Two Unlikely Worlds: The Hell...

By ClayNotDead

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A lost soul wandering the human world, trying to find a purpose in their otherwise meaningless life. A fellow... More

The Day Before [Copy-Pasted]
The Fight [Copy-Pasted]
Meeting Them [Copy-Pasted]
First Day
A Psycho Family?
Everyone's Insane Here-..
A Plan, A Plan To Stay Away From Them.
A 'Calm' Night, I guess?
A Trip, And A Talk.
A Day In Bed.
Getting 'Comfortable' In This Hell
A Day To Do Whatever, And For The Two Of Us [LONG]
Ending The Bloodline Here.
Back In 'My' Bed.
A 'Me, Myself, And I' Day. [Rushed-?]
Visiting A Friend, And Sneaking 'Home'
Family Fun Night? Why not.
Let's Try This Again, Shall We?
Holiday Set-Up.
Happy Birthday, I guess.
Christmas Chaos
A New Years Night Out [LATE ASF]
"Mama, I'm An Escapee!"
A Totally Normal Day.
Keeping That Idiot Bestie Safe. [Short :'D]
Sunday Morning Service Chaos, Because Religion Screws People Over.
Valentine's Day Mission Gone Wrong.
Now Look Where That Got Me, A Place Where Secrets Unfold. [Short,& Mostly Chats]
Liu's A Kind Soul, And Avoiding 'Training' Any Way I Can.
They'll Wait For Me, In The Darkness Of My Dreams.
Training Day! Except It Doesn't Go As Planned...
Hanging Out In Another Universe Can Be Kinda Fun?

Mission Fails, Alternate Universes, And Half-Assed Confessions.

4 0 0
By ClayNotDead

So here I was, listening to Toby retell the same five stories over and over, and manage to get us lost what I swear was ten times.

I was on my phone as he recalled how we first met before I smacked into a tree.

"It was funny when you-" He cut off, "Heart, you good?" He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

I rubbed my nose, stumbling forward.

"I smacked into a tree, dipshit! What do you think?" I sneered quietly, and he just chuckled.

"Didn't feel a damn thing!" He exclaimed before taking off running.

"Wha- Toby! Get back here!!" I screeched before running after him, an annoyed expression on my face.

He was laughing, and I was yelling for him to stop and that he'd get hurt while wildly waving around my knife.

Fucking ironic.

I was successfully ducking and dodging all of the stray foliage, until a random tree branch smacked me in the face, causing me to swing downward and onto the grass.

It took me a moment or two before I opened my eyes, rubbing my now sore face and nose as I sat up.

It took me another moment before I realized the crazed giggling and laughs had ceased.

But as I turned my head left and right, even up to see if he was there, Toby was nowhere to be found.

I sat up, avoiding the wayward branch as I scratched my head.

"Toby?" I called out, turning my head again to see nothing but the vast shrubbery and dark trees that scattered the forest I was now stranded in.

"Toby?! If this is a fucking prank I swear to a God I don't believe in!-" I shouted again, louder this time.

Dead silence.

It was honestly kind of creepy.

"Why does this mysterious shit always happen to me?" I muttered to myself as I started walking forward, trying to find my partner in crime.

And hopefully soon, my true partner.

Ignoring that... I moved slowly, turning my head every once in a while and calling out for him.


After what felt like forever, I was about to give up, and clearly about to fall asleep, seeing as the world decided to give me a crude wake-up call by nearly smacking me with ANOTHER tree branch.

But before it could hit me, I ducked beneath it, twirling around as I mocked it, giving it the middle finger.

"Hah! Thought you could get me tree branch?! Hah! I'm Black Heart, the great and amazing ProXYYYYYY!!" I started my great retort but was cut off as I felt the ground underneath simply not be there anymore, and I started free-falling.

"Why does this magical shit always happen to me?!" I shout in vain as I'm hoisted into the air to a partly cloudy and ever-growing blue sky and concrete, the floor portal seemingly zipping up and vanishing before I can hit the ground, unable to brace my fall.

I lay there on my side for a minute before sitting up, groaning as I warily rubbed the arm that was on the ashy concrete.

My eyes adjusted to the harsh light of the rising sun as I took in my surroundings.

My eyes blinked rapidly twice, the first of them trying to adjust, the second of surprise as I looked at my... Old neighborhood.


My thoughts were cut off by the sound of rapid footsteps approaching my general direction, and I turned my head slowly, silently preparing myself for whatever sight I was going to see.

