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AN: I'll soon be re-uploading this story and my other chaptered stories here as its own book and also on my Tumblr seeing as Wattpad deleted my other imagines book 😭  (I'll be uploading my one-shots and headcanons to Tumblr only soon if anyone wants to read them)

AN: I'll soon be re-uploading this story and my other chaptered stories here as its own book and also on my Tumblr seeing as Wattpad deleted my other imagines book 😭  (I'll be uploading my one-shots and headcanons to Tumblr only soon if anyone wa...

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Your best laid plans of going to University to work hard and gain an Undergraduate degree go awry when you catch the eye of not one but three gorgeous Professors.

This is a Catfish and the Bottlemen AU fanfic and you'll have to completely suspend belief as I introduce you to... Professor McCann, Professor Bond and Professor Turner! 🖤🧡🩶

 Professor McCann, Professor Bond and Professor Turner! 🖤🧡🩶

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This story is a work of fiction

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

This story is a work of fiction. It's not, in any way, intended to reflect reality. The story and characters are purely fantasies originating from the mind of the author. The versions of real-life people that appear are fictional portrayals and do not reflect the real people or their actions in any way.

Forbidden (Catfish and the Bottlemen AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt