The Ghost and Molly and Night...

By EixheirZamora

930 23 5

Teens optimists Molly McGee and Grey McGee aka Nightwolf who lives to make the world a better place, fix what... More

Chapter 1: The Curse
Chapter 2: First Day Frights
Chapter 3: Howlin' Harriet
Chapter 4: The (Un)natural
Chapter 5: Getting the Band(shell) Back Together
Chapter 6: The Greatest Concert Ever
Chapter 7: Mama's Gotta Hustle
Chapter 8: Hooray for Mollywood!
Chapter 9: Not So Honest Abe
Chapter 10: The Best of Nin-tensions
Chapter 11: Mazel Tov, Libby!
Chapter 12: No Good Deed
Chapter 14: All Systems No
Chapter 15: Monumental Disaster
Chapter 16: Talent Show
Chapter 17: Scratch the Surface
Chapter 18: Friend-Off

Chapter 13: The Turnip Twist

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By EixheirZamora

The scene starts outside of the McGee's residence. Pete is shown waiting for something at the window. Molly and Nightwolf goes to him

Molly: Whatcha looking for, Dad?

Scratch: Oh! Is it the ice cream truck?!

Nightwolf: Whoo! Ice cream truck?!

Pete: It's here! It's finally here!

They go out to the mailbox

He picks up a magazine

Pete: Here she is: Midwest Monthly. I've waited four weeks for this!

Scratch: Is that a magazine, like, with staples?

Molly: You know you can read it way earlier online, right?

Pete: Ha! And miss out on that new magazine smell?

He smells a magazine

He sniffs

They look at each other

Pete: I don't think so! And now to find out which town has been named "Best of the Midwest"...

He exhales

Nightwolf: Ooh! I think Brighton's got a real shot!

Pete: I'm too nervous. You both do it. No, I'll do it. No, you both do it. No... You both do it.

They takes the magazine and opens it

Molly: Okay, We'll look. And the winner is...!

He crossing his fingers

Pete: Brighton, Brighton, Brighton...

Scratch: "Perfektborg... Scandinavian Hospitality in America's Heartland."

Pete: Noooooo!

He takes magazine angrily

Pete: Perfektborg wins every time! Look. Brighton's not even in here!

Nightwolf: Oh, it's not true, Pete! Brighton's in the magazine...

He points at the map in the magazine that says "Bright"

Nightwolf: Well, actually, just half of Brighton... But it still counts!

Scratch: When did half count?

Pete: For too long, Brighton has been counted out. But no more! The next edition of Midwest Monthly will crown the "Best Fest in the Midwest" and it's going to be Brighton. Who's with me?!

Molly: Ooh! Us! We are! We are!

They try to high five but fail multiple times

They both grunts

Molly: Wha? Okay. One more time.

They both grunts

Nightwolf: One, two...

They decided to connect elbows and high five from there

Molly and Nightwolf and Pete: Ah!

Nightwolf: Whoo-hoo!

Molly and Nightwolf and Pete: McGee's never give up!

They take their proposal to the mayor

Mayor Brunson: I love it, McGee's! Always wanted to take that smug Perfektborg down a peg or two. Wipe those "perfekt" smiles off their faces!

Pete: All we need is a festival that will draw a crowd...

He shows up next to the Mayor's goldfish, accidentally scaring it to death

Assistant Mayor Goldie: Ahhh!

Mayor Brunson: We already have one. Turnip Fest!

Pete: Ha! Good one! Oh, that wasn't a joke?

Scratch: Talk about dead in the water!

He notices the dead goldfish

Scratch: Ooh. Poor word choice.

The goldfish turn into the ghost

He tries to put the goldfish's soul back to its body but fails

Mayor Brunson: Sure, we haven't been able to fund Turnip Fest in decades, but back in the day, it was a real hit! Right, Goldie? Oh, sorry. Assistant Mayor Goldie.

He pretending to be the goldfish

Scratch: Bloop-bloop-bloop.

Pete: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, but we can't beat Perfektborg with turnips!

Molly: Yeah, turnips are just potatoes that went... horribly, horribly wrong!

He exclaims

Mayor Brunson: I will have no anti-turnip talk in this office, McGee's! Brighton was built on the back of the mighty turnip!

He takes a turnip

He chomp and eats it

He struggling to swallow it

He sighs

Mayor Brunson: They may not look like much, and they sure don't taste like much... but they're ours! Right, Assistant Mayor Goldie?

He finally puts the goldfish's soul back to its body

He sighs

Mayor Brunson: I knew you would

He kisses goldfish bowl

Mayor Brunson: You're my smartest adviser!

The McGee's are back home, they start to brainstorm how they'll make the festival happen

Nightwolf: Okay, all we gotta do is win Best Fest.

He starts to imagine the plan

Nightwolf: And that'll bring tourists. And tourists will bring...

Pete: Tourist money! Which means more funds to en-happify the town, winning us even more awards!

Molly: Nice usage of "en-happify."

Scratch: Hi. Reality here.

He shape shifted into a tiny Godzilla to break Molly and Nightwolf's and Pete's illusion

He screeches

Scratch: You're working with the turnip, which is what you'd get if earwax became a vegetable.

They sighs

Scratch: Guys, you know me, I'll eat anything. But a turnip? No way!

He quickly summoned by the Ghost Council

He throws the pizza he was eating to Molly and Nightwolf

Scratch: I'm coming back for that pizza!

The Ghost Council POV

He splats on the ground, the Ghost Council waiting for him

Scratch: Oof!

