Kion X Rani: Tough Love

By Smxxr07

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In this story Kion never went to The Tree Of Life. One day his father (Simba) told Kion that the King and Que... More

Chapter 1: Announcement
Chapter 2: The Arrival
Chapter 3: The Dream
Chapter 4: Peace
Chapter 5: Confessions
Chapter 6: Memory loss
Chapter 7: Together at last
Chapter 8: Evil rises
Chapter 9: The storm
Chapter 10: Beginning of a war
Chapter 11: Rani's past / Breakup?
Chapter 12: The decision
Chapter 13: Rani's journey / The plan
Chapter 14: The first attack
Chapter 15: The Takeover Pt 1
Chapter 16: The Takeover Pt 2
Chapter 18: Kion's problems
Chapter 19: Ambushed
Chapter 20: Love finds a way
Chapter 21: End of a reign
Chapter 22: The Burial
Chapter 23: You aren't alone
Chapter 24: The Coronation
Chapter 25: First day as King/ Surprising News
Chapter 26: The warning

Chapter 17: The Takeover Pt 3

190 4 12
By Smxxr07

Simba and the rest of the Lion Guard dashed over to where Kion layed. What they witnessed left them gasping in horror.

"K-Kion," Simba choked out, tears
streaming down his face. The rest of the Guard couldn't hold it
together either, bawling at the sight of their leader sprawled in a pool of blood, bones shattered, and blood oozing from his nose and mouth. It was a gut-wrenching scene that hit them hard.

Simba approached his son, who was surrounded by Nala, Kiara, and Kovu, all of them crying. "N-Nala, is he alive?" Simba stuttered as he choked out the words.

"He is, but it's not looking good," Nala said, tears streaming down her face. "We have to do something! He needs healing!" Kiara exclaimed, her voice cracking with emotion as Kovu wrapped an arm around her for support.

"Fuli, go get Rafiki!" Simba's command was urgent as he looked to Fuli. Without hesitation, Fuli nodded and dashed off to find Rafiki, her paws pounding against the ground in a frantic sprint.

Fuli burst into Rafiki's domain, her voice echoing through the jungle as she called out urgently, "Rafiki! Rafiki, where are you?!" After a moment, Rafiki's head popped out from his tree, his eyes wide with surprise. "Fuli? What's the matter?" he inquired.

"It's Kion, Rafiki. He's hurt bad, really bad," Fuli explained breathlessly, her heart racing with worry. Rafiki's expression shifted to one of concern as he grasped the severity of the situation. Without hesitation, he followed Fuli, his staff clutched tightly in his hand, as they hurried back to where Kion lay, his mind already racing with thoughts of how to help the young prince.

As Rafiki and Fuli arrived where Kion lay, the scene was grim. Simba, Kiara, Kovu, Nala, and the rest of the Guard clustered around, their faces etched with worry and fear. Rafiki wasted no time, his ancient wisdom guiding his every move as he approached Kion's side.

Simba's heart clenched as he watched Rafiki begin his healing ritual, his mind consumed with prayers for his son's recovery. "Hang in there, Kion," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. Kiara wrapped an arm around her father, her own tears mingling with his as they waited for any sign of improvement.

Kovu stood close by, his usually stoic expression softened by concern. "He's strong, Nala. Kion will pull through," he murmured, offering what little comfort he could to his mother in law. Nala nodded, her eyes never leaving Kion's still form. "I know, but it's so hard to see him like this," she replied, her voice choked with emotion.

Meanwhile, the Guard huddled together, their usual banter replaced by somber silence. "We have to believe that Rafiki can help him," Beshte said, his deep voice filled with conviction. "Yeah, Kion's tough. He'll make it," Bunga chimed in, though the uncertainty in his voice betrayed his fears.

Ono hovered above them, his sharp gaze fixed on Kion. "We just have to have faith and give Rafiki the time he needs," he said, his voice steady despite the anxiety gnawing at him.

Minutes stretched into agonizing hours as Rafiki worked tirelessly, his chants filling the air with a sense of hope and desperation. But as time wore on, his expression grew graver, his movements more solemn. "He's not doing well," Rafiki finally admitted, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Kion is in a coma."

The words hung in the air like a heavy cloud, and a collective gasp escaped the gathered group. Simba, Kiara, Nala, Kovu, and the Guard were overcome with grief once more, tears flowing freely as they grappled with the harsh reality of Kion's condition.

Simba's voice cracked as he tried to find the strength to speak. "We can't lose him," he choked out, his words a desperate plea to the heavens. Kiara clung to her father, her sobs echoing his anguish, while Nala buried her face in her paws, unable to bear the sight of her son in such pain.

Kovu held onto Kiara tightly, his own tears mingling with hers as he silently prayed for Kion's recovery. And the Guard, usually so resilient, stood together in silent solidarity, their hearts heavy with sorrow as they faced the uncertain future that lay ahead.

"Let's get him back to Pride Rock," Simba's voice trembled with worry as he made the decision. The others nodded silently, their expressions heavy with concern. With great care, they lifted Kion's lifeless body and placed him atop Beshte, the hippo's strong back the only comfort amidst the despair.

As they trudged toward Pride Rock, a thick silence hung over the group, broken only by the sound of their footsteps echoing off the desolate landscape. Simba walked alongside Beshte, his heart heavy with the weight of his son's condition, his mind plagued by thoughts of what might await them.

Kiara walked beside her father, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she struggled to come to terms with the possibility of losing her brother. Nala followed close behind, her gaze fixed on Kion, her heart breaking with every labored breath he took.

Kovu walked beside Kiara, his usual confidence shattered by the sight of Kion's frail form. With each step, the reality of the situation weighed heavier on his shoulders, the future uncertain and bleak.

And the Guard, their usual banter replaced by a solemn silence, trailed behind, their hearts heavy with grief as they faced the prospect of a future without their beloved leader.

As they reached the base of Pride Rock, a sense of overwhelming sadness washed over them, the once-proud symbol of their strength now a grim reminder of their vulnerability. But amidst the despair, there was no hope to be found, only the crushing realization that Kion could die.

In the Tree of Life:

Rani's parents were fully headed and resumed their roles as King and Queen of the Tree of Life.

Rani and her parents sat among Sahasi's Night Pride, sharing a meal of zebra under the moonlit sky. Laughter and conversation filled the air as they enjoyed each other's company, basking in the warmth of their newfound friendships.

But then, in the midst of their joyous gathering, Rani's heart clenched with a sudden pain. A sharp pang of distress shot through her, causing her to wince in discomfort. "Kion," she whispered, the name escaping her lips in a breathless murmur.

The mood among the group shifted instantly, the once-lively atmosphere now tinged with concern. Rani's parents exchanged worried glances, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. Sahasi and the members of the Night Pride looked to Rani with furrowed brows, sensing the urgency in her voice.

Rani's instincts told her that something terrible had happened to Kion, her connection to him stronger than ever despite the distance between them.

Rani harbored a secret that she had kept hidden even from her closest confidants—her own parents. It was the truth about her past relationship with Kion, a connection that had been deep and meaningful but had been severed for the sake of her royal duties as acting Queen while her parents were sick.

As Rani's discomfort became evident, her mother, Ananda, voiced her concern with a furrowed brow and a gentle inquiry. "Rani, dear, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with worry and maternal instinct.

Rani tried to brush off her mother's concern with a dismissive reply, unwilling to burden her with the weight of her own troubles. "It's nothing, Mom," she replied, attempting to mask the pain in her voice as she placed a tentative paw over her chest, where her heart beat erratically.

Rani's thoughts were consumed by worry as she couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible had happened to Kion. Fear gnawed at her insides, twisting her gut into knots as she grappled with the uncertainty of his well-being.

Unable to bear the weight of her anxiety any longer, Rani made a hasty excuse to her parents and her father's Night Pride, her voice catching in her throat as she fought to maintain her composure. With each step she took away from the group, the heaviness in her chest grew, a silent burden that threatened to crush her beneath its weight.

Seeking solace in the familiarity of her den, Rani retreated to the privacy of her own space, her heart heavy with the weight of her emotions. Alone in the darkness, she allowed herself to succumb to the overwhelming tide of sadness that threatened to engulf her.

Tears streamed down her cheeks unchecked as she collapsed onto the cool earth, her sobs echoing off the walls of her den in a symphony of anguish and despair. In the solitude of her grief, Rani allowed herself to feel the full extent of her pain, mourning not only for the uncertain fate of Kion, but also for the love and companionship they had once shared.

Rani's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to push back the rising tide of panic. Each breath felt like a struggle, her chest tightening with each beat as she fought to keep her emotions in check.

"Please... Please be okay, Kion," Rani's voice quivered as she whispered into the darkness, her words coming out in stutters as tears welled in her eyes. She sniffled, trying to regain her composure, but the floodgates had already opened, and her tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

"I... I love you so much," she continued, her voice cracking with emotion. "I know... I know that leaving you was something that broke us both, but... but I had to," she confessed, her words tumbling out in a rush as she struggled to articulate the depth of her feelings.

