By vanadiumoxide18

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A journey of "I can do anything for you" to "I can do anything for Allah." In a world where people of diff... More



237 20 13
By vanadiumoxide18


I lay on the bed, my warrior nestled in my arms. The soft rise and fall of her breath against my chest felt like a dream I never wanted to wake from. 

"My dreams are never this beautiful," I murmur to myself, it's night. She looks so small and adorable, snuggled against me, seeking warmth and comfort.

I gently stroke her tousled hair, still slightly damp from her unwillingness to let me dry it. At this moment, with her in my arms, I realize I've never felt a sensation quite like this before. It's as if the world could end right now, and I'd be content as long as she's by my side.

My fingers trace the curve of her cheek, the warmth of her skin sending a shiver down my spine. "My warrior," I whisper, my lips brushing against her ear. She stirs in her sleep, nuzzling closer to me, and I feel a flutter in my chest for reasons I can't quite explain.

"Let's have dinner; it's almost time," I gently coax, watching as she blinks, trying to adjust to the light in the room. "What time is it?" she asks, her voice soft and sleepy, a hint of a pout on her lips that I find utterly irresistible. "Stop thinking like that," I scold myself internally, knowing where those thoughts will lead.

"It's almost 8 p.m.," I reply, and she looks around, attempting to extricate herself from my embrace. "Let me go," she says, her gaze narrowing playfully at me. "Wrong move, darling. You know what happens when you look at me like that," I tease, feeling a surge of affection for her infectious spirit.

She gives me a mischievous grin. "I know all too well," she admits, her eyes still locked on mine. She knows exactly how to push my buttons, and I can't help but chuckle as I lean in to press a gentle kiss to her nose.

"We should get up and have dinner," I suggest, reluctantly releasing her. She stretches, her movements graceful and lithe, and my heart swells with love for her. "Yeah, we should eat and then sleep again. I have to start work tomorrow," she says matter-of-factly, and I feel a pang of disappointment. Work already? Can't she wait at least a week after our wedding?

"You're starting so soon?" I ask, surprised, as she turns to face me. "Not just me, you are too. Now, let's eat, sleep, and get to work tomorrow," she declares, her tone leaving no room for argument.

 "As you command, my lady," I reply, playfully, unable to resist her charms.

Seeing her boss me around so sweetly, I can't help but smile at how much I adore her. I just watch her as she climbs off the bed, feeling so lucky to have her. I'm excited to sit down and eat with her, just enjoying being together.



 woke up, the soft morning light peeking through the curtains, and I couldn't help but smile. As I shifted to get up, a gentle hand on my waist stopped me. Turning back, I saw him lying there beside me.

"He looks so handsome," I whispered to myself, feeling a warmth spread through me as I gazed at him. Waking up like this was something I never imagined, but now I couldn't imagine it any other way. With a soft chuckle, I reached out and traced the curve of his nose.

 Feeling a rush of affection, I playfully traced his nose, my fingertips barely grazing his skin. Suddenly, his eyes fluttered open, catching me off guard. I blinked in surprise, my eyes widening as our gazes locked.

"You can admire your husband, no one's stopping you," he said with a soft smile, his voice husky with sleep. I couldn't help but laugh at his playful remark.

"Well, if my husband looks this peaceful when he's sleeping, how can I resist?" I teased, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his forehead before pulling back with a grin. He chuckled, pulling me closer into a warm embrace.

As Taehyung's arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer, I couldn't help but chuckle at his persistence. "Let's sleep a little more," he murmured, his voice pleading, but I shook my head, amusement bubbling up inside me.

"We can't afford to be late," I insisted, gently pushing him away as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Taehyung pouted, giving me his best puppy-dog eyes, and I felt a soft coo of affection welling up inside me.

"It can be a little late, you know I own the company," he said, his tone half-joking but also earnest. I sighed, torn between his adorable antics and the work. But I couldn't let him distract me this time.

