
By Sxrvivor_

488 58 2

In the action-packed universe of My Hero Academia, Nozomi Akatsuma, a fiery new entrant with a quick temper a... More

{Adventure begins}
{Training starts}
{Declared war}
{Sports Festival}
{Cavalry Battle}
{Final Event: First Round}
{First Round:Final Match}
{Second round}
{Nozomi's Struggles}
{Second round:Final Match}
{Nozomi Vs Katsuki}
{Character description}
{Troubled hearts}
{Kinship's Echo}
{Hikari Guardian}
{Echoes of resolve}
{Unspoken Bonds}
{Echoes of destiny}
{Luminous Beginnings}
{Flavours of Friendship}
{Unspoken Words}
{Colours of feelings}
{Starry bonds}
{Crushed Souls}
{Lonely hearts}
{Not alone}
{Battle of Kamino}
{Next, It's your turn}
{1-A Alliance}
{Flirty pact}
{Flirt Battle}
{Bonds of chains}
{Playful Symphony}
{Unfinished business}
{His comfort}
{Tough feelings}
{Shadows Unveiled}
{Bridges of redemption}
{Warm Memories}
{Celestial Connections}
[Keep fighting]

{Quirkday Celebration}

8 1 0
By Sxrvivor_

The room is silent except for the faint hum of the city beyond the walls of U.A. High School. Nozomi Akatsuma sits alone on her bed, the vibrant colors of her dorm room muted in the night's dark embrace. The clock shows the time as 12:00.Today is her birthday.

She holds a worn photograph in her hands, the edges frayed from years of handling. It's a picture of her parents, smiling in a time before tragedy and loss reshaped her world. Her father, once a steadfast protector, now a memory tainted by the actions of her brother. Her mother, Aoi, whose life was cut short by a villain's hand, leaving behind a legacy of strength and sacrifice.

Nozomi's telekinesis quirk remains dormant, a reflection of her internal stillness. The scar over her right eye, usually hidden by her wavy dark green hair, is now visible as she looks down at the photo. The freckles on her cheeks, often a sign of youthful exuberance, seem to fade into the shadows of the room.

As she stares at the image of her parents, a single tear escapes, tracing a path down her cheek. The weight of solitude bears heavily on her, a reminder of the distance between the joy of the past and the reality of the present. Yet, in the stillness, there's a sense of resilience. Despite the loneliness, Nozomi's spirit remains unbroken, her resolve to honor her parents' memory only strengthened by the silence of the day.

The clock ticks away, marking the passage of time, and Nozomi sets the photograph back on her desk, next to a small cake that she bought for herself. She lights a single candle, the flame flickering in the quiet room, a small act of defiance against the darkness. With a deep breath, she makes a silent wish, not for gifts or celebrations, but for the strength to continue the fight, for herself, for her mother, and for a future where birthdays are no longer solitary affairs.

The moment is hers alone, a private commemoration of life's challenges and the hope that tomorrow will be brighter. As the candle burns down, Nozomi lies back on her bed, closing her eyes, and for just a moment, she allows herself to feel the warmth of her parents' love, a comforting embrace in the solitude of her birthday as she slowly falls asleep.

The clock shows 2:37 AM when Nozomi stirs awake, her throat parched. The dorm is silent, save for the occasional creak of the building settling into the night. She slips out of bed, her feet touching the cold floor, and pads softly to the kitchen, guided by the faint moonlight filtering through the windows.

The dormitory halls of U.A. High School are quiet as Nozomi Akatsuma makes her way to the kitchen, the soft glow of the moonlight guiding her steps. The day's excitement over the dorm decoration check has settled into a calm stillness, a stark contrast to the earlier flurry of activity.

As she fills her glass with water, the silence is broken by a gentle voice. "Happy birthday, Akatsuma," says Midoriya, standing with a kind smile in the doorway.

Nozomi turns, surprise etched on her face. "How did you know?" she inquires, her voice a mix of curiosity and wonder.