What I wasn't expecting, however, was to see me walking with their head in their sweatshirt hood, the sleeves half rolled up and legs on full display in shorts walking briskly to what I could only assume was school considering the ungodly hour.

They didn't seem to notice me as they were too encased in their phone luckily, but from what I could see, they had dark circles under their eyes, and even a couple of bruises that were nearly concealed with makeup.

The largest, and frankly most worrying factor was the fact this version of me wasn't wearing their binder, but it was hardly noticeable given the sweatshirt.

My eyes were wide and my mouth was agape as I nearly sprang up from the ground, diving onto the nearest side of the sidewalk and walking as inconspicuously as I could.

Thoughts swirled in my mind, mainly, what version of me was this?

Perhaps it was me if I wasn't Non-Binary? No, that couldn't be it, their hair looked too short from what I could tell.

Could it be me before I was found by Toby? It couldn't, they looked taller than me, and if it was, then why would they be walking in the direction of the school?

And that's in the past, anyway...

Then... What?

I sighed nervously as I followed the mysterious other me to the school, still hoping to find Toby.

Once we reached the school, I could see Gloria sitting there with a look of annoyance, yet faint worry on her face.

And once both of us came into view, Gloria perked up, her usual smile covering her lips.

"Ash! You were late again, but more than usual! Is... Everything okay?" She asked nervously, holding the other me's cheeks.

The other version of me chuckled nervously, pulling off their sweatshirt's hood to reveal a slightly mangled version of the usual short blonde hair I held.

"I'm fine Glo, just fell down the stairs, is all." They smiled, the lie slipping off of their tongue with ease.

I could tell it wasn't the truth due to the size of the bruises, and the fact I was them.

Gloria smiled lovingly, a content sigh escaping her lips as she nodded, letting go of their cheeks and gently pulling on their arm.

"You have to be more careful from now on! We're late for class, now-" She started before turning to me.

I didn't even notice I was staring as she smiled at me and waved.

"Oh, hello! Are you new here? It's certainly a surprise, since it's late in the year, but we're always welcoming new students!" She bubbled, and I knew I had to come up with a lie, and fast.

I quickly nodded, smiling under my mask as I slightly swayed on my feet.

"Yeah, I'm new, sorry for staring, but I was walking and I saw you worry about them and I felt bad." I nervously chuckled, looking back at the two.

Gloria seemed pleased with this answer, and the other version of me looked suspicious, but they seemed to decide to not press about it.

"Well, come on! I'm sure no one will mind if you just joined us for class!" Gloria smiled, running up to me quickly, pulling my arm, and dragging me along with both her and other me into the school.

"So, newbie, what's your name?" Other me asked, and I blinked in confusion for a moment as I tried to come up with a name before I nodded and spoke quietly.

"..Asterix?" It sounded nearly unsure, but seemed to satisfy them well enough for now.

"And uhm, I'm sorry if this is rude, but what's with the eyepatch and the mask? Are you okay? Do I need to take you to the nurse?" Gloria worriedly asked, and I softly chuckled.

"Oh no, no, I'm alright, just got into a bit of a scuffle, is all." I smiled under my mask, and she smiled back, sighing with relief.

"Well, we're here." She exclaimed as we reached my first class of the day, and she tugged us both inside.

"Hendricks, Reenstra, where have you two been? And... Who's with you?" Asked the teacher, and Gloria smiled softly.

"A new student, and I'm sorry, I was waiting for Ash." She apologized, pulling us both along before the teacher could say anything else.

And as I sat down in one of the few empty seats from what I could only assume was from one of the absent students, I zoned out, acting disinterested when in reality I was fucking terrified.

I knew I wouldn't be found out for being a serial killer, as the other version of me wasn't a killer.

But that raised the question of...

Just what happened?

They seemed taller than me and looked generally older than me, so did I never find Toby in this universe?

I mean, it would make sense, wouldn't it...?

It has to be at least a little while after the fight I had with my parents, and maybe I couldn't get out in time?

They look so tired.


It was almost an hour before class ended, and I nearly ran out of the classroom, making my way to the bathroom as discreetly as I could.

I only had enough time to get into the bathroom and rip off my mask before I heard footsteps barrel in after me.

"I know damn well you aren't new, but just who are you?" They rasped, taking large steps towards me.

"Look, I don't want trouble-" I tried to quietly plead, backing up, but they had me backed into the wall as they looked at me in confusion and disgust.

They didn't seem to mind the scar stretching from my lips as they looked at me, their head tilted.

"You look eerily like me, but you can't be me... Can you?" They muttered, and I silently and slowly nodded.

"Unfortunately, I am. And I don't mean to be here, really." I pleaded, and they slowly backed up, a surprised look on their face.

"How are you me?" They asked slowly, and I sighed, moving from the wall.

"I'm you if you got found by a Creepypasta, I'm a Proxy. We're safe in my universe." I smiled softly, gripping my mask tightly in my hand.

They stared at me for a moment, blinking slowly and most likely contemplating their life choices.

"Take me with you, you younger demon of me." They spoke quietly, staring at me.

"Wish I could." I simply shrugged, smiling in slight pity.

They scoffed, turning their head away from me.

"Figures, but, what are you doing here anyways? Shouldn't you be with your new family?"

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I was on a mission before falling into a random grass portal and ending up here, now I'n trying to look for my partner in crime." I chuckled quietly, and they slightly perked up.

"Oh yeah? Who?" They questioned, and I moved my hands up to my mouth as I put back on my mask, grinning slightly under it as I looked at them once more.

"Toby." I said confidently, and their eyes lit up a bit.

"As in Ticci Toby?" They asked, and I nodded.

"In my universe, he just likes the name Toby, but we're cool.

They smiled softly, before looking behind me, and a large gust of wind nearly knocked me over.

"Whoa, portal in the wall, cool." The other me muttered and I turned around to see a me-shaped portal in the wall leading to what I could guess was a college campus?

Wish I could go to college.

"Not your stop?"

"Nope, but here's to hoping I get back to my universe!"

"Good luck, other me, or should I say, Asterix."

They winked, and as I turned around to jump into the portal when their voice called out to me.

"Hey, be happy for the both of us, alright?" They smiled gently, their head tilting.

I nodded, pulling down my mask to reveal a soft smile.

"Of course, Black Heart 2.0." I joked, earning a soft chuckle from them as I turned back around and leaped into the portal, bracing myself as I fell onto the pathway, hearing the footsteps around me stutter, but continue soon after.

I raised my head to be met with a normal college campus, with young adults roaming around it.

Some were talking with others, some were sitting on their phones, some were standing in the middle of walkways on their phones, you name it.

My head eventually turned to see a young woman sitting on a bench with a book in their hand talking to someone else.

They had short purple hair with blonde strands held in a ponytail, two front bangs protruding from a headband, pushing up their glasses gently as they laughed back in front of their serene blue eyes.

Their outfit consisted of a simple shirt and belt-like skirt, shorts somewhat visible from underneath, and purple boots with buckles that looked like they could hold someone down if they could.

The conversation wasn't audible from where I sat, even with my eerily hurting and slightly pointed ears.

But soon enough, the strange adult stood up and waved to their friend as they both parted ways, and the strange woman seemed to be coming... My way.

"Are you okay? You seem lost." They asked worriedly, bending down to hold out a hand.

I nodded, taking their hand and standing up.

"Who are you?" I asked, and they closed their book, tucking it under their arm.

"I'm Ash, you?" They smiled, and I realized I was in the presence of an adult version of me.

If I had to assume, they also weren't saved by a Creepypasta, but they looked relatively normal... What happened here?

"I'm Asternix." The name rolled off my name with ease, I could get used to this.

"Ah, the youngins these days, with their crazy names. But to be honest? I was kind of crazy myself in my teens, I know I may seem old to you, but trust me, I'm only twenty one! When I was your age I'd call myself Black Heart, and could swear I could see Slenderman! Crazy, isn't it?" They chuckled, a now crazed look in their eyes.

I nodded, and they looked as if they were zoned out, looking past me into the light woods that must've surrounded the school.

"You good, miss?" I asked, confusion lacing my face and voice as I turned my head to see... Nothing, surprisingly.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Thought I saw him again!" They spoke as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and to me, it might as well be.

"Anyways, I've got to go! Good luck doing whatever it is you've got to do!" They exclaimed, looking at the building as if they were late, and they opened their book again and started jogging off.

Before they got out of sight, I saw a page inside of the book.

It had crazed drawings of the Proxy Symbol and Slender crudely strewn across the pages as they flipped through them and started drawing in a blank page.

So, a close encounter with a Creepypasta that left them crazy but not enough for a mental hospital, got it.