"Get up," I coaxed, my voice gentle but firm as I stood and began to get ready for the day. Taehyung reached out, grasping my wrist gently, and I felt a flutter in my heart at his touch. But I knew I had to stay strong this time.

Internally, I couldn't help but coo at his behavior, marveling at how he always managed to tug at my heartstrings with his charm. But as much as I adored him, I couldn't let him distract me from our responsibilities. 

"You're so harsh!" Taehyung exclaimed, sitting up on the bed and running his hand through his tousled hair, somehow managing to look effortlessly cute in the process. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush at the sight, my mind drifting to his charming duality.

"Yazia, you're in too deep now, there's no saving you," he teased, flashing me a playful grin that only made him more endearing. I couldn't help but wonder how this man, with his playful antics and irresistible charm, could be the same person I knew just yesterday.

"Is he the same man he was yesterday?" I mumbled to myself, but Taehyung's sharp ears caught my words. "You said something?" he asked, looking up at me with a curious expression. I shook my head quickly, dismissing my thoughts with a smile.

"I'll get ready," I said, my voice slightly breathless as I hurried off to the bathroom, grabbing my clothes in a rush. As I stood in front of the mirror, hastily getting dressed, I couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of emotions Taehyung stirred within me.

Despite my best efforts to resist him, to push him away, I found myself falling more deeply in love with him with each passing minute. 

It was both maddening and exhilarating, this inexplicable pull he had over me, and try as I might, I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through me whenever he was near, and it scared me sometimes.



After a leisurely breakfast together, Yazia and Taehyung reluctantly began to prepare for their respective workdays. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room as they moved about, gathering their belongings. 

Yazia smiled at Taehyung's cheeky gesture, pausing in her task of setting her hijab to glance at him with a questioning gaze.

"My tie," he said, holding it out to her with a hopeful expression. "You want me to?" she asked, gesturing to him about tying it. Taehyung nodded eagerly, and she narrowed her eyes playfully.

"You know how to tie it, so why do you want me to do it? I'm already struggling with my hijab," she said, giving him a playful smile. "Let's make a deal," she raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What?" he asked, his curiosity piqued, as he handed her the tie.

"I'll do your hijab, and you'll do my tie from now on?" he proposed, more like a question, and she couldn't help but smile at his suggestion. "But you don't know how to do a hijab," she pointed out, and he gave her a tight smile, shaking his head.

"Do you know how to do a tie?" he countered, and Yazia mirrored his expression, shaking her head in response.

"Then let's learn together. Deal?" he asked, holding out his pinky finger to seal the agreement. Yazia looked at his outstretched finger, her heart swelling with affection for the man beside her. She smiled and looped her own pinky finger around his, sealing their promise. 

"Deal," she said, her voice filled with warmth, and they exchanged smiles, their eyes locking in a shared moment of understanding and affection. "Bend down, I'll try to do your tie," Yazia instructed, and Taehyung obliged, giving her access as she positioned the tie around his neck.

As she struggled to tie the knot, she couldn't help but feel the weight of his gaze on her, a dazed smile on his lips. Yazia's heart fluttered at the intensity of his stare, sending shivers down her spine.

"Stop staring and help me," she teased, her cheeks flushing under his gaze. Taehyung chuckled, his eyes still fixed on her, as he gently guided her hands, showing her how to properly tie the tie. With his patient assistance, she finally managed to create a perfect knot.

"Nice... it's perfect," she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with satisfaction as she admired her handiwork. Taehyung grinned in response. "Hmm... now my turn," he said, standing up straight and taking the corners of her hijab in his hands.

"You know, I want to drop you off at your company," Taehyung said as he carefully worked on adjusting her hijab. "You know that's not really possible. I'm still afraid of sitting inside a car," Yazia replied, her voice tinged with a hint of hesitation.