"I... I know that you understand... my reasons," Rani stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper as she pleaded with the darkness for a sign of hope. "Please, Kion... Please be alright. Please," she begged, her words fading into the stillness of the night as she clung to the fragile thread of hope that remained.

In the OutLands:

Uovo licked his wounds tenderly as he tended to his injuries, the rough texture of his tongue soothing the ache of his battle-worn body. His den was shrouded in shadows, the darkness providing a sense of privacy as he nursed his wounds in solitude.

Just as he was finishing up, one of his loyal lions entered the den, his presence cutting through the stillness like a blade. "Uovo, when will we attack?" the lion demanded, his voice brimming with impatience and eagerness for battle.

Uovo paused, his amber eyes narrowing as he regarded the lion with a steely gaze. "Kion may be injured, but we must not rush into battle blindly," he replied, his voice measured and deliberate. "We must wait for the opportune moment, when the PrideLands are at their weakest, before we strike."

The lion's nostrils flared with anticipation at the mention of Kion's injury, his hunger for revenge evident in his gaze. "Now is the time to destroy the PrideLands," he added, his voice laced with determination.

Uovo nodded in agreement, his own thirst for vengeance driving him forward. "Yes, the time is near," he declared, his voice echoing with the promise of impending conflict. "But we must bide our time and strike with precision if we are to emerge victorious."

With a calculated nod, Uovo began to outline his plan, detailing the strategies they would employ to ensure their success.

Uovo gathered his pride around him, their eyes gleaming with anticipation as they listened to his plan. "We won't just attack," he declared, his voice low and filled with malice. "We will unleash chaos upon the PrideLands."

Excited murmurs rippled through the group as Uovo continued to lay out his strategy. "We'll go on a full-on rampage," he announced, his voice carrying the weight of their impending assault. "But we won't stop there. We'll use the vultures to carry fire sticks from the volcano and set everything ablaze."

The lions exchanged eager glances, their anticipation mounting with each passing moment. The prospect of destruction fueled their excitement, their hunger for revenge driving them forward.

With a grim determination, Uovo led his pride into the darkness, their roars echoing through the night as they prepared to unleash their fury upon the unsuspecting PrideLands. And as they set their plan into motion, the flames of their vengeance burned bright, casting a shadow over the land as they embarked on their path of destruction.

Back in the PrideLands:

Simba perched on the rugged edge of Pride Rock, his mind consumed by thoughts of Kion. The events that had transpired weighed heavily on him, casting a shadow over his usually serene demeanor.

As he gazed out into the darkness, Simba couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped his heart. The image of Kion, injured and vulnerable, haunted him, each memory a painful reminder of the fragility of life.

In the silence of the night, with only the distant sounds of the savanna to keep him company, Simba grappled with the overwhelming sense of guilt that threatened to consume him. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed his son, that he hadn't been there to protect him when he needed him the most.

Nala and Kiara curled up beside Kion, their bodies pressed close to his, offering warmth and comfort in the cool night air.

Kovu walked alongside the Guard, his determination evident in every step he took. He had volunteered to take Kion's place until he recovered, his loyalty to his brother in law and the PrideLands unwavering in the face of adversity.

As the Guard made their way along their familiar route, Ono's sharp eyes spotted a troubling sight. "Guys, I see Uovo and his lions!" he called out, his voice tinged with urgency.

Fuli's eyes widened in alarm. "What?" she exclaimed, her instincts kicking into high gear.

Kovu wasted no time in taking charge. "Ono, go warn the king and have him rally the pride to help us," he commanded, his voice firm and resolute. Ono nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and swiftly took to the sky to deliver the message.

With their plan in motion, Kovu turned to the rest of the Guard, his gaze steely with determination. "C'mon, guys, we can't let them cause any trouble," he declared, his voice a rallying cry as he took off towards the location of Uovo and his lions.

Ono soared through the night air, his wings beating with purpose as he raced towards Pride Rock. Upon arrival, he found Simba and quickly relayed the urgent news about Uovo's presence.

Simba's expression hardened as he absorbed the information. "Gather all the lions," he instructed, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Except Nala and Kiara. They need to stay with Kion."

Meanwhile, back at the den, Nala and Kiara hovered anxiously over Kion's still form, their worry palpable in the air. "We have to keep him safe," Nala murmured, her voice tinged with concern.

Kiara nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving her brother's face. "He's counting on us," she replied, her voice firm with determination.

