Forbidden (Catfish and the Bo...

By Divine_Ribs

1.9K 65 28

Catfish and the Bottlemen AU fanfiction. "Well... I couldn't just leave it ignored. You'd need to be punished... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20

Part 14

65 3 0
By Divine_Ribs

Your mind's still whirring as you finish drying your hands and press open the toilet door. You've been so preoccupied with thoughts of seducing Johnny to provoke Van into disciplining you again that you'd even honed it down to a specific scenario. You had it all mapped out in your mind and you suppose that somewhere along the way you'd fleetingly entertained the delicious notion of being taken by both men at once but you'd never actually thought that it could be a real possibility. Now it's all that you can think of as you step out into the corridor, your heart pounding a relentless beat as you see Johnny's tall figure rounding the corner, reaching out his hand to steer you away from the doorway which leads back into the bar area.

"Where do you think you're going love?" He smirks as he entwines his fingers through yours, tugging you in the opposite direction to your intended destination.

"I'm just... I'm just going back to the bar," you reply, bemused but letting him lead you along anyway, snatching a glance behind you and then looking past him at the empty corridor, wondering where Van might be. Maybe he's already returned, doing the decent thing for once and favouring his fiancée. A twinge of disappointment streaks through you.

"Don't you think we need to talk?"

Johnny's still got that smile on his face, purposefully mysterious, raising the tension you can feel building as he edges past several closed doors, finally coming to a stop at one and furtively looking around as his hand alights on the handle.

"Just talk?"

Now it's your turn to smirk, seductive even though you don't really need to try. You know exactly why Johnny means to steal you away like this, he's been making his intentions clear to you all afternoon.

"Amongst other things..."

He's pulling the door open now, stepping into the windowless room, pulling you along with him. The light from the corridor only penetrates into the room a few feet but from the brief glimpse you see it looks like some kind of storeroom, shelving stacked with boxes against every wall and a sofa pushed up against the side wall. You step through hastily, giggling in delight at how sneaky you're being, wondering what your friends would think if they could see you now. Wondering what Van would think. Does he know what Johnny has planned for you? Had they even discussed you at all?

Johnny wastes no time in pressing you up against the wall as soon as you're across the threshold, shutting the door swiftly which plunges the room into total darkness. He grasps for your wrists, pushing them up over your head as his lips crash against yours. You respond breathlessly, tongues entwining, pulse racing at Johnny's passionate assault. You pull away after a while to catch your breath, hardly able to move the way that he has you trapped there, his strong hands and his hips pinning you in place.

"Where are we anyway? What if someone comes in?" You whisper, only half caring, too caught up in Johnny's attentions as he releases your wrists and cups your breasts, thumbing your stiffened nipples under the thin material of your dress, making you gasp.

"You're really bothered about that? Taking risks turns you on doesn't it?"

He's right. The riskier and more sinful the better as you're starting to realise. You'd been so fired up after an afternoon of provocative teasing that you probably wouldn't have cared if he had brought you to your peak right there and then in front of an audience. In fact that thought just turns you on all the more.

His hands are everywhere at once, hitching up your dress, smoothing down over your hips, grabbing handfuls of your ass. By the time he's tugging your panties down your legs you're breathing hard and fumbling with his belt buckle, desperate to get your hands on his cock.

"You're bloody eager," he comments and despite the darkness you can see hear the smile in his words. "Can't get enough of it can you?"

"Yeah well, what do you expect? You were driving me crazy in the bar, I'm so turned on right now. I thought you were gonna make me come in front of everyone."

"Bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" He breathes into your neck as he's littering it with hot kisses. "I think maybe you like the idea of being watched... and putting on a show... am I right? Or maybe not just being watched..."

You giggle, not quite sure how to react, glad that he can't see the flush in your cheeks. Your panties are halfway down your legs and you eagerly shimmy them the rest of the way down, kicking them off, fully expecting Johnny to pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist whilst he fucks you hard and unforgiving up against the wall. But he has other ideas.

"C'mon, tell me," he urges, strong hands wrapping around your waist, suddenly pulling you away from the wall. He edges you into the centre of the room as he speaks low and sultry into your ear. "You love all of this don't you? And what was that in the bar just now? You just had to go and involve Van didn't you?"

