His Blessing

By EndyTheDragon333

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"You are a blessing from the gods. Why would I give you up?" This is the story of Tsuki Obake, the secret chi... More

A Gojo Has Arrived
Marry Me, Please!
Freedom Comes with a Price
A Lady
Chapter 8
A Blessing's Death
1,000 Years Later
A White Haired Man
Adventure Outside
Meeting a Sea Urchin
Visit To The School
slice and dice
The Cursed Boy
Yuta's First Day
Chapter 18
King VS Creep
Jujutsu Tech
Steel Girl
Chapter 24
The Delusion Boy
The Dam Broke
The Trail of Lies
Jellyfish Goes Splat
Hidden Away

I'm what!?

345 5 0
By EndyTheDragon333

Edited: 6/7/2024

Edited: 4/30/2024

(A/N: Just a warning. I have no idea how pregnancies work because I have never been pregnant. So I have no idea how long you have to be, until you start showing signs or when it's too late for an abortion. So I apologize if I have the wrong information about pregnancies.)

The next morning, Tsuki returned to classes, Yuji had wanted her to rest, but the school would always demand your presence regardless if you were legit DYING! So she dragged herself to class, shuffled over to her desk, and laid her head on the cool wood. She still couldn't believe what happened yesterday actually happened.


???: "Tsuki-sama?"

Tsuki turned to the source of the sound and was surprised to see a woman with short white hair, wearing monk robes. She ran towards Tsuki and engulfed her in a hug.

???: "I'm so glad you are alright, Tsuki-sama!"

She breathed out in relief as Tsuki stood there shocked. She felt as if she knew this woman from somewhere, but she couldn't pinpoint where or when. Suddenly she remembered that dream she had, where Sukuna saved her. There was a woman with Sukuna. She had short white hair and a red streak on the back. Tsuki turned her head to look at the back of this lady's head and was surprised to find the same red streak on the back of her head. She subconsciously found herself sobbing as she wrapped her arms around the lady, still not knowing what her name was.

???: "She might not have all her memories Uraume-san. But it appears she remembers you."

Tsuki: "I-I had a dream. Of when Su-father came to save me!"

Tsuki heard the man behind her scoff as the lady pulled away and wiped the tears from Tsuki's face.

Uraume: "That's okay if she doesn't remember me at the moment. I'm just happy to see that she's fine and unharmed."

For some reason, Tsuki felt secure around this woman. She has this protective aura that makes her want to trust her and stay by her side. The person Tsuki thought was a boy approached her with a grin.

???: "It's nice to finally meet you, Tsuki-chan! My name is Mahito!"

He held his hand out for Tsuki to shake, but she felt something eerily about him. Uraume pulled her closer to her as she glared at Mahito.

Uraume: "You dare try to touch the queen? Stay away from her."

Mahito blinked a few times before laughing as he lowered his arm.

Mahito: "Come on now, I want to play with her!"

Uraume glared at him and so did the other man. Uraume pulled Tsuki close to her.

Uraume: "No, she will never be safe with you. I don't trust you with her."

Mahito snickered as he took a step closer to the two. Tsuki tensed up as she wrapped her arms around Uraume. The man with long black hair approached them and got between them. He gave Tsuki a friendly smile, trying to calm her down.

???: "I must apologize, my Moon, for this idiot's behavior. It's very nice to see you again."

He petted her head gently and Tsuki blinked a few times before she figured out where she met him. 

Tsuki: "Y-You're that man I ran into!"

The strange man chuckled.

???: "Well, aren't you a smart one? But that's not the first time we've met."

Tsuki looked at him confused. She looked his body over, trying to figure out where she'd met him. Her eyes soon landed on the man's forehead. Her eyes widened at the stitches that ran along his forehead. 

Tsuki: "S-Stiches?"

The man chuckled as Tsuki looked at him horrified as she soon realized...it was almost the same stitches her childhood friend had 1,000 years ago.

Tsuki: "Y-Yona?"

The man laughed at this.

???: "Well, that was ONE of my many names. Your dear friend was my first...victim I would say."

Tsuki's eyes widened as she looked at him horrified.

???: "My name is Kengaki. When your dear friend was killed by the king of curses, your father, I decided to use her body to get close to you."

Tsuki looked at him shocked and hurt. So when she ran away from Jae-ha and her friend saved her...it wasn't her friend at all. She was already dead and long gone.

Uraume: "But why get close to her in the first place?"

Kengaki: "Easy, Uraume-san. Some might think it was out of romantic feelings, but they would be wrong. You see, I once had a daughter."

Everyone looked at him shocked. 

Mahito: "Eh!? You did!?"

Kengaki: "I did. She was the most precious thing in the world to me. But when the sorcerers found out about my cursed technique, being able to switch hosts...they saw it as taboo. They didn't want my daughter to have it. So they tested her...they killed her in front of me, then put her brain in some other body."