Well, I followed behind them enough so I wouldn't get noticed until I made my way into the large building, my eyes scanning over the expanse quickly before I was spotted.

I spotted a large 'dormitories' sign and ducked into the hallway, speeding down it and diving into a random unlocked room.

I slowly walked around and noticed a room that had the nameplate 'Ash <3' with a Proxy Symbol brashly carved into it.

How lucky am I to accidentally run into older me's dorm room?

I slowly opened the door and noticed the various pages of what I could assume were from their notebook.

The room was messy, but it was a controlled mess as I could tell that this version of me was... Odd, and that was putting it lightly.

As I roamed the room, I eventually came across their laptop, an iCloud note up as the laptop was asleep, not completely turned off.

It detailed their life from their teens when they thought they were seeing Slender, until the day I arrived.

My thoughts were interrupted when the main door to the dorm opened, quick yet light footsteps echoing as they rapidly reached their room.

I quickly moved under the desk as soon as they slowly opened the door.

"Did I forget to close the door?... And my laptop? Damnit." They muttered, picking up their laptop and turning to leave.

Before they left the room, though, they turned their head back to their desk and spoke quietly.

"...I know you're there, Proxy. I knew I wasn't insane, I knew it. They'll all know it, soon enough." They pulled out a matchbox from inside their skirt, a crazed smile graced their lips as they turned and walked out of the door, clear intentions in their steps.

I slowly moved out from under the desk, my eyes wide.

"Definitely insane." I muttered, turning to see another, slightly smaller portal awaiting me.

I sighed, hearing faint screams as I stepped into the portal, finally normally stepping out into a grassy field.

As I turned back, the portal was gone. In place of it? A large white building.

I slowly made my way up to one of the small windows closest to me, peering inside.

Inside was a light-colored room that looked like a psych hospital.

And soon enough, a calm girl stepped in, dressed in a hospital gown and yellow gripped socks.

Their soft eyes were closed as the door shut behind their form silently, at least to me.

Their eyes lifted and eventually made their way to mine, a curiosity seemingly long lost lighting their eyes up.

They silently moved forward until their nose was pressed into the glass, scrunching it up as they breathed onto the slightly dirty pane.

They slightly waved, a vacant look in their blue eyes.

I waved back, a small smile etched onto my face under my mask as the serenity calmed me for what felt like the first time in forever.

We just stood there in comfortable silence, them just looking at me with admiration in their eyes and me looking with a rare gentle look on my face.

My mask and eyepatch had long been discarded when the portal arrived and I could see it in the reflection.

I nearly turned when the other me I assumed started crying and shaking their head.

I tapped on the glass gently, offering them my hand and a soft smile.

They noticed and slowly moved their own hand to mine, acting as if our hands could touch.

Soon, I turned away and waved as I stepped into the mystical portal.

They waved back with a sad smile, tears still slowly trickling down their cheeks.

I felt the fresh breeze bringing me back to the present as I frowned slightly.

I felt bad for them.

A psych hospital universe? Weird, but not completely out of the question.

And I could've sworn I saw Toby...

I was immediately greeted with loud cheering as I turned to see a large crowd surrounding a stage, a purple-haired girl stepping out onto it.

They had light purple hair fading into a darker purple in high buns not covering their blue eyes and round glasses, a small little top hat with ribbons, and a headphone mic.

They wore an even lighter purple sleeveless puffy dress, ending in darker purple ruffles, with red flower and star accents all around the outfit, light gloves, fishnet stockings, purple heels with even more red and white bows, and a very obviously fake smile on their lips as they gave the peace sign.

"Who's ready for another one of your favorite idol's concerts?!" They shouted, accentuating their voice even with the microphone, and the crowd roared at that.

They waved across their crowd, stepping back as they snapped.

"Another original song coming your way from your favorite...~" They started, their crowd seemingly getting the hint as they nearly screeched, "A!"

"That's right! Get ready~!" She shouted before she instantly launched into what I could only assume was one of her songs, smiling as she danced across the stage.

A pop star, or idol universe? Weird.

I pushed my way through the crowd as they cheered, silently enjoying the song.


Once it finished, everyone quickly moved around for what I could only assume was a break between songs.

And the other me disappeared behind the stage.

Who wants to bet I have to keep hunting down the other versions of me to get out of this loop nightmare?

Or have them find me, with the way this has been going.

I climbed up onto the stage, much to the anger of the security as I heard them chase me down.

I ducked behind the stage and managed to lose them in a random closet.