As Taehyung listened to her, one side of the hijab slipped from his hands, and he struggled to put it back in place. "Use pins to secure it," Yazia suggested, offering a solution. Taehyung looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"It's not as easy as I thought it would be. It's more difficult than tying a tie," Taehyung complained with a slight whine, and Yazia shook her head in amusement. "Just leave it, I'll do it," she said, chuckling softly as she gently pushed him aside and quickly adjusted her hijab herself.

Taehyung sighed, his gaze softening as he looked at Yazia, realizing that there was something deeper underlying her fear of sitting inside a car. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to ask her about it.

"Can you tell me why you're scared of sitting inside a car, if you're comfortable sharing? I'm not forcing you," he said gently, his voice filled with genuine concern. Yazia turned to him, her expression unreadable at first.

But then, her features softened as she met his eyes. "It's fine. You're my other half, my mahram; you should know," she replied, her voice tinged with vulnerability as she began to explain about the accident and how it had left her scarred. 

He connected the dots about the pictures that were leaked and everything. He listened intently, his heart aching for her as she recounted her fears and anxieties.

Yazia's voice trembled slightly as she opened up about her fear. "I don't know, but sitting inside a car just scares me," she admitted. "It reminds me of the darkness, the emptiness... I don't ever want to suffer like that again." Yazia said as her voice had a little panicked edge like talking about it scared her.

Taehyung listened intently as Yazia shared her deeper fears. "Are you afraid of dying?" he gently inquired, observing her biting her lip and shaking her head in response.

"No, it's not really death that scares me," she explained, her voice tinged with worry. "But it's how I'll face Allah after dying. I'm afraid of what if I pass away before collecting enough light for my dark grave. I'm afraid of facing Allah with a record of sins weighing me down."

Yazia's words left Taehyung feeling a mixture of emotions. He felt a pang of sadness for her anxiety and a sense of confusion about the complexities of faith and fear. Yazia's words left Taehyung in confusion.

Taehyung's brow furrowed as he processed Yazia's words, his mind grappling with the weight of her fears. "Is there darkness in the grave?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity tinged with concern.

Yazia took a deep breath before responding. "I saw it, felt it too closely. It's nothing but empty darkness," she explained, her words heavy with the weight of her experience. "And I want to light my grave with Noor of Iman. But before that, I'm scared to die. I'm too scared to die in a condition where my Iman is not strong enough to create light in my grave."

Taehyung nodded, his thoughts swirling with a mixture of empathy and introspection. He couldn't shake the feeling of confusion about why he didn't share Yazia's fears. Was it a lack of understanding, or perhaps something deeper?

"She is afraid of Allah, but why don't I feel scared?" Taehyung thought to himself. Yazia noticed him in deep thought. Taehyung couldn't help but feel a pang of confusion. Why didn't he share the same fear? Was he lacking in faith? Or his faith is just based on nothing but his need for her?

Yazia noticed the furrow in his brow, and the contemplative looks in his eyes, and reached out to touch his hand gently, bringing him back from his thoughts. 

"I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I can't imagine how terrifying that must be for you." Yazia offered him a reassuring smile, squeezing his hand gently.

Taehyung changed his expression swiftly as he smiled, looking at her. "We should go before we get late," he said, his tone light and teasing.

Yazia scoffed in response. "My father owns the company. It doesn't matter if I am late or not," she retorted, twisting his words playfully and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Keep doing this, baby. I'll see you tonight," he replied with a knowing smile, and Yazia understood his implication as she made her way towards the door.

"Stop your perverted stuff. We should get going," she said, her tone feigning annoyance, though a hint of amusement danced in her eyes.

"Yeah, we should go before I..." Taehyung began, but the rest of his sentence was lost in a burst of laughter as they headed out together.


In the bustling office, whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire as the employees caught wind of Yazia and Taehyung being spotted together at Taehyung's house. Speculation ran rife, fueled by gossip and curiosity, as they pieced together their own versions of the story.