You stumble through the darkness, blindly following his lead as he propels you along, heart pounding at his words as you try to work out whether he seems displeased or turned on by your blatantly slutty behaviour. It's hard to tell when it's so dark you can't even see a hand in front of your face. You can't read his expression at all. You decide to play dumb.

"What do you mean involve Van? What are you talking about? I wasn't doing... anything." You protest but only half-heartedly, dismayed as his touch falls away and you sense his presence moving away.

"Don't act all innocent... I can see right through you. You're a terrible liar ya know."

His words ring out from behind you and you quickly whirl around to the source of his voice, eyes helplessly scanning the darkness.

"Johnny?" You call into the black, uncertainly, reaching out your hands and feeling nothing. "Where are you?"

"I'm right here," he replies, but his voice comes from the opposite direction that you were expecting, disorientating you further. Your heart's thumping wildly now.

"What are you doing?"

You turn again, hearing the scuffling sound of footsteps travelling past you, a light touch against your arm as he brushes past you and moves away again. Is he... circling you? He's definitely playing with you. The thought makes you feel even more tense and you let out a nervy giggle. What the hell is he playing at? Some kind of adult version of blind man's bluff?

"Did you really bring me in here just to hide away from me?"

There's silence for a second but then you hear quiet footsteps moving towards you until you feel hands on your upper arms, smoothly down gently, the warmth of his hard body behind you. It's your instinct to turn to him but he holds you steady by your shoulders, stilling you.

"Nuh-uh, don't turn around. We're going to play a little game now." His head's bent down so he can speak directly into your ear, low and smooth with an air of mystery that makes your belly flip. "I heard that you like games... that's right, isn't it?"

Nervous excitement flows through you at his words as you try to keep your composure. You'd expect this kind of behaviour from Van who seems to take great delight in toying with you, but not Johnny. He's always been cautious with you, hesitant even, willing to fulfil your fantasies but only after a certain amount of persuasion. In contrast this version of Johnny seems to need no encouragement at all. He's taking control, calling the shots, keeping you guessing whilst you stand there uncertainly in the dark, awaiting your fate. You have no idea what he has in store for you and the thought thrills you.

"What... sort of game?" You ask, your voice small and timid-sounding in the darkness.

"You'll see... now... hands behind your back. Do as you're told, eh?"

You're not sure if you've heard him correctly at first and you hesitate, unsure. He sighs. "C'mon Y/N, we've not got all day. Hands behind your back. Thought you loved all of this kinky shit?"

"Oh my god, you're not seriously going to tie me up are you?" You laugh nervously, sparks of electrifying anticipation tingling up your spine at this unexpected turn of events. Maybe you underestimated Johnny after all.

You eagerly do as he says, a pulsing warmth glowing between your thighs as you feel fabric tightly binding your wrists together, tight enough to make you wince a little. Your thoughts go back to sitting in the bar earlier when you were admiring Johnny's flamboyant dress-sense, the loud printed shirt he was wearing, the contrasting scarf he had draped around his collar. That's likely what he's using to restrain you.

"I really didn't think you were the type!" You giggle cheekily.

A low, throaty chuckle sounds right next to your ear. "Well... let's just say there's a lot about me that you don't know... but you'll find out, don't worry."

That teasing smirk's present in his voice again. You can picture it on those lips of his. The same lips that you feel brush your neck as he pushes your hair aside, making you shiver before he spins you around, inching you further into the room until he's pulling you down on to his lap as he takes a seat on the sofa you glimpsed earlier.

"Oh really?" You reply in a sassy tone, your confidence ramping up in sync with your arousal, your mind running wild with the ways that he might pleasure you whilst you're helpless and bound. "Why don't you tell more about that..."

You're straddling his lap whilst his hands slip under your dress, smoothing down over your hips, pulling you closer. Your bare heat rubs over the stiffness you can feel swelling at his crotch and you grind against him, feeling the swell of his arousal. He hums an approval before his lips are on your neck again, mumbling into your skin.

"Patience love," he murmurs into the flesh of your neck, his teeth grazing your pulse point. "Like I say, you'll find out soon enough. Besides... I don't want to talk about what I like. I'm more interested in finding out about what you like."

