Kion X Rani: Tough Love

By Smxxr07

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In this story Kion never went to The Tree Of Life. One day his father (Simba) told Kion that the King and Que... More

Chapter 1: Announcement
Chapter 2: The Arrival
Chapter 3: The Dream
Chapter 4: Peace
Chapter 5: Confessions
Chapter 6: Memory loss
Chapter 7: Together at last
Chapter 8: Evil rises
Chapter 9: The storm
Chapter 10: Beginning of a war
Chapter 11: Rani's past / Breakup?
Chapter 12: The decision
Chapter 13: Rani's journey / The plan
Chapter 14: The first attack
Chapter 15: The Takeover Pt 1
Chapter 16: The Takeover Pt 2
Chapter 17: The Takeover Pt 3
Chapter 18: Kion's problems
Chapter 20: Love finds a way
Chapter 21: End of a reign
Chapter 22: The Burial
Chapter 23: You aren't alone
Chapter 24: The Coronation
Chapter 25: First day as King/ Surprising News
Chapter 26: The warning

Chapter 19: Ambushed

247 5 28
By Smxxr07

The following morning, the PrideLanders arrived at the lake just outside the Tree of Life's territory.

They began to stroll around it when suddenly Leo, Uovo's second in command, leaped out of a bush with a sizable group of his troops, to whom Uovo delegated command.

"Charge!" Leo's roar ripped through the air as he thundered towards the Pridelanders, his army hot on his heels.

Simba, quick on his feet, sprang into action. "Kion! Guard the right flank!" Simba's command sliced through the chaos. "On it, Dad!" Kion's response was swift as he marshaled his Guard and dashed towards the right flank, determination etched on his face.

Simba, his mind sharp with strategy, divided his pride into three distinct groups, each assigned a crucial task to shield the PrideLanders from Leo's onslaught.

With a firm hand and unwavering resolve, he orchestrated their movements, ensuring every member of his pride played their part in the defense. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the clash of wills between the two factions intensified, each side vying for dominance over the battleground.

Back in the Tree of Life:

Rani and her parents were relaxing outside the Tree, engaged in casual conversation, when suddenly Ullu's voice rang out, carrying a sense of urgency.
"Your Majesties!" Ullu's urgent cry broke the peaceful atmosphere. "What's going on, Ullu?" Sahasi's concern was evident in his question.

"There's trouble brewing outside the mountain path! Two large animal groups are locked in a skirmish," she explained, her tone filled with alarm.

Sahasi's eyes widened with realization. "Ullu, get the Night Pride and have them stationed at the mountain pass immediately," he ordered with authority.

Ullu acknowledged his command with a quick nod before darting off into the sky to carry out her task.

"Let's move. We'll meet with the Night Pride at the mountain pass," Sahasi directed Rani and Ananda, his sense of urgency evident as he took the lead. Without hesitation, Rani and Ananda followed Sahasi, prepared to confront whatever awaited them at the mountain pass.

Sahasi, Rani, and Ananda met with the Night Pride, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they raced to the forefront of the mountain pass.

As they reached their vantage point, their eyes widened in shock and horror at the scene unfolding before them.

There, in the distance, they witnessed a chilling sight: Leo, Uovo's formidable second-in-command, leading a frenzied charge toward what appeared to be Simba and the PrideLanders.

The gravity of the situation hit them like a ton of bricks, sending a shiver down their spines as they realized the imminent danger facing their allies.

With adrenaline coursing through their veins, Sahasi and his companions exchanged grave looks, their minds racing with thoughts of how to intervene and turn the tide of battle in their favor.

Sahasi wasted no time, his instincts kicking into high gear as he led his Night Pride into the fray, determined to lend their strength to Simba and the embattled PrideLanders. "Rani, Ananda, stick by my side!" His voice rang out with authority amidst the chaos of battle as he surged forward, his muscles coiled with anticipation. With unwavering trust, Rani and Ananda fell into step behind him, their resolve matching his own as they braved the tumult of the battlefield together.

Back with Kion:

In the thick of the fray, Kion found himself surrounded by a pack of ferocious lions, their snarls echoing in his ears as he squared off against his adversaries. With lightning reflexes, he launched himself at one of the lions, pinning his foe to the ground with a fierce growl.

Victory seemed within his grasp as he poised to strike, but before he could deliver the decisive blow, a sudden force slammed into him, sending him crashing to the earth with bone-jarring impact.

Kion had cuts all over his body, his once golden fur was now coloured red with his blood.
Kion mustered all of his strength, summoning the Roar of the elders. With a spark of strength and determination surging through him, Kion let out a powerful roar, the sound reverberating through the chaos of the battleground like a thunderclap. It echoed with defiance and resolve, a rallying cry that pierced through the tumult of battle, igniting a renewed sense of courage in his allies and striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

With masterful precision, Kion exerted complete control over his mighty roar, unleashing its power with a finesse born of years of training and unwavering determination.