Midoriya chuckles softly, scratching the back of his head. "Well, during the dorm decoration check, I noticed the calendar on your wall. You had today's date circled with 'birthday' written on it. I thought it might be nice to wish you." he explains.

A warmth floods Nozomi's heart, a small joy blossoming within her. "Thank you, Midoriya. That's very thoughtful of you," she responds, her spirits lifted by the simple yet meaningful gesture.

They share a moment of quiet understanding, a connection forged not just by their shared experiences as heroes-in-training, but by the small acts of kindness that weave through their daily lives. As Midoriya retreats to his room, Nozomi feels a renewed sense of belonging, her birthday made memorable by the care of a friend.

After Midoriya leaves, Nozomi remains standing in the kitchen, her fingers tracing the edge of the countertop. The warmth of his words lingers, a fragile flame in the quiet room. She gazes out the window, where the moon casts its silver glow on the courtyard below.

Her mind drifts to memories—the laughter of her parents during birthday celebrations, the way her mother's eyes would crinkle at the corners when she blew out the candles. Nozomi blinks back tears, her heart heavy with both loss and gratitude. Midoriya's simple wish has woven a thread of connection across time, bridging the gap between her past and present.

She takes a deep breath, her resolve firm. Nozomi picks up a pen from the kitchen counter and walks over to the hidden bulletin board—the one where students leave secret notes for each other. Tonight, she'll add her own message, a quiet acknowledgment of the day that's both hers and her mother's.

With careful strokes, she writes:

> To whoever reads this,

> Today is my birthday. It's also the day my mother left this world, leaving behind memories and love. Thank you, Midoriya, for reminding me that even in the quietest moments, we're not truly alone.

> Nozomi Akatsuma

She pins the note to the board, the wood accepting her words like a silent confidante. As she steps back, she imagines the other messages surrounding hers—each one a secret shared, a lifeline in the darkness. Nozomi leaves the kitchen, her heart lighter, knowing that even in this hidden corner, she's part of something greater—a web of kindness spun by her classmates, connecting them all in their journey toward heroism. And perhaps, just perhaps, her mother's spirit hovers nearby, whispering a birthday wish of its own.

After pinning her note to the secret bulletin board, Nozomi feels a sense of release, as if the words she left behind have taken some of the day's weight with them. She returns to her room, her steps lighter than before. The night passes, and with the new day comes a renewed sense of purpose.

As the sun rises, Nozomi joins her classmates for their morning training. The usual sounds of exertion and encouragement fill the air, but today, there's a subtle difference in the way her friends interact with her.

"Hey, Nozomi," Kirishima calls out with his usual bright smile as he jogs over, "You were amazing in the simulation today! Keep it up!"

"Thanks, Kirishima," Nozomi replies, a small smile gracing her lips.

During lunch, Yaoyorozu approaches her with a thoughtful look. "Nozomi, I've noticed you've been quite reflective lately. If you ever need to discuss anything, my door is always open."

Nozomi nods in appreciation. "I might take you up on that, Yaoyorozu. Thank you."

The day continues with its routine, each classmate's interaction adding a layer of normalcy and comfort to Nozomi's life. As the evening approaches, she finds herself back at the bulletin board, curious to see if anyone has responded to her note.

To her surprise, there's a new message, written in the secret code they all learned during their first year. It reads:

> *We all have days that shape us. Know that you're not alone. We're here for you, always.*

Nozomi can't help but feel a warmth spread through her chest. She doesn't know who wrote it, but it doesn't matter. What matters is the feeling of unity, the silent support of her peers, and the unspoken understanding that they're all in this together.

As she heads back to her room, Nozomi feels a sense of gratitude for her U.A. family. They may not have known it was her birthday, but in their own ways, they've given her a gift just as precious— the gift of belonging.

The sun hangs high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of the shopping district. Nozomi finds herself swept along by a wave of enthusiasm as the girls of Class 1-A chatter excitedly about the latest trends and sales. They flit from store to store, laughter and light-hearted banter filling the air. Nozomi, while enjoying the company, is unaware that the outing coincides with her birthday—a detail lost in the whirlwind of their daily lives.

