Love's Enduring Legacy -2: MY...

By ChikkiMugala

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Heyy cuties 🥰🥰... Thank you all for loving my stories .. As I said ...Love's Enduring Legacy has 3 parts... More

chapter 1 : brothers...
chapter 2 : idiot ..
chapter 3 : marriage ...
chapter 4 : tired..
chapter 5 : mom...
chapter 6 : jessie ...
chapter 7 : deserve ...
chapter 8 : good ..
chapter 9 : letter..
chapter 10 : bracelett...
chapter 11: prince..
chapter 12 : question..
chapter 13 : party....
chapter 14 : angry ..
chapter 15 : fever ..
chapter 16 : forbidden ...
chapter 17 : P ~~
chapter 18 : believe..
chapter 19 : spicy...
chapter 20: rose...
chapter 21: mine ...
chapter 22 : miss..
chapter 23 : mother..
chapter 24 : i know...
chapter 25 : work ...
chapter 26 : give..
chapter 27 : My Ae..
chapter 28 : steal .
chapter 29 : war..
chapter 30 : gloves...
chapter 32 : hanfu...
chapter 33 : tea...
chapter 34 : birthday ...
chapter 35 : who ?..
chapter 36 : hate !...
chapter 37 : my king ...
chapter 38 : messed up...
chapter 39 : failed...
chapter 40 : mine...
chapter 41 : hot...
chapter 42 : rose ...
chapter 43 : rain..
chapter 44 : sweet...
chapter 45 : half..
chapter 46 : thank..
chapter 47 : plan..
chapter 48 : bunny..
chapter 49 : war..
chapter 50 : promise..
chapter 51 : won..
chapter 52 : lonely ..
chapter 53 : sleep...
chapter 54 : deserve ...
next part ..
update ...

chapter 31 : burnt ..

71 7 6
By ChikkiMugala

Pete pov :

Iam so happy that my Ae will come back tomorrow...iam so excited...I can't stop smiling cheeks are hurting ..I blushed heavily...what should I cook for him na ?....I learnt many dishes ...I became a pro chef too one can beat me in shrimp and prawn dishes...I smiled to myself...

My smile dropped when a few guards came and held my hands...I saw that evil mom and Henry ..

Step mom - nice to meet you's been a long time...

Henry - yeah ...last time he twisted my hands mom ..

Step mom - became rebel huh ?...

She smiled and came infront of me ...

Pete - what do you want ?...

Step mom - hmmm...nothing.....I just heard you are seeing someone and writing letters daily ...

My eyes widened ...but what can I expect ?..someone must have been watching me !..

Step mom - go and search his room ...

Pete - wait !!... You can't search my room !...

Guards went into my room and brought my box !... They dumped my Ae's letters infront of me ...I wanna go and stop but these guards are so strong !!...iam trying to reveal myself ...

Step mom went to my letters and stepped on them !.. i clenched my fist !!...

Pete - don't you dare !!....

She came to me and grabbed my hair hard ...

Step mom - you are warning me ?... Huh ?...give him 50 lashes !!...

They made me kneel and started beating me with a whip's been so long i got a punishment but all i worry about is my Ae's letters bad gifts ! lion doll was in that box this what they call love ?..just few papers but they meant to me so much ....t..they have became a part of my life ....they finished their punishment ...I have no energy in my body ...I feel wet over my back ..maybe because of my own blood ....

Step mom - you think it's over ?...

I looked at her ...she smirked and lit a match stick ...iam shaking my ...
no..they aren't just letters !..iam trying to release myself ...she lit my letters !....i yelled in pain ....

my heart is aching so bad !!...( sob )... Ae !...all the memories of my ae ...are just burning into ash..( sob ).... I can't even take care of my love's belongings ! anger reached my limits !!!...I used my magic and released myself !...

A huge black wave went around me which threw the people around me far away ....I immediately rushed to my letters ..i am taking out my letters ...( sob )....I won't let anyone take my Ae away from me !...not even his hair strand!...( sob )... I picked up unburnt letters and searched for my doll's the first gift my Ae gave me !..even though my hands are burning I don't care ...( sob )..I love it so much can I protect my love when I can't even protect a part of it ?...finally I got it !'s burnt a bit ...I stopped the fire from it and wiped the ash from it ...

My letters and doll fell from my hands when henry yanked my hair ...I glared at him in anger and pushed him off with my black magic !.. he flew away and coughed up blood ....I gathered my letters and gifts ...