Everyone looked at him shocked.

Tsuki: "D-Did she wake up?"

Kengaki: "No, she didn't. I had screamed and begged her to wake up, but she never did. Instead...I had accidentally cursed her, thus turning her into a curse. Kind of like what that Okkotsu boy did to his friend, Rikka. The sorcerers killed her again and started blaming ME! They didn't take responsibility for what they had done and blamed me!"

Tsuki was starting to feel bad for him. He had lost his daughter and was being blamed for it.

Kengaki: "Then I found you Tsuki. I saw you use your cursed technique to save your friend and I dug whatever I could on you. I was surprised to find out...you were born the same night my daughter had died."

Tsuki gasped as she stared at the man surprised.

Uraume: "Ah, I see now. You had deluded yourself into believing Tsuki-sama IS your daughter."

Kengaki: "Well, she has to! But back to the situation at hand. Tsuki, we have seen how those two, Gojo and Okkotsu behave with you. I wish to help you, to help you. If you are ever in trouble, blow into this."

He pulled out a whistle and handed it to Tsuki. She took it and looked at it confused.

Kengaki: "This here will summon one of us to your location. Please trust us...we are here to help you."

------------End of Flashback------------

Megumi and Nobara walked into the room and looked at her concerned because she didn't look good. Nobara walked over to her and placed her hand on her back.

Nobara: "You okay, Moon?"

Tsuki: "Just feel like I'm about to throw up my insides."

Megumi: "That doesn't sound good. You should go see Shoko."

Tsuki: "I think it's just the stress from what happened with my family."

Nobara: "Ah, right. Your parents divorced, didn't they?"

Tsuki sighed and nodded her head. Fortunately, Gojo walked into the classroom before her friends could say anything else. Gojo looked over at his Precious Angel alarmed and worried. She looked like she was close to death's door and he had heard about what happened to her parents.

Gojo: "Ah, Precious Angel! Are you feeling okay!?"

He ran over to her and put his hands on her shoulders as he started shaking her. This didn't help her nauseous and she groaned. Megumi and Nobara looked at their teacher irritated. Megumi ripped Tsuki from his teacher's grasp.

Nobara; "You idiot! Your shaking only made her feel worse!"

Tsuki groaned as it looked like she was about to throw up. Gojo teleported away, only to come back with a trash can. The moment he got back with the trash can, Tsuki threw up again. The three looked at her worried. Gojo squatted in front of her desk, looking at his Precious Angel stressed.

Gojo: "I don't think you will be able to participate in the Exchange Event in this condition, Precious Angel."

tsuki gasped as she looked at her teacher stunned. She wanted to participate in the Exchange Event because she had been training and she would be able to go up a grade. She was stuck being a grade one and doesn't know why. She thought the higher-ups would have made her a Special Grade, seeing as her cursed technique was like Sukuna's.

Tsuki; "What no! I'm okay I promise!"

She jumped up from her seat, only to hunch over as she covered her mouth. They stared at her blankly.

Megumi: "You said."

Tsuki swallowed down the throw-up and Gojo sighed. He stood up and crossed his arms.

Gojo: "Look, Precious Angel. If you don't get better until the Exchange Event, you can't participate. You should go see Shoko."

Tsuki shook her head, not wanting to bother the lady for something so small as a stomach bug.

Tsuki: "It's just a stomach bug. I'll be fine, I promise."

Gojo sighed and nodded his head. They started class, and Tsuki tried to concentrate and not throw up.

------------Time skip------------

Once class was over Tsuki made a beeline for the secret basement, but she made sure no one was spying on her. Once she saw that the coast was clear she opened the doors to the hidden basement and closed them above her. She walked down the stairs.

Yuji: "Shit!"

She got down to the last step and looked to see her fiancee hiding behind the couch. He peeked his head from behind the sofa.  Once he saw that it was only his fiancee he relaxed and grinned.

Yuji: "Oh, love! What are you doing here?"

Tsuki walked over to him as he sat on the couch. She crawled onto his lap and this made him smile. He placed his hands on her hips.

Tsuki: "Um...you never told me what happened after you left yesterday."

Yuji frowned, he knew his fiancee was going to ask him about what happened to Junpei, but he still didn't like how much she cared about this boy, even though she didn't know him that long.

Yuji: "There was this cursed spirit, with a patchwork, he um...he killed Junpei."

Tsuki gasped as she looked at Yuji shocked. She realized it was that person she encountered. Mahito was his name. She was glad that Uraume never let him touch her.

Yuji: "Sukuna and I tried to save him, but we couldn't."

Sukuna raised a brow, knowing Yuji was lying. They didn't try to save the Yoshino boy at all. Junpei had said something about Tsuki and it pissed them both off, so they started trying to kill him. They were pissed off that the cursed spirit took their kill from them. Tsuki felt bad for her fiancee and Sukuna. She placed her hands on his cheeks as she smiled down at him.

Tsuki: "It's okay, Puppy-chan. As long as you two tried, that matters to me."

Yuji smiled, delighted that she wasn't upset with them.

Yuji: "I also felt bad about leaving you when you needed me."

She chucked and shook her head.

Tsuki: "Don't blame yourself, love. You did what you knew was right, that is all that matters. It's what I love about you. You are also trying to help people."

Yuji stared at her astonished because she had never said that word to him before. Love. It's the first time he has heard it out of her mouth directed at him. He wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her into a hug.

Yuji; "I love you way too much."

Tsuki giggled as she hugged her fiancee back. Just then his phone rang and he freaked out when he saw it was Gojo, who was calling him. He slammed his hand on Tsuki's mouth which surprised her. He quickly answered the call.

Yuji: "Uh, hey, sensei!"

Tsuki's eyes widened as she put her hands on Yuji's hand, the one covering her mouth. She knew Gojo wasn't allowed to know that she knew Yuji was alive.

Gojo: "Yuji-kun! How is my third favorite doing?"

Yuji: "Eh? Third favorite?"

Gojo: "Yes! My first favorite is my Precious Angel and my second is my beloved son, Megumi! Anyway! I just finished my mission so I will be teleporting myself to you!"

The two teens looked at each other horrified.

Gojo; "BUT! I had heard of the family drama that is happening with the Raitos, so I am heading over to their house. You know, check on my future father-in-law! See you later!"

With that he hung up, the two teens slowly looked at each other shocked and disgusted by what Gojo called Tsuki's father. Yuji removed his hand from her mouth.

Tsuki: "Did he just-"

Yuji: "He did. Love, you need to leave before he shows up. Remember, stay near Megumi and Nobara at all times."

Tsuki nodded and left the basement, thankfully no one saw her. She headed over to the dorms. Once inside her room, she looked around, seeing if Yuta had come into her room while she was gone and put a camera in there, but luckily she didn't find one. All thanks to Megumi and Nobara for keeping guard of her room while she was gone. She was about to go to bed when her phone buzzed. She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and her heart almost dropped at the lengthy text message she received from an unknown number.

Unknown: Angel, it's me, Yuta. I managed to get your number from stealing Gojo's phone. Look, you have been ignoring me for way too long now and I get that you are upset with me and your mother. It was NEVER our intention to hurt you, but hurting us back isn't the way to handle things. I still love you despite all of this, so please talk to us. This silent treatment is childish and I have a feeling that your father and that Itadori boy are the ones putting you up to this. I don't like the way you lied in court and didn't have your mother's back. Please Angel, please tell the proper authorities the truth. That your father abused you and your mother, that his family is a cult! I want to save you!"

Tsuki felt her blood boil as she glared at her phone screen. She couldn't believe Yuta's audacity. A part of her wanted to lash out at him, but she knew that could do her no good. It's not like it will get him to stop, so instead she texted him back.

Tsuki: Okkotsu I have no idea what I can say or do to get it through your thick skull. No one is making me do anything and I don't appreciate you telling me what to do. I won't lie about my family because you BELIEVE in something you see. I didn't lie during the trial, my father never once abused me, I have no idea about my mother, but he's a good father, and I don't appreciate you trying to ruin that because you have some sick twisted feelings for me. So leave me alone. You have a curse to date and fuck if you need it."

She knew that last part was wrong, but she needed to put her feelings out there. She doesn't like Yuta like that, never did. She puts her phone on her nightstand before falling asleep.

------------Time skip------------

It was in the middle of the night and Yuji was sneaking through the halls of the school. He scanned the hallways of the dorm before he crept over to the one dorm room that belonged to Okkotsu Yuta. Sukuna told Yuji to check his room, to see if he had anything they could use against him, in case he tried anything to prevent them from marrying Tsuki. He picked the lock on Yuta's door and once he heard the lock unlock, he carefully opened the door. He shuffled into the room and quietly closed the door behind him. He looked around the bland room but what he noticed was the remnants of malicious cursed energy in the air. He remembers his fiancee telling him about Rika and how she bonded and tamed the Special Grade Cursed Spirit. She told him how Rika was Yuta's first love from when he was ten, and how the poor girl got hit by a car and died in front of him. 

He began to look around Yuta's room, trying to find as much dirt on him as he could. So then he wouldn't want to show his face here ever again, or better, he gets arrested. He didn't just want to expose Yuta, he desired to run his name through the mud so that he couldn't get out, and every time he struggled to escape the mud, he went deeper and deeper. he walked over to his closet and opened it. He looked through his closet and finally found what he was looking for. There tucked away in the way back of his closet, was a huge bin. He pulled the bin out of the closet and put it on his bed. He opened the bin and his eyes widened at what he saw. There were a bunch of fabrics in there that caught his eye, a red and black sundress, a black laced bra, and a red laced panties. 

As he looked further in the bin he realized that these fabrics of clothes... were his fiancee's clothing. He grinned as he found his jackpot. He knew it wouldn't look good on Okkotsu to be discovered with these clothes in his room, especially with the questionable stains he knew all too well. He knew that Okkotsu wouldn't get in trouble with the higher-ups, since he's a Special Grade, but he also knows that Gojo would find a way around that, the only time that pervert is useful to him. On top of that, it will help in case Tenshi tries to gain guardianship of Tsuki again. Once the judge finds out that Tenshi tried to force her daughter to marry Okkotsu, when he was caught perving on her, she won't win for sure.

So he made a plan. He grabbed all the clothes in the box and dropped them all inside Yuta's hamper which still had some of his clothes in it, since he left some clothes behind. He then looked back inside the closet to see if he could find anything else. When he finally looked at the top shelf of the closet, his eyes widened when he found the stuffed tiger, the one he bought his fiancee when they were kids. The same one she lost. He realized what had happened. Yuta...stole it, probably to jack off to it like he did with her clothes. So he took that and placed it on Yuta's bed. He then quietly left Yuta's room and headed back to the basement.

------------Time skip------------

Some weeks later, it was time for the Exchange Event. Tsuki stood with her class, standing between Megumi and Nobara as they waited for the Kyoto kids to show up. Gojo would be arriving soon with Yuji in tow and she knew she needed to act as if she didn't know he was alive this whole time. Soon they heard someone walk up to them and they turned to see the Kyoto students.

Mai: "Oh look, it's everyone from Tokyo together. You went out of your way to greet us? Disgusting."

Tsuki looked at Mai annoyed, she tried hard not to throw up. She didn't feel any better she felt WORSE than before. She also started to notice that her stomach was getting a tad bit bigger and this confused and worried her. She also noticed that other than her nausea and morning sickness, she got these weird cravings, like pickles with ice cream.

Panda: "You are late."

Mai shrugged her shoulders, not caring. Todo looked around disappointed.

Todo; "Okkotsu is not here."

Tsuki flinched at his name. She got a bad gut feeling that wanted her to check his room. She doesn't know where it came from.

Nobara: "Shut up! Hurry up and hand over the cake box, the Yatsuhashi, Kudzu noodles, and Buckwheat cookies!"

Toge: "Salmon."

The blond-haired girl holding a broom looked at Nobara annoyed.

Momo: "Who is that first year? She is scary."

Tsuki gasped as she wrapped her arms around Nobara, causing the girl to blush.

Tsuki; "Saki-chan is NOT scary! She's more pretty than you! Your hairstyle is stupid!"

Nobara's face exploded and her crush said she was pretty. Megumi thought he would be annoyed by this, but he wasn't. During his time with Nobara, he realized she was cute as well. It felt odd to him, to like three people at the same time.

Mechamaru: "Never mind Okkotsu being absent. Isn't having three first years a major handicap? Especially with that one looking sick?"

He pointed over at Tsuki, who tensed up. The second years snapped their heads at her, looking at her worried.

Tsuki; "I'm fine! I promise!"

Megumi and Nobara looked at her unsure and worried.

Noritoshi: "Age is irrelevant to Jujutsu sorcerers. Especially with Fushiguro-kun. He is from the Zenin bloodline, but is more talented than the head of the clan."

Mai clicked her tongue at the mention of her family name and Noritoshi looked at her annoyed.

Norioshi: "Something to say?"

Mai: "Nope."

Tsuki: "She's allowed to hate on her clan dude."

Mai and Maki smiled while they nodded their heads. It was the only time Mai and Tsuki could get along. A blueberry walked over to them, looking nervous. 

Miwa: "Now now. Please calm down, you two."

Before any further arguments could break out, someone was heard clapping their hands. They looked over to see a lady with a huge scar that ran across her face.

Utahime: "Okay now, let's not fight amongst ourselves. My goodness, these children. So, where is that idiot?"

She didn't need to clarify to them who she was referring to. They just knew.

Panda: "Satoru's late."

Maki: "As if that idiot would ever show up on time."

Megumi: "No one sad idiot referred to Gojo-sensei."

Tsuki: "But it is implied."

The rest snickered and nodded their heads. Just then, if you speak about the devil, the devil shows up. Tsuki looked at him worried as he pushed a cart over to them. It looked suspicious as ever.

Gojo: "Sorry for the wait!"

