Part 3

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You swim up through the layers of sleep slowly, groggily, wincing at the bright light filtering through a gap in the curtains

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

You swim up through the layers of sleep slowly, groggily, wincing at the bright light filtering through a gap in the curtains. It's strangely bright for saying how early it is...

Hold on... what time is it?

You open one eye, grimacing as the full effect of your hangover hits you like a sledgehammer square on in the face. You certainly didn't need this today of all days.

Then you catch sight of the digital display on your alarm clock and your heart practically stutters to a stop. In your inebriated state you'd passed out without setting it to wake you up in plenty of time to make it to your morning lecture on time.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" You curse with growing intensity, jumping up out of bed and stubbing your toe hard on the leg of your desk as you hurriedly rush to the shower.

You're a whirlwind of energy getting ready, somehow still managing to look presentable albeit a little flustered as you arrive breathless and flushed at the lecture theatre, pausing to listen at the door as you curl your fingers around the handle. Van's in full flow, you can hear the deep tone of his voice as he addresses the class, but then you are fifteen minutes late... at least. He's going to be livid. But maybe the fact that you've submitted your essay early will go some way to placating him.

You take a deep breath before you pull open the door and slip inside.

"Miss Y/L/N... kind of you to grace us with your presence finally."

His tone is condescending and there's a few hushed whispers and giggles from your class mates but apart from that the room is silent as fifty pairs of eyes turn to look at you. You smile awkwardly, your bottom lip catching between your teeth as you look at Van from across the room, trying to weigh up exactly how much trouble you're in.

"I'm really sorry... I just... I was errr... I stayed up late... working on your essay."

You add the last few words proudly, hoping your efforts have pleased him and he'll go easy on you.

Unfortunately for you, this doesn't seem to be the case. His eyes are blazing harshly even though a hint of a smirk plays at the corners of his mouth. As usual he looks disarmingly gorgeous in that casually understated way of his. He's wearing a checked shirt and his signature skinny black jeans. His hair falls forward on to his face and you watch as he sweeps it back with a hand.

"Your... essay?"

He says the word slowly, questioningly, which instantly makes you nervous. Maybe you didn't actually submit it. You were sure you'd pressed 'send', but then after the amount of alcohol you'd consumed last night anything is possible.

"Yeah," you say uneasily, edging towards the back of the lecture room where you've spotted an empty seat. "You did get it didn't you?"

"Oh yeah I got it alright. It made for very interesting reading actually. I'll be needing you to expand on some points you made though. We can do that after you've enlightened me on why you seem to think it's acceptable to disrupt my lectures by showing up late every single time. Come to my office straight after class, okay?"

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