Back at the dorms, the atmosphere is markedly different. The main hall is filled with the boys of Class 1-A, lounging on sofas and chairs, discussing recent hero news and training exercises. The conversation is light, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter or a friendly jab.

As the topic shifts to their female classmates' shopping expedition, a noticeable change falls over Bakugo. His usual brash demeanor fades into an uncharacteristic silence, his gaze distant. The others take note, a lull settling over the group.

"Hey, Bakugo, you've been quiet," Kirishima nudges, trying to draw him back into the fold.

Bakugo's response is a noncommittal grunt, his eyes fixed on a point somewhere beyond the walls of the hall.

Midoriya, ever perceptive, leans in. "Is everything alright? You've been... different since the rescue."

Bakugo's silence stretches, a tension building before he finally speaks, his voice lower than usual. "It's nothing," he says, but the others are not convinced.

Hanta, observing the exchange, adds softly, "We're here if you need to talk, Bakugo."

The conversation resumes, skirting around the edges of Bakugo's quietude. His thoughts, however, remain with Nozomi—the girl who had shown such courage during his rescue, the girl whose strength had surprised him, the girl he had yet to thank properly. And on this day, her birthday, unknown to him, his feelings stir—a mix of admiration and something deeper, yet to be acknowledged.

The boys of Class 1-A lounge in the main hall, their conversation meandering from training exercises to the latest hero news. Midoriya, ever thoughtful, watches Bakugo's uncharacteristic silence with concern.

Midoriya, sensing the tension, decides to shift the focus. "Actually, there's something I wanted to share," he begins, drawing the group's attention. "Today is Akatsuma's birthday."

The revelation sparks a chorus of surprise. "Really?" Kaminari exclaims. "We had no idea!"

Todoroki nods thoughtfully. "We should do something for her," he suggests, the sentiment echoed by nods around the room.

Bakugo's expression softens ever so slightly, a flicker of something passing through his eyes. "Yeah, Maybe," he agrees, his voice low.

The boys begin to brainstorm, their camaraderie shining through as they plan a small celebration to make up for the day that had almost gone unnoticed. Amidst the chatter, Bakugo remains quiet, but there's a resolve in his posture now—a silent promise to himself to reach out to Nozomi, to express the gratitude and the unnamed feelings he's been harboring since the day she stood bravely by his side.

The boys of Class 1-A gather in the common room, their heads bowed together in a huddle. The topic at hand is Nozomi's surprise birthday cake, and the air is thick with anticipation and whispered suggestions.

"Okay, guys, we need the perfect flavor for Nozomi's cake," Midoriya starts, his eyes scanning the group for ideas.

"How about chocolate? Everyone loves chocolate," Sero suggests, only to be met with a chorus of nods and murmurs of agreement.

"But we should choose something that stands out, something that reflects Nozomi's personality," Todoroki interjects, his voice calm and measured.

The room falls silent for a moment, considering Todoroki's words, until Bakugo, who had been unusually quiet, speaks up. "What about a **lemon and thyme cake**? It's unique and has a bit of a kick, just like her."

The suggestion catches everyone off guard, but they quickly warm up to the idea. "That's actually a great idea, Bakugo!" Kaminari exclaims, impressed by the thoughtfulness behind the choice.

With the flavor decided, the boys split up to gather supplies. They head to the local market, a place bustling with vendors selling fresh ingredients and artisanal goods. Midoriya and Todoroki head for the bakery section, while Kirishima and Kaminari look for decorations.

Meanwhile, Bakugo slips away from the group, his mind set on finding a hidden present for Nozomi. He browses through various stalls, his eyes scanning for something that would be meaningful. Finally, he finds a small shop tucked away in a corner, its shelves filled with handcrafted trinkets and keepsakes.

He picks up a delicate silver bracelet, its charm shaped like a tiny shield—a symbol of protection and strength. "This one," he says to the shopkeeper, his voice softer than his usual gruff tone.