Utahime and Tsuki frowned upon seeing Gojo, both not happy or pleased to see him for different reasons, while the blueberry grinned looking excited to see him. 

Gojo: "Hey, I see everyone is together! I was on a business trip overseas. So I will now hand out souvenirs!"

Tsuki looked at the gifts that her teacher bought and saw it was just pink dolls. He started handing them to the Kyoto students with a grin.

Gojo: "Okay, everyone from Kyoto gets this protective charm from a particular tribe. None for you, Utahime!"

Utahime looked at the man-child annoyed.

Utahime; "I don't need one!"

He ignored her as he looked over at the Tokyo kids.

Gojo: "As for my Tokyo kids!"

He looked over at Tsuki, who stiffened and Gojo noticed this, but said nothing about it. He noticed how pale she looked and this disturbed him.

Gojo; "Precious Angel~! I got you this~!"

With a grin, he walked over to her and Megumi was quick to push the terrified girl behind him. He glared at his teacher, who stood there unphased but also irritated. Gojo pulled out a small black box. Tsuki's eyes widened as she thought back to when Yuta gave her an engagement ring. Gojo opened the small box to reveal...the same ring that Yuta proposed to her with. Her eyes widened as she looked at him appalled. Megumi's eyes twitched in irritation, Nobara's jaw dropped, and Utahime choked on her spit as she looked at Gojo as if he was insane...which he was.

Utahime: "What the!? That is NOT an appropriate gift to buy for your student Gojo! That's a fucken ENGAMENT ring!"

Gojo laughed and nodded his head. Everyone looked at him appalled. From inside the box, Yuji and Sukuna were seething with rage at the audacity their teacher had to use the ring he hid in his pocket to propose to HIS fiancee. Tsuki cleared her throat and took the box from Gojo. She forced a smile on her face and it reminded Gojo from when he first proposed to her all those years ago. He knew she was uncomfortable and didn't like him, but he didn't care. All he wanted was her and he plans to get what he wants. Gojo grinned, ignoring his Precious Angel's lack of reaction, and turned to the rest of the students of Tokyo.

Gojo: "And for everyone else from Tokyo, we have this!"

With a dramatic flourish, he whirled around with the container and it slammed open. Yuji then jumped up and did a little pose with a forced grin.

Yuji: "Hey! OPP!"

Gojo grinned as he pointed his hands at Yuji.

Gojo: "It's your departed friend, Itadori Yuji!"

Tsuki faked a shocked expression as everyone else didn't react. Megumi glared at Gojo, still pissed off at him for giving his Bunny an engagement ring. Nobara took the ring from Tsuki and threw it so far away. The second-years just looked confused. Yuji looked at them shocked by their lack of reaction. He was delighted that at least his fiancee showed a reaction!

Gojo: "Okay, everyone from Kyoto! This is Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuji!"

Gojo wheeled him over to introduce him to the Kyoto students but they were way too focused on the dolls that Gojo gave them. The only one that seemed to be paying attention was the old man.

Gakuganji: "Sukuna's vessel?! What is the meaning of this!?"

Gojo snickered as he walked over to the principals, leaving Yuji in the box. Nobara stomped over to him and kicked the box. This caused him to snap out of his shock.

Nobara: "Hey! Got something to say?"

Yuji looked over at her and he could see that she was about to cry. He felt bad for making his three partners upset like this.

Yuji: "I'm sorry for keeping quiet about being alive."

Tsuki giggled before she covered her mouth as she felt like throwing up again. The second-years looked at her concerned.

Maki: "Are you sure you're okay? You've been like this for a few days, honestly."

Tsuki swallowed the throw-up and nodded her head. 

Yaga; "Everyone! Gather around and listen up!"

They all walked over to the principals. Tsuki stood between Yuji and Megumi, trying to hold in her throw-up.

Yaga; "The Tokyo-Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event will be held over two days. The first day is a group battle. The Wacky Cursed Spirits Exorcism Race-"

Gojo; "Tsuki."

Everyone looked over at Gojo confused as to why he called her out. Tsuki tensed up as she looked at her teacher scared because she knew...she knew that he could tell she got worse and wouldn't let her participate in the Exchange Event.

Tsuki; "Y...Yes sensei?"

Gojo: "You're not feeling any better...are you? You look like you're about to throw up."

Everyone looked over at her and they could see the same thing. Yuji frowned and patted her back, acting like a carrying fiancee, when he knew what was wrong with her.

Tsuki: "I'm fine!"

Gojo: "Oh, then you don't mind doing some jumping jacks, do you?"

She huffed as she looked at her teacher annoyed. She started doing the jumping jacks to spite him...only for her to lose just by the third jump. She hunched over as she covered her mouth, trying hard not to throw up. Gojo sighed as he looked over at Yaga, who sighed.