Step mom - how dare you hurt my son ?..

I stood up hugging my half burnt belongings of love ...I looked at her face to face ..

Pete - if you touch whats mine again ...I will kill you all...and it's not a joke !...

I said and went into my chamber...I placed them on my table ...they are half burnt and covered in am shaking my head crying...I cleaned them one by one while my tears fell non stop on my letters ...( sob )...

I read them again which aren't complete anymore ...( sob )..I wish I bring them back...I kept the letters neatly one by one ...I picked up the doll....I cleaned it ..I took my sewing kit ...

I tried to fix it ...after struggling for an hour I fixed it...I smiled happily and kissed it ...I looked at it and smiled in tears..

Pete - i...iam sorry na my Ae ...( sob )...i.iam just useless...( sob )... P...please don't hate me na.....

I wiped the ash on it ...I touched the burnt part of it ...

Pete - i...I know ...I am just an ugly person ..( sob ).... See...I made you dirty too ..I...I may not deserve you ...I..I don't even know why you love me so much ...( sob )..I can't cook ,I am not beautiful...( sob ).....I don't know anything besides taking punishments...b..but ...

I hugged the doll tight ...

Pete - i..I love you na...( sob )... I love you so much ...( Hiccup )... Iam trying my best be a good lover ...a better partner ...for you ...

I kissed it and wiped my tears ..I hid them with my magic after placing a spell on the box one can see it ..I smiled and went to bath ...Its 2 in the morning already ...I treated my wounds on my back and applied oil on my hands which are burnt ...I went to sleep soon..iam so tired..

Next day ...

I woke up's so sunny ...shit !... It's 1 pm...i received the letter ...I smiled happily ...I bathed struggling so hands are aching so bad !..

I wanted to cook but I can't even move my fingers ..they are burning ...I got ready and asked a maid to arrange my hair ..I smiled and went to Lake side ..

I saw my ae ...iam so happy ..he is back...I feel so safe in his hands....I wore gloves before going to him hands look so ugly with burnt marks all over ..

After spending the evening with Ae I feel so light and happy ...ahh ..feels like iam floating Ae is so handsome ..he kissed me too...I still feels his lips on mine ..i giggled to myself and headed to my chamber...

henry caught my hand suddenly...I looked at him...

Henry - what did you do to me ?... Huh ?... You slut !...

Pete - let me go !...

Henry - how you become so strong suddenly ?... Huh ?...

Pete - leave me...

Henry - answer me !...

I used my magic and released my hand ...I kicked in his stomach..he fell down ..I wiped my hand ..

Pete - consider yourself lucky because iam in a good mood ...fuck off shit !!...

I kicked him and went into my room ...I laid on bed smiling ..I ate the sweets which my Ae bought for me...hmm..I moaned in sweetness... I should cook for him tomorrow...I smiled to myself ..he will be surprised ..maybe he will ask for more and gets addicted to my cooking .I chuckled to myself thinking ...

I smiled happily and went to sleep...

Next day ...

I woke up and smiled happily ...I applied oil to the burnt marks and wrapped the bandages to my hand...i smiled and went to the kitchen ..i tied my hair up ..I took the shrimps and started cooking....after few hours ..I made few dishes...I smiled happily and wrote a letter to ae ...I invited him to a lunch date..iam so excited...I wore my gloves...

I packed the food neatly and got ready...i went to the lake side...hope he comes fast is gonna cool down...I saw him and smiled ..he ran to me...he picked me in his hug and kissed my cheek ..I giggled happily ...

He put me down and pecked my lips...I smiled happily and arranged his hair a bit ...we both sat infront of each other...I gave him a bowl and served him the dishes...his face shined happily...i am so happy looking at him ..

Ae - favourites...arghh...looks like i will get fat today...

I hit his chest smiling ..he smiled and tasted it ..he moaned .....I blushed heavily...he likes my food ...

Pete - how's it na my Ae ?..

Ae - hmm....out of this yummy ...

He said and started digging ..he is stuffing everything..I served him more smiling ....he forwarded the spoon to me..

Pete - for me ?..

He nodded ...I ate it smiling...I feel like it's home ..I like this feeling so much ....

Ae - my king..I gotta admit cook better than my brother ....I have never tasted food before which is this delicious....thank you na my king ..i love it !...