"Is it a gift?" the shopkeeper asks, wrapping the bracelet carefully.

"Yeah," Bakugo replies, a rare hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "It's for someone... important."

Back at the dorms, the boys reconvene, each contributing to the surprise. They work together to bake the cake, the scent of lemon and thyme filling the kitchen. Laughter and light-hearted teasing echo off the walls as they decorate the common room, transforming it into a festive space.

As the evening approaches, they hide the cake and wait for Nozomi's return, the excitement palpable. Bakugo, however, takes a moment to sneak into Nozomi's room, leaving the wrapped bracelet on her desk with a note:

> Keep fighting. Never lose that fire.
> - Blasty.

The girls of Class 1-A return from their shopping trip, bags in hand, chatting animatedly about their day. As they approach the dorms, they notice a buzz of excitement that wasn't there when they left. The doors open to a chorus of "Surprise!" and the common room bursts into life with streamers, balloons, and the smiling faces of their classmates.

Nozomi stands at the threshold, her eyes wide with astonishment. "What's all this?" she asks, a hand over her heart.

"It's for you, Nozomi!" Uraraka exclaims, bouncing over with a grin. "Happy birthday!"

The realization dawns on Nozomi, and her surprise turns to delight. "You guys did this for me?" she says, her voice filled with emotion.

"We couldn't let the day end without celebrating," Iida states, stepping forward with his usual formality softened by a warm smile.

The party kicks off with laughter and music, the air filled with the scent of the lemon and thyme cake. The girls share their shopping finds, and the boys eagerly show off the decorations and the spread of snacks they've prepared.

As the evening progresses, Jiro plugs in her speakers, and the room is filled with upbeat music. "Let's play a game!" Sero suggests. "How about 'Truth or dare'?"

The idea is met with enthusiastic approval.

The game of Truth or Dare begins, and the room is filled with an air of excitement and a touch of nervous anticipation. Midoriya spins a bottle in the center of the circle, and it lands on Tsuyu.

"Truth or Dare, Tsuyu?" he asks with a friendly smile.

"Truth," Tsuyu responds confidently.

"What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you during hero training?" Kaminari asks, leaning forward with a mischievous grin.

Tsuyu chuckles, "I once mistook Aizawa-sensei's capture weapon for a villain during a simulation and 'rescued' it."

Laughter erupts around the circle, and Tsuyu takes her turn to spin the bottle. This time, it points to Bakugo.

"Truth or Dare, Bakugo?" Tsuyu asks.

"Dare," Bakugo replies, almost as a challenge.

"I dare you to say one genuinely nice thing about each person here," Uraraka dares, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Bakugo grumbles but complies, his words brief but surprisingly thoughtful, causing a few raised eyebrows and smiles among his classmates.

The game continues, with each turn bringing out secrets, laughter, and a few blushes. When it's Nozomi's turn, the bottle lands on Midoriya.

"Truth or Dare, Midoriya?" Nozomi asks.

"Dare," Midoriya says, a determined look on his face.

"I dare you to do your best impression of All Might," Nozomi challenges.

Midoriya stands, puffing out his chest and adopting All Might's iconic stance. "I am here!" he booms, causing an uproar of cheers and applause.

The bottle spins and slows down, pointing decisively at Bakugo. It's Tsuyu's turn to ask, and with her usual straightforwardness, she inquires, "Bakugo, what's the one thing you would change about yourself?"

Bakugo scowls for a moment, considering the question. Then, with a rare moment of introspection, he replies, "I'd be less explosive... not with my quirk, but with my temper. It gets in the way sometimes."

The room nods in understanding, appreciating the honesty in his answer. The game continues, each question and dare revealing more about the students of Class 1-A.

In the lively common room of U.A. High School's dorms, the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement as Nozomi Akatsuma's birthday party is in full swing. Her classmates from Class 1-A are gathered around, their faces lit with smiles and the room adorned with colorful decorations. A game of truth or dare is underway, and the air is thick with anticipation for each revealing question or daring challenge.

