Audacious Love (Vice In The O...

By Grishaavyanna

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"They say sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn, and you don't have no choice but to follow it... More

1."Unexpected Rendezvous"
2."Who Is The Heir?"
3."He Knows Me?"
4."What I've Gotten Myself Into"
5."Blue Eyed Devil"
6."You Can't Escape Me"
7. "I am Not An Angel"
8."Never Disobey The Devil"
9."Drunken Firefly"
10. "Deep Waters"
11. "Imp Of Satan"
12. "Unknown Guilt"
13."Under Devil's Care"
14."This Girl is a puzzle."
15."He is changed...?"
16."It's All About Trust"
17."My Cage For You"
18."Impossible To Run From"
19."Myths Or Truths...?"
21."Darkness Embraced"
22."Mr. Holier-Than-Thou"
23."The Depths Of Wounds"
24."He is awfully changed within a night"
25. "Chaos In The Dead Of The Night"
26."The Imprint Of The Past."
27."Token Of Pain"
29."Locked In Devil's Chamber"
30."All Hell Break Loose"
31."Heart Melted As Snow In Sunlight"
32."This Life Has Chosen Me"
33. "Hold Onto Lies"
34. "You're Something Else"
35."Smile As Hues Of Heaven"
36."Are You Jealous?"
37. "I'm attracted to him!?"
38."The Traitor"
39."Sudden Turn Of Events"
40."I Abhor Betrays"
41."Threat Pulling Me To Him"
42."Better Left Unnamed"
43. "Strikes A Chord Within Me"
44. "I'm Falling For Her"
45. "Mourning This Love For Him"
46. "Marcello Rizzo"
47. "I'm Your Alibi"
48. "Caged In Past"
49. "I have To Let Her Go"
50."Leaving My Heart To Him"
51."Awaiting Long Night"
52."I'd Never Leave You"
53."End Of My Dignity"
54. "Only Mine..."
55. "Here Our Souls Meet"
56. "He Destroyed My Heart Into Shreds"
57. "Fuego Accord"
58. "I Oath To Forget Him"
59. "It's Him..."
60. "There Is No Forever For Us"
61."Have You Ever Felt Anything?"
62. "Silence Before The Storm"
63. "The Doom Has Befallen"
64. "I'll Bring The Ruin!"
65. "My Ruination"
66."Not The End Until I'm Alive"
67."What Fate Had Sealed For Me"
68."His Name I Breathed Last"
71."In The Pursuit Of Vengeance"
72. "Game Of Revenge"

69."Abominable Miscarra"

19 2 0
By Grishaavyanna

"King is fifteen minutes away!" Jason said. I loaded my gun, put it in my back holster, and hid the dagger under my shoe. Dennis turned to me from the passenger's seat and said, "Az, Jasper just arrived, but Marcello hasn't left the warehouse since yesterday." My chest tightened as I gripped the gun in my hand tightly. She has been alone with that fucker psycho for hours! The dread slowly clawed its way up, daring to corrupt my mind, but I can't afford to lose my mind right now.

"Our men heard a loud gunshot coming from the dockside area just an hour ago, and they were unable to rush there immediately due to standing orders," I felt an instant drop in my body temperature, and a wave of blind terror washed over me. Memories of the past came flooding back,

And I realized that I was once again experiencing the same fear that had caused me to lose everything before. However, I was not the same naive boy anymore. I had risen to power and now owned the entire UK mafia. My heart ached at the thought of anything happening to my firefly, and I was ready to fucking do whatever it takes to protect her. I would not hesitate to bring the world down in flames if it meant keeping my angel safe.

"Az, calm yourself. Jasper won't hurt her. He knows what awaits him if he even lays a finger on her," I nodded my head despite the fear that was overwhelming me. I loaded my gun and stopped the car far enough from the warehouse so that the guards couldn't see us. As soon as the car stopped, I rolled down the window and surveyed the surroundings. The bastards had chosen a fucking secluded village on the outskirts, hours away from Albany.

