Spider-Man Male Reader Insert...

By AnthonyDobbs1

58.4K 2.1K 652

PLEASE READ. So, this is a story that I had up awhile ago and some of you may remember it, but I've decided... More

Character Bio/Information On Y/N
Chapter 1: Avengers Prologue
Chapter 2: A Day As Spider-Man
Chapter 3: Tony Stark
Chapter 4: Facing Loki
Chapter 5: Learning More
Chapter 6: An Argument
Chapter 7: There Was An Idea
Chapter 8: The Avengers Assemble
Chapter 9: Battle of New York
Chapter 10: Going Separate Ways
Chapter 11: Spider-Man: The Green Goblin Rises Prologue
Chapter 12: Facing Rhino
Chapter 13: Leonard Snart
Chapter 14: Stopping Captain Cold
Chapter 15: Kate Bishop
Chapter 16: The Green Goblin
Chapter 17: The Proposal
Chapter 18: Learning The Truth
Chapter 19: A Deal With The Enemy
Chapter 20: Facing Goblin
Chapter 21: A Surprise Attack
Chapter 22: Telling Harry
Chapter 23: A Bridge Rescue
Chapter 24: The Final Fight
Chapter 25: Back To Normal
Chapter 26: Avengers Age of Ultron Prologue
Chapter 27: The Avengers Strike Team
Chapter 28: Avengers Tower
Chapter 29: The Party
Chapter 30: That's The Endgame
Chapter 31: Hulk Vs. Hulkbuster
Chapter 32: The Safe House
Chapter 33: Nick Fury Returns
Chapter 34: Facing Ultron
Chapter 35: The Vision
Chapter 36: Sokovia Lift-Off
Chapter 37: The Battle of Sokovia
Chapter 38: The New Avengers Team
Chapter 39: Spider-Man: The Bigman of Crime Prologue
Chapter 40: Facing Sandman
Chapter 41: Captain Cold's Sister
Chapter 42: A Heist
Chapter 43: The Scorpion
Chapter 44: Fighting Rhino
Chapter 45: The Bigman of Crime
Chapter 46: Facing The Beetle
Chapter 47: The Loss of A Loved One
Chapter 48: The Funeral
Chapter 50: The Vigilante of Hell's Kitchen
Chapter 51: Spider-Man Vs. Tombstone
Chapter 52: Back To Normal
Chapter 53: Captain America Civil War Prologue
Chapter 54: Stopping Crossbones
Chapter 55: The Sokovia Accords Debate
Chapter 56: A Talk With Tony
Chapter 57: The New Recuit
Chapter 58: Team Cap Vs. Team Iron-Man
Chapter 59: The Raft
Chapter 60: Helmut Zemo
Chapter 61: Spider-Man Vs. Captain America
Chapter 62: Back To The Compound
Chapter 63: Black Widow Prologue
Chapter 64: A Meeting With Fury
Chapter 65: Natasha & Yelana
Chapter 66: Catching Up
Chapter 67: Help From Snart
Chapter 68: Expect The Plan To Go Off The Rails
Chapter 69: The Red Guardian
Chapter 70: An Awkward Family Dinner
Chapter 71: The Red Room
Chapter 72: Facing Taskmaster
Chapter 73: The Fall of The Red Room
Chapter 74: Avengers Infinity War Prologue
Chapter 75: A Meeting With Dr. Strange
Chapter 76: The Second Battle of New York
Chapter 77: Defeating Ebony Maw
Chapter 78: The Guardians of The Galaxy
Chapter 79: The Avengers & Guardians Vs. The Mad Titan
Chapter 80: Spider-Man Vs. Thanos
Chapter 81: The Snap
Chapter 82: Let's Go Get That Son of A Bitch
Chapter 83: Avengers Endgame Prologue
Chapter 84: Spider-Man Vs. Shocker
Chapter 85: A Time Travel Test
Chapter 86: Planning A Heist
Chapter 87: New York 2012
Chapter 88: Asgard 2013
Chapter 89: Morag 2014
Chapter 90: New York 1998
Chapter 91: Vormir 2014
Chapter 92: A Talk With Bucky
Chapter 93: The Spider, The Billionaire, The Super Soldier & The God
Chapter 94: Avengers Assemble!
Chapter 95: I Am Iron-Man
Chapter 96: Taking The Stones Back
Chapter 97: Spider-Man Mysterio, The Man of Mystery Prologue
Chapter 98: The New Iron-Man
Chapter 99: A Call For Help
Chapter 100: Hyro Man
Chapter 101: Quentin Beck
Chapter 102: The Battle of Prague
Chapter 103: The Next Tony Stark
Chapter 104: Mysterio's Illusions
Chapter 105: I'm Not Iron-Man
Chapter 106: The Final Battle
Chapter 107: Back Home
Chapter 108: Spider-Man: Venom Rises Prologue
Chapter 109: Spider-Men Vs. Sandman
Chapter 110: A Hang-Out With Eddie
Chapter 111: Future Industries

Chapter 49: Meeting With The Captain

279 18 4
By AnthonyDobbs1

(Two days later)

Y/N's P.O.V 

For the past two days I've been looking for Tombstone and any way to connect him to his criminal activities.

But so far I haven't got anything.

I web swing back home and climb in through my bedroom window.

I sigh.

Y/N: Damn it.

I take off my mask and sit on my bed.