"Did you hear about Miss Yazia and Mr. Kim?" one employee whispered conspiratorially to another, leaning in close to share the latest tidbit of gossip. "They were spotted together at his place yesterday."

The second employee gasped in mock surprise, eyes widening with interest. "No way! I heard they've been secretly dating for months," they replied, their tone filled with excitement.

Meanwhile, across the office, another group of employees were deep in discussion, their voices animated as they shared their own interpretations of the situation.

"No way! What were they doing there?" they exclaimed, their curiosity piqued.

"Well, you know how Miss Yazia is always so proper and reserved. Some people think she's been pretending to be pure all this time," the first employee replied, their voice tinged with judgment.

Across the office, a different group of employees huddled together, their voices low as they exchanged their own theories about the situation.

"I heard they have secret meetings all the time. Maybe they're having an affair," one employee suggested, their tone filled with scandalous excitement. "Yeah, I heard! I always suspected there was something going on between them."

"I can't believe Miss Yazia would do something like that, especially as a Muslim! What was she doing in another man's house?" the first employee added again dumping all blame on Yazia.

"I bet she's been pretending to be all pure and innocent this whole time. Typical!" others just added more fuel to the fire. "I heard they fight a lot too. Maybe they're just using their arguments as a distraction from their real relationship!" another chimed in, nodding knowingly as if they had uncovered a great secret.

Namjoon stood silently behind them, listening to the whispers and rumors with a growing sense of anger. As the gossip continued to spread, fueled by speculation and ignorance, he felt a surge of frustration at the unfairness of it all. How could they so easily pass judgment on Yazia without knowing the full story?

"Are you all here for gossip?" Namjoon's voice cut through the chatter like a knife, commanding attention from everyone in the room. The employees froze, guilt evident on their faces as they turned to face their boss.

Without waiting for a response, Namjoon continued, his tone firm and authoritative. "Get to work. Stop spreading nonsense without knowing anything and stop blaming innocents just because it's fun." Everyone just gets to their woks giving each other looks Namjoon just sighed and walked away.


Yazia stood outside the house, waiting for her bike to arrive. It had been sent over by her father's driver, as her own bike was still at her parents' house. As soon as the bike pulled up, Yazia thanked the driver, who simply nodded in response.

But before she could climb onto the bike, Taehyung appeared beside her, holding her by the shoulder. "Your helmet," he said softly, placing it on her head with a gentle touch. Yazia couldn't help but smile at his thoughtful gesture. "Now it's nice here," he remarked, giving the helmet a light pat.

Yazia nodded gratefully and climbed onto the bike. As she settled in, she glanced back at Taehyung, her heart warmed by his presence. "Allah Hafiz," she said softly as she started the engine.

Taehyung, however, surprised her by sitting behind her on the bike, holding onto her waist. Confusion flickered in Yazia's eyes as she turned to him. "Not now. Tell me after dropping me off at the office," he said firmly.

"What? Why?" Yazia asked, perplexed by his sudden insistence. Taehyung shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "Stop it. If I can't drop you off, you can drop me off at my company. And I've got a good idea—teach me how to ride the bike after work ends," he suggested with a mischievous grin.

Yazia blinked in surprise, her eyebrows raising at Taehyung's unexpected confession. "You don't know how to ride a bike?" she asked incredulously, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Taehyung shook his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Let's go. We can talk on the way," he suggested, his tone lighthearted as he settled in behind her on the bike.

With a resigned sigh, Yazia started off, the engine humming beneath them as they navigated through the streets. As they rode, Taehyung spoke up again, breaking the silence.

"So yeah, I don't know how to ride a bike. Will you teach me?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of anticipation.

Yazia narrowed her eyes, still processing the fact that Taehyung, of all people, didn't know how to ride a bike. "You really don't know how to ride a bike?" she confirmed her tone a mix of disbelief and amusement.

Taehyung nodded, holding onto Yazia as she guided the bike through the traffic. "No, I don't know how to teach me please... please..." 

