
By Sxrvivor_

478 58 2

In the action-packed universe of My Hero Academia, Nozomi Akatsuma, a fiery new entrant with a quick temper a... More

{Adventure begins}
{Training starts}
{Declared war}
{Sports Festival}
{Cavalry Battle}
{Final Event: First Round}
{First Round:Final Match}
{Second round}
{Nozomi's Struggles}
{Second round:Final Match}
{Nozomi Vs Katsuki}
{Character description}
{Troubled hearts}
{Kinship's Echo}
{Hikari Guardian}
{Echoes of resolve}
{Unspoken Bonds}
{Echoes of destiny}
{Luminous Beginnings}
{Flavours of Friendship}
{Unspoken Words}
{Colours of feelings}
{Starry bonds}
{Crushed Souls}
{Lonely hearts}
{Not alone}
{Battle of Kamino}
{Next, It's your turn}
{1-A Alliance}
{Quirkday Celebration}
{Flirty pact}
{Flirt Battle}
{Bonds of chains}
{Playful Symphony}
{Unfinished business}
{His comfort}
{Tough feelings}
{Shadows Unveiled}
{Bridges of redemption}
{Warm Memories}


4 1 0
By Sxrvivor_

While Shota helps to rescue Class 1-B students, Ochaco and Tsuyu arrive at the Vanguard Action Squad's rendezvous point. However, they realize that they are too late as Katsuki has been captured; Izuku continues howling in grief while his classmates try to console him.

Nozomi's heart felt like it was being crushed under the weight of an invisible force, much like the ones she could control at will. But this was one force she couldn't fend off — the piercing reality that they were too late. Katsuki, their fiery comrade, was gone. Her mind raced with negative thoughts, each one a sharp jab to her spirit. 'Could I have changed this outcome? Was my power not enough?' The questions plagued her, each one echoing Izuku's howls of grief.

She tried to reach out, to offer comfort to her classmates, but her voice was lost in a painful howl that mirrored Izuku's. It was a sound that carried all the sorrow of a hero who wished they could have done more. Tears streamed down her face, not just for Katsuki, but for every hero who had ever felt the sting of defeat in the face of evil. In this moment, Nozomi wasn't just a hero with extraordinary powers; she was a friend, a classmate, and a person who felt the acute pain of loss.

Fifteen minutes after the League of Villain's attack is over, medical teams arrive to heal the injured students and firefighters extinguish the fires. The Vanguard Action Squad's attack resulted in twenty-seven students receiving injuries and caused the capture of Katsuki Bakugo as well as the disappearance of Ragdoll. The Police Force arrive and immediately arrest Muscular, Moonfish and Mustard. However, these arrests don't amount to the failure of protecting one student from being kidnapped.

A day later, there are protests outside of U.A. Inside U.A., the teachers are having an emergency meeting regarding the League of Villains' attack by their Vanguard Action Squad and the effect it has done. The teachers realize that the time of peace has made them soft which has resulted in the incidents that have transpired. They also acknowledge the League of Villains' threat and their plan to wipe out the current Hero society. Principal Nezu is worried by the prospect of Katsuki becoming villains since that will jeopardize U.A.'s credibility and cause them to be shut down. Present Mic points out that there is a traitor amongst them since only the teachers and The Pussycats knew the location of the training camp, although his fact is dismissed by Snipe since trying to find the traitor will breed mistrust and destroy them from the inside. Mr. Principal declares that he trusts his colleagues and is about to say something regarding the traitor issue until All Might's phone rings, causing him to leave the room.

In the quiet of the hospital room, Nozomi Akatsuma lay in a bed parallel to Izuku’s, her own injuries a testament to the ferocity of the battle at the training camp. Bandages wrapped around her torso and a cast immobilized her left arm — injuries sustained while using her telekinesis quirk to shield her classmates from debris.

The atmosphere was thick with grief as Class 1-A gathered around Izuku's bed, their faces etched with concern and guilt. Nozomi's presence, usually so full of life and energy, now seemed subdued, her telekinetic powers dormant as she grappled with her own vulnerability.

"I'm sorry... I couldn't do more," Nozomi murmured, her voice a mere shadow of its usual confidence. "If only I had been stronger, faster..."

"You did what you could, Akatsuma San," Ochaco said gently, reaching out to squeeze her hand. "We all fought with everything we had."

The conversation shifted as Tenya updated Izuku on the condition of their classmates. Nozomi listened, her heart aching for Toru, Kyoka, and Momo, who were still battling the aftermath of the attack. The news that Katsuki was missing weighed heavily on her, the guilt gnawing at her insides.

Nozomi's mind was a tumultuous storm. Her body lay still, but her thoughts raced, each one a sharp sting of regret and sorrow. She stared at the ceiling, the blank expanse mirroring the void she felt within.

'I'm supposed to be strong, to lift others with my power... but who lifts me?' she pondered, the weight of her own expectations pressing down on her. 'I could move objects with a thought, yet I couldn't prevent this disaster. I couldn't protect Katsuki... I couldn't protect anyone.'

The silence around her was deafening, punctuated only by the soft beeps of the machines monitoring her vitals. In the quiet, her unspoken fears whispered to her. 'Am I really cut out to be a hero? What if my best isn't good enough?'

These thoughts spiraled, each one dragging her further into the abyss of her own making. 'They all look to me to be this unbreakable force, but I'm just as fragile. The pain, the fear... it's all real, and it's all mine to bear.'

Nozomi's heart ached with a loneliness that seemed to engulf her. 'They say heroes don't cry... but maybe that's just another lie we tell ourselves to keep going.'

As her classmates shared words of comfort and encouragement with each other, Nozomi remained silent, her internal battle hidden behind a facade of stoic resolve. But inside, the storm raged on, a relentless reminder of her humanity and the daunting path that lay ahead.

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