As the pride assembled under Simba's command, the tension in the air was palpable. Each lion stood ready, their resolve unwavering in the face of the impending threat. And as they prepared to confront Uovo and his lions, their unity and determination were a testament to the strength of their bond and their commitment to protecting their home at all costs.

As Simba arrived at the scene, he found Kovu and the Guard locked in fierce combat with Uovo and his lions. The clash of claws and roars echoed through the night air, a cacophony of battle that filled the savanna with tension and danger.

"We can't hold them off much longer!" Fuli shouted, her voice strained with exertion as she dodged a swipe from one of Uovo's lions.

Beshte's massive form stood as a bulwark against the onslaught, but even his strength seemed to falter under the relentless assault. "We need reinforcements!" he grunted, his voice strained with effort.

Kovu fought with a fierce determination, his every movement calculated and precise. "We can't let them break through!" he urged, his eyes blazing with determination as he rallied the Guard to stand firm against the enemy.

Meanwhile, Uovo and his lions pressed their advantage, their attacks relentless and unforgiving. "Take them down!" Uovo bellowed, his voice a thunderous roar as he urged his pride forward.

But just as the tide of battle seemed to turn against them, a new threat emerged from the darkness. Vultures descended from the sky, their talons clutching fiery sticks torn from the heart of the volcano.

Simba's heart sank as he watched the vultures descend upon the Pride Lands, their sinister presence heralding a new and terrifying phase of the battle. "We're being attacked from all sides!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency.

Ono's keen eyes scanned the horizon, his feathers ruffling with agitation. "The Pride Lands are on fire!" he cried, his voice tinged with despair.

Bunga, ever the optimist, refused to back down in the face of adversity. "We can't give up!" he declared, his voice ringing out with determination. "We'll fight until the very end!"

As the battle reached its climax, it became apparent that Simba and his lions, along with the Guard, were losing ground against Uovo and his fierce pride. Despite their valiant efforts, they were outnumbered and outmatched, the relentless assault of their adversaries pushing them back with each passing moment.

"We can't hold them off any longer!" Simba's voice rang out, a note of desperation creeping into his tone as he surveyed the chaos unfolding around them.

Beshte, his strength waning under the relentless onslaught, knew that they were running out of time. "We have to retreat!" he bellowed, his voice carrying across the battlefield.

Simba's heart sank as he realized that they had no choice but to fall back. "Gather the Pridelanders!" he ordered, his voice filled with resolve despite the grim circumstances. "We're going to the Back Lands."

Simba rushed back to Pride Rock, his heart heavy with worry for his beloved Nala and Kiara, and with concern for their son Kion, who lay in a coma. Bursting into the den where Nala and Kiara were gathered, he wasted no time in relaying the news.

"Nala, Kiara," Simba's voice was urgent, "Uovo attacked, and it's chaos out there, We lost the battle, we need to evacuate. I've ordered the guard, including Kovu, to evacuate the Pridelanders and get them to the back lands. We can't risk anyone else getting hurt."

Nala's eyes widened in shock and concern, while Kiara's expression hardened with determination. They knew the severity of the situation and swiftly gathered what they needed to leave their home behind.

As they prepared to depart, Simba explained in detail what had transpired during the fight with Uovo, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and concern.

Simba placed Kion on his back and left Pride Rock with Nala and Kiara following close behind.

They began their journey to the Back lands which wasn't that far.

As they arrived in the Back Lands they saw the Guard, Kovu and many Pridelanders. But there were a lot of PrideLanders who died.

Simba looked back towards the PrideLands which were now engulfed in flames. Simba sighed heavily. Nala noticed this and nuzzled him "It's okay Simba, we can reclaim the PrideLands again. But now we need a place to stay" Nala said. "We will go to the tree of life" Simba ordered.

"Fuli you and the guard will cover the left flank of the group while my pride will cover the rest. Me Nala, Kiara and Kovu will be in the front" Simba explained. The Guard and Simba's pride nodded and went to their respective flanks.

Simba asked Ma tembo if she could carry Kion on her back to which she immediately agreed to do.

The Royal family, Lion Guard and the PrideLands began their journey to the Tree of Life.

"We did it, the PrideLands are ours" Uovo said as he roared. The rest of his lions followed their leaders action and roared alongside him.

"Tell Leo to start his attacks on the Tree of Life" Uovo commanded as he turned to one of the vultures. The vulture nodded and flew off.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is the most I've written so far. Sorry it came a bit late, I kinda hit a writers block on how the fight would go against Uovo. But thank god I completed it. If you guys feel like I should change anything in this chapter please let me know.

Remember to have an amazing day everyday :)

Word count: 3482

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