How Long Is Forever?

By sidewardsdog

637 1 0

Progression of Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isle's relationship, starts during Season 6 and continues on throughout... More

Sibling Talks
Family Dinner
Date Night
Finally Move In Day
Just A Lazy Sunday
Otherwise Engaged
Yours, Mine and Ours
Engagement Party
For Richer or Poorer
Is This A Snapshot Into Married Life?
Coming To Terms With Moving On
The Future Is On It's Way
New Addition
The Wheel Of Time Continues Turning
Wedding Bells
Mrs.and Dr. Rizzoli-Isles
Settling Into New Surroundings
The Next Big Case
Just Normal Everydays
Back to Boston
First Days
Frankie's Announcement
And A Baby Makes Three

Next Steps

11 0 0
By sidewardsdog

The car was packed with Maura, Jane and Beacon piled in the car for the drive back to Boston. The moving company had picked up most of their boxes that morning and would meet them in Boston.

Jane was in the driver's seat of the Mercedes as they pulled onto the interstate. Maura glanced back at Beacon who settled into the backseat and back at Jane. This was her entire life practically sitting in this car.

"Jane," Jane looked toward Maura as she reached out to put her hand on Maura's knee. "What do you see is the next step for us?"

Jane smiled "Well I see us back in Boston, with me now in leadership with BPD, family dinners, movie nights, you taking more on with MEND. I don't know for sure, but I am happy to be going forward with this with you. What do you think our next step is?"

Maura smirked a little "I could see our family growing."

"Like another pup, Maura, Beacon almost has too much energy for us now." Jane looked a bit puzzled

Maura just stayed silent. Jane glanced back and forth at Maura and the road for a few moments.

Jane's thoughts ran wild. She knew these conversations would come especially after they got married. They had stayed so busy with adjusting to everything new after the wedding that they didn't really consider this next step. Angela had always asked these questions but now Maura was asking. If Jane had thought back on their relationship she knew a part of her was always ready for this step with Maura but now in this moment it was becoming real.

"Maur, I know what you are referencing. This is not me trying to get out of this conversation or avoid it but can we table this until we are back home in Boston?" Jane looked at Maura as she finished the statement.

"Sure Jane" Maura said sort of dejected but vowed to herself that she would bring this up soon. This was the next step Maura was ready for, she couldn't explain it exactly but her internal clock was calling for this next step.

The rest of the car ride they talked about different restaurants they wanted to try again and all of the things they could now plan to do once back in Boston. The majority of their conversation staying light.

After spending over a year in Virginia, working tirelessly to solve cases and make a difference, they had made the decision to return to Boston, to the place where it all began.

As they pulled up to Maura's Beacon Hill home, Jane couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over her. This place held so many memories for them, both good and bad, but it was also where their journey together had started, where they had become more than just colleagues. Beacon barked as they pulled in the driveway.

Maura glanced over at Jane, her eyes soft with affection as she reached out to take her hand. "We're finally home, Jane."

Jane smiled, a sense of contentment settling over her as she squeezed Maura's hand in return. "Yeah, it feels good to be back."

They made their way into the house, the familiar surroundings wrapping around them like a warm embrace. It didn't take long for them to settle in, unpacking boxes and making the space their own once again.

Maura worked quickly to unpack most boxes knowing with her exceptional organization. Jane served most as the workhorse carrying boxes to the different rooms and then removing the empty boxes to the trash.

Jane's man cave was to be moved to the basement. Maura had already pictured the furniture she would get to help it feel homey for Jane. Maura had noticed in Virginia the man cave became a place of refuge for Jane and she wanted to make sure that was not lost in the move.

The few boxes that needed some more time to find a place for were put in the guest room. After working for a few hours they resigned to relax for the evening. They both still had the next week to find a place for everything and settle.

As they sat together on the couch, surrounded by the comfort of familiarity, Jane couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the future. Boston was where they belonged, where they had built a life together, and she was grateful to be back in the city she loved with the woman she loved by her side.

Beacon settled into her dog bed surrounded by her toys and promptly fell asleep. She had continued darting in between every box weaving back and forth until they were forced to find her box to unpack everything to keep her occupied.

Maura laughed as Jane tried to reason with the pup about playing by herself for a little bit while they continued to move boxes to the correct rooms.

Maura leaned her head against Jane's shoulder, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "I'm so glad we decided to come back, Jane. This feels right."

