Part 11

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You suppose you should feel like you're doing the walk of shame as you make your way back across campus to your halls, but the shame you feel isn't one you want to hide from

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You suppose you should feel like you're doing the walk of shame as you make your way back across campus to your halls, but the shame you feel isn't one you want to hide from. You actually feel elated, moving through the crowds of students going about their day, living their mundane lives whilst you're there acting out your deepest, darkest fantasies unbeknownst to everyone else. A scandalous secret that paints a self-satisfied smirk on your lips which remains there for the whole journey until you're pushing through the door into the communal kitchen, but it soon slips away when you find yourself confronted by a rather concerned looking Lizzie and Benji.

Lizzie is the first to speak, pushing off from where she's been leaning on the kitchen counter, her eyes widening as she takes in your tear-streaked, mascara-smudged appearance.

"Y/N! What happened? Are you okay? I've been so worried about you!"

Surely you don't look that bad?

You're caught off guard for a moment, wondering what on earth all the fuss is about but then Benji steps forward too, and it soon becomes clear that he's likely told her all about your funny turn that brought the whole lecture to a standstill.

"Thought you were gonna pass out back there for a moment in front of the whole class. You didn't look good at all. How ya feeling now?"

"I'm feeling fine... really good actually. It was nothing. Don't make such a fuss!"

You keep a flippant tone, trying hard to bite back the smile that's fighting it's way to break free, flashbacks of your illicit encounter with Van flitting through your head.

"Are ya sure it wasn't just a ploy to get out of sitting that test, eh?" Benji grins, tipping you a wink. "If it was then I definitely owe you one. It's unheard of for McCann to cut a lecture short... especially right in the middle of a test like that!"

You smirk at him. "I'm honoured that you think I'm a good enough actress to pull off a stunt like that... but no, I wasn't faking it. You can still owe me one anyway though!"

"Hold on," Lizzie interjects. "Professor McCann actually let everyone go early? I thought he was dead strict?"

Benji raises his eyebrows then. "Yeah, he is when it comes to work. Except for with Y/N of course... teacher's pet and all that..."

You feel your cheeks instantly colour. "What the hell are you talking about? You know he's got it in for me. He's always on my back about being late..."

"That's because you are always are late!" Benji chuckles, shaking his head and counting out your misdemeanours on his fingers one by one. "Late for every lesson, never handing work in on time, flunking tests, zoning out and day-dreaming in class... honestly if anyone else did all that he'd have pulled them up on a formal warning by now. But not you... he just keeps letting it slide..." He pauses, a teasing smile surfacing as he looks between you and Lizzie. "And he just couldn't wait to get you back to his office again today..."

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