Not today, fuckers!

But as soon as I stepped out of the closet, I was met with the other version of me with much shorter hair and a confusion-induced angry look on their face.

Their hair was now a short dirty blonde that faded the purple, and they had more rectangle-looking glasses on with the dangly sides that were covered by their hair.

"What are you doing back here?" They questioned, tilting their head with a more annoyed look now.

"Of course you aren't that peppy girl... Anyways, I'm another version of you, and I want out of here." I sighed, and they chuckled faintly.

"Another version of me? Rich, fans will say anything to get back here. Now, pretty thing, I can't have you know I lead a double life, nor can I have you going around telling anybody about it. So, sorry, but I think it's time for you to die." They deadpanned as they pulled out a knife and held it under my throat, and I looked at them with a surprised expression.

"Creepypastas exist here?" I asked, and they nodded.

"I'm Black Heart, a dual-lifed Proxy that works for the Operator." They spoke plainly, and I nodded myself.

"He's Slender in my universe, but I am too, look." I gestured to my eye, which had the Proxy Symbol etched into it.

"A subordinate, huh? Nice to meet ya." They concurred, letting me go and nodding in acknowledgment.

"...Sure..." I muttered and smiled softly.

Soon, we got to talking about all things Creepypasta and I lost track of time.

Because when I turned my head to stand up to wildly gesture at another thing, I saw another portal waiting for me.

"Guess that's my ride then." I chuckled, and the other version of me smiled.

"I have to get back to my shows anyways, good luck getting home other me!" They giggled, and I clicked my tongue as I gave my small finger guns.

"See ya A." I waved, and as soon as they waved back, I hopped into the portal, immediately hitting a rock and falling face-first into some more grass.

"I swear, after this I think I'll actually start drinking alcohol..." I mumbled.

"Aren't you a bit young for that?" A familiar voice came from above me, and I instantly shot up to be met face-to-face with...


"Toby! Holy shit, where have you been?!" I exclaimed, immediately throwing myself onto him in a hug.

"I could say the same about you, Black Heart." He sighed contently returning the hug.

It took a moment before I realized what was happening and I pushed him off of me, a pout on my lips and definitely not blush on my cheeks, what are you talking about?!

He simply chuckled and I sighed, turning my head to be met with a giant mansion.

"Oh home sweet home!" I shouted, taking off towards the Victorian mess I now called my home before Toby could say anything.

"B- Black Heart, wait, I wouldn't-!" He shouted after me but I was already climbing up the steps and swinging open the doors-

To be met with a sight I was not used to.

There were the Creepypasta's I knew and... Tolerated? But they all looked slightly different and acted a bit different.

One of the most surprising things was another Toby was sitting in a circle, on the floor, with some of the others playing Uno??

Eventually, a girl came storming down the steps, screaming in Spanish, with an exasperated Slender in tow.

They eventually switched to English, and I could finally understand them.

"How can you not control the portals?! I swear to you if it's Zalgo trying to get into their universe, I'll fucking end him!!" They screeched like a spoiled child before locking eyes with me.

"Oh, holy shit, finally! This dunce got you into my universe!" They exclaimed while speed-walking over to me.

The Slender looked like he'd lose his mind, and when I finally took note of the Spanish teen's appearance, I found something that would probably stay in my memory for a while.

It was the other me from my dreams, dressed in a large shirt and socks, their bangs falling over their eye that held the Proxy Symbol and their mouth on full display.

They grasped onto my arms and shook me violently, "Sorry it took so long! I was able to get Toby in relatively easily, but it took me forever to get you here at the very least!"

I held onto their cool, pale arms and pulled them off of me, a chuckle escaping my lips, "I had to hunt down all of the alternate version of me, it was so chaotic..."

They looked at me with a confused expression on their face as they spoke, "You know you could've just sat there and I would've figure out a way right? It wasn't some quest." They chuckled.

Immediately after that, their own Ben passed by us, "It could've been!" Before taking off in another direction.

The other me screamed in Spanish, probably a curse word, knowing them, before turning back to me.

"Again, sorry, the mansion's been in chaos, and I accidentally opened a portal in your universe which led Toby and you to different universes!" They sounded exhausted, which I couldn't blame them, considering everything they must've been through.

I smiled, nodding as they pulled both me and Toby inside.

"Now I can get you two back to your universe as soon as Slender figures out the portals!" They huffed, and he seemed slightly anxious.

