Love // A Lucaya/Laya Story

By _Tinkerbella

96.6K 2.5K 548

Riley Matthews has had a massive crush on Lucas Friar since 7th grade. As senior year comes to a close she tr... More

Girl Meets Crush
Girl Meets History Class
Girl Meets Fall
Girl Meets Eyes
Girl Meets Mystery
Girl Meets Skipping
Girl Meets Making-Up
Girl Meets Asking
Girl Meets Fire
Girl Meets Brandon
Girl Meets Presentation
Girl Meets Dress
Girl Meets Arrival
Girl Meets Missy
Girl Meets Farkle
Girl Meets Love
Epiloge: Girl Meets Life
Final Author's Note/Contest

Girl Meets Blame

5.5K 155 40
By _Tinkerbella

"Farkle!" Riley said as he walked into the science classroom. They were the only ones there. Everyone else was on there was.

"Hey Riley!" he said. They sat down on the couch.

"Did you notice anything weird about Maya? I think she likes someone. But she won't tell me who!" Riley asked.

Farkle debated trusting Riley with Lucas' secret.

"I know who she might like. But I can't tell." Farkle said.

"Come on! Please?" Riley said with puppy dog eyes.

"Lucas" Farkle said in a quiet tone with his mouth covering his face.


"Lucas" he said in the same way as before.

"Who?" Riley asked again.

"Lucas! LUCAS!" Farkle said.

"What? she can't! How do you know?"

"Lucas was talking about her. He likes her too." Farkle said, being very un-loyal to Lucas.

"That's not true. It's not! Tell me your joking. If you tell me, I'll believe you."

"I'm sorry, Riley."

Anger burned in Riley's eyes. "Maya would not backstab me." she thought to herself. "This isn't true."

The period ended and Riley didn't talk to Maya. She didn't wait for her so that they could leave the classroom.

"Riles." Maya said walking up to Riley. "What's up? You didn't wait for me."

"Oh, well. Must have forgotten." Riley said rudely, not being herself.

Lucas and Farkle walked over to the girls.

"Hello!" Farkle said.

"Lucas!" Riley said, ignoring Farkle, she had a mission.

"Riley, what's up?" Lucas asked.

"I'm wondering the same thing." Maya added.

"Lucas, would you like to go to the Spring Break Dance with me?" Riley said, hopefully. She was going to find out if he liked Maya.

"Um, Riley, you know I like you. But only as a friend. I'm really sorry I can't go with you." Lucas said.

"Oh, okay." Riley replied. She didn't act like it but she was crushed. As soon as Lucas and Farkle walked away she sat against her locker and cried.

"Riles." Maya said and sat down next to her.

Riley didn't say anything. She didn't hate Maya, but at the moment she wasn't to fond of her.

"You okay?" Maya asked.

"No! Just get away from me! This is all your fault!" Riley yelled. She was done.

"Riley." Was the only thing Maya could get out.

Riley, full of anger ran out of the room. She didn't show up to History class.

"What happened?" Mr. Matthews asked.



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~ Bella <3

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