Yaga; "Ms. Raito, I won't let you participate in the Exchange Event in your condition."

Tsuki internally sobbed because she wanted to do this Exchange Event. But three obsessed yanderes were happy that their fourth partner wasn't going to participate in the event...oh and Gojo was satisfied as well.

Yaga; "As I was saying. The rules are simple. The first team to exorcise the second-grade cursed spirit released in the designated area wins. Several of their grade and lower cursed spirits will be released into the designated area as well. If a winner is not decided by sundown, the team that exorcised the most wins. There are no other rules. Of course, you're welcome to sabotage the others. But remember, you're all on the same side in the fight against the curses. This exchange event will allow you to learn about yourselves and your comrades through competition. Be certain not to kill other competitors or injure them beyond recovery. That's it. You're all dismissed until the event commences at noon! Mr. Raito, you will stay with the teachers until the event is over, afterwards, I want you to go see Shoko."

Tsuki sighed and nodded her head. She knew there was no fighting this anymore. Yuii looked at her nervous, he didn't want anyone to find out about his fiancee's pregnancy. He didn't want her to find out about the pregnancy, because he knew Gojo, or at least someone smart, would explain to her about pregnancy. He knew she would get scared and get rid of it. That is something he doesn't want. 

------------Time skip------------

Tsuki was tense in the break room with the rest of the teachers. But that's not why she was tense. Gojo had forced her to sit in his lap as he drank his tea. She held the trash bin in her lap, so she doesn't end up throwing all over herself and him.

Utahime: "Well then? What did you want?"

Gojo: "Huh? Are you upset now?"

Utahime looked at him irritated. She didn't like how he was behaving with one of his students.

Utahime; "Gojo, you have one of your MINOR students in your fucken LAP after you gave her an engagement ring! Of course, I am upset!"

Gojo: "What!? I haven't done anything to her! Right, Precious angel!?"

He placed his chin on her shoulder which caused her to tense up and cling to the trash bin. Utahime saw this and glared at the man-child in disgust. 

Gojo: "But I'm afraid we have a spy. Someone's working with a curse or a curse user here."

Utahime gasped as she looked at Gojo shocked. Tsuki got scared by this. She was frightened that her teacher knew about the chat she had with those people. 

utahime: "Impossible! A curse user's one thing, but working with curses?!"

Gojo: "And yet a lot of them on that level have been popping up lately. They understand human speech, and they form a faction that is operating with purpose. They might think they're just working with a curse user, but...you need to investigate everyone at Kyoto."

Tsuki calmed down once she realized her teacher wasn't expecting her to be the spy. He thinks it is someone from Kyoto.

Utahime: "For all you know I could be the traitor so why me?"

Gojo laughed as he waved his hand. 

Gojo: "Oh, no way! You're too weak! You don't have the guts for that."

Utahime glared at him and threw her drink at him, only for his barrier to protect himself and Tsuki. She jumped as she looked at Utahime shocked. Gojo frowned as he glared at Utahiem, pissed off that she threw her cup at him when she knew he had his Precious Angel in his lap. Utahime froze up as she felt Gojo's blood lust leak throughout the room. 

Gojo: "Uathime, be careful at what you throw. You are lucky I have my barrier, or you could have hurt my Precious angel."

Uathime looked at Gojo horrified. She nodded her head and sat down, just as the other adults arrived. The adults looked at Gojo shocked and disgusted.

Gaku: "That is highly inapprotie! A student her age shouldn't be sitting in your lap!"

Gojo ignored him as the monitor turned on and Mei Mei got her crows ready. Tsuki stared at the monitors, looking at her classmates and the second years sad that she couldn't be there with them.

Gojo; "We'll be starting the event in one minute! But before we begin, let's hear a few words of well-appreciated encouragement from the always eloquent Utahime Iori!"

Utahime gasped as she looked at Gojo, not prepared for that.

Utahime: "What? Huh? Well, I, uh guess, uh, although during this event some degree of injury will be unavoidable,  you should, uh, uh, uh, help each other out, or something, if you can?"

Gojo: "Okay, sorry, time's up!"

Utahime: "Ugh! Gojo you jerk! I wasn't done!"

Gojo: "Now, let the sister school exchange event begin!"

With that, Tsuki watched as everyone started running. 

utahime: "You should respect your elders!"

Tsuki looked at her dumbfounded.

Tsuki: "Wait...you're older than Gojo-sensei! But you look so young! I thought he was older than you!"

Utahime felt her heart explode at how nice that was, and how funny it was that Gojo was called old. Gojo flinched as he looked at his Precious Angel shocked and hurt that she called him old. 

Gojo: "No, Precious Angel! I'm the younger one!"