"It might take me a little while..." He explained with his usual voice, and other me had to breathe a deep sigh so they didn't try to kill him or something.

"Hey, I get to stay with you for a little while, like a sleepover, eh?" I tried to reason, and they softly smiled.

"I guess, but you have to get back to your universe soon, or you could fuck both of ours up, probably>" They muttered, but I lifted my hand and flicked their forehead.

They didn't seem bothered by it.

"Haha, can't feel pain! Burned myself alive and whatnot." They spoke calmly, I mean that would explain the pasty skin with various black marks across their body that made them look like a fucking Dalmatian.

I nodded slowly.

"One, you have to tell me more about you, and two, what is with the weird universe-hopping thing?! Why do these magical things seem to always happen to me??" I sighed, and they laughed softly.

"No clue, but I do have information about your future with the Creepypastas... One word, kids." They smirked, whispering and I screamed into their surprisingly flat chest for what felt like forever.

"I'm fucking Asexual!" I shouted, and they smiled, "Never said how you get them, just that you'll have them."

I sighed and fell into their embrace.

The relaxation didn't last long before they whispered into my ear, "Hey, I think you should confess to Toby before things get even crazier."

"What do you mean by that?!-"

"Oh nothing~! Just get 'em, tiger!"

And with that, they shoved me towards Toby, effectively making me crash into him.

He caught me before I could tumble to the floor, and helped me stand up.

"Whoa there, princess Heart, can't have you breaking another limb." He joked, and I scoffed quietly.

A faint blush crept onto my face at the nickname, pet name? Whatever.

I took hold of his hands softly and looked at him, not directly in his eyes but in the general direction of his face as I gathered up what little courage I still had left.

"Hey, Toby?" I started.

"Yeah?" He smiled softly, his mouthguard discarded which left his scar on full display.

It made him look more hotter, somehow?!

"One, what if I also go by Asterix?..."

"I'd still love you."

"Alright then, we can test it- What?"

It took a second for the words to register in my brain, but once they did, my face heated up and I looked at him in surprise.

My eyes slightly widened and he looked nervous, as if he said something wrong.

I couldn't have this.

I slowly lifted myself onto my tiptoes, bent him down a bit, and brought his lips to mine.

The kiss was soft and a bit messy but passionate nevertheless.

After what felt like an eternity, and feeling like time stopped for everyone but us, I gently pulled away.

"I love you too, you big fuckin' idiot." I smirked, but my words were loving anyway

I stared into his gentle eyes until he spoke up quietly.

"So, does this mean we're dating?"

I looked at him with a confused expression on my face, before it morphed into laughter and I nearly doubled over.

He caught me before I could actually fall forward, and he yelled different things like "SHUT UP! and "IT WAS A GENUINE QUESTION, BLACK HEART!"

After my five-minute laugh session, I looked at him with tears in my eyes and nodded, "Yes, this means we're dating, Toby."

He smiled at me and leaned down to kiss me again, his eyes slowly closing as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

When we broke off again, I could hear distant clapping.

I turned my head to see the other version of me smiling and clapping, a wide grin on their face.

"Wooo! I knew you could do it other me!" They cheered, a twinkle of hope in their one visible eye.

I half smiled before I got picked up by Toby.

"So, other Asterix? Where are we staying until you can get us back home?" He asked, tilting his head as he carried me like his waiting bride.

"You two can stay with me, now c'mon, this'll be a fun sleepover!" They exclaimed, before turning on their heel to head up the steps.

Before they lifted their foot, they looked back towards us and smiled.

"Also, you can call me Luna." They smiled, a faint genuine look to it as they peeked behind their shoulder, bounding back up the stairs.

Me and Toby waited for a second before following behind, not wanting to get lost in another person's mansion.

Despite the whole universe-hopping thing, and the general craziness that has come to me in the past few months...

...I think I could get used to this.


[Honorable Word Count: 3126]

(Thank you for reading! Sorry this is so long and so. Damn. Late. I know I can't excuse this but system craziness out the ASS, especially with our new partner system aha- I hope to see you in the future chapters~! And y e s, the mainverse Black Heart also uses Luna because I also use Luna teehee, and Asterix came to mind for TUW BH because I was looking up different moon names and somehow stumbled upon Asteria, then Reddit came in clutch when I wondered if it could be used for Enby people, and someone had replied with Asterix! I might bring this up to our other version of me or even our TUW BH! Bye for now~!) -BH)

{After Note Word Count: 3250}

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