"Give me an update, Dennis?" I demanded. "We have the warehouse surrounded by our men, and none of the Italians have caught on yet. But we need to act fast, Az. They're trying to fly Adira to Italy."

"There's no fucking way I'm letting that happen!"

"Okay, there is a heavily armed squad of men circling the warehouse. Each of them has a Glock, but the guards at the front main gate have MP5s. There are around five guards, which we could potentially defeat in number. However, their weapons give them an advantage, so the team leading from the front needs to be extremely vigilant. Does everyone understand?" All our men replied with a unanimous "Yes" in the earbud,

"We'll proceed as planned. Dennis will lead half of you to the back of the warehouse. Those who'll be with me use silencers in guns and eliminate the fuckers on the front gate and make sure we remain undetected until we reach Jasper, and if Adira's safety is compromised I'll kill all of you, Understand?" I put the silencer on the gun, "We get it, King," Jason answered, "Good, Now follow Dennis's car to the backside and others remain with me, wait for my signal,"

As Dennis drove away, I stepped out of the car and my men followed my lead. I firmly gripped my gun and scanned every corner, making sure that no threats were lurking around. Once I was confident that it was safe, I extended my arm forward and motioned my team to move forward, following my lead.

I was walking briskly, my vigilant eyes scanning my surroundings. The rusty walls of the abandoned warehouse were a clear indicator of its age. There were no windows, which I fucking knew was making my angel anxious; she never liked enclosed spaces. The surroundings were completely deserted, and this place must have been creeping her out. She was never a fan of secluded places. I remember how she never wanted to be left alone in the penthouse.

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and our footsteps on the dead grass sounded loud. I extended my arm forward and made a chopping motion with my hand, signaling for us to halt. I pointed at the blue-painted door, but there were five heavily armed men guarding it.

Two of them were pacing back and forth, while the third stood still blocking any view. The fourth man was standing a few steps ahead, blowing smoke from a cigarette. I couldn't help but feel a sinister smirk spread across my lips as I found my first target for the day. I pointed at the mark, and my men nodded in agreement.

I signaled for Jason to take position behind the empty dock on the right side while Adam stood beside me. It was crucial that we take each of these men simultaneously, or else they would quickly detect us, I signaled Jason and Adam to wait for my signal I licked my lips and aimed the nuzzle of the gun at the man smoking,

And I mouthed now and pulled the trigger Jason and Adam shot too the bullet soundly holed on three men's foreheads and they fell on the ground in no time the two left who were pacing stopped horrified looking around frenetically but before they could utter anything Jason shot one on his chest and Adam shot another on the temple and the five were on the ground lifeless in no time,

"Fanculo! They are here...!" A man coming from the back of the warehouse screamed I cursed under my breath, "Dennis, now...!" I barked on the earbud and we emerged from the hiding spots shooting blindly at whoever came,

The cold wind whipped at my face the sound of screeching bullets mingled with our feet stamping on the muddy ground I could barely make out any of my men's voices amid the roars and grunts the limb-soulless bodies became the welcome mat on my feet as I proceeded ahead just a few feet away from my love, my angel...

The beads of hope danced across my skin saliva deserted my mouth as my feet neared the door crimson stains decorated the door my heart pounded like a wild drum, the rapid beats reverberating through my chest as adrenaline surged through my veins fueling me with anticipation to take a glimpse of my angel,

But the bastard swinging in front of my face came with a death wish that I granted I grabbed his throat his wide scared eyes fead the inner demon in me, I pierced the gun under his wide open mouth, and... the dark red blood splattered half on my face and in seconds he was gone...

