The Naval District Has Been S...

KageNishi tarafından

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In order to save a world in danger of destruction, the gods performed a summoning. However, due to their lack... Daha Fazla

Part 1: Dawn on the Rodenius Continent | 001
002. First Contact - Sakai and Zuikaku's Number 4 POV
003. First Contact - Principality of Qua-Toyne POV
003.5 The New Boom in Qua-Toyne (1)
004. Astounding Progress, Looming Conflict
005. The Tawi Fleet and the Demon King's Deployment
006. Waltz of Iron and Blood on Sea and Sky
007. The Impact of the Naval Battle
008. Elves, Cavalry, and the Devil's Siren
010. Gim Returns to Qua-Toyne Once Again
011. Counterattack! Breaking Through into the Lourian Territory!
012. Forming the Second Front Line
013. A New Plan - Bringing Modern Warships to the Medieval Principality!
014. Louria Between the Three Fronts
015. The Sun Sets on Jin-Hark
Part 2: Storm Brewing in Another World | 016
017. Tragedy in the Second Civilization Area
018. An Incredible Find
019. Birth!! The United Kingdom of Rodenius!
019.1 Interlude #1: The Memoirs of Admiral Sharkun
019.2 Interlude #2: Tawi-Tawi's New Shipgirl
020. The Formation of the Thirteenth Fleet!
021. The Land of Warriors, Kingdom of Fenn
022. The Turbulent Military Festival (Part 1)
023. The Turbulent Military Festival (Part 2)
024. Military Festival Aftermath
024.5 The Tanks' Red vs White... What Happened in That Exercise?
025. The International Situation Gets Complicated and Mysterious
026. The Other World's Nonmagical Superpower
027. The Turbulent Altaras Island
028. The Birth of a New Community
029. Respective Analysis: Rodenius and Parpaldia
029.1 Christmas of the Year 1639 Central Calendar
Part 3: War of the Third Civilization | 030
031. Chaos Comes to Fenn
032. The Empire's Atrocities and Sakai's Tongue
033. The United Kingdom's Determination
034. Decision! To War Against Parpaldia!
035. Battle of Fenn, Part 1
036. Battle of Fenn, Part 2
037. Battle of Fenn, Part 3
038. Multiple Decisions
039. Unexpected Declaration
039.01 Unexpected Declaration Alternative: Meeting Incident
040. Kushiro's Resolve
041. Preparing the Counterattack
042. The Prologue to a New Battle
043. Reclaiming Altaras (Part 1)
044. Reclaiming Altaras (Part 2)
045. Emergency Press Conference
046. Planning Operation Asama
047. Launching Preparation of Operation Asama
048. Operation Asama on the Brink of Launch!
049. The Empire's Misunderstanding

009. Striking the Enemy without Leaving the Base

118 13 2
KageNishi tarafından

H-hold on!? 75 favs, really!?

Thank you so much!! But seriously, everyone, you're way into this Summoning Japan thing...

Or perhaps, do you all just have a lot of patriotism? Well then, I must live up to that! O7

So, from now on, it'll mainly be land battles. Now then, I've given you a line from a certain online game that mimics World War II, can you find it?


Day 28 Month 4 Year 1639 Central Calendar

Lourian Eastern Conquest Army Vanguard Camp, Near Ejei, Principality of Qua-Toyne

As a resolution of a meeting in the command center of the Kingdom of Louria's army, information stating that "the navy and wyvern force suffered a major defeat off the coast of the Rodenius Continent, losing 70% of their fleet and all but 30% of the wyverns," was kept under strict information control to avoid risking a decrease in morale on the front lines, except for senior military officials such as the King and General Patagene. However, despite plans to rest in Gim while procuring provisions and then launch a quick assault, sudden shifts in strategy such as fortifying Gim and reductions in supplies allocated to the wyvern force caused unease among the frontline soldiers, who were unaware of the situation.

One of the units standing at the forefront, the vanguard of the Lourian Eastern Lords, was shaken. Among the elite Hawk Knights, the 100 riders of the 15th Cavalry Squadron, who were engaged in reconnaissance ahead of the main force, suddenly disappeared. In land warfare, cavalry is a formidable force second only to wyvern riders, alongside archers. Their mobility on horseback is unparalleled except by wyverns, allowing them to deploy rapidly and break through enemy lines or conduct reconnaissance with ease. The disappearance of a hundred cavalry in one fell swoop is difficult to fathom, even if surrounded by a large enemy force. One would expect at least some to return. Something is not right.

"Don't you find something strange? Are we really fighting against the demi-humans of Qua-Toyne? What do you think, Mage Washuna? Share your thoughts."

Count Junefila, commander of the Eastern Lords' vanguard, asked for the opinion of the man beside him.

"Yes. Since there are no survivors who witnessed the scene, the details are unclear, but there was no magical activity detected. Therefore, it is presumed that there was no use of creatures with high magical powers like wyverns or powerful magic. However, then the question arises: how could a hundred cavalry disappear without a trace? I simply cannot imagine it. However..."


"I have heard that the Parpaldia Empire possesses a weapon called a magic cannon. It is said to launch objects that explode using magic. If it could be fired without using magic, theoretically, incidents like this could occur."

Upon hearing this, the Junefila was astonished.

"Oh, my! Do the major powers really possess such weapons!? Remarkable."

"However, the method I mentioned is purely theoretical. In reality, without using magic, it's limited to launching lightweight objects like arrows. Heavy objects cannot be launched. Moreover, I find it hard to believe that Qua-Toyne can do what our country cannot. So, I think the disappearance of the cavalry squadron this time can only be attributed to some kind of abduction."

"That doesn't sound very realistic."

"However, the fact remains that a hundred cavalry are missing. We should be cautious and consider it as an enemy attack."

"Yes. The military should always operate under the assumption of the worst-case scenario."

Junefila glanced ahead at two objects visible about 2 kilometers away — the towering walls exceeding 20 meters in height, which marked the fortress city of Ejei, their objective for conquest, and the several buildings slightly away from it, which seemed to be the camp of the Qua-Toynian army set up near the walls. Among the flags of Qua-Toyne in the camp, there was a flag he had never seen before, a "white flag with a red sun depicted on it."

. . .

Ejei was a massive fortress constructed by the Principality of Qua-Toyne in preparation for the upcoming war with Louria. The entire city had been fortified, surrounded by walls towering 25 meters high, making it impregnable. Furthermore, even if the walls were breached, mechanisms were in place throughout to hinder invaders, inflicting significant casualties on any attackers. The city had a secure water source and stocked ample provisions even during peacetime, making it suitable for a siege. Currently stationed here were 30.000 troops from the Western Division (20.000 infantry, 7.000 archers, 3.000 cavalry) of the Qua-Toynian army, along with 50 elite wyverns. With the wyverns, they could also counter aerial attacks. It truly felt like an impenetrable fortress. No matter how large the enemy force, capturing this place seemed impossible.

...Well, if it were the Tawi-Tawi Unit, they'd be like those hot-tempered aircraft carrier girls who say "easy as pie," but that's something you're not supposed to mention, of course.

From atop the walls of Ejei, General Nou, commander of the Qua-Toynian Western Division, gritted his teeth as he observed the Lourian army deployed about 2 kilometers ahead.

'Damn it, they're resorting to dirty tactics...!'

The Lourian army had deployed just two days ago. By visual estimation, there were around 20.000 of them. Given their numbers, they were probably just a reconnaissance force. So far, there were no signs of them launching an attack. It seemed they were waiting for their main force to arrive. However, instead of doing nothing, they repeatedly conducted a demonstration (or perhaps provocation) by sending about 300 men to approach within the range where arrows couldn't reach, hurling insults and provocations before withdrawing, regardless of day or night. Due to their numbers, it was difficult to determine if this was the prelude to a full-scale invasion, and the constant psychological pressure left no respite for the soldiers. They were under immense stress and completely worn out. With this level of exhaustion, they wouldn't be able to give their all in the event of a real invasion. And the trouble didn't end there.

'Those Japanese troops were told not to leave their positions... Damn it, if I had known, I could have pitted the Japanese against the Lourians to grind them both down...'

The Qua-Toynian government and military had sent Japanese military forces as reinforcements, but so far, these Japanese troops have been of no help. When the Japanese commander first visited the headquarters of the Western Division to pay his respects, Nou had told him, "We will handle the Lourians, so you should stay in your positions and provide support from there." While it sounded like assistance, being 2 kilometers away meant that neither arrows nor magic could reach their target. In essence, they were useless.

Yes, Nou had said that, essentially meaning "We'll deal with the Lourians, so you guys just stay put and don't do anything." He said this knowing full well that the other side likely had the pride of being entrusted with the defense of this place.

The reason for saying such a thing was quite simple. Nou wasn't happy with the Japanese troops. These bastards had violated their airspace, flexed their military might, and only approached after demonstrating their strength. Furthermore, even though diplomatic relations had been established, the Japanese military was wandering around various places in Qua-Toyne. While it was permitted by the government, Nou didn't feel comfortable with another country's military roaming around their territory. Moreover, the number of soldiers the Japanese had sent, 8.000, was meager compared to the forces of the Qua-Toynian Western Division, and Nou doubted their commitment. That's why he said what he did. But so far, the Japanese commander had obediently adhered to Nou's request. They had only left about 20 personnel for observation on Ejei, along with some equipment for observation, and the Japanese forces had done nothing. That, too, irked Nou.

At that moment, a messenger arrived at Nou's side and delivered a report.

"Commander! We've received a message from the Japanese forces."

"Read it."

"Sir! It says, 'Are all those troops stationed about 2 kilometers west of Ejei definitely from the Lourian army? Also, are there any Qua-Toynian soldiers in the vicinity? If not, we would like to launch an attack on that unit. Is that acceptable?'"

Nou frowned and clicked his tongue.

"I told them to not leave their base... What, did they suddenly want some credit after all? Well, fine, tell them permission is granted!"

"Yes, sir!"

The messenger departed.

Nou compared the Lourian and Japanese forces and muttered to himself.

'They can't do anything being 2 kilometers away... Well, let's just sit back and watch what embarrassing blunders the Japanese forces make.'

. . .

After confirming that he had received authorization from Nou, Sakai, commander of the Japanese ground forces "Qua-Toyne Relief Force," immediately issued instructions for combat readiness.

"All units, prepare to open fire! They could use some artillery!"

Messengers darted around as cannons turned towards the enemy lines one after another. Type 90 field guns, Type 94 37 mm quick-firing guns, Type 88 75 mm field anti-aircraft guns, Type 96 15 cm howitzers... Among them, something peculiar moved.

It was a square object with a frame made of short iron bars, appearing to be some sort of launching device, a triple-mounted square object. There were twelve of them, each containing cylindrical objects with a diameter of about 30 cm, much larger than the shells of the Type 96 15 cm howitzer. They were the Third Reich's multiple-rocket launcher, the Wurfgerät 42, commonly known as the ground-attack weapon "WG42" for admirals from Kan**lle.

"All units, artillery ready!"

"Rocket launchers, standby! Others, prepare for a full barrage! Commence bombardment! Fire!"


The moment Sakai's command was issued, the Japanese artillery erupted in unison. Cannons of various sizes fired death-bringing shells towards the enemy lines. As the gunfire ceased, explosions echoed from the enemy lines. Simultaneously, intense black smoke rose from the heart of the enemy formation. This should have startled the enemy.

"Rocket launcher number one, ready!"

The first team's WG42 adjusted its elevation and aimed at the enemy lines.

"Rocket launcher number one, fire!"



With characteristic sounds, a large amount of white smoke, and dazzling light, six 30 cm rockets were launched. The predecessor of the six-barreled WG42, the 15 cm Nebelwerfer, was known to reveal its position immediately upon firing due to its distinctive sound, light, and smoke. As the WG42 shared the same fundamental design, its nature remained unchanged. With this flashy display, they surely garnered the complete hatred of the enemy.

'Now come, you Lourian bastards. I'll turn you all into Swiss cheese...!'

Sakai glared at the enemy.

. . .

"Commander, it seems the provocation is having quite an effect."

As the reports from the units were compiled, Junefila nodded in satisfaction. The mission assigned this time was to weaken the enemy's forces by any means necessary before the main Lourian army arrived. For this purpose, he had chosen psychological warfare. So far, the enemy beyond the walls remained silent and inactive.

