The Blair Witch Project (Male...

By WeaselSnipes

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Four film students, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard, Michael C. Williams and Y/N L/N who've traveled to a sma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Final Chapter

Chapter 9

259 18 0
By WeaselSnipes

In the forest the group continues to hike.

Lane: Watch yourself. Watch your step! Yeah.

Talia: It goes down here.

While hiking, Talia continues to tell the story about the town, Blair.

Talia: Back in the 1940s, Rustin Parr brought eight kids out to his house in these woods. Killed seven of 'em. But Parr claimed that he heard the voice of an old woman telling him to kill the children. He would take them up to his attic and make one stand in a corner while he killed the other one.

Lane: There's been some debate on that actually, where whether it was the attic or the basement.

Lisa: So, he thought he heard the Blair Witch telling him to kill people?

Talia: Well, he never said who it was. He just said that it sounded like this voice of an old woman. They hanged him out in these woods, near his house.

Lisa: So, wait, he had a house out here?

James: Yeah. That's the one we're looking for. Y/N rebuilt the house to live in it. Supposedly they found a bunch of old tunnels and stuff underneath that didn't go anywhere. Some kind of underground railroad thing, I think.

Some after, they stop hiking as Lisa sets up a camera as they all begin to sit down.

Peter: Oh, my back.

Soon after, they continue to hike once more.

Peter: Okay, so this is, uh, this is technically where the Black Hills Woods start. Back from when this was private land.

Ashley: Uh, well, who owns it now?

Lane: It was own by Y/N but now no one owns it. It's the state's, I guess.

Ashley: So, we're not trespassing or anything, right?

Lane: No. No one cares. No one living, that is.

Peter laughs as the others try not to laugh as Lane and Talia continue to hike.

Ashley: If we have to go camping with the locals, could you please not piss them off?

Peter: Baby, I Di... I didn't say anything.

Ashley: You don't have to say anything, Peter, you know that.

Peter laughs.

Peter: I'm sorry. Sorry.

Ashley: Okay, Goofy.

They then hike with the two as they see a sign.


Lane: The glare on the plastic...

James: You just, you we... you were walking by and you saw it?

Lane: This is where we found the DV tape.

Peter: And there was nothing else on the tape?

Lane: No. Like I said, it was all static except for that bit that we uploaded.

Ashley: Why does the tree look like that?

Talia: Lightning. Sometimes when it hits the tree, the electricity goes into the ground and it burns the tree from the roots up.

James: Was it just underneath here?

Lane: Yeah. It was like half under and half out, but we had to dig a little. It wasn't your fault. I just couldn't help laughing at you.

They then hike to a creek.

Talia: A girl drowned in this creek.

They then continue to hike.

Talia: It was around when Burkittsville was founded. Her family was doing the washing and her mother said she saw a hand reach out of the water and pull her daughter in. Probably the only reason we still know about it is 'cause there were newspaper articles, 'cause the girl's body was never found.

Lisa: Are we crossing this?

They all begin to take off their shoes and socks.

Ashley: Oh, yeah.

James enters the creek.

James: Oh!

Peter: Yeah, let us know how it is.

James: Ooh, it's freezing.

Peter enters the water.

Peter: I'm walking across the water.

James: That's great.

Peter: Oh! That's cold.

Ashley: Leeches are fine? What do you mean?

Peter: Wait, wait, you said there was leeches?

Ashley: No, I'm just asking. Are you coming?

Lisa: Did you get a pedicure before you came here?

Ashley: Yes.

Ashley lets out a fake cry.

Ashley: Ah!

Peter: I know, I know.

While they were in the creek Talia looked at Lane.

Talia: You sure this is a good idea?

Lane: Uh, will you hold the camera for me for just one second? My shoes...

Peter: All right. Oh, oh!

Ashley: Careful there.

Peter: Ah! That's cold!

Ashley: Wait, I got it, I got it.

Peter: You got it? All right. Careful.

They all begin to cross the creek together.

Talia: You all right?

They then hear Ashley scream.

James: Ashley!

Peter runs towards Ashley.

Peter: Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! Hey, hey, hey! Come on, okay.

Ashley: I cut my foot on a rock or a piece of broken glass or something.

James: You'll be all right.

Peter: Okay, there we go. We gotcha.

James helps Peter with Ashley.

James: You okay?

Ashley: Yeah.

Peter: You're all right, you're all right.

James: Careful, careful, careful.

They then get across the creek and sit Ashley down.

