The 0th Corps Commander Becam...

By PopeOfDeonism

107K 7K 2K

While resting in his room at the Demon Kings castle Deon passes out and regains memories of a certain red hai... More

Chapter 1 - Cale? It's Deon now!
Chapter 2 - Rest properly
Chapter 3 - Corps Commander Meeting
Chapter 4 - Fire of Destruction
Chapter 5 - Zeroth Corps Commander
Chapter 6 - A human?
Chapter 7 - Hero V.S. Villain
Chapter 8 - Confrontation
Chapter 9 - Deon's dress up day
Chapter 10 - Banquet after Banquet
Chapter 11 - I am home
Chapter 12 - Butterfly fiasco
Chapter 13 - Neutrality of Death
Chapter 14 - Quelling down a burning
Chapter 15 - Obsession after obsession
Chapter 16 - Cruel is very cruel
Chapter 17 - Daunting Memories
Chapter 18 - Oracles Revelation
Chapter 19 - An Unexpected Predicament
Chapter 20 - Blurry Destiny
Chapter 21 - Operation: Actors of Acting
Chapter 22 - Demon Arut's return
Chapter 23 - A slight change in the persona
Chapter 24 - A child?
Side Chapter: An older brother's perspective
Chapter 25 - All To Which Will Happen Eventually
Chapter 26 - You Lonely Child
Chapter 27 - Little Red Riding Hood, Don't die
Chapter 28 - Emergency
Chapter 29 - Friendly Threat
Chapter 30 - A Changed Outcome
Chapter 31 - Me or Him?
Chapter 32 - Family Bonding
Chapter 33 - Disturbances
Chapter 34 - Unforseen action
Chapter 35 - Power of Death!
Chapter 36 - The Coming of a War Against a Disaster
Chapter 37 - Changing Fate
Chapter 38 - A Better Life
Chapter 39 - Healing
Chapter 40 - Magic Regeneration?
Chapter 41 - Hyung-nim!
Chapter 42 - The Ending
Chapter 44 - A Wild Day Out
Chapter 45 - Blood Samples
Chapter 46 - Negotiation Gone Wrong
Chapter 47 - Threatening Negotiation
Chapter 48 - Collecting World Errors!
Chapter 49 - Improvement
Chapter 50 - Revelations of Irony
Chapter 51 - Don't cry
Chapter 52 - A Talk
Chapter 53 - Third One

Chapter 43 - Sneaky Child

1.2K 95 62
By PopeOfDeonism

Did I trick you with my previous chapters title . .


Caver sighed before making his way back to his seat, it was useless from the beginning. His ending would be to eventually die in the hands of the Hero and forever be seen as an evil being who tried to take over the world, not as Caver, no not never as Caver. It would be a miracle if a human even referred to or knew his name as Caver.


'I can't believe it... They're going so far as to attacking me now.. So much for trying to resurrect me.'

He had no choice but to act like a typical noble in front of Choi Han. Well, what choice did he even have? If he acted like he did know Choi Han or as trash then his cover would be blown. It was safer to act like an arrogant noble, they would never expect him to be like that.

After all, fooling your enemies senses and deterring them from their goal is what he was best at.

'I feel like a kid sneaking back into my room...'

Deon opened the door to his estate carefully, trying not to make a single sound slip out. When he succeeded, he breathed out a relieved sigh.

"And where were you?"

'Holy fuck!'

It was none other than Cruel, with a very reprimanding, but somehow still a gentle look on his face. Deon almost felt like screaming but suppressed the urge to do so, he will never get used to people appearing

Deon turned around and face Cruel who crossed his arms. He heard a sigh from Cruel who placed Deon's cloak on the stairs.

"I won't pressure you to tell me what happened, but you had me concerned, you didn't come home for hours."


'Is it something that serious?'

Deon pondered about it, he knew that he would get scolded for coming back late. That's what happened to me with his uncle, except, instead of a scolding, he had a bottle of alcohol thrown at his face.

Getting scolded was way better than alcohol bottles thrown at him, that was an obvious fact. Sometimes he's really glad that he reincarnated.


"No it's fine, it wasn't your fault. You should head to bed, it's not good for you if you don't get enough sleep."

Cruel stroked Deon's head, he knew what was going on through his baby's head but chose not to dwell on it, after all, it wasn't his baby brother's fault that he now acted like this. Slowly but surely he'll heal Deon's wounds eventually, but for now this was good enough.