Pete - I will cook for you more if you like it na..

He kissed my lips and smiled...

Ae - thank you na my king...I love this..

I blushed heavily and nodded...I am watching him feels so good to cook for your love .. it's the best feeling when they eat heartful..

Pete - my Ae ...

Ae - yes my king ..

Pete - do you want me to cook for you ?...

He nodded eating ...

Pete - forever ?...

He looked at me and took my hands...he kissed my hands making me shiver ..

Ae - I think iam the luckiest person in this world my king....because my king is saying he will cook for me love ....until our hair grew white and until our skin gets wrinkled...i want to eat which my king cooks for me...I want you cook my last meal on this earth too my king ...will you cook for me ?..

I nodded in tears and went into his arms ...I just want to be with him forever ...he hugged me tight and kissed my hair ..he parted and kissed my tears..

Ae - I love you so much my King ...promise me you will cook for me forever ...

I smiled in tears and nodded...

Pete - i promise..

He cupped my cheeks and pressed our lips together...I kissed him back happily while my tears ran on my cheeks ...

my ae love..I can cook for him until my last breath ....I just love him so much ...he parted and kissed my forehead...

He smiled and started feeding me...I smiled and ate it..we both ate arranged the empty boxes...he leaned back on tree and i placed my head on his chest..his heartbeat ...its so peaceful...I snuggled into him closer...he is caressing my hair ...

Ae - my king ..

Pete - hmm ?..

Ae - I don't have a big house na....

Pete - I don't like big house...

Ae - iam just a commoner..

I smiled ..

Pete - i know that already...

Ae - i can't give you silk clothes...

Pete - never a fan of them ...

Ae - I don't have any parents ...

Pete - I don't too

Ae - will you still love me if iam a king ?..

I looked at him ...king ?..

Pete - a king ?...

He nodded...I laid on him back hugging his waist ....if my ae is a king , then i don't deserve him at all ..he will get married to beautiful princess thoughts are going wild..

Pete - will you leave me ?..

He kissed my hair...

Ae - I won't leave you my king ..

Pete - will you treat me differently if you are king ?..

Ae - never ...

Pete - will you change if you are a king ?...

Ae - I am still the same Ae you love na...

I smiled happily and kissed his chest...

Pete - then it's not a problem at all ...I love you because you are my ae na...not because you are a commoner or a king ..

I pointed to his heart ...

Pete - this is mine..

He chuckled and pecked my lips ....

Ae - yeah ...its yours...

I smiled happily...he rubbed our noses together ..I can feel his breath ..

Ae - then come with me na my king...let's get married na..

Pete - i want to na ...but my P is here ...

His face seemed dissapointed...I kissed his cheek and buried my face in his neck...

Pete - iam sorry na my ae P loves me so much ..i have to get his permission first....

He held my hand and looked into my eyes ...

Ae - will you leave me if your P doesn't accept me ?...

Pete - w...what are you talking ...

Ae - will you leave me ?...

Pete - i...I didn't thought of that yet na Ae...

He sighed and turned his face he upset ?...

Pete - my Ae ~~

Ae - so you will leave me sooner or later ...

I pouted controlling my tears...

Pete - i..I didn't say that...

Ae - yeah...but your silence does....

He got up suddenly ...I sat up ..

Pete - my Ae ....d..don't think like that na..

Ae - atlast you proved that you are royal and iam just a commoner ...

I shook my head and cupped his cheeks ...i kissed him all over ..I hugged his neck tight ..

Pete - don't say like that na my ae....( sob )... I..I never thought of you like that ...( Hiccup )....I love you so much na...

Ae - but you will leave me if your P disagree with our relationship ....

I shook my head sobbing ...

Pete - won't leave you na ...( sob )..I can't live without you na....

He hugged my waist ...i felt relaxed a bit ..

Ae - I can't live without you too na my king ...I love you so much ...( sob )... so scared that you will leave me ...

I parted and wiped his tears immediately...I cant see his tears....

Pete - i won't you leave you na...please don't cry ...hmm ?..

He nodded ..i kissed his tears and hugged his head....

Ae - I love you so much my King...please don't leave me...

I nodded sniffing...I should talk to my brother...hope he agrees ..otherwise I have to find a way...

How's the chapter?...

Comment me down your thoughts...

I will upload new chapter soon...

Until then....

Luv you na cuties...

Your author ❤️❤️

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