James: Okay. Let's see that foot.

Ashley: Okay.

James: Ah, you're all right. You're all right. You're all right.

Ashley: Is it bad? It just feels like it's really deep and it hurts.

James: No, it's not bad at all. I just gotta clean it. Lisa, do you mind gettin' my first-aid kit? It's in my bag over there.

Lisa: Huh?

James: Lisa. First-aid kit. Bag. Please.

Lisa sees the wound and it only appears to be a small gash.

Lisa: Oh, shit! Sorry. Yeah. Sorry.

James: Thank you very much.

lane records Ashley's wound.

James: Lane! Jesus! Manners, dude.

Peter: Hey! Hey! Back up! Back up!

Lane: I'll get this shot really quick and then I'll be good.

Peter: Get back over there.

Lane: Just like one more second?

Peter: I swear...

Lane: All right, all right.

James then tends to the wound.

James: All right, I've seen much worse than this. There you go. Oh, oh, it's okay. Try not to move it too much.

Ashley: Feels like it's really big.

James: No, it feels a lot worse than it actually is. I promise.

They then put a bandage on it.

James: Pressure. It's okay. It's all right. Now we just gotta wrap it up and you'll be good to walk on it.

James wraps Ashley's foot.

James: Gotta brings it around.

Peter: Thank you, James.

James: No problem, man. Okay. You wanna try standing up?

Ashley: Yeah. Okay.

James: All right don't put too much pressure on it.

Peter: Ready? One, two, three.

James and Peter help Ashley to her feet.

Peter: There you go.

James: You all, right?

Ashley: Yeah.

James: Not so bad.

Ashley: Not so bad.

Soon after, they continue to hike and stop and set up a stretch cord to dry their clothes.

Peter: Come to my palace in the woods. This is how we roll. In style without...

They then start to set up camp.

Ashley: No, that's what I'm trying to say is, um...

Peter: Is it... fuck.

Ashley: Babe, Babe, it's bent.

Peter: Babe, I got it, I got! Please, let me just put the tent together. Okay?

Ashley: I'm just saying that the pole is...

Peter: I just need to put the tent together right now. It's not supposed to be bent, I know. So, you just bend... This... is this supposed to be bent? This is not the entrance.

Ashley: That's not. Well, that's not either.

Peter: Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck you! Fuck you, tent!

After helping Peter set up the tent, they took out the drone and turned it on.

Lisa: Okay. Everything's good.

Peter: Hey, I'm gonna go get some firewood before it gets totally dark, okay? Looks like the sun's coming down pretty quick.

James: Well, hold up. Let's finish this and I'll come with you.

Peter: No, man, I'm not goin' too far, okay? I'll keep my camera on. You can see me on the GPS, all right?

James: Okay. Well, take a walkie-talkie with you, please.

Peter: Man. Brother already got one.

James: Thank you.

Peter: Yeah.

Peter walks off as Lisa sends the drone into the air.

Lisa: What exactly should we be looking for?

James: We're looking for Y/N's house from Heather's footage. Do you see the... do you see any clearings? Anything like that?

All there is, are trees for miles out not seeming to end.

Lisa: I shouldn't take this thing too much further up, but, I mean, I don't see anything yet.

After collecting some wood and bringing the drone down the group starts a fire and begins to bond.

James: Yeah. That was a good movie.

Lane then eats his food.

James: I'm unsettled, immediately.

Peter: All right.

Lisa: Ew! Ew!

James: I'm uncomfortable with this.

Ashley: What?

Lisa: Why do you have to eat it like that?

Ashley: I didn't mean to.

James: Eat it a little bit quicker. You don't have to go all slow like that.

Lisa: Oh, god!

Soon after, eating the group talks.

Ashley: It really, really did scar me for life. I don't want to ever fish again.

Lisa brings out her camera and records and sits down.

Lisa: Okay, so the Blair Witch. Who is she really?

Talia: Elly Kedward. That's what most people say. She was accused of witchcraft after some of the children in town said that she'd taken blood from them. There wasn't much of a trial system back then. Townspeople took her out to these woods, tied her to a tree and left her to die of exposure. In the spring they went back to look for her body but there was no trace of it. They assumed she was eaten by animals or something, but... then people in the town started disappearing. First the children who'd accused her, and their families. Then others. Eventually, everyone who was left just abandoned their homes, fled the town.

Lane: Well...

Talia: What? What?