Jane wrapped her arm around Maura, pulling her close as she pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Me too, Maura. Me too."

Maura glanced over at Jane, studying the way the fading light played across her features, casting shadows that danced across her face. There was a tenderness in her gaze as she reached out to gently touch Jane's hand. Maura tried to hold it in longer but couldn't help wanting to continue the earlier conversation in the car.

"Jane, can I ask you something?" Maura's voice was soft, almost hesitant, betraying the weight of the question she was about to pose.

Jane turned to look at her, her eyes curious. "Of course, Maura. You can ask me anything."

Maura took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Have you ever... thought about having children?"

Jane's brow furrowed in surprise at the unexpected question. She took a moment to consider Maura's words before responding. "I mean, yeah, I guess I've thought about it before. But with everything that's happened... I never really gave it much serious thought."

Maura nodded, her gaze turning thoughtful. "I've been thinking about it a lot lately. About what it would be like to have a family, to raise a child together."

Jane's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat at the implication of Maura's words. "Are you saying... what I think you're saying?"

Maura met Jane's gaze, her expression earnest. "Yes, Jane. I'm saying that I want us to seriously consider the possibility of starting a family together."

A wave of emotion washed over Jane as the weight of Maura's words sank in. The idea of raising a child with the woman she loved filled her with a sense of joy and excitement she hadn't felt in a long time. "Maura, I... I would love nothing more than to have a family with you."

Maura smiled, a radiant expression that lit up her entire face. "Really?"

Jane reached out to take Maura's hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Really. I can't think of anything I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you, raising a family together."

Maura couldn't help with the surprise look that took over her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think I would answer differently?" Jane replied as she smiled.

"Well" Maura paused still looking surprised "Maybe"

"Maur, how could I not want a family with you. I just didn't want to have the conversation in the car. I wanted to be able to watch your face as you heard my answers." Jane smiled leaning in to kiss Maura's lips.

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, lost in their own thoughts and dreams for the future. The city lights twinkled in the distance, a backdrop to the quiet moment they shared together.

Finally, Maura broke the silence, her voice filled with hope and possibility. "So, what do you say we start exploring our options? Together."

Jane's heart swelled with love as she looked into Maura's eyes, seeing nothing but love and devotion reflected back at her. "I say let's do it. Together."

Maura took Jane's hand as she led her upstairs to their bedroom. Jane pulled her in for a kiss before ascending the stairs.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen as Jane flipped pancakes on the griddle, a small smile playing on her lips as she hummed along to the radio playing in the background. It was a typical Saturday morning, and she was enjoying the simple pleasure of making breakfast for herself and Maura.

Maura entered the kitchen, her hair still slightly tousled from sleep as she made her way over to the coffee pot, pouring herself a cup before joining Jane at the stove. "Good morning, Jane."

"Morning, Maura," Jane replied, flashing her a grin as she expertly flipped another pancake onto the waiting plate. "Hungry?"

Maura nodded eagerly, taking a seat at the kitchen table as Jane finished cooking. Just as they were about to dig in, the sound of the front door opening caught their attention, followed by the familiar voice of Angela calling out from the hallway.

"Jane? Maura? Are you two up yet?"

Jane exchanged a glance with Maura, a grin spreading across her face as she set the spatula down and made her way to greet her mother. Maura followed close behind, curious to see what had brought Angela over so early in the morning.

Angela beamed as Jane and Maura entered the living room, her arms outstretched for a hug as she enveloped them both in a tight embrace. "Good morning, my girls! I thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted some company for breakfast."

Jane chuckled, returning her mother's hug with equal enthusiasm. "Of course, Ma. You know you're always welcome here."

Maura smiled warmly, gesturing for Angela to take a seat at the table as she poured her a cup of coffee. "We're just about to sit down to breakfast. Would you like some pancakes?"

Angela's eyes lit up at the offer, a grin spreading across her face. "Pancakes sound perfect, Maura. Thank you."

They gathered around the table, the three of them chatting and laughing as they enjoyed their meal together. It felt like old times, the familiar banter and easy camaraderie filling the room with warmth and joy.

As they finished breakfast, Angela leaned back in her chair, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "Thank you for having me over, girls. It's been too long since we've had a chance to sit down and catch up like this."

"Girls, I have some news," Angela said, her tone tinged with excitement as she entered the kitchen, a smile playing on her lips.