Sir Alister: Scratch, we need to talk.

Sir Alister: Your misery numbers

He showing him the Brighton's Misery meter, which is half-and-half at this point

Sir Alister: are frankly... miserable.

Lucretia: Yes. We've seen a rather disturbing trend of rising joy.

Scratch: Uh, yes, well, you know, I've been... I've been cookin' up something... really miserable. A Turnip Festival. Can you believe it?

Grimbella: Hmm. Turnips are miserable.

Grimbella: But festivals are risky.

Lucretia: They can spread joy.

Sir Alister: Remember what happened when Perfektborg had their Krumcake Cookie Competition?

Lucretia: Yes. Look at Scary Sven. He never recovered.

He passing by from within the Flow of Failed Phantoms

Scary Sven: Hello! Is eternity over yet?

Sir Alister: It would be a shame if you had to join Sven in the Flow of Failed Phantoms. 

He starts grinning

Sir Alister: FOREVER.

Scratch: Yeah, but this is a festival about turnips!

He goes up to the ghost councils' desk

Scratch: Nobody likes turnips! My misery numbers are gonna go through the roof!

Molly: ♪ Turnip Fest is back! ♪

Patty: Did you say "Turnip Fest"? Now, that's a festival I can "root" for!

She laughs

Pete: This weekend, celebrate Brighton's tastiest treat!

He chomp and eats it

He gags

Pete: There'll be food! Fun! Festivities!

Pete: And also, turnips!

Pete: Just make sure you..."turn up"!

Dianne: Stay at the Brighton Motor Lodge!

Dianne: Lots of vacancies! Wide open!

Dianne: Please come.

All cheering

The numbers of viewers for the commercial rise on the website it was posted on, and Nightwolf was showing it to Molly and Pete and Scratch

Nightwolf: Pete, we're going viral! Our ad worked!

Scratch: Yeah. It did.

He slides down from the couch to the floor

She grunts

She laughs

He gasps

Boy: I love turnips.

He look at the turnips on a stick

They eat the turnip on a stick and put the trash bin

Scratch: Hey, Molly and Nightwolf, uh, you know--

Molly: Yes?

Scratch: Hypothetically speaking...

Nightwolf: Mm-hmm?

Scratch: How would you feel if Brighton didn't get the "Best Fest in the Midwest"?

Molly: Ah, well, come on, man. That's not gonna happen. 'Cause it's in the bag!

Scratch: Let's pretend. Spitballin', you know. It wouldn't--it wouldn't, like crush your entire spirit, would it?

Nightwolf: Um, no. I think We'd get over it. Oh, but it would totally demolish Pete.

Nightwolf: Whew!

They cheering

He cheering

They cheering

Scratch: Okay. I mean, it's not gonna happen, but--

Molly: Right, it's not gonna happen 'cause the whole town has "turned up" for turnips! 

Scratch: Yeah. 

They laughs

Molly: So you know, no worries, Scratch.

Scratch: Well, I'll just see you later, then.

He groans

He flatulates

He steals a turnip on a stick from one of the tourists

All gasps

Scratch: Stupid turnips.

He chomp and eats it

He gags

He throws turnip on a stick

Scratch: If this festival is a success,

He lays on the ground, he looks and sounds like he's about to cry

Scratch: it's the Flow of Failed Phantoms for me.

Nightwolf: Pete, Pete! The whole town's here! Now all you need to do is impress that Midwest Monthly reporter.

(???): Ahem! Excuse me!

She scribbling

(???): Eva Hernandez, Midwest Monthly. 

Eva: I'll be judging "Best Fest of the Midwest." I'd like to begin with the food, then move onto the festivities, then time and weather-permitting, the fun.

Pete: Right this way, Ms. Hernandez. Would you care to try one of Brighton's famous Turnip Tornados?

Scratch: Molly and Nightwolf and Pete worked so hard. I can't be the one to crush their dreams. I mean--

He screaming

Geoff: Help!

He appears, floating right by Scratch's side, with his arms wrapped around himself

Geoff: I got too close to the turnip tornado machine!

He lets go of his ectoplasmic body, and sure enough he falls apart in a manner that looks like the spiral of a vegetable peel

He facepalms

Scratch: Geoff, you're a ghost. Let me help you out.

He helps Geoff correct his ectoplasm

Geoff: Oh, wow. Good to know I can always count on you.

Scratch: Yes, Geoff. You can always count on me...

An idea dawns on him, and he holds Geoff close

Scratch: Sort of like how I...can always count on you! I'm starting to see a loophole...

Singer: ♪ There's a brand new craze On the radio dial ♪

Singer: ♪ Everybody's dancing In the produce aisle ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ Turnip the stereo And go like this ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ Come on, Do the Turnip Twist ♪

Singer: ♪ The Turnip Twist ♪

Singer: ♪ Turn your turnip To the left ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ The Turnip Twist ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ Then you spin it To the right ♪

Singer: ♪ The Turnip Twist ♪

Singer: ♪ Drop down, pull A turnip from the ground ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ Shake it off And take a bite ♪

[Buzzsaw sound]

Nightwolf: ♪ It's a main dish side dish ♪

Singer: ♪ Even a snack ♪

Singer: ♪ No, it isn't rotten ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ It just tastes like that ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ Throw away your jimaca and radishes ♪

Singer: ♪ Come on Do the Turnip Twist ♪

Singer: ♪ Don't want no rutabaga ♪

Singer and