Lane: Well, I was just gonna add... According to this book I read, published in 1809, they didn't just tie Elly Kedward to a tree. I mean, they did tie her to a tree, but they tied her up really high and they strung these heavy rocks to her arms and legs as weights, stretching her.

Talia: Ugh.

Lane: They left her to die on a makeshift rack.

Talia: Okay. Thanks.

Lane: Ever since, there's been a curse on these woods. The legend says if you look directly at the witch you'll die just from the fright of it. That's why Rustin Parr stood in that corner. They say no one's ever seen her and lived to talk about it.

Peter: Or, alternately, no one has ever seen her, period. This is all just stories, okay? I've been to these woods before. When I was a kid with about 100 other people.

Talia: You were part of those search teams? I remember that.

Peter: Yeah. So how come I'm okay? Nothing got me then.

Lane: Maybe it did. You're back, right? All right, real theory, real theory. One that I've read online. Whatever spell the witch put on these woods, you have to be out here at night for it to get you. You have to spend the night.

Lisa: Wait, well, then how come you're still alive?

Lane: That's a good point.

Lane: Maybe she's using us to lure you all out here.

Ashley: Okay, on that note, I'm going to bed.

Peter: Yeah, me, too.

James: We should get some rest. We got a lot of ground to cover tomorrow.

Peter: 'Night, dudes.

Lane: Yeah, good night, man.

They all begin to go into their tents.

Lisa: Good night, James.

James: 'Night.

They all enter their tents and go to sleep. Soon after, James begins to record.

James: I just heard something moving outside.

He then hears a branch break outside.

James: Oh, my...

He then hears another branch break when suddenly a loud rumble is heard.

James: Shit. Shit!

He then hears wolves howling as James turns on a flashlight.

James: What the fuck?

He then unzips his tent and goes outside.

James: Hey, Lisa. Lisa?

Lisa pulls him into the tent and zips it up.

James: What the hell are you doing? Did you hear that out there?

Lisa: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard it. There's something out there, out in the woods, like a bear.

James: Okay, here.

James gives Lisa a blanket to cover herself.

Lisa: Thanks.

Suddenly a loud radio static is heard.

Lisa: What the fuck was that?

James: It's okay. It's just my walkie-talkie. It's all right, that's all right.

Lisa: Shit!

James: Peter, is that you? Com check.

Peter comes onto the radio.

Peter: James, what the hell was that?

Lisa: Oh, fuck.

James: I don't know, man, I don't know.

Peter: Are you okay?

James: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're okay, we're okay. Lisa's here too, we're okay. I mean, she just came, like, just now came into my tent.

Lisa: Like 30 seconds ago.

They then hear Talia's voice.

Talia: Hey, is everyone okay out there?

Peter: Yeah, we're fine. You two good?

Talia: No. Lane's not here.

James: Where is he?

Talia: Well, he went... he went off to pee, but he always goes far off for privacy.

James: Oh, God. Hey, Lane! Lane! Lane!

No one answers back.

James: Oh, God damn it. We should probably go look for him, right? Make sure he's okay?

Peter: No.

Ashley: No.

Peter: No, I'm not goin' out there.

Ashley: That is definitely not a good idea.

Talia: Well, I'm gonna go. He's been gone for a while.

James: Okay. I'll come with you. Um... shit, he might be lost, okay?

Lisa: Um...

James: I'll be right back.

Lisa: Okay. I guess I should probably go back to my tent.

James: I mean, you can stay here if you want.

Lisa: Okay.

James: Yeah?

Lisa: Okay.

James: All right. I'll be back soon.

Lisa: All right.

Peter: Hey, good luck, man.

James and Talia begin to look for Lane.

Talia: Careful. There.

James: Thanks. Lane!

Talia: Lane! Lane!

James: God, where is he? Lane!

Talia: Lane! Lane!

They then continue further and further as James looks at Talia.

James: Did you see that tree that fell? Sounded like it landed nearby.

Talia: Yeah, but sounds can travel pretty far out here.

Lane comes out of nowhere scaring James and Talia.

Lane: Did you guys hear that?

James: Lane! Lane, what the fuck, man?

Lane: I'm sorry, man. Tell me you recorded those sounds. Did you get those sounds?

James: Yeah, Lisa and I were recording.

Lane: Okay. I went to see if I could find what was makin' those noises. I couldn't find anything. Did you guys find anything?

James: No, dude. Just let's get back to the camp, okay?

Lane: Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

James: You okay?

Lane: Yeah.

James: Okay.

The three then walk back to camp unaware someone is watching them from afar. 

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