As they continued on their journey, Yazia couldn't help but shake her head in amusement at the thought of teaching Taehyung how to ride a bike.

"Okay, it's a deal. I'll teach you. We'll go to a racing track after we finish work," Yazia replied with a smile, her eyes twinkling with excitement at the prospect of teaching Taehyung how to ride a bike.

"Sure, you're always ready to help me," Taehyung remarked, his grin widening as he admired her willingness to assist him. But Yazia simply shrugged, her focus on the road ahead as they continued on their journey.

After a while, they arrived at Kim Industries, and Yazia brought the bike to a stop. Taehyung hopped off, turning to face her with a warm smile. "Allah hafiz. Be sure to pick me up on time and ride safely, my warrior," he said, holding her helmet in his hands.

Yazia returned his smile, feeling a surge of affection for him. With a nod, she watched as Taehyung walked away, waving back at her before disappearing into the building with a big boxy smile. As she revved up her bike and rode off.


Yazia gathered her belongings, preparing to leave for the day, when she noticed her father entering her cabin. His presence brought a mixture of surprise and warmth, and she welcomed him with a smile.

"So, what I heard was true. You're here," her father remarked, his tone gentle but filled with concern. "Yazia, why are you in such a hurry to come here? You've just gotten married, and now you're here. You need to give yourself some time, and also Taehyung. He's your husband; you should take care of him."

Yazia listened to her father's words, feeling a pang of guilt for not considering Taehyung's feelings more. But before she could respond, her father continued, his expression softening.

"It wasn't just me; your mother was quite upset when she found out you had started working so soon," he admitted with a smile, his arms opening for a hug. Yazia's heart swelled with affection as she embraced her father, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping her.

"I knew the moment you called me, Yazia," she mused, a small chuckle escaping her lips as they pulled away from the hug. his eyes softened with pride and affection as he listened to her words. 

"Yazia, Taehyung seems like a nice guy, and I have no doubt he'll take good care of you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Yazia nodded in agreement, a genuine smile spreading across her face. "Yes, he's been wonderful so far. He even has this habit of calling me 'warrior,' just like you do," she remarked, a hint of fondness in her tone.

Her father's smile widened at the mention of his nickname for her. "I'm happy to hear that. It's reassuring to know that someone is there to take good care of my princess," he said warmly, his eyes twinkling with affection.

"I'll go now, I'm in a hurry," Yazia said, gathering her things. "Go, take care. Fiamanallah," her father said, kissing her forehead affectionately before she left.

With her father's words echoing in her mind, Yazia hurried out of the office. As she made her way to pick up Taehyung, she quickly changed into a pair of black pants, an oversized black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. A black hijab wrapped around her head. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, adjusting her outfit with a satisfied nod before heading out to pick up her husband.


As Taehyung leaned back in his office chair, his mind was consumed by Yazia's words. Her fears and anxieties had stirred something within him, prompting him to question his own beliefs and convictions.

"Why don't I feel any fear of Allah?" he mumbled to himself, the words hanging heavily in the air. Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Yazia's words had stirred within him.

As Taehyung contemplated Yazia's beliefs and fears, he realized that his own beliefs were intertwined with his love for her. In her, he found peace only fear he had was what if he lost her.

For Taehyung, believing in Allah became a way to connect with Yazia on a deeper level. It was never a matter of belief but a way to be closer to her.

 "Why don't I feel any fear of Allah?" he pondered aloud, the words escaping his lips almost unconsciously. "Should I be afraid of him?" He was unable to understand this.

Just as he pondered, a familiar ringtone chimed from his phone, pulling him from his thoughts. A smile lit up his face as he checked the caller ID. It was Yazia, his ray of sunshine in moments of doubt.

"Yes, my warrior?" His voice softened as he answered the call, the affection evident in his tone. Her laughter danced through the receiver, a melody that warmed his heart. 

