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By yungslimelifee

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And don't take this personal. But you're the worst. You know what you've done to me. More



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By yungslimelifee

𝗘'𝗻𝗮𝗷𝗮𝗵 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗺𝘀 | 𝟮𝟱

Najah's phone rang multiple times but she kept declining the calls because she was half sleep. The final time they called she picked up.

"Yes?" She asked "I wanna talk to you, can you come outside?" Mir asked "No but you can say what you gotta say on the phone."

"Ite man... I was wrong and I genuinely apologize. Iono why I was even thinking like that knowing i'm in a relationship. I'll never disrespect you or your relationship again by lying and trying to make it seem like you did something when really it was me."

"Whatever Symir. I've lost all respect for you and Nasia. She just ran up on me and hit me without asking questions first which is so unfair because you were drunk as fuck. They should have known you did that shit regardless of what they think we have going on."

"So you accept my apology?" He asked "No nigga fuck you and your girl. The baby is always welcome over here though."

"You can't see my kid if youn accept my apology though." He responded "Well then I guess I just won't see her then. You clearly don't respect me because you played with me. My man doesn't fuck with you no more either so it's really nothing for us to be conversing about."

"So that's why he not picking up?" He questioned "Yes, iono how long it's gonna take for me to get over this but we need space. I can't trust you no more Symir. I don't know what was going through your head but i'm married and I love my husband I don't want anybody BUT him."

"Yea I get that. Ion want you either I was just on some other shit. I apologize once again Najah."

"Yea... okay" She hung up the phone and sighed seeing she had a text from Nasia which she didn't respond to because she just wasn't in the mood.

Najah had been in her feelings about the whole situation because she really loved Mir as a friend or brother but he overstepped his boundaries.

Since they were around them often so she knew not seeing them for a while she'd be bored but she wasn't too upset about it.

Boogie took the girls on a playdate with Kezia and Kendall but Najah didn't want to go.

"Bobbi" She spoke causing Bobbi to wake up. "Yes?" Bobbi asked opening her eyes.

"I'm so disappointed in Symir. Shit with him will never be the same. Iono why niggas can never just be your friend, this shit is crazy." She shook her head.

"Did you talk to him? Because he was like actually drunk as fuck."

"Yea but a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts. I'll never not believe a drunk. Everything was okay until then iono what happened. We were literally just chilling then he got to being weird."

"Iono Najah, ion like this. He's so damn creepy for that shit. I definitely don't know why he thought it'd be okay for him to play with you like that."

"And i'm not even a cheater, not even a little bit. If I was to cheat it definitely wouldn't be with my best friend. I have no one to cheat with, niggas unfollowed me so quick when I posted our wedding pictures."

"Chile that don't mean shit, niggas gone be niggas. How does Boogie feel?"

"He say he's not mad but I know my man. Since we got back home he's been so distant with me. I guess he did try to tell me Mir was feeling me but I genuinely never thought that or got that vibe from Mir."

"This is so weird, I hope we can all move forward though cause i'm gonna miss all the fun times we had."

"Yea... iono if I can be his friend no more. He'll forever have a place in my heart but being friends is so dead. That man disrespected my relationship."

"He did" Bobbi nodded "It's okay cause me and RJ will hang with y'all."

"Y'all moved away though so how?"

"Your parents want us to move back because of the kids. I really don't want to but when you pay no bills you just have to shut up. I liked living far because I could be stingy with my baby if his dad tried to come get him."

"Y'all really hate each other." Najah laughed "No I hate that bitch. I don't be wanting Kezia around her. Kezia loves his baby sister though so that's the only reason I let him take him for the weekend."

"Iono how y'all co-parent. I woulda took my bd back just for fun since a hoe wanted to play." Najah laughed "Trust I would've if I was single Bobbi but I'm engaged Bobbi. So imma leave that life to somebody else."

"So y'all are engaged? Did you tell me this already?" Najah thought out loud. "Yes, you're just forgetful." Bobbi lied

"Oh... congratulations again if I didn't already say it." She smiled "Thank you bestie."

"I'm so glad you have me to look up to. I encouraged this, huh?" Najah teased knowing Bobbi hated being like anybody else. "Umm fuck no. My man proposed to me and I said yes. Won't nobody thinking about y'all black asses." She rolled her eyes.

"Calm down before your water breaks girl."

"Bye E'najah i'm finna take a nap cause you gone annoy me." Bobbi got up while Najah cackled.