Jane and Maura exchanged a curious glance, their interest piqued by Angela's sudden announcement. "What's up, Ma?" Jane asked, her brow furrowing slightly.

Angela took a seat at the table, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she leaned in closer to her daughters. "You'll never believe it, but Frankie and Nina are having a baby!"

Jane and Maura's eyes widened in disbelief, their mouths falling open in shock at the unexpected news. They exchanged a stunned glance before turning back to Angela, searching for any sign that she might be joking.

"Wait, what?" Jane exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief. "Frankie and Nina are having a baby?"

Angela nodded eagerly, unable to contain her excitement as she confirmed the news. "Yes, that's right! They just told me yesterday, and I couldn't wait to share the news with you two."

Maura's mind raced as she tried to process the information, her heart swelling with joy at the thought of becoming an aunt. "That's... incredible news, Angela. I'm so happy for them."

Maura looked at Jane while Jane slowly walked around the island to rub Maura's back in support.

Jane shook her head in disbelief, a wide grin spreading across her face as she tried to wrap her head around the news. "I can't believe it. Frankie's going to be a dad!"

Angela beamed at her daughters, her heart bursting with pride at their reaction. "I know, it's hard to believe, isn't it? But it's true! I couldn't be more excited to welcome a new addition to our family."

Jane questioned "Did Frankie tell you to keep is secret? Exactly how did he tell you?"

"Well I just have a way of getting information from your brother, and I think they plan on telling everyone soon. Nina is almost in her second trimester" Angela still beaming replied.

"Oh no" Maura said as Jane and Angela looked towards her. "I shouldn't know this information before they are ready to tell everyone. You know I can't lie and act like I am unaware."

Jane smiled and said "Don't worry, I mean how often do we see Frankie and Nina. They are probably both working this week."

Maura just shook her head hoping to not get caught in a position where her inability to lie would have her put her foot in her mouth.

After Angela bid them farewell and left, Jane and Maura found themselves lingering in the kitchen, the conversation naturally shifting back to Frankie and Nina's news.

"I still can't believe it," Jane mused, leaning back against the kitchen counter with a thoughtful expression. "Frankie and Nina, parents. It's wild, isn't it?"

Maura nodded, a smile playing on her lips as she dried her hands on a dish towel. "It is, but I think they'll do wonderfully. They have such a strong bond and a lot of love to give."

"Yeah, they do," Jane agreed, her gaze drifting out the window as she lost herself in thought. "Let's vow not to tell anyone including Ma until we have more solid plans for our family."

"I agree" Maura smiled as she leaned into Jane.

"So, uh, where do we even begin?" Jane asked, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Maura leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful as she considered Jane's question. "Well, there are several options available to us. We could explore adoption, or perhaps consider alternative methods like surrogacy or fertility treatments."

Jane nodded, absorbing Maura's words as she processed the possibilities. "Right. Adoption could be a great option. There are so many children out there who need loving homes." Jane took another deep breath, steeling herself for the vulnerability of the question she was about to ask. "Do you... Do you want to carry a child?"

The question hung in the air between them, pregnant with possibility and uncertainty as they waited for Maura's response.

Maura's eyes widened in surprise, her mind racing as she processed Jane's words. She had considered the idea before, of course, but the thought of carrying a child had always felt like a distant dream, something she never truly believed could become a reality.

"I... I had thought about it," Maura admitted, her voice soft with uncertainty. "But... I wasn't sure how you would feel, Jane."

Jane's heart swelled with love and gratitude at Maura's words, her eyes shining with emotion as she reached out to take her hand in hers. "I don't think that is an option I would want for myself. I would love to see you pregnant with our child."

Maura nodded, a sense of determination settling over her as she met Jane's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Then let's consider it. Together."Jane smiled, a warmth spreading through her as she imagined the possibility of welcoming a child into their home. "Yeah, it really would. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll even have a little one of our own running around."

Maura's heart swelled with love at the thought, her gaze softening as she reached out to take Jane's hand in hers. "I would love nothing more than to share that experience with you, Jane. To watch our child grow and learn, to guide them through life's ups and downs, together."

Jane squeezed Maura's hand gently, her heart overflowing with love for the woman sitting across from her. "Me too, Maura. Me too."

"Jane this is also the first day of many, we have some time to think about all the options and all parts of this?" Maura smiled

"That it is" Jane kissed Maura as she grabbed Beacon's leash to take her for a walk.

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