As he talks he slides his hands over the front of your dress, brushing over your nipples through the fabric. You find your hips automatically grinding against him as you try to find some relief from the ache building in your core and Johnny notices, smirking against your skin.

"You know what I like," you reply, pushing your chest forward, arching your back for him. Your bound hands twist in their restraints, seeking purchase on something to steady yourself but all you can do in this position is squirm against him.

"Hmm..." he hums thoughtfully, fingers trailing up to the neckline of your dress before dipping underneath, pulling the fabric down to expose your perky breasts. Your nipples instantly pebble in the cool air. "A little bit of this maybe?"

He circles your nipples teasingly before pinching them between his fingers, exerting a pressure that has you biting down on your lip to stifle a moan. "Or maybe this..."

One hand reaches down between your spread legs, quickly finding your unclothed clit, a fingertip barely ghosting it before moving away, making you whine.

"Don't tease me," you plead, but he just laughs, fingers trailing the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, making you shudder and roll your hips.

"Oh you're a fine one to talk about teasing," he whispers, tempting caresses as light as a feather everywhere but where you really need it, the fingers of his other hand still tugging and twisting your nipple deliciously. "Strutting around in those little dresses, flaunting yourself... sucking my cock one day and then running off to Van the next..."

"Oh," you gasp, half in surprise at his words and half because his fingers slip down to tease your entrance, sliding over your slick skin in a way that's making you want to sink down on to them and bury them deep inside you. Not that he'll let you, he's giving you only the barest of touches, tempting you whilst he has all the control. All you can do is writhe in his lap, feel the hardness of his cock as his excitement mounts.

"One man not enough for you eh, love? Is that it?" His voice cuts through the darkness and it's disarming when you can't see his features, trying to discern his reactions from his tone alone. His fingers wander all over your sensitive flesh in a torturous dance, only giving you the briefest taste of the pleasure you crave so badly. Maybe it's a test. Maybe if you're good he'll grant it to you...

"But me and Van... there's nothing... I swear. I've been good..."

"Ah-ah shhh now," he scolds you gently. "Good girls don't lie."

"But..." you begin, stopping abruptly when his touch disappears and you suddenly feel a finger pressing firmly against your lips, silencing you. Johnny's voice is sterner this time when he speaks, a gruff, commanding tone which triggers a gush of wetness between your thighs, your clit throbbing needily.

"I said no lies... if you know what's good for you. Now are ya gonna be good for us?"


And as if by some perfectly timed cue you hear the sound of the door cracking open and your head whips around in time to see a tall figure stepping stealthily into the room. It's still dark but you can discern enough from the silhouette to see that it's Van. Your heart practically leaps out of your chest.

Oh fuck... what the hell have you got yourself into?

"Hmmm?" Johnny prompts, his fingers hooking firmly under your chin, tipping your head upwards and away from the doorway as bright strip lighting suddenly blinks on, flooding the small room with a harsh glow. "I said are ya gonna be good for us?"

You only manage a small nod, anxiety robbing you of your voice, blinking against the sudden brightness. You'd felt confident and powerful only a moment ago in your seduction of Johnny, even restrained as you were you were already anticipating how you could entice and steer him to satisfy your desires. Now with Van involved you know that you're no longer playing this game by your rules. In fact you're not even sure if any rules still apply.

You perch there straddling Johnny's lap on high alert, ears pricked keenly as you hear Van's heavy footfall, his boots scuffing on the hard floor, each step bringing him closer until you can feel his presence looming over you. You don't look. Something dark swirling in Johnny's eyes tells you that you should keep your eyes trained firmly on him and only him, a shift in his usual soft demeanour that has your breath held hostage, his fingers still firmly trapping your jaw.

"Well... well... what do we have here then?"

The teasing quality of Van's voice has a sharp bite which sends your insides into free-fall, your exposed chest rising and falling with your shaky breaths.

"You're just in time Van. Y/N was just about to tell me all about how one man's not enough to satisfy her, weren't you Y/N?"

"Is that so?"

Van interrupts before you've even formulated a response in your scrambled mind, but you know a reply wasn't even expected. You keep quiet instead, swallowing thickly as Van moves even closer, slumping down on to the seat next to Johnny, leaning back in a casual pose, fixing you with his cool blue gaze.

"Seems like you've found yourself in a bit of a predicament. What do you say, huh darlin'"?

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