The force of his roar propelled the attackers into the air, their bodies soaring like leaves caught in a tempest, before they were flung far beyond the protective reach of the Tree of Life.

Yet, despite Kion's formidable display of strength, there remained a nagging sense of restraint in the aftermath. His roar, potent as it was, seemed to hold back some of its full potential. Perhaps it was because Kion was doubting himself like never before.

Kion panted heavily, a slight grin on his lips as he felt relief wash over him, knowing his family and the PrideLanders were out of harm's way. But when he attempted to shift, he found himself unable to budge; his wounds held him captive, forcing him to collapse onto the earth.

With each heartbeat, he felt his consciousness slipping away, overwhelmed by the loss of blood. Soon, darkness enveloped him as he drifted into unconsciousness.

Sahasi, Rani, and Ananda regrouped with their Night Pride, their solemn expressions mirroring the gravity of the situation, as they approached Simba, Nala, and the Guard.

Unbeknownst to them, Kion lay motionless nearby, his unconscious form unnoticed amidst the turmoil.

"Simba, what happened?" Sahasi inquired, his voice filled with concern as he addressed the Lion King, whose eyes betrayed a mixture of sorrow and exhaustion.

With a heavy heart, Simba recounted the events that had unfolded, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke of Uovo's treacherous takeover of the PrideLands. Tears welled in his eyes, a testament to the profound loss he felt.

Nala, her own grief evident, pressed closer to her mate, offering what solace she could in the face of such devastation. "We were hoping... if it's not too much to ask... if we could seek refuge at the Tree of Life," she ventured, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Ananda's compassionate gaze met Nala's, her paw extending in a gesture of support. "You are always welcome here," she reassured them, her voice a soothing balm amidst the turmoil. "For as long as you need, the Tree of Life will provide sanctuary and solace."

As the group convened, Rani's keen eyes scanned their surroundings, her brow furrowing in concern as she realized Kion was conspicuously absent. "Where's Kion?" she inquired, her voice laced with worry, her gaze darting around in search of Kion.

Before anyone could respond, a chilling scream pierced the air, shattering the uneasy silence. The source of the cry was none other than Kiara, whose distress echoed through the gathering like a thunderclap.

"KION!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kiara screamed out of pure love and horror.

With urgency propelling their every step, Simba, Nala, Rani, Sahasi, Ananda, and the Lion Guard raced towards the source of Kiara's heart-wrenching scream. Each stride carried with it a sense of dread and anticipation, their minds racing with the myriad possibilities of what they might find awaiting them.

As they reached the scene, their breath caught in their throats, their eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before them.

Kion, Prince of the PrideLands, Leader of the Lion Guard. Was laying on the ground unconscious surrounded by a pool of his own blood, his body covered in deep cuts and gashes. His whole body was covered in blood.

Nala's anguish overflowed, tears streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably as the weight of fear and grief pressed upon her. Simba, frozen in disbelief, could only stare at his son's motionless form, his mind unable to grasp the possibility of Kion's demise.

Beside them, the Lion Guard, Kiara, and Kovu mirrored their leaders' distress, their own tears mingling with those of Nala and Simba. The collective agony of the group hung heavy in the air, a palpable force that threatened to suffocate them all.

"K...Kion?" Rani whispered as her gaze lingered on Kion's motionless body, her heart heavy with sorrow as tears welled in her eyes. Without hesitation, she rushed to his side, heedless of the blood that stained her fur as she nuzzled him tenderly. In that moment, nothing else mattered to her but Kion, her overwhelming love for him eclipsing all other concerns.

Moved by Rani's display of devotion, Nala, Simba, and Kiara followed suit, their own hearts aching with fear and longing as they surrounded Kion, their collective presence a silent pledge of solidarity and support.

Amidst the tender caresses, Rani's sharp eyes caught a subtle movement, a faint rise and fall of Kion's chest. "He's alive!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with relief and gratitude.

Simba's breath caught in his throat, a prayer of thanks escaping his lips as he reached out to touch his son's still form. "Thank the great kings," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes shining with unshed tears.

Ananda's voice broke through the moment of reverie, her calm demeanor a welcome anchor amidst the storm of emotions. "Let's take him to the Tree so we can heal him," she suggested, her words a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

Sahasi, ever the voice of reason, nodded in agreement. "Beshte, carry Kion and follow the Night Pride. They will lead you to the Tree, where our healer awaits," he instructed, his tone firm and authoritative.

Beshte, with the assistance of Simba and Kovu, gently lifted Kion's limp form onto his broad back, the weight of their collective hopes and fears resting heavy upon him as they set off towards the Tree of Life, their hearts filled with a newfound sense of determination and resolve.

"Simba, can you please explain what happened from the beginning?" Sahasi's voice cut through the heavy silence, his gaze fixed on Simba with a mix of concern and curiosity. Simba, his expression grave, nodded in response, steeling himself to recount the harrowing events that had unfolded.

With a deep breath, Simba launched into his account, his voice steady despite the weight of sorrow that hung heavy in the air. He spoke of Uovo's sudden and brutal attack, the shockwaves of darkness that threatened to engulf the PrideLands in chaos and despair.

He recounted how Kion, with unmatched bravery and determination, had faced down the dark roar, sacrificing himself to save his father and his kingdom.

As Simba spoke, his words painted a vivid picture of the battle that had raged, the clash of wills and the desperate struggle for survival. He described how Kion, overwhelmed by the roar of darkness, had fallen unconscious, his limp form a stark reminder of the cost of their defiance.

With a heavy heart, Simba continued, recounting the devastating aftermath of their defeat. He spoke of the final, desperate moments as Uovo unleashed a devastating blow against the PrideLands, leaving them no choice but to flee, to seek refuge and safety beyond the borders of their homeland.

"There is also something else," Nala's voice broke the heavy silence, her tone weighted with concern. "It's about Kion."

At Nala's words, a ripple of apprehension swept through Rani, Sahasi and Ananda, each one of them tensing in anticipation of the news to come.

Rani, her heart pounding in her chest, felt a surge of fear grip her as she awaited Nala's revelation.
"W... What's wrong with Kion?" Rani's voice trembled with worry, her eyes wide with dread as she searched Nala's face for answers.

"He isn't doing well mentally," Nala confessed, her words coming out in a hesitant rush. "L... Last night, I caught him... trying to commit suicide." The admission hung heavy in the air, the weight of it pressing down on them all like a suffocating blanket.

Rani's breath caught in her throat, her eyes brimming with tears as the gravity of Nala's words sank in. The mere thought of Kion in such despair sent a shiver down her spine, her heart breaking into a million pieces at the realization of his suffering.

Nala continued, her voice trembling with emotion as she recounted Kion's struggles. "H... He told me that he has these nightmares and flashbacks... from the time Uovo nearly killed... Simba, and he feels like he failed. He's completely lost his confidence, d... doubting himself ever since he woke up from his coma."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the toll that their recent trials had taken on Kion's spirit.

"He needs me," Rani whispered, her voice barely audible yet resonating with unwavering determination, before she darted towards the Tree with purposeful strides, leaving the others in her wake.

"What's that all about?" Sahasi's brow furrowed in confusion, his gaze following Rani's retreating form.

"Rani didn't tell you?" Simba's question hung in the air, a note of surprise coloring his tone as he exchanged puzzled glances with the others.

"Tell us what?" Ananda's curiosity piqued, her eyes narrowing with interest as she awaited an explanation.

"Oh, well..." Nala hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting towards the Tree where Rani had disappeared. "She and Kion were mates, but they had to end their relationship because Rani had to come back to the Tree of Life to fulfill her duties," she explained, her voice tinged with empathy for the pair's shared sacrifice.

The revelation elicited a collective gasp from Sahasi and Ananda, their expressions a mixture of surprise and understanding as they absorbed the weight of Nala's words.

In that moment, the depth of Rani and Kion's bond became painfully clear, their love tested by circumstance and duty, yet enduring against all odds.

As they watched Rani disappear into the foliage, her silhouette fading into the distance, they couldn't help but feel a swell of admiration for her unwavering dedication and selflessness.

As Rani hurried into the Tree, her heart pounded with a mixture of fear and desperation. Upon entering, her eyes fell upon their healer, Nirmala, emerging with a grave expression etched upon her features.

"How is Kion doing?" Rani's voice quivered with trepidation as she approached Nirmala, her heart pounding in her chest.

"He isn't doing well," Nirmala's words hung heavy in the air, each syllable laden with a sense of foreboding. "I don't know if he can make it till tomorrow morning," she explained, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Rani's world crumbled around her as the weight of Nirmala's words settled upon her shoulders. Without hesitation, she rushed to Kion's side, her heart breaking at the sight of him.

He layed there, broken and battered, his once vibrant spirit dimmed by the weight of his suffering. Tears welled in Rani's eyes as she nuzzled him, her chest constricting with the pain of seeing him in such anguish.

With trembling paws, she reached out to him, her touch gentle as she caressed his cheek, mindful of his wounds. "Why, Kion? Why?" her voice cracked with emotion, tears streaming down her face unchecked. "You don't have to think about killing yourself," she pleaded, her words a desperate cry into the darkness that threatened to consume them both.

As she nestled against his chest, seeking comfort in his embrace, she prayed with all her heart that he would find the strength to fight, to overcome the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole. For in that moment, she knew that their love was the only beacon of hope in the darkness, the only light that could guide them through the storm.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel like this chapter should be re-written, I feel like I could have done better. I'll leave it up to you guys to decide what I should do. I wanted to get this chapter out so I could work on the first 2 chapters for my new book coming out on the 1st of May called (Kion and Rani: A Broken Soul)

Anyways, remember to have an amazing day everyday :)

Word count: 2713

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