"Hey... can I come in?" Najah asked cracking the door to Boogie's room. "Yea, youn gotta ask."

"Are you mad at me? Because I really didn't know Mir would do that. We were literally being regular then he just randomly tried to kiss me. I swear I didn't lead him on or nothing."

"Ian mad at you girl." He chuckled before going back to fill out paperwork. "You being distant."

"You think so? My bad I just been busy with work shit. You wanna go out tonight?"

"I like it better when you tell me when to be ready. I always wanna go out with you bae you don't have to ask."

"Yo lil spoiled self. What you was gone cry cause you thought I was mad at you?" He laughed "Yes cause I thought we was beefing." She responded before going to sit in his lap.

"Ian gone beef witchu cause I know my wife. You said you ain't do it then yeen do it. Ion wanna speak onnis no more though."

"Okay" Boogie grabbed her jaw and kissed her lips making her smile. "I love you lemme get back to this work and we can leave soon as i'm done."

"I love you too, how long is that gonna be?" She asked "Bout an hour or two."

"Imma go do my hair so I don't fall asleep. Are the girls okay?"

"Yea, my mom said she gone bring them back tomorrow night."

"What?" Najah asked "You never asked me if they could stay with her. I don't want them staying the night."

"But they stay witcho folks all the time. They ain't never stayed with my mama." He defended "Yea and there's a reason behind that."

"Ite it's just one night. We can call them before bed bae they gone be ite."

Najah didn't mind them spending a few hours with Boogie's mom but them staying the night was definitely a problem.

She didn't like the girls staying in new places without her. "You knew what you were doing too. You didn't tell me because you knew I wouldn't allow that shit."

"Bae they is good, you said you and my mama cool so what's the issue?"

"Her! That lady is crazy- cuh stop fucking yelling at me and lower yo town." He cut her off. "Okay" She took a deep breath and got up.

"So the next time you say you don't want them doing something imma let them do it without consulting you first. The fuck." She mumbled the last part.

"So we still going out or not?" He asked "We better be fuck nigga."

"Okay little miss attitude."

Najah left the room and went to find something to wear. After taking a shower, doing her hair, her makeup, and getting dressed she went to check on Boogie because he hadn't came to their room yet.

"Lord this man sleep. Asaad!" She spoke, turning the light on seeing that he was asleep at his desk. Boogie jumped up and rubbed his eyes.

"Go get in bed." She sighed "Where you going?"

"We were supposed to go out tonight but you're clearly tired so go ahead and get in bed. Imma just go get the girls, we can go tomorrow."

"Nah- leave them where they at. We talked about having alone time and you tryna mess that up cause you got too much pride."

"Boy" Najah rolled her eyes and left the room. Boogie then got up and followed her to their bedroom so he could get ready.

"Ain't no need to get ready ion wanna go nowhere witchu no more." Najah mugged

"Cuh who you talking to?" He asked grabbing her by her hair causing her to get irritated. "Get off me Asaad. Imma only say it once."

"Or what? What you gone do lil nigga?" Boogie taunted her. Najah grabbed his hair and began hitting him. "Ite, ite ion wanna play nomo." He laughed

"Are we going out or not? Cause I really wanna eat." She pouted "Yes baby gimme 'bout thirty minutes and we can go." He kissed her lips.

"Asaad if you're not ready in the next thirty minutes I'm leaving without you."


Before the thirty minutes was even up, Boogie was done getting ready so they left the house and found a restaurant to eat at.

They were seated then the waiter came to their table and got their or for drinks and their appetizers.

"You need to take a small break from work. It's no reason you fell asleep at your desk bae." Najah spoke "Ion need no break i'm good."

"You do, I'm telling you, you do. It's alright to have a break from time to time."

"E'najah we just went on a whole vacation. That was my break, now I gotta get back to work. Ion mind overworking myself." He shrugged

"You're gonna become overstimulated and angry as time goes on because you never take breaks. You need at least a month off Asaad, I'm telling you."

"You know how much money could've been in my pockets if I take a month off work?" He questioned "Life isn't all about money. We both have money put up so we're gonna be fine."

"Nah, I can't. Not til i'm rich enough and ian rich yet so imma keep doing what i'm doing." He responded "Okay" Najah shrugged

Najah wasn't going to press him about it. She just wanted him to have time to himself but if that's not what he wanted she couldn't force that on him.

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