He walked Deon to his room, an aura swept through the two of them as they walked to Deon's bedroom as they did when they children. Deon immediately fell asleep under the influence of the black fog while Cruel remained awake to catch the falling whitehead.

"The God of Death..?"

"..Sorry about that, I need to fix something."


Obviously it had something to do with Deon seeing how he immediately passed out while Cruel remained awake and unaffected by the black fog.

Perhaps it also worked in his favor as he could sense about six people in Deon's room. But who could have sent them? The Duke or the Second Prince?

He walked into the room, and immediately all six assassins jumped at him. Since Cruel possessed a Hero fragment, it was rather easy to apprehend each of the assassins. He didn't even need a weapon to knock them out, all Cruel had to do was hit their vital points and they'd pass out.


"Yes Sir Cruel."

Remember immediately appeared behind Cruel who still had the sleeping Deon in his arms. Cruel pointed at the six assassins passed out on the ground and motioned the butler to bring the assassins to the underground prison.

Cruel laid Deon in bed as Remember dragged the assassins out. He had no idea what a man like Remember was doing here as Deon's butler but since he didn't cause him any harm it was fine.



Deon yawned as he sat up in his bed perplexed, hell, he doesn't even remember what conversation he had with the God of Death the moment he passed out. He did remember some bits and pieces of the conversation they had but it was still too vague for him to understand.

What did the God of Death mean by world errors? All he remembered was that the God of Death apparently was able to get rid of the Hero fragment imbedded in his and the Demon King's soul.

'Since when did I have a fever too?'

He touched his forehead and felt it burning, it was even worse than when he overused Record for an entire week. Well, at least he can still move, that was a good thing.

'...Huh, why do I feel hair...'



He won't question it anymore, he must be dreaming. There was no way Hana was here, yeah, he was just dreaming. Who was he kidding, he could feel his nails digging into his flesh, which hurt a lot. Now to answer the bigger question, what was Hana doing here?

Deon looked at Hana who somehow managed to sneak into his bed, who even gave her the coordinates to his house? He was well aware that Hana was capable of using magic and teleporting, but he was pretty sure that he never gave her the coordinates to his house, not in the Human Realm at least.

"Hana what are you doing here-"

"Why not?"


Hana looked at her mother (father) confusingly, was she not supposed to be here? What's wrong with her being here, she missed him so she should obviously visit!

Deon looked at Hana and laid back down in his bed. He resigned to his fate, he knew no matter how much he would convince her, she wouldn't budge even an inch.

'Is it just me or do her eyes look more yellow now...?'

He took a look at Hana's eyes, they were still red like his eyes, but there was now a yellow hue on the bottom of her iris. Which was strange, her eyes weren't like that before.

Deon continued to think of plausible theories as Hana looked around the unfamiliar place. It was her first time in the Human Realm, so it was no wonder why she kept looking around. It must've been her first time outside of the Demonic Realm.


"My Lord! The... The Second Prince is here!"


Deon laid in place as he heard Dan's desperate pleas, the Second Prince had been pressuring him to bring Deon out to him for the past few minutes. What's worse was that Cruel was on an errand to discuss the timing and location of negotiations privately so that the Duke wouldn't find out about the specific details.

He opened the door and motioned Dan to come in, he could feel the weird stare he got from Dan as he sat down on the bed while Hana lied beside him.

"The a few minutes after Sir Cruel left, His Highness demanded for you to come out."

"Ugh... Fu- I'm starting to get a headache..." I almost forgot Hana was here.

Seriously, he really needs to learn how to censor his mouth around children. The amount of times he's almost or actually cussed in front of children is almost baffling.

Deon turned to Dan who calming down after he was able to get away from the insane Prince. He pat the boy's head out of instinct and thanked him.

"You did a good job keeping him out."

"T-thank you!"

And that was how the infamous Third Hero of the Empire, and Zeroth Corps Commander adopted another child. Unbeknownst of the fact that he had practically already adopted half of the Demonic Realm or more specifically the Corps Commanders, despite being younger than all of them.

"Is Remember handling the Second Prince right now?"

"That's right, Mister Remember is dealing with the Second Prince."

Deon looked at the door and immediately, he went over there and locked the door. He knew for a fact that the Second Prince would obviously force his way through to get to him.

After he locked the door, Deon went over to the balcony and unlocked the door before opening it, for emergency measures. He remembered last time when he wasn't prepared enough when the Second Prince came to 'visit' him, he struggled unlocking the window but eventually, he escaped through the window.