Just then my bedroom door opens and I see Kate walk in.

Kate: Hey, babe.

I stand up.

Y/N: Hey.

Kate: Still no luck in finding Tombstone?

Y/N: Nah, nothing. And we have nothing that can connect Tombstone to his criminal activities. Ben's still out there looking.

I pace back and forth.

Y/N: The man who murdered my father is still out there planning who knows what and I can't find him. I'm supposed to be a hero, but I can't protect my family, Kate!

She steps forward.

Kate: That wasn't your fault, Y/N. Your dad went back for you. He wanted to save you.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. It doesn't mean he should've done it. Tombstone needs to dealt with.

Kate: Y/N, I hope you're not thinking about doing something stupid. Something like killing Tombstone.

I sigh.

Y/N: No, I'm not. I want justice for my father, that means sending him somewhere he'll never escape from.

Kate: You mean like Riker's?

Y/N: No. Not Riker's. I know about a place, Tony told me about it. It's called the Raft, it's a high security prison in the middle of the sea. Once we have Tombstone, we send him there.

Kate: That's a good idea.

Just then my phone rings and it's a number I don't recognise.

I answer it.

Y/N: Hello.

Quentin: Hi, Spider-Man. It's Captain Quentin Lance.

Y/N: Hey, Captain. How'd you get this number?

Quentin: Lieutenant Jones gave it to me. Told me I should call you if I ever needed to contact you.

Y/N: I see. So, what's up?

Quentin: I need you to meet me on the rooftop of the precinct. I have something you're going to want to see.

Y/N: Uh, okay. I'm on my way. Thanks, Captain.

I hang up.

Kate: That was Captain Lance?

I nod.

Y/N: I think he has something. I gotta meet with him.

I grab my mask and put it on.

Kate: Okay. Good luck.

Y/N: Thanks, babe.

After that I dive out of the window and head to the precinct.

(Twenty minutes later)

I'm now on the rooftop of the precinct waiting for Lance.

I hear the door open and turn to see him come out onto the rooftop.

Y/N: Captain.

He comes over to me.

Quentin: Spider-Man. Thanks for meeting with me.

Y/N: Of course. So, what's so important?

Quentin: I've got something you'll want to see.

He pulls out a thumb drive and hands it to me.

Y/N: A thumb drive? What's on it?

Quentin: I'm not sure. It was delivered to my office and came with a note.

He then hands me the note.

Quentin: Whoever delivered it wanted you to see it.

Y/N: And apparently they're a friend according to this note.

Quentin: Well, I'm thinking that maybe...

Y/N: Maybe it has something to do with Tombstone.

Quentin: Exactly.

Y/N: Okay. Well, I'll look it over and if it has anything, I'll be in touch.

Quentin: Thanks. I appreciate it.

He and I shake hands.

I then walk to the ledge and web swing away.

It's time to gather the team.

(One hour later)

I'm now in the Spider Cave along with mum, Kate, nd Miles.

Ben then shows up and joins us.

Ben: So, what's going on?

Y/N: This is what's going on.

I show him the thumb drive.

Ben: Where'd you get that?

Y/N: Captain Lance.

Miles: It came with this note.

Miles hands him the note.

Ben: A friend? What friend?

Laurel: We're not sure.

Ben: So, what's on the drive?

Y/N: We're about to find out.

I go over to computer and plug the drive in.

After that we see alot of information.

I smile.

Y/N: Holy crap. This is alot. This everything.

Kate: It shows all of Tombstone's criminal activity. Theft, murders, robber's. Criminal's on his payroll.

Laurel: This is all the proof we need.

I nod.

Y/N: Damn right.

I pull out the drive and hand it to Ben.

Y/N: Ben, I want you to take this back to Lance. He can get the word out and Tombstone will be exposed.

He nods.

Ben: I'm on it.

Kate: Now, we just have to find out where Tombstone is hiding.

???: I think I can help with that.

We all look over to see Snart there.

Y/N: Snart.

Laurel: What the hell?

He comes over to us.

Leonard: Hello, Y/N. Good to see you.

Ben: How the hell are you here?

Kate: Yeah. You're supposed to be in jail.

Leonard: That I am, but Tombstone broke me out. Along with Scorpion and Rhino.

Kate: What? How'd we never hear about this?

Leonard: Tombstone paid off some guys to cover it up. He broke us out to kill you. Those two are shaking with excitement, but me. I'm gonna pass.

Laurel: You finally grow a conscience?

Leonard: There's not much for none-profit work.

I sigh.

Y/N: Of course Tombstone broken you out. Now, how can you help us?

Leonard: I know where Tombstone is currently hiding.

He hands me a map and I open it up. 

Leonard: He's hiding in an abandoned property in Brooklyn. I've marked the varsity for you.

Y/N: Great. Come with us and help us stop them.

Snart shakes his head.

Leonard: No thanks. I'm not interested in playing hero.

Y/N: Well, you're doing a crappy job at being the villain.

Leonard: Be seeing you, Y/N.

He goes to the elevator and leaves.

Ben: Now we know where to look for Tombstone. I'll get this drive back to Lance.

I nod.

Y/N: Thanks.

He leaves and turn to the other's.

Y/N: Okay. We hit Tombstone once that information is out. It'll back him into a corner.

Kate: Then we'll stop him.

Miles: Hell yeah.

Now, the city will know who Tombstone truly is.

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