In Another Life

By Mysticlife22

24 4 0

"How we meet ?" One day a butterfly flew in just like a flower petal and made me skip a heartbeat. I remember... More

Chapter 1: Normal Day
Chapter 2: Into Trouble Again
Police Station
First No
Tears & Surprises
Welcome Back
Love Letter


2 1 0
By Mysticlife22

When we reached home, everyone sat in the family area waiting for us. As we entered the room, they all surrounded me with various expressions on their faces. Nish initially had an amused expression but shifted to anger when he saw me. Mom and Dad looked worried and as for me, I was so scared. At that moment looking their faces I wanted the ground to swallow me.

"Before you guys start scolding me, I am so sorry," I said with tears forming in my eyes, I felt guilty for causing trouble to my family. When I was in the US I could do anything there, cause nobody knew who I was but now my actions represent my family.

"I didn't mean to cause any problem; I was just trying to help the child. I will never do anything like that again. Sorry, everyone. "

"show me your cheek, Princess" Mom said "It's a bit swollen. Aarnv I don't want to see this thing happening to her again. Did you get that?" Mom was angry that even Nish stepped back, and Dad looked equally angry about it.

"Princess, we are not angry at all, we know what happened and we are proud of you, we know that you will never cause any trouble for us. So don't worry love. We are just angry that someone hit you."

"Yes, I don't like the fact that you will let someone hit you, listen I have not made this empire so that my daughter gets hit by some moron," Dad said looking at me with a serious tone which still sounded a bit angry.

"Aarnav, language," Mom shouted at him.

Mom doesn't like it if someone uses bad language, if it were us then I am sure we would have gotten more. 

"Sorry love, now listen princess I don't want you to do something this reckless again."

"I am letting you go but, won't do it next time. ok? "

" yes, sorry." "Good, and don't worry about our reputation, you are more important to us."

"Sorry, everyone. I will be careful from now on."

"By the way I am proud of you, Idiot." Nish was smiling like an idiot now.

"I didn't know you could do something like that, I guess those lectures were not a waste of time and money. I love the way you threw him. " He started laughing and so did everyone.

" Man, he will never touch a woman again. loser"

"Yeah, he will never," Sameer said after staying quiet for a long time.

" What did you do Sameer?" Mom asked him with a curious and worried look on her face.

"Nothing much Mom. I just nicely talked with them." Now even I am scared. 'Why is this guy so twisted?' As if Nish read my mind.

"Why are you so twisted and scary ?"

"Seeing you like this I get goosebumps. See" he held his arm out to show it to Sameer.

"I am not twisted or scary, you are just too simple and stupid. And I am not interested in seeing how scared you are of me. By the way, I like that you are scared of me." He gave him a smirk and left the room.

"Who said that I am scared of you? Idiot." He called after him and saw us as if we would approve of him but looking at our disappointed and disgusted faces he knew what he did wrong.

" What, can't you all even once say something nice about me ?"

"No, not at all with what you do." We all started laughing and he left the room mumbling about how insensitive we are. Before he was about to step out, he turned and said,

"Idiot, I forgot to tell you I bought you your two somethings' things. It's for your bravery. Good night, I will always stay at your side no matter what." With these words, he left.

At times like these, I think about how lucky I am. I have the best parents, best brothers, a best friend, and a perfect job, I could not ask for more. Even if I thank god for it every day I guess it will still not be enough.

"Princess good night even we should sleep, go eat something if you want, and then rest," Mom said

"yes Mom, goodnight Dad. Love you both."

I ran to my room for a hot shower first, I have a habit of bathing with hot water but when I am stressed or tired, I heat the water more. And today I needed that more than food.

When I came from bath I called Kabir and asked him about the situation and what happened today. He told me that all the machinery we were getting from France was approved by the health ministry and the French government, but I still had to go and get the papers and a few documents signed myself. This is the best news that he gave me, we have been trying to get a contact for this machinery and all the equipment for months but finally, it was approved.

"yes, I will go and inform Dad about it. Go and sleep, thanks, Kabir. And I will see you tomorrow at 9 AM and send me all the files of the new patients I will go through them at night."

"What? Now? That means you will not sleep today. No thanks"

"Send it, it's not as if it's the first time. So do it please."

"But-" No buts listen and send them. Bye" I hung up the call and went downstairs to get my surprise that Nish left in the kitchen, there's only one thing that Nish brought for me and it was my favorite chocochip Mint ice. ' I love this ice cream and can eat it every day.'

When I went down I thought about telling Dad about the good news so I went to their room but when I was about to open the door I heard Dad say

" She is so-

"Oye idiot, what are you doing?"

"Shhhh... I am hearing Mom and Dad."

Nish came near me and said," Why what happened ?"

"Aggh... Are you an idiot? Or what ?"

"No, I am not, but you are."

"Now let's go before we are caught." He dragged me from there to the kitchen.


"By the way what were you hearing ?"

"They were saying something but you came in between. I didn't get to hear anything."

"Ohhh.... Acha,  doesn't matter, they must be having a romantic conversation and you are trying to disturb them."

"What's wrong with you? Feeling so single that you are snooping on your parents now."

"Seriously? I gave him a judgemental look.

"One, I am not snooping on them. I wanted to give good news to Dad and second I am not feeling single."

"But where are you going? Looking so good at night?"


"I have a date with your best friend,"

"I was leaving when I saw you spying."

"oh ok, wait has she returned?"

"Yes, she landed this evening when you were busy beating people."

"Then why didn't she call me? She calls me first."

"She did but your phone was not reachable, madam."

"Now meet her tomorrow I am leaving. Bye"

"But- " He didn't even listen to what I was going to say and left.

'He and his lovesick Brain.' 'Stupid Nish'

But I wish I could have a love story like theirs or like my parents they are perfect, who will believe that Nish who is one of the hottest boys in the city has been dating my best friend since they were 17.

They both look great together but the best part is they love each other way too much. I wish I could also get someone, who will love me forever. ' Stop, Mia stop reading those romantic books.'

" I am an idiot; I am sure that you will have an arranged marriage and that also if your parents can convince that guy. They are the only ones who can help you now."

"You should know you are hopeless when it comes to romance." 

After I went to my room and completed my work, it was already 5 A.M. 

I was tired and wanted to sleep. 

"No please please, don't do anything, please." A 15-year-old girl is crying and begging. But the man was smiling at her.

"No" I woke again crying, 'It was a nightmare, thank god'. I always had different nightmares but somehow it seems they are all connected. This is the reason I cannot sleep and I have insomnia. I think I am stressed I need to have a vacation, maybe I can stay in France for some time. Let's ask Dad then about it.

I am sure he will say yes.

"You can't go."

"What? But why Dad?" I asked him.

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