Deon tensed himself as he stood in front of the balcony door, he was even thinking of turning to religion just to pray that it wasn't the Second Prince in front of his door.

"My Lord?"

Luckily for him, it was Remember at the door instead of the Second Prince. Deon let out the biggest sigh of relief as he went to open the door for Remember.

"Remember, did you deal with the Second Prince yet?"

"I have successfully convinced the Second Prince to turn back My Lord."

"Oh.. Thank goodness he's gone."

Remember left shortly after he delivered the news to Deon, Dan shortly followed after. Now, it was just him and Hana left in the room.

"It's a butterfly!"

"Wait- Hana, don't touch that."

Deon lifted Hana up and away from the Death Butterfly that appeared on his nightstand. He knew that the butterfly would most likely not hurt Hana, but he was just being paranoid. You never know when an accident might happen if you're too lax. And of course, he didn't lift Hana up with just his strength, he had to use the Super Rock again to do so.

He could feel a gloomy atmosphere emitting from the Death Butterfly as he placed Hana back down on the bed, Deon almost felt bad for the butterfly but he was just being cautious, guess he'll have to make it up to them somehow.

"...The leader of the Revolutionary Army is dead, there's a new leader though!"

"A new leader, who is it?"

"From what I remember, one had black hair and eyes and another had gold hair and eyes."


This was certainly bad, Deon knew that Daniel was bound to die anyway but to be replaced by Choi Han and Eruhaben was even worse. It wouldn't be as bad if a new person that was never introduced in the story replaced Daniel, but with Choi Han and Eruhaben as the new leaders, things won't end well.

This also meant that the Duke had a higher chance of allying with the two. First, the Duke needed him dead for a deal with the Demon King, and now, Eruhaben and Choi Han also need his physical body to die in order to bring his soul back to the Roan Kingdom.

"Damn it..."

"Mama, are you okay?"

Hana hugged Deon in an attempt to comfort him. She always observed how her mother (father) always got into trouble with that golden lizard and black haired man. Which was why she always stuck to her mother's bright soul, she's not letting those guys take her mama away from her!

"..Yes, I'm fine. Something just happened."

"But you don't look okay..."

Well, Deon couldn't refute that, he just went through a mini breakdown right in front of her. But this was something that children do not need to concern themselves with, this was his problem and his issue that he'll resolve on his own.

But other than that, he was fine, really he was fine. The God of Death managed to remove the Hero fragment, although he forgot how the God did it but it was fine, right? The cracks on his skin were also gone as well, he was practically back to his old self.


The windows to his room were broken as two assassins broke into his room. Judging by how silent and the bloodlust he could feel, these two were elite assassins. Obviously, they were sent by the Revolutionary Army which meant that Eruhaben and Choi Han had sent them towards him.

He only knew this because the assassins wore the same clothes and had the exact same moves as the assassins that attacked him at the hunting competition.

"Hana, I want you to observe me as I use my ancient powers. I don't really know how the magic you possess works but I can teach you how to maximize the efficiency of it at least."

Deon wasn't sure if he would always be by Hana's side since he would now frequent between the two realms more than before, along with the fact that Choi Han and Eruhaben were now apart of the Revolutionary Army. So the most he could do was help Hana in some way use her magic efficiently.

He materialized the Indestructible Shield as soon as the assassin aimed for both him and Hana, he pushed the shield forward and flung both of the assassins far enough so they wouldn't harm Hana.

He summoned a rock spear from the ground as an assassin attacked him from the back. Of course, during those few seconds of being free, Deon made sure to order the Death Butterflies to keep Hana safe.

(Sorry guys I suck at fighting scenes)


"These guys were persistent..."

Deon wiped the sweat off of his forehead, he overused his ancient powers a bit but it was fine. He wasn't coughing up blood at least, sometimes he was glad that this world had a large number of demons living. His ancient powers were stronger than ever and he could also protect himself from other people, specifically, Choi Han and Eruhaben.

He looked at Hana who was still standing there in place and wondered if he shouldn't have taught her that. Those thoughts quickly went away when Hana ran up to him and hugged his leg.

"It's like magic even though it's not!"

Hana who observed the whole fight was amazed, these powers were so cool and powerful! She also felt a stronger urge to do the same thing while she watched the fight, she wanted to be cool like her mother as well!

She definitely learned a lot and got even stronger from just observing her mother engage in a fight.


observed observed observed observed observed.. observed!!!

I drew... Cale. In my fanfic. but my notebook was being a meanie and it looks bumpy now..

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