Phoenix Wing

By BanetteGirl

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(Crossover) Pokemon and Fairy Tail. Welcome to Sinnoha, Home of the Ash Ketchum from the Phoenix Wing guild... More

The Sea of Red
The New Member
The First Mission
The Lonely Bird
The Story of Ash and Gary
The Wings of Tomorrow
The Boys That Walked in The Forest
Whoever said Silent was Golden, Lied.
The Star that Fell to Earth
Aquarius, Returns!
The Dragon Brother's First Mission
Team Black Pixie
What The Guild Master Knows....
Gary, Gary what all do you know....
In the Shadows, I will be there
When The Games Begin
Authors note
Let the Rain Fall Down
Drip, Drop, Drip
The Guild Master's Decision
Galaxy Full Of Stars
I Traveled A Sea Of Stars For You
The Star That Shot Out The Light
Shine So Bright The Rest Of The World Fades Away
At The Break of Dawn
The Night The Stars All Died Out
Twinkle Twinkle.....
The Promise of Tomorrow....
Dear Readers
Until the Last Sliver of Gold Melts Away.....

Shooting Star

58 0 5
By BanetteGirl

The explosions echoed in Ash's ears. He looked trying to see threw the blinding light, his eyes wanting to shut on him as they strained to see.

A shadow glimpsed threw his vision, and on their own his legs started running towards it.

"Stop," a far off cry

The shadow turned to him the light dimming out.

"No way, your-,"

"Valerie," the shadow now in view said

It was, it was Valerie from Death Melody, she stood there on top of the destroyed remains of the house smiling down at him

"But Trip he-,"

"I was given a second chance," she stated

"I don't care what you where given," ash snarled at her

She giggled bringing her covered arm up to hid her giggles.

"Galaxy Magic: Star Fire Flame Shot,"

The girl dodged the large ball of flames

"Your magic is so impressive, and to believe you didn't have any before,"

Ash panted, he had no idea how he was able to do that his body just acted. He looked at the girl as his team mates now able to see as well gathered beside him.

"So this explains something's," Trip said, as she looked down at them all

"Dragon," she hissed before lunching at him

Trip still weak from before, didn't have the magic to fight her this time. Iris knew that, as she pushed him out of the way the girl catching her side in an attack

"Death Melody Secret Art: Death Lullaby,"

The air around the girl rose and a eerie sound floated towards everyone's ears.

"Air Dragon: Whiplash Hurricane,"

The attack was stopped as the two collided, Trio off the the side on his knees breathing hard as the girl got back to her feet.

"I got you now Dragon,"

"No you don't, Anaconda Wrap,"

Valerie was captured in a death grip of Iris hair. It tightened with each breath she took, turning to look at the girl she smiled

"Even if you stop me there will be more that come, and if you stop them more and more, we can not be defeated we are to precious to this world,"

The hair tightened

"Now you two," Iris growled

"Right," Paul and Ash said in Union

"Galaxy Magic: Star Fire Flame Shot,"

"Star magic: Shooting Star,"

"Ground Dragon Roar,"

The three attacks launched at the girl all the while her eerie laughter filling the air. Before the explosion and everything going white.

Iris was able to see first and the scene before her left her speechless. The girl was gone all that was left was her cloak.

"Don't tell me she got away again," Gary yelled

"That's impossible,"

"No children, your impossible," a new voice said

Turning around, another hooded figure sat antic of the debris looking down at them. A hand up with a circle of magic engulfing its hand.

"Who are you,"

"I am Cynthia,"

"What do you want,"

"What I want,"

"That's doesn't answer anything," Sniv cried back

"Look here cat, I've answered all your questions, now answer mine,"

"What is it,"

"What never runs out, yet runs all out,"

"What," Iris asked looking at the boys

"I don't think we have-," Paul stopped talking a ghost like feeling over coming him as he looked back at the woman, "Time,"

"We have a winner," and with that the figure jumped down and removed it's hood.

She had long blonde hair but her eyes where covered by her bangs she smiled at them.

"Time never runs out, yet people say they run out of it all the time,"

"We don't have the time for riddles, why did you blow up mr. seas house,"

"Because we knew you where sealing answers from him, and because we needed something of his,"

"Like what,"

"I can't tell you that,"

Paul charged at the woman, "Ground Dragon fist,"

She matched it with her own fist attack, the wind of the attacks removing her bangs form her eyes that had tons of little specks in them.

"Time Dragon Fist,"

"No way did she say dragon,"

Gary felt uneasy about this woman, and it was more than she was just the enemy.

"We need to be careful she's dangerous,"

The woman laughed at them, before turning to wards the sky.

"Look, I don't have time for this," she giggled "I have a place to be, things to do,"

"Then why are you here,"

"It was a pit stop for the long haul,"

"What are you planning to do,"

"Simple, were planning to do something,"

"Will you stop half ass answering our questions,"


"I hate you," Torta said snorting at her

The woman glared at the cat, "hate is ugly,"

"Well then your ugly,"

"I am not ugly, look At me I'm very pretty you need to stop being mean to me cat,"

Torta was taken back along with everyone else as she started to cry.

"I am very pretty you hear me,"

"What's wrong with her," Iris whispered to Trip

"I don't know,"

Cynthia looked at them once again before she snapped her fingers, "oh yeah I forgot to tell you something,"

"What," Ninf asked

"Good bye,"

Another explosion went off under their feet before their worlds blacked out again.

But they could all swear they heard something last minute

"SandStorm Pack Howl,"


Paul woke up first his head throbbing, they where all laid out side by side bandaged up. The cats resting in a pile beside Gary.

"What happened,"

"You where defeated,"

"We tried to get here as fast as we could,"

Looking behind him, May, Drew and Max sat waiting for them to stir

"How'd you get here,"

"The Master teleported us, when we got word something was coming for you,"

"Who informed you of that,"

"We're not sure we don't even remembered how we where informed,"

By now Gray and Ash had woke up, this news bothering them as well.

"Who would have know,"

"Known what," Iris groaned as she sat up

"What happened to us was happening,"

"Wish they had told us," Trip added dryly.

"Me three," the cats added

"So where are we now,"

"On the beach of the island, we are waiting for the captain to get here and carry us back to main land,"

"And mr. Seas,"

"Dead," drew shook his head

They sat silently till the ship came into view

Who would have known....


Once back to the guild they filled everyone in on Death Melody and the guild started to once again search for answers. The team resting up, but a heavy burden placed on them all as they tried to answer the one question they all had who...

It was evening, and most of the guild was turning in for the night.

"What now, we've only hit dead ends,"

"We have to get answers some how,

"But how,"

"We can't go to anyone because they would just get into danger,"

"And we can't just sit around either,"

Gary stood up the uneasy feeling returning to him he looked to see Bonnie and Max running in the guild with the cats playing


Something crashed threw the guild hall room landing on on of the tables.

From above an all too familiar voice rang

"I only have time to leave you with this parting gift till next time," it sang

As some rushed to attack the retreating flying machine with a blonde woman hanging onto a ladder the rest stayed to see what was left behind a loud gasp feeling the hall.

As the dust cleared a body came into view, it was laid out on its back its hair to the side beside the cuts and scrapes it looked like it was sleeping.

Some people knees shook as they took in the added features

Wrappings for clothes, ears limp against its mid night blue hair, a tail flopped down the side of the table

"," Ash whispered


BanetteGirl: hope you like it!!

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