"I am down, did you end your work?" she asked him and chuckled as he felt the tension in his shoulders melt away."Then get up to me," he replied playfully, his words carrying a hint of command as he hung up before she could protest. With a smile lingering on his lips, he rose from his seat.

Standing before his desk, he leaned to it crossing his hand in front of his chest. And when she finally stepped through the door, clad in black, his heart skipped a beat.

"You came fully ready?" he remarked, his eyes drinking in the sight of her with unabashed admiration. She nodded; her smile infectious as she exuded an aura of excitement.

"I told you I'll teach you, now hurry up!" Her enthusiasm was cute for him, and he found himself chuckling in response. "Okay, but first we need to do something," he said, taking her hand in his and leading her toward the door. She raised her eyebrows and walked with him.

Stepping out into the bustling workspace, he felt the weight of dozens of eyes upon him as he halted in the center of the room. With a confident smile, he turned to face his employees, their curious gazes fixed upon him.

"Everyone, gather around for a moment," he called out, his voice carrying a warmth that spread through the room like sunshine. "I want you all to meet someone very special to me, my wife, Yazia Fatima."

With a gentle tug, he drew her closer, his heart swelling with pride as he beheld her. The room seemed to hold its breath as their eyes met, both stared at each other with smiles on their face.

He lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her palm. It was a simple act, but one filled with profound tenderness and affection.  

As his lips brushed against her palm, a hush fell over the room, the air thick with disbelief. Eyes widened in astonishment as the reality of the moment sank in. Taehyung, the notorious playboy, was married?

The shock rippled through the crowd like a wave, disbelief etched on every face. They had never imagined that the charismatic CEO would settle down, let alone with such sincerity and devotion.

As the realization of Taehyung's marriage sunk in, the stunned employees stood frozen in disbelief, their eyes wide and mouths agape. Taehyung gave a resignation nod and walked away holding Yazia's hand leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"I hope your gossip got a good end now get to work," Namjoon's voice got them out and they all walked back to their work. One employee turned to Namjoon and looked at him with a curious gaze.

"How can that ever happen, wasn't Mr. Kim a..." he trailed off as he saw Namjoon's glare and uninterested face. "Right to my work sir," he said as he walked away cursing himself internally.


Taehyung and Yazia came out of the company's building and exchanged knowing looks, and both burst into a laugh. "You saw their faces," Taehyung said in a fit of laughter and Yazia nodded laughing to her fullest. Taehyung looked at her admiring her right in the moment he loved her laugh.

"Things I can do for this laugh are unimaginable," Taehyung thought adoring her lovingly. "Should we go," Yazia asked her excitement still on top. "You are eager to teach me, and I love it," Taehyung said as he caressed her hand with his thumb having a whipped smile.

"You'll love many more things but right now we should leave," Yazia suggested gesturing towards the bike and he nodded. "Okayyyy, where are we going," he asked as they both walked to the bike. 

"A place I know it's a track for this kind of activity, I learned to bike there." Taehyung nodded and they both got on the bike. "You like bikes?" Taehyung asked as he settled in her back.

"If I am being honest, I love cars more, but a bike is fine too," she commented and started the bike.

After a while they both were staring at the place, she told him Taehyung looked around there were some more people but at a distance, he observed the place casually as he turned to Yazia who was on the phone.

"So, where to start?" Taehyung asked with a bright smile cheerful about her teaching him.

"We'll start from me," A voice made Taehyung turn around and his smile flattered as he saw Jungkook almost in the same clothes as Yazia all black leather jacket he looked at Yazia and then at Jungkook who had a big smile wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nice meeting you again husband."  


"Fear of Allah is what I should do?"

ʕ⁠'⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠'⁠ʔ

HI!! besties Uk I thought to call you all besties!! I am happy because I wrote a lot today and it made me happy, I am finally going to write my fav. parts I was dying to write!!

Hope you liked this chapter say hi to Jungkook again!

VOTE and Comment really help me to write as fast as I can 

From V


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