Everyone looked at Gojo disgusted by the nickname he gave to Tsuki. She ignored her teacher's crying as she watched her classmates run through the woods until they came across a spider-shaped cursed spirit. But to her shock, Todo came out of nowhere and punched the curse. While she couldn't hear what they were saying, she didn't like the crazy look on Todo's face. He looked way too excited to fight them. She then watches as her fiancee runs at Todo, grabbing him by his face and slamming his knee into his face. The others started running away from the two, to leave Yuji to deal with Todo. Tsuki wasn't worried about that, because she knew her fiancee was strong enough to fight against someone like Todo. She watches as Yuji kicks Todo away from him and Todo smirks at him. Todo then ran at Yuji, throwing a punch at him. Yuji threw up his arms to block the hit from his face just as the same spider curse got in the way and died. Yuji goes flying through the air and a tree. Until his back slammed against another tree, causing him to choke out spit. He sat there until Todo slammed his foot on his face. Tsuki gasped as she clung to the trans bin worried about her fiancee. Gojo noticed this and frowned. He didn't like how worried she was for the pink-haired boy. He rubbed her arm up and down and Utahime noticed this. She frowned as she looked at him disgusted. 

Tsuki watches as Todo keeps stomping on her fiancee's head, blood splattering everywhere. But once he sees that Yuji can't take anymore, he stops and looks disappointed by this He turns around and starts walking away from him. But to everyone's shock, minus Tsuki and Gojo, Yuji proceeded to stand right up and shout at Todo, as if he didn't just get his head stomped on. 

Gojo: "Is there any way, we can hear what they're saying? I want to know."

Mei Mei looked at him confused and nodded her head. She turned on one of the monitors.

Utahime: "Wait a minute! You could have turned that one this whole time!?"

Mei Mei; "I didn't see the reason before."

She looked at the blue-haired lady annoyed but Tsuki paid attention to what was happening on the monitor. Comfortable now that she could listen to what they were saying.

Todo: "Takada says men are perfect when they're a little dumb. And I have a feeling she's right."

Yuji looked at Todo irritated, not caring about who that was.

Yuji: "Takada? I don't care about any idols!"

Todo; "Really? So you don't care about idols, huh? Well, I bet you know who she is. What's your name, first year?"

Yuji: "Yuji Itadori."

He growled out in irritation. But Todo didn't notice.

Todo: "All right, Yuji Itadori. I have one question that I need to ask you. What kind of woman is your type?"

Yuji stood there looking at him shocked and confused. Tsuki sighed and shook her head.

Yuji: "Uh, you wanna know my type? Why would you be asking me that now?"

Todo: "Never mind why, I'm just evaluating you."

Yuji placed his hand on his forehead, which still had blood all over it.

Yuji: "Well, I don't get why it's important, but I guess if I had to say, I like a tall woman with a nice big ass, just saying. Like my fiancee!"

Tsuki's face erupted in fire as she stared at the monitor shocked and embarrassed that Yuji just said that. Gojo and the rest of the adults were confused.

Utahime: "Fiancee? Isn't he a little young to have a fiancee?"

Mei Mei: "Maybe he promised to marry this person when they were young?"

Tsuki clung to the trash bin as she watched as Todo started sobbing.

Gojo: "You may turn off the audio now Mei Mei. I don't want to hear Todo's sobbing."

They all agreed and turned off the audio. But then to their shock, the video started to cut in and out, but Tsuki could still see what was happening. That is due to her connection to Sukuna. She watched as Yuji dodged something and kept running. But then she saw Blueberry with her sword, she tried hitting Yuji, but he flipped over which shocked her. Then she sees the robot trying to blast Yuji. Tsuki gasped as she realized what was happening. Gojo frowned, as he looked down at Tsuki worried. He wondered why she suddenly gasped and he was concerned that she was hurt. To Tsuki's relief, Todo clapped his hands, and her fiancee was replaced by Noritsohi. Then Todo tried to punch Noritoshi but he dodged. She watched as the other Kyoto students retreated and Momo got knocked out of the sky by one of Megumi's Shikigami. Gojo cheered for his son.

Gojo: 'That's my son!"

Gaku looked at Gojo annoyed. They then watched as Maki and Megumi attacked Noroitoshi and Miwa. Tsuki didn't pay attention to their fight but paid more attention to Yuji's fight with Todo. They were throwing punches left from right. At some point they stopped so Todo could say something to Yuji, but they went back to fighting. She then heard MeiMei chuckle and she turned to look at the lady confused.

Mei Mei: "What an interesting girl. You should go ahead and promote her to second grade already."

Tsuki looked at her confused, because she didn't know who she was talking about.

Gojo: "Believe me, I feel the same way. But the Zenin clan keeps on interfering. I wish they would change their position and accept her."

Tsuki looked at him stunned and realized Mei Mei was probably talking about Maki or Mai.

