. He stood behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders.
"When did you learn to speak German?" He asked.
"I've known my whole life" he didnt say anything, he just kissed your forehead and helped you with your homework.

English: "Stupid Bloody homework. Why is it so difficult? I wish it could just do itself."



You and Matteo were walking to the hall. He had his hand entwined with yours. When you stopped to tie your shoelaces a girl came over and started flirting with Matteo. He was trying to get her away but she wouldnt listen and kept trying.
"Go away" you said. She just glared at you and mumbled something under her breath in Spanish.
"No me murmures. Y no me llames perra. Eres la puta que intenta tener algo con mi novio." She looked at you in shock and grunted before walking away in a huff. Matteo was looking at you with shock and love. He placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer.
"What language was that?" He asked looking into your eyes.
"I didnt know you spoke Spanish" you shrugged. He smirked at you. "You just got a whole lot hotter" he said before smashing his lips into yours.

English: "Dont you mumble at me. And dont call me a bitch. Your the slut trying to get with my boyfriend."



You were at Malfoy Manor meeting his parents. Narcissa warmed up to you immediately but Lucius not so much. He kept glaring at you from across the room. During dinner he turned to his wife and started speaking in French. You fake smiled at him once he was done.
"En fait, je ne suis pas né moldu. Je suis un sang pur. Et j'apprécierais que vous me traitiez avec respect, parce que je suis avec votre fils, peu importe ce que vous pensez." You gave him one last fake smile and turned back to your food. Lucius looked at you in shock and Draco smirked at you. When you and Draco went upstairs he pinned you to the wall.
"That was so fucking hot" he said before kissing you. Magically Lucius started treating you with respect.

English: "Im not a Muggle born actually. I'm a pureblood. And I would appreciate it if you treated me with respect, becasue im with your son no matter what you think."



You and Blaise were at Astronomy tower. You were sat between his legs as you both looked at the stars. Without realising you accidentally spoken to him in German.
"Sie sind wunderschön, oder?" Blaise looked at you and chuckled.
"When did you learn to speak German love?"
"Oh a few years ago" he kissed your cheek.
"Yes love....yes they are" he kept constantly kissing your neck and cheek for the rest of the night. It's safe to say you got a reward later.

English: "They're beautiful arn't they?"


*Italian (Obviously🙄🙄)*

You and a girl just had an argument. You stormed back to Theos dorm and flung the door open. Theo was sat at his desk. You started pacing back and forth while rambling.
"Stupida puttana del cazzo. Che cazzo pensa di essere? Lei è una topa. Un ratto letterale. Voglio dire, sembra letteralmente un topo bagnato con quanto greci siano i suoi capelli, intendo-" Theodore stopped you mid sentence by grabbing your shoulders and turning you to look at him.
"Since when could you speak Italian?"
"I finished learning a few months ago"
He grinned and kissed you.
"For me?"
"Yeah" he kissed you harder. You and Theo spent the rest of the night cuddling and chatting shit about the girl.

English: "Stupid fucking bitch. The fuck she think she is? She a rat. A literal Rat. I mean she literally looks like a wet rat with how greecy her hair is i mea-"



You and Enzo were cuddling on the bed while watching movies. A pigeon flew in the window. Enzo started freaking out and tried to put you behind him.
"Cálmate Enzy, es solo una paloma. Déjame sacarlo." You told him. You walked out from behind him. And picked up the pigeon in your hands and went to the window and let it fly out of your hands. Enzo wasnt paying attention to anything you were doing. He was to focused on the fact you spoke Spanish to him. He walked over to you and looked into your eyes.
"Your so fucking beautiful" you spent the rest of the night in his arms while he gave you kisses and cuddles.

English: "Calm down Enzy,  its just a Pigeon. Let me get it out."



You and Reggie were in the great hall. You were the last in there. As you were leaving you tripped over your own feet.
"ow. Ça fait mal. Pourquoi dois-je être si maladroit?"
Regulus helped you up and looked at  you.
"Are you ok?" You nodded. He kissed your forehead. "When did you learn how to speak French?"
"I wanted to understand you so I started to learn it about a year ago in secret." He smiled and kissed you.
"Your the best girlfriend ever" that day he kept giving you love and affection. He wouldnt stop touching you and kissing you. He took you out for dinner that night aswell.

English: "ow. That hurt. Why do I have to be so clumsy?"

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