Part 14

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Your mind's still whirring as you finish drying your hands and press open the toilet door

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Your mind's still whirring as you finish drying your hands and press open the toilet door. You've been so preoccupied with thoughts of seducing Johnny to provoke Van into disciplining you again that you'd even honed it down to a specific scenario. You had it all mapped out in your mind and you suppose that somewhere along the way you'd fleetingly entertained the delicious notion of being taken by both men at once but you'd never actually thought that it could be a real possibility. Now it's all that you can think of as you step out into the corridor, your heart pounding a relentless beat as you see Johnny's tall figure rounding the corner, reaching out his hand to steer you away from the doorway which leads back into the bar area.

"Where do you think you're going love?" He smirks as he entwines his fingers through yours, tugging you in the opposite direction to your intended destination.

"I'm just... I'm just going back to the bar," you reply, bemused but letting him lead you along anyway, snatching a glance behind you and then looking past him at the empty corridor, wondering where Van might be. Maybe he's already returned, doing the decent thing for once and favouring his fiancée. A twinge of disappointment streaks through you.

"Don't you think we need to talk?"

Johnny's still got that smile on his face, purposefully mysterious, raising the tension you can feel building as he edges past several closed doors, finally coming to a stop at one and furtively looking around as his hand alights on the handle.

"Just talk?"

Now it's your turn to smirk, seductive even though you don't really need to try. You know exactly why Johnny means to steal you away like this, he's been making his intentions clear to you all afternoon.

"Amongst other things..."

He's pulling the door open now, stepping into the windowless room, pulling you along with him. The light from the corridor only penetrates into the room a few feet but from the brief glimpse you see it looks like some kind of storeroom, shelving stacked with boxes against every wall and a sofa pushed up against the side wall. You step through hastily, giggling in delight at how sneaky you're being, wondering what your friends would think if they could see you now. Wondering what Van would think. Does he know what Johnny has planned for you? Had they even discussed you at all?

Johnny wastes no time in pressing you up against the wall as soon as you're across the threshold, shutting the door swiftly which plunges the room into total darkness. He grasps for your wrists, pushing them up over your head as his lips crash against yours. You respond breathlessly, tongues entwining, pulse racing at Johnny's passionate assault. You pull away after a while to catch your breath, hardly able to move the way that he has you trapped there, his strong hands and his hips pinning you in place.

"Where are we anyway? What if someone comes in?" You whisper, only half caring, too caught up in Johnny's attentions as he releases your wrists and cups your breasts, thumbing your stiffened nipples under the thin material of your dress, making you gasp.

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