"The enemy must be worn out by this psychological attack. Meanwhile, our soldiers are resting soundly, having eaten well-provided rations from Gim. Their morale is high."

'With this, the enemy will soon be in a tough spot. Perhaps we can even finish them off before the main force arrives...'

Something abruptly interrupted his thoughts. Next to the enemy camp near Ejei... the camp with the flag of the red sun suddenly flashed.

"What?" He murmured.



Tremendous noise, light, flames, and shock struck their position. Friends who had endured hardships together, received the same training, and shared meals were blown to smithereens before they could demonstrate the skills they had honed in training.


Junefila stared at the enemy camp. The recent attack undoubtedly originated from the enemy camp, not from Ejei.

"Washuna!" He called the mage nearby.

"Yes, sir!"

"What is this attack!? A new form of magic!?"

"No, there's no magical reaction confirmed! This is... impossible..." Washuna muttered with a pale face.

"What!? Then this isn't magic...!?"

Their comrades continued to be blown away. Suddenly, Junefila realized.

"It's them! Probably them or their comrades who killed the 15th Cavalry Squadron!"

In fact, Junefila's speculation was correct. At Dytal Base, where fierce attacks were now striking Junefila's unit, the culprits who annihilated the 15th Cavalry Squadron were waiting for takeoff, spinning the engines of the Stukas.

"Those scumbags...!"

Just as Junefila roared...


With a distinct sound, accompanied by light and a large amount of white smoke, "something" was launched and flew towards them. Even larger flames erupted than before, and more than a hundred people were turned into silent corpses in an instant. Junefila completely lost it.

"These bastards are mocking us! All troops, advance! Destroy that position!"

With the command, the Lourian army, both infantry and cavalry, surged towards the enemy camp.

. . .

"The rockets have hit! The enemy is coming towards us!"

"Good, they took the bait!"

Upon receiving the report from the observers, Sakai nodded and issued further instructions.

"All guns, repeat the simultaneous bombardment as before! Provoke the enemy, lure them in, and strike! Tank unit, advance!"

"Each gun is ready to fire!"



Once again, death was unleashed from all cannons. The Lourian army about 1,5 km away was engulfed in fierce flames.

"Rocket launcher number 2, fire!"

Six 30 cm rockets soared through the air. As they impacted, a tremendous amount of black smoke billowed up, obscuring the enemy forces beyond.

"Prepare for the third volley! Panzer vor! Do it at the same time with the bombardment! Infantry, take up positions! It's like the Battle of Nagashino all over again, turn them into a hornet's nest!"

Upon receiving the orders, the infantry fairies sprang into action. Machine gun squads entrenched in trenches protruded their Type 96 light machine guns, while other infantrymen entered the trenches one after another with Type 38 rifles. Snipers who had climbed onto the rooftops peered through the scopes of their Type 97 sniper rifles, while Type 89 grenade dischargers were set up beside the trenches made of earth dug from the trenches. Meanwhile, Type 89 medium tanks and Shikon Unit's Type 95 Ha-Go light tanks, as well as Type 97 Chi-Ha medium tanks, emerged from their tank pits and began forming columns.

"Chi-Has and Ha-Gos, engage with rear machine guns! Chi-Has and Type 89s, keep firing high-explosives!"

The command was given.

The tanks and grenadiers aimed at the outermost barbed wire marking the distance of 800 meters. Meanwhile, the artillery continued their alternating barrage of shellfire and rocket launches, steadily wearing down the enemy's forces.

. . .

"What the hell was that!?"

Nou murmured in shock.

A tremendous amount of something, clearly possessing immense power even from afar, was projected from the Japanese army's position. It hit the Lourian army's camp one after another, pulverizing everything in its path, whether it be tents, people, or horses, into dust.

"What is this?! Does the entire Japanese army consist of sorcerers!? No, even mobilizing 8.000 sorcerers couldn't unleash such explosive magic...!"

Nou's soliloquy was abruptly interrupted by the massive white smoke scattered by something... the 30 cm rocket shells of the WG42.

"To resort to such measures...! But if they perform such a flamboyant act, wouldn't the entire enemy turn their attention to the Japanese? With magic of such power, they wouldn't be able to use it in close combat...?"

As expected of Nou, a general with keen insight. Nou shifted his gaze between the movements of the Japanese army and the enemy. The Japanese army remained stationary. In contrast, the Lourian army was converging on the Japanese army's position.

"As I suspected. Now, what will happen...?"

. . .


Under the command of Count Junefila, commander of the Lourian army's vanguard of 9.000 troops, surged toward the enemy encampment which flew the flag of the sun. Although they had initially numbered 20.000, more than half had been killed by the ongoing attacks. Not a single survivor remained among those who had been blown away. Due to the speed difference, the cavalry rushed ahead first. Following behind were the infantry, and further back were shield-bearing heavy infantry and sorcerers.

"Charge! It's time to avenge the 15th Cavalry Squadron!"

Leading the charge was Hawk, commander of the Hawk Knights, a man with a commanding stature approaching 190 cm, who bellowed at his subordinates. Leading the 15th Cavalry Squadron was Red-Eyed Jove. Despite his questionable behavior, he was a reliable subordinate in terms of martial arts and courage. He had always felt like a member of the family, even with all his flaws. Well, it was something that would come sooner or later.

'I'll make you pay for killing my family with your lives!'

With that thought, Hawk... was a bit slow to notice what was beneath his feet.

The next moment, his horse snagged something and screamed as it fell. In the process, Hawk's body was thrown forward.


After soaring through the air for about 10 meters, he crashed onto the ground on his back, groaning as the sound escaped his lips. As Hawk looked back with a curse, he noticed something peculiar set on the ground. Four stakes were driven into the ground, with thin silver wires wound around them in spirals. Upon closer inspection, the wires were adorned with spikes. It seemed his horse had gotten caught in it.


One of his subordinates, maneuvering his horse to jump over the obstacle, rushed over to him.

"Commander, are yo—"

Before the subordinate could finish his question about Hawk's safety, he and his horse were engulfed in flames and exploded. A mortar shell fired from the Type 89 grenade discharger, a portable infantry mortar with an effective range of 800 meters used by the Japanese army, had scored a direct hit. Accompanied by the sound of slicing through the air, rain and hail of shrapnel descended from the sky.


His horse was gone, but he still had his legs. Perhaps due to wearing armor, miraculously his spine seemed intact. Hawk attempted to stand on his own two feet. Some of the cavalry and infantry had already come close to the enemy encampment. However, they were not allowed to get any closer.

"Open fire!"

An order was shouted from somewhere.


A fierce storm of magic (or so it seemed to Hawk) assailed them. One by one, his subordinates bled out and fell to the ground, motionless. Their bodies were torn apart, and a mixture of blood, marrow, and various substances scattered across the ground. The casualties were rapidly increasing. However, it seemed like a miracle was not on Hawk's side.


Deciding to make a quick approach now, Hawk began to run. The next moment, intense pain surged through his brain, and his consciousness vanished in an instant.

. . .

"Alright, next."

Perched on the rooftop of a field structure, a fairy peered through the scope of a Type 97 sniper rifle. Observing a burly man falling to the ground with blood streaming from his head due to the shot she had fired, she murmured softly.

In the vicinity, various bullets from Type 96 light machine guns brought by the machine gun squadron, Type 38 rifles, Type 97 sniper rifles, and machine guns mounted on tanks were flying around, creating a storm of iron. Occasionally, explosions from grenades and tank shells mingled with the chaos. The Lourian cavalry that had charged ahead, as well as some of the infantry, were rapidly dwindling in numbers. Behind them, just beyond the 800-meter barbed wire, a group of infantrymen with shields stood still. Had they been deterred by witnessing the tragedy of the vanguard's charge?

"Another minute, and the sweep will be complete. Now, onto the next..." The fairy muttered, scanning through the scope to find her next target.

"Alright, let's go for that one."

. . .

"No... way..." a shocked Junefila blurted out.

The soldiers who had charged ahead, regardless of whether they were cavalry or infantry, were all hit and lay dead on the ground. Even the renowned Hawk Knights, who were said to be invincible, were completely wiped out without exception.

"Curse you... but if it's the heavily armored infantry with shields! Everyone, gather behind the heavy infantry! Advance in tight formation and attack!"

With shields, they might be able to withstand this small-scale attack, even if that explosive magic was impossible to counter.

However, Junefila had made a colossal mistake.

...That is, the shielded infantry had no meaning against gunfire, and the effective range of these guns and cannons ranged from at least several hundred meters to 3 kilometers.

Beyond the 800-meter barbed wire fence indicating the distance, the Lowrian troops remained motionless. To eliminate them, Sakai simply issued one command.


In the next moment, every loaded tank gun, field gun, anti-aircraft gun, machine gun, rocket launcher, and every other firearm erupted in unison, unleashing a concentrated barrage of fire upon the Lourian vanguard gathered in one place.

"Formation established in tight formation."

Receiving the report from the mage Washuna, Junefila made a decision.

"Alright, all forces, ad—"

But that was as far as he got. Having formed up in tight formation meant that almost all the soldiers had gathered in one place.


Every conceivable firearm was unleashed simultaneously... Junefila and Washuna were both blown to smithereens. Thus, the 20.000-strong Lowrian vanguard was completely annihilated. Not a single casualty was suffered by the Japanese forces. It was a total victory as planned.

. . .

"What the fuck..."

Nou was at a loss for words.

As expected, the Lourian forces had charged into the Japanese positions. However, before they could engage in close combat, they were unilaterally attacked from a distance where even bows and arrows couldn't reach, resulting in their annihilation. Meanwhile, the Japanese forces were "not leaving their positions" as promised. Despite that, the Qua-Toynian army had no role to play.

"Who the hell are these people?"

With the Lourian army routed and a temporary victory secured, one would normally rejoice, but Nou felt like he had lost.

. . .

Meanwhile, at the Japanese base on the Dytal Plain, the sounds of engines reverberated, as if to say they were oblivious to the battles with the Lourian army or General Nou's sense of defeat.

The Type 1 Hayabusa fighters (Nakajima Ki-43) roared its engine, while the Type 1 land attack bombers (Mitsubishi G4M) performed their warm-up routine. They were preparing to sortie to defeat the Lourian forces entrenched near Gim. The roar of Jumo 211 engines echoed on the runway. The Ju87C Kai (Rudel Gruppe) planes were preparing to take off as the vanguard of the attack group.

"Attack group, launch!"

The command was given.

Led by the German masterpiece dive bomber Ju87C Kai, the attack squadron took off one after another into the sky.


Well, if we're talking about the army around the WWII era, they'd definitely have deployed field guns without a problem. So, I tried depicting the first battle for the fairies on land. If it's lacking in volume, sorry about that...

Also, about the game line, it goes, "We could use some artillery." Anyone who had that Battlefield 1942 voice replay in their head, be honest and raise your hand.

Here are some explanations about the Japanese artillery used in this chapter.

Type 90 field gun

The main field gun of the IJA. 75 mm. It showed excellent performance and was used in the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific War. Some are still preserved in good condition around the world. The gun used in this battle, however, is not the motorized model, which was intended for being towed.

Type 94 37 mm quick-firing gun

A type of field gun used by the IJA. 37 mm. Despite being called a quick-firing gun, it is an anti-tank gun. Aware of its lack of power, it continued to be deployed to the front lines until the end of the Pacific War, regardless. It might have even knocked out a few Shermans.

Type 88 75 mm AA gun

Field AA gun of the IJA. 75 mm. As the name suggests, it was adopted in the year 2588 of the Imperial Calendar (1928 AD). Being an anti-aircraft gun, it had a high muzzle velocity and was lightweight, making it easy to be moved around. Therefore, despite being old, it was deployed to the Pacific and wreaked havoc by destroying tanks and shooting down planes.

Type 96 15 cm howitzer

An artillery piece of the IJA. 150 mm. It was used as the main weapon of the field artillery regiment. It was also used on the Pacific Front. It is said that during the Battle of Okinawa, it was this gun that killed Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr., commander of the American forces attacking Okinawa (there's also a theory that it was the Type 1 47 mm rapid-firing gun).

Next Chapter Preview:

The Japanese forces, who brilliantly annihilated the enemy vanguard without leaving their base, will advance towards Gim, which is occupied by the Lourian Army, in coordination with the Qua-Toynian Western Division, with a two-pronged strategy of aerial bombing and ground assault...

Next Chapter: "Gim Returns to Qua-Toyne Once Again"

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