Mei Mei: "I can't understand such restraint unless it's money."

Gojo: "You're such a material girl. I'm more concerned about the way the coverage around Yuji keeps cutting out."

Tsuki: "Eh? But I can see it."

They looked at her astonished.

Mei Mei: "Well that's good dear. What did you see?"

Gaku: "She might lie! He's her classmate after all!"

Gojo and Tsuki looked at the old man annoyed. Gojo didn't like that the old man would accuse his soon-to-wife, of lying to get her way. 

Tsuki; "It's not like anything is happening. It looks more like Todo is training Puppy-chan?"

Gaku looked at her aghast. He had ordered his students to KILL Yuji Itadori, not train him.

Gaku; "TRAINING!?"

Utahime: "You call Itadori, Puppy-chan?"

Tsuki hummed and nodded her head. Suddenly one of the talismans burst into red flames and that made Gojo excited.

Gojo: "Oh! They're on the move! Well, it's one-to-one. So how come no one's paying attention to the game?"

Utahime: "Why can't both sides just try being nice to each other?"

Gojo; "I guess they're all too much like you."

Utahime glared at him as he placed his chin on Tsuki's shoulder and rested his big hands on her stomach. Gojo paused as he felt her stomach. He was confused as to why it felt a little...bloated. Tsuki tensed up, not liking the way her teacher was touching her. Utahime saw this and growled in disgust.

Utahime: "My only problem is you! You are being way too inappropriate with that girl! Look you're making her uncomfortable!"

Gojo laughed her off which irritated her. The other adults looked at him in disgust. Tsuki tried not to pay attention to what was happening around her as she noticed they missed a lot of the fights. She sees the blueberry sleeping.

Tsuki: "Oh, Blueberry fell asleep."

This snapped them all out of it and looked at the monitors. Utahime sighed and stood up.

Utahime: "I'm heading out for a bit."

Gojo looked at her confused.

Utahime: "I can't leave her lying in the woods with cursed spirits wandering around, right?"

Gaku; "You're right, Iori.  I'm worried about Miwa. You should go to her quickly."

Suddenly all the talismans combusted into red flames. Tsuki jumped as she looked at them horrified.

Utahime: "Is the game over? They all burned red!"

Mei: "That's odd. My crows didn't see anything."

Gojo: "I'd love to say that the students of great teacher Gojo exorcised them all, but I doubt it."

Yaga: "Remember they also burn red for unregistered cursed energy."

Tsuki turned her head to look at her teacher worried.

Tsuki: "I got a bad feeling, Satoru."

Utahime gasped as she looked at Tsuki shocked and worried.

Utahime: "Did she call you by your first name, Gojo!?"

Tsuki looked at her shocked and confused. She was wondering why she, an adult and a teacher, was calling Gojo by his last name, while he had her, a minor and a student, calling him by his first name.

Yaga: "I'm going to see Tengen. Satoru and Principal Gakuganki, please protect the students. Mei, it's best you stay here and pinpoint all the student's locations. Stay in contact with  the other two."

Mei Mei; "Fully understood. I look forward to the bonus money."

Yaga: "Ms. Raito, I will take you to Shoko."

Tsuki nodded her head as she got off Gojo's lap so he could stand up. He clapped his hands as he looked at the old man. 

Gojo: "On your feet, Gramps! You and I are taking a walk. You just finishing your lunch, good to go?"

The old man looked at Gojo annoyed. They all left and Yaga first took Tsuki to Shoko.

------------Time skip------------

Tsuki was sitting on the operating table in Shoko's office, bummed out that she couldn't help her friends. Shoko had done some tests on her to find out what was wrong with her, but she believed she was fine. It was probably just a stomach bug. Shoko came back into the room, holding a stick and a cup.

Tsuki; "What's that?"

Shoko: "Your tests came back clean, you aren't sick, so I only have another test for you to do, Raito."

She held out the stick and cup to her. Tsuki took them and looked at the stick confused.

Shoko: "According to Gojo you had a sheltered life, so I don't expect you to know what sex ed is. So this is a pregnancy test. I want you to pee in this cup and stick this in it. We will wait a few moments and see what the results say."

Tsuki looked at her shocked because she didn't know how could get pregnant, but she listened to what Shoko said. She peed in the cup, but Shoko didn't look. After that, she stuck the stick in the cup and they waited a few minutes. After the timer went off, Shoko took the test out of the cup and looked at it. Tsuki watched as Shoko's eyes widened as she looked at the stick horrified.

Tsuki: "W...What is it?"

She played with her hands as Shoko looked at her.

Shoko: "It's... positive. Ms. Raito... you are...pregnant."

Tsukigasped as she looked at Shoko shocked.

Tsuki: "I'm what?"

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