The Juicy Adventures of a Wou...

由 ADPosh

124K 397 8

There are limited career options for a young girl in the medieval times. Koko is a former orphan living at a... 更多

Thrysts in Church
The Archbishop
Carriage Ride
The Capital
Guard Duty
Cardinal Sins
Doing the Lord's Work
Lord's Work Continued
Forbidden Trysts
Orgy with the Priests
Knightly Initiations
The Princes


4K 20 2
由 ADPosh

Koko was officially introduced to Penelope the next day, at a royal banquet. She was the daughter of a common lord, pretty and dainty. She already had a host of admirers, though no one made a move on her, just watching her from afar. The Crown Prince was not yet done with her, and she was to not be touched by anyone else.

Koko smiled at her, and the other girl returned the smile tentatively, her cheeks flushing. She was clearly thinking about her deflowering, and the pleasures that were unexpected. Koko asked her how she was.

"Wonderful, my lady." Penelope answered, hesitating. "Though a little sore, I would say." She blushed even more, looking down at her dinner plate. She cut her eyes to the Crown Prince, who was sitting at the head table, presiding over the banquet.

"He summoned me again this morning." Penelope confided. Koko raised her eyebrows as she listened. "Oh? And how was it?"

Penelope grabbed her hand, looking anxious. "I am ignorant of these things, but he could not finish inside me. So he put his...his -" She fumbled for the word.

"His cock?" Koko inquired. Penelope blushed even deeper, her face burning hot. "Yes, that. I was a little sore you see, not being accustomed to such things. So he put it in my mouth. Is that right?"

Koko smiled, envious at the thought. "Hmm, and how did that feel?"

Penelope paused for a moment before she answered. "It was...not unpleasant. It made me feel hot, and it was hard to breathe, but then I learnt to accommodate him. But...I would have never imagined it possible."

Koko nodded sagely. "I feel the same way. It can be quite pleasurable, serving such important men. We are doing our part to please them so they can perform their duties well." She beamed proudly at the other girl, and patted her hand.

"There is so much more to experience, my lady. You will see." She promised her. Penelope's eyes ran over Koko's body.

"Yes..." She mused, "Will you be joining us again another time, lady Constance?"

"Please call me Koko." Koko urged. Then, "It is up to the Crown Prince to summon me again. I am mistress to the second prince but he is away for a hunt."

Penelope's eyes glittered. "Do you think your prince will be angry to see you service someone else?" She seemed to be imagining the things they could do until his return, to pass the time.

Koko could not help but smile widely at the thought of her prince. "Oh no, he is the generous sort. He watched me with his knights. He has not touched me yet, himself, but has not forbade me from receiving pleasure from others."

Penelope's eyes widened. "Truly? My prince told me I am only for him until he tires of me. He seems more of a jealous sort than your prince." Sighing, she sat back in her chair, looking at her lap.

Koko patted her hand once more. "Do not worry, you will have your chance to sample other men soon enough. The Crown Prince has been rumored not to keep a single mistress for long. You just make sure to please and obey him until then."

Penelope clasped her hand then, smiling back warmly. "I am glad I had you there for my first time. I was terrified out of my wits until you came along." Koko squeezed her hand back.

"Truly, it was my honor, lady Penelope."

"Perhaps we can do it again but with your Prince?" Penelope suggested.

A spark of jealousy and anger ran through Koko, so much that she feared she squeezed Penelope's hand too tight. The other girl jolted, her hand going slack, but didn't drop her hand from Koko's grip.

"I don't think my prince is willing to lay with me, let alone another woman." Koko managed to say. She would die if her Prince touched Penelope first and not her. He was hers first. She did not mind sharing her own body, but the thought of the prince burying his magnificent cock in someone else's pussy, his lean muscles under someone else's hands? She could not see through the red haze in her vision for a moment. Blinking through it, she forced herself to calm down as Penelope changed the subject, chattering on about gowns and jewels.

Smart girl..Koko thought. She eventually forgave the girl for her suggestions, and vowed to never let her cross paths with her Prince. Penelope seemed to understand Koko did not want to share her Patron, so she did not mention it again.

The banquet doors opened, a herald announcing the second prince. Koko rose from her seat immediately, her gaze searching for her Prince. He swept in, cloak and all, and found his seat at the head table. Platters of fresh meat - from the hunt - followed his entrance, and the merriment of the banquet came to an all time high. The Crown Prince scowled at his younger brother, as it was clear he was preferred by their subjects.

Koko sat back in her seat when he did not even glance at her. She watched her prince as she nibbled on the delicious food in front of her. Her appetite was not as hearty as it usually was, because there was something she hungered for more than anything. Her prince did not glance at her as he was immersed in conversation with the important nobles clamoring for his attention.

Koko waited patiently, hoping he would eventually notice her as well and bade her to sit with him. She could watch him for hours - she liked everything she saw. The way he drank from his wine goblet, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed. She imagined licking down his strong neck, tracing the lines. She even envied his fork as it slipped between his lush lips, depositing a piece of meat in his mouth. His jaw flexed as he chewed, and Koko's imagination took flight, thinking of how his face would look as he climaxed.

She resented any distraction that took her attention away from him - Penelope chattering on next to her, other ladies coming to their table to introduce themselves. Koko was polite outwardly, but her fists were clenched underneath the table as she counted the seconds until she could return to her prince.

Finally, the prince rose in his seat, bowing deeply to his brother. It didn't suit him, to lower himself for another man when he was clearly the most regal, but who was Koko to question it. It was the way of the world, and she especially knew her own place.

The Prince swept from the room, and tears threatened to spill from Koko's eyes when he moved past her. She thought he would summon her, but the immense disappointment she felt was nothing she had ever experienced in her life. She felt her heart break a little, until he paused at the door. Her heart beating wildly, she nearly yelped when he turned to meet her gaze for the first time since his return.

She sat frozen as he met her eyes for a moment. She held her breath...then he lifted his hand, beckoning her to come to him. Koko breathed in again, rising from her seat. She paid no mind to the ladies calling out to her, or even Penelope who asked where she was going. She only had eyes for her Prince, and not breaking this contact, she finally stood before him.

His gaze swept over her face, down her body, before meeting her eyes once more. Koko did not think she imagined the heat in his stare, but he merely nodded, and bade her to follow him out of the banquet hall.

The doors closed behind them as they walked down the hall, up the stairs and to the west wing of the castle, where the Royal suites were. Koko could barely contain her excitement as she anticipated what would pass between them soon. She had a feeling, she would finally know what the Prince tasted like.

She wondered then, where they were going when the Prince kept walking past his chambers, to the right of the hall. Stopping before massive double doors, he waited for the knights stationed there to open the door. Following him inside, Koko took in her surroundings. This suite was as luxurious as the Crown Prince's, fit for a king! The Prince bade her sit in the saloon as he walked through another chamber.

Koko sank into the luxurious couch, taking a peek into the chamber from her vantage point. She saw a man was sitting at the window sill, looking out, though there was nothing to be seen in the darkness.

"Father, I see you are in better health these days." The Prince commented.

"Sorry to disappoint, I live to see another evening. I can't promise I'll still be here in the morning, however." The gruff voice she heard had to have come from the Prince's father - the king! Koko's eyes widened but she remained seated where the prince had left her. She could hear their conversation as they spoke for a few more moments - something about the succession and future of the empire. Koko did not pay it any mind, patiently waiting for her Prince to return to her.

Would she be introduced or was he merely visiting his elderly father before retiring to bed? Whichever it was, she hoped he finished quickly. She was aching to touch him, she remembered the feel of his fingers on her bare skin. He had only touched her arms, but she knew in her heart, it would be different with him - something special.

"Bring her to me." The King's gruff voice and his words alerted Koko. She sat up straight, knowing they were speaking about her now.

"Father, I do not see why--" the Prince was interrupted.

"Am I still not King? You dare question me?" The King's voice turned menacing, dangerous. Koko started to rise, she was uncomfortable to witness an argument between the two royals.

She met the Prince's eyes as he walked over to the doorway to signal her to come inside. She hastened to comply.

"My apologies, Father. I was merely curious to know your...intentions."

Koko strode to the bedchamber, hesitating a moment in the doorway. She met the King's eyes, as he was awaiting her entrance. She quickly averted her gaze down to the ground as she curtsied politely.

"Your Majesty, it is an honor." She greeted him.

He merely nodded at her, appraising her form.

"My intentions, you say? I am just being nosy, is all." The king grinned at her, seeming to be laughing at his son.

Koko looked to the Prince, who had sighed in impatience. Meeting the eyes of the King again, she returned his grin. He seemed kind, and just like a regular grandfather, or uncle. He was grey haired, frail and sickly looking in his bedclothes. He was pale, as if he had not gone outside for months.

"Lady Constance, I hear. My son does not like to share, you know. He is afraid I would take you for my own."

His eyes twinkled as he looked between the two of them. "But son, you know I can't get it up anymore. That is why your mother left to return to her mountains. Plenty of young bucks to keep her satisfied up in the north. My time is no more."

He swiped at the air in front of him as if dismissing the whole conversation. Koko thought him a tad eccentric but she had never met a king before. Perhaps this was how they all were.

"If she had come along 10 years ago, I would have snatched her from under you. But alas, my youth has gone and I'm for the dead." The King rose from his seat, climbed into the giant bed in the chamber. Slipping under the covers, he turned his back as he closed his eyes.

After a moment, they heard soft snoring. Shifting first, the Prince glanced at her, motioning her to follow him out of the chamber.

Once they reached his suite, he turned to look at her over his shoulder, his expression confuddled.

"You know that I am at a loss for what to do with you, right?"

Koko frowned, because she did not know that. "Just touch me." She finally said.

The Prince looked away, a groan passing his lips. "You know I can't. You're planted here by the Archbishop to spy on me."

Koko felt she understood. "You doubt I want you for real." It was a rhetorical remark.