In the vibrant dorm hall of U.A. High School, the air is thick with excitement as Class 1-A gathers to celebrate Nozomi's birthday. The game of truth or dare is in full swing, and the atmosphere is one of playful camaraderie. As the bottle spins, it comes to a halt, pointing directly at Bakugo. The room falls silent in anticipation.

Mina, with a mischievous glint in her eye, seizes the moment to ask the question everyone's been curious about: "Bakugo, who do you like in the class?"

Bakugo, known for his tough exterior and explosive temper, hesitates. His cheeks, usually pale, are tinged with a rare shade of red. He shifts uncomfortably, his eyes darting around the room before settling on Nozomi. There's a softness there that's seldom seen.

He clears his throat, and in a gruff voice that betrays his inner turmoil, he says, "It's none of your business who I like." But the quick glance he steals towards Nozomi speaks volumes more than his words. The room erupts into teasing cheers, but Bakugo's gaze lingers on Nozomi just a moment longer than necessary, revealing the hidden depths of his feelings for her.

The game continues, but the exchange leaves a warm, unspoken understanding among the classmates. Bakugo's secret is safe, yet subtly acknowledged, and the celebration carries on with a new layer of shared secrets and smiles.

As the game progresses, Mineta, known for his less-than-tactful inquiries, poses a question that crosses the line of propriety. Without missing a beat, Nozomi's eyes flash with her characteristic fierce determination. With a flick of her wrist and a focused thought, she activates her telekinesis quirk. Mineta, caught off guard, finds himself gently lifted and floated out of the hall amidst the laughter and cheers of his classmates. The door shuts behind him with a soft thud, and the party erupts into a chorus of laughter, the tension dissolving into the warm, inclusive spirit of the celebration.

Bakugo, who usually maintains a tough exterior, can't help but crack a smile at Nozomi's swift handling of the situation. It's moments like these that reveal the close-knit bonds of Class 1-A, where even the most stoic of heroes-in-training can share in the joy and camaraderie of their peers.

The party continues, with the game of truth or dare resuming in a more respectful tone, and Nozomi remains the beloved center of attention on her special day. The incident with Mineta becomes just another memorable story in the tapestry of their high school adventures, a testament to Nozomi's quick wit and the unity of her friends.

As the night winds down, the echoes of laughter and chatter from Nozomi’s birthday party begin to fade. The students of Class 1-A, feeling the day’s excitement still buzzing in their veins, start to drift towards their respective rooms in the U.A. High dorms. The hallways are quiet, with only the soft sounds of footsteps and the occasional whisper of a ‘good night’ exchanged between friends.

As Nozomi steps into the quiet of her room, her eyes are immediately drawn to the desk where a small, wrapped package lies. The sight of it, so unexpected and personal, brings a moment of stillness to her heart. She recognizes Bakugo's handwriting on the note instantly—bold and unapologetic, much like the boy himself.

She picks up the note and reads the words, "Keep fighting. Never lose that fire. - Blasty." The simplicity of the message, coupled with the depth of meaning behind it, strikes a chord within her. It's a testament to their shared battles, to the challenges they've faced, and to the unspoken understanding between them.

Carefully, she unwraps the bracelet, her fingers tracing over the craftsmanship. It's sturdy yet elegant, much like the bond they share. The bracelet seems to capture the essence of her spirit—the resilience, the strength, and the unwavering determination that defines her.

A smile spreads across Nozomi's face, one of genuine appreciation and a touch of wonder. She fastens the bracelet around her wrist, feeling its weight as a reminder of Bakugo's support. It's more than just a birthday gift; it's a symbol of encouragement, a silent pledge of camaraderie from someone who's always been known for his explosive power rather than his words.

In this quiet moment, Nozomi feels a renewed sense of purpose. Bakugo's gift isn't just an object; it's a message, a spark that ignites the fire within her. And as she looks at the bracelet, she makes a silent promise to herself and to Bakugo—to keep fighting, no matter what the future holds.

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