I threw him and processed, I quickly wiped the blood off my face I couldn't afford to scare my angel she must have seen enough, "Az, Get in there now! This seemed to be a fucking trap! there were damn fewer guards than it should've been! there is something sore Az," Dennis's voice boomed in my head through earbuds, my stomach knotted the mere thought of her hurt left the bitter taste in my mouth knees almost bent to give out— but Fuck my life if I couldn't save my heart trapped in there,

The dread of losing her tried to crumble all the hope of reuniting with my Adira— Her sweet voice murmured in my head, 'The world revolves around trust and hope Hope for whatever bad is happening with us will end only happiness will remain.'

I inhaled deeply and motioned two of my men to position over each side of the door, I cocked my gun gripping it tight just as the rob under my ribs tugged my heart painfully with each passing second without seeing her face, I walked in with careful steps inside of the warehouse I coughed as the dust danced in the air and smell of sweat welcomed me first—

Until the dust settled my eyes captured black-suited men they were enough to outnumber us but I give no fucks because the next moment I saw Jasper emerging from them standing in the middle of them proud and unharmed something sinister roared in me to rip his skin off, cripple him and leave him with nothing but the wish of death—

"Hey there, brother! It's been too long since I last saw you. What brings you here?" A triumphant grin spread across his lips as my men swiftly cocked their weapons in his direction. He chuckled, shook his head, and tsked, "Aha..."

"Now, if I were in your place, trust me, I wouldn't try to overstep. Let's say I have something of yours. What I heard on the grapevine is very precious to you, dear brother, isn't it?" His sick grin widened as he kept on blabbering. But I paid no heed. With my heart in my throat, I ran my eyes frantically to every corner of the filthy warehouse in the hope of just taking a glimpse of her, 

" That's not fair Brother, I've been trying to get your attention for a while now, but it seems like you're not even listening to me," He rolled his eyes, "Wait, are you looking for someone?" he asked with a sly grin, rage pounded in me like a drumbeat. "Where is Adira?" I demanded, my voice surprisingly calm given the intense rage I felt inside me, ready to lash out and destroy everything in my path,

"Where's the fun in telling you easily? Remember what Dad used to say, love requires sacrifice and hard work. She made the sacrifices, so you should put in some work, brother." Seething fury burnt through my bones I wanted to rip his tongue out and feed it to dogs,

"Where is she, Jasper...? Tell me now or so god help me, I'll burn your fucking body alive!" My ear-splitting howl echoed through the filthy warehouse, my body was shaking the red anger I was feeling cracking my bones but I couldn't do anything irrational not until I have my Angel with me,

His lunatic grin dropped twisting into something sinister that only I could see through, "How does it feel brother huh? Losing something you love so dearly? I've always wanted you to feel this incredible feeling," I said nothing for Dennis's words that came on time, "Az, now! Backup is coming these fucking bastards still have Addy there somewhere!"

Chocking fury roars through my mind, "Kill every fucking bastard here...!" The gruesome sound of gun firing echoed shaking the old walls of the warehouse Within a few seconds the gunsmoke sawdust and the gut-churning smell of spluttering blood polluted the warehouse air,

 He was standing far behind the excessively built men the minacious smile on his face evinced the inevitable calamity waiting to hap, a bullet blurred my view going inches away from my eyes I caught the hand holding gun and I raised my gun and he broke down on the ground having shot on his forehead,

I lost sight of Jasper as the abominable massacre commenced place I inhaled into the polluted air mixed with the sickening smell of blood the rhythm of my feet matching the beat of my racing heart, and rigid breathing, my frenzied mind couldn't comprehend how many I've killed so far as if something has possessed my mind or the ghastly smell of blood had put me on high that the inner bloodthirsty beast in me yearning for more!

Blood was dripping from my clothes yet I was not satisfied, not until I have my angel in my arms who was only capable of keeping me sane, a menacing grin unrolled over my lips as frenetic-looking Bryson, right hand Jasper, he was holding his right arm as the thick crimson fluid creamed down from his upper arm his face was pinched with utter pain,

He froze in the middle of the heavy gun firing his wide eyes stared at me probably already figuring out how stupidly he just landed himself to his fucking death, his whole body began to tremble as I hosted my gun at him, he opened his mouth, "Look Azriel..." I had no time to hear him out the next came the bullet punched its way through his skull causing a gaping hole in its wake that quickly filled with blood and gushed out he fell on the ground choking on to death,

Slowly raising my head, I surveyed the vast warehouse that lay before me. The place was crowded with men, each of them armed to the teeth with guns and other weapons. The deafening sound of gunfire echoed through the cavernous space, drowning out all other sounds. The abandoned place was shrouded in a thick fog of death, screams, and blood foreboding,

Making it almost impossible to see more than a few feet ahead. Despite that, I scanned the area with a sharp eye, determined to find the fucking bastard Jasper, the man behind all the chaos. My heart raced as I searched for any sign of him or the fucker Marcello, my eyes darting back and forth in a frenzied attempt to spot them. "Damn it!" I muttered under my breath, my mind racing with a sense of urgency to find Jasper before it was too late.

My crazed eyes landed on Jasper finally in the end corner choking my man, my pulse raced ready to explode as my blood boiled in my veins I rounded the fucking vast space I felt like a monster straight from hell as I killed each man coming my way I was breathing hard as soon as I neared him as if he sensed me he looked up to and let go of the man he killed his reflex was he banged his head on mine startled I stumbled as my head spun,

"He took advantage and swung his fist at me. My head fell to the side, and I hissed as his kick landed on my stomach. I clutched my stomach and fell to my knees. 'Damn it, brother! You nearly got me!' Jasper chuckled rounding me, and I could hear Jason's voice barking something."

"But you know since the day that French girl came into your life you have become weak and you may know those who earn weaknesses in this world die the worst way possible," He chuckled, "But another twist brother...! I changed my mind," He uttered,

Dennis murmured something in my ear through the earbud, "I won't kill you instead... I give you worse than death itself, I'm willing to give you the equal amount of agony as you lanted me with years before you took someone I loved so dearly I'll take someone more precious to you, Adira DeRose, and your child..."

Fury curled hot and unstoppable in my gut, like a blazing inferno my body began to shake he stood in front of me, and I seized hold of his balls, he growled and bent on his torso I propelled my fist on his face and he fell beside me, his features crumbled with pain,

But I gave him no time to recover the burning wrath came to life I straddled his torso and locked his both hands under my thighs his nostrils flared and eyes blazed at me and he struggled like a mad man under me, I pummeled on his jaw his eyes welled up as he draws a shaking long breath,

Another welt on his nose brought a sickening squashed sound mixed in the air blood rushed down his nose and for a nanosecond I saw that little boy whom I cherished as my brother but I didn't stop,

The fucking reality is he isn't the same anymore and he has my Adira, in seconds his face become unrecognizable his eyes swelled lips bleeding so did his fucking face yet... I couldn't feel the relish as if he could sense my maddening uneasiness his beaten lips stretched into a taunting grin,

"Where is Adira, Jasper...?" I roared like a loon as his grin struck a terrifying fear in me, he choked a sickening laugh, "God...! Brother, I have been dying to see this look on your face for years and now when I'm able to see it I never thought I'd relish it so damn much!"

Raw anger coiled in my stomach making me frenzied, "Where is Adira... Jasper? I'll fucking kill you bastard!" I Struck his nose with my fist but he didn't stop his despicable laugh I went on smashing his face turned into a pulp,

"She is here brother just look around! Feel her," He choked on his breath as I wrapped my hand around his throat pinning his head more into the ground yet he grinned, "Your love..." He whispered and signaled me up by his eyes through instinct I looked up and— My world halted and breath caught under my throat,

 My blood ran cold in my veins as my worst nightmare came out alive, the cruelty of god once again crippled my hopes.

Hello amazing readers!❣️
This whole with the intensity kept me on the edge😟 but hell! What will happen next? Will Azriel be able to save Adira...?

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter guys in the Comment section and don't forget to Vote and Share.

Till the next chapter bye👋❣️

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