The Prince faced her now, shaking his head. Koko grabbed his hand, placed it above her heart. Her breathing in his presence was always quickened, like she was out of breath. Her heart beat wildly in her chest and she could barely endure being so near to him without knowing his touch. She was afraid even a taste would not be enough. She wanted eternity with him, she felt it in her soul. If there was ever a chance to return to the convent- which was her favourite place in the whole wide world - and become a nun like she had always dreamt, she knew she had firmly closed that door. She had found a new favoured place and it was wherever he was.

The Prince's eyes widened, and he let out a soft breath. He was looking at her softly one second, then the next few seconds passed in a blur. He moved his hand away from under her hand where she held it to show him how affected she was by his presence. Before she could protest the loss, he pulled her into his arms, his mouth falling on hers as if it fit together like a puzzle. Koko forgot about her surroundings. For a few moments, all she saw were flower blossoms in her mind's eye and the feel of his muscular arms encircling her as his mouth did wicked things to hers.

She moaned, returning his kiss with as much passion - openmouthed, sensually gliding their tongues against each other. His hands moved against her back, up her neck and then he sank his fingers in her hair. Koko purred in pleasure, arching her body against him. He held her against his chest, slightly lifted off her feet to meet his mouth for the kiss. When their lower bodies met, they both slowed down the pace, his erection hot against her thigh. Koko nearly wept her gratitude for this moment - She had never experienced such joy in the touch of another man. Even the thought of it had her wet and aching, and now it was finally happening. It had been less than a week since she met him. But it felt like an eternal crime that he had waited this long to make her his.

She playfully nipped at his lips, teasing as she couldn't help but smile widely in between kisses. She felt his grin against her mouth and she opened her eyes to meet his. She saw the joy reflected in his eyes. She was not as wordly as the Archbishop but she felt she understood the core of people. And she always trusted her instincts and nature. She felt she saw through his core and he in hers. Something just felt right.

Their kisses slowed, their foreheads dropping against each other for a moment. The Prince's hands stopped roaming her body, and he rested them on her arms as he gazed in her eyes.

"I cannot continue like this, Koko." He said wistfully.

Catching her breath from their kisses, Koko frowned at him.

"Why?" She could not see any reason why they could not continue.

The Prince gave her a cynical smile, one hand reaching for her face. He ran his fingers down her face, very gently. She leaned into his hand, nearly purring as she closed her eyes to breathe him in.

When she opened her eyes again, he leaned down slowly. "Because, Koko. If I ever laid with you, I know I'll fall in love with you."

"Is that a bad thing?" Koko asked.

The Prince didn't answer right away. He kissed her temple, tracing his lips down her face, her neck. His soft kisses had her melt against him. Fortunately, his arms held her up because she had lost her footing a while back. She nearly missed the words he was whispering against her skin, but it reached her brain moments later.

"Because you could cause me to lose my entire future."

Koko moved back to look at the Prince's face as she said  "But you are my future." She murmured it, not even realizing she had said it.

The Prince's eyes grew soft as they gazed at each other. When he did not move, Koko's hands slipped around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. She couldn't help it. She kissed him tentatively, slowly at first. The Prince stepped back, taking her along towards the bed until he fell back on it. She fell on top of him, meeting him chest to chest, her forehead by his chin.

He kissed her forehead before flipping her over on her back, his hands catching on her dress. He hiked it up, pulling her bodice down as well. Laying between her naked legs (she had stopped wearing drawers since the Crown Prince had ordered it), his erection fit snugly against her mound, with only his leggings in the way. He lifted his tunic over his head, tossing it away. Koko nearly stopped breathing as she took in his magnificent chest and abdomen. He was chiseled as if made of stone but as she ran her hands over his arms, he felt like velvet encased steel.

His mouth descended on her throat, licking, biting and kissing his way down to her collarbone. Koko was lost in his scent, his powerful body against hers. As he continued to kiss her everywhere, his pelvis rocked against hers in rhythmic movements. Koko both savoured it, and grew impatient after a few moments. She nearly growled as her hands met the waistband of his leggings. She pushed them down, her hands sliding over his bare ass.

He pushed it the rest of the way, finally kicking it off. His mouth trailed down her abdomen, kissing her flesh everywhere he could until he reached her damp curls. His mouth kept trailing down and down until he gave her an open mouthed kiss on her netherlips. Koko arched her back, pushing her pelvis closer to him. His fingers held her open, and she felt his breath against her clit before his wet mouth enclosed over it. He sucked gently, placing soft kisses in between as she writhed against him. He was strong enough to hold her down as she trashed against him, in the throes of the orgasm he built up. Koko screamed as it became too much, her hips lifting off the bed. He held her tightly as she came, his hands running up and down her legs, caressing her thighs. He kept caressing her until she caught her breath. Having calmed down, she finally met his eyes.

The Prince sat back on his heels, smiling at her affectionately. She beamed right back at him, a giddy feeling overcoming her. She savoured this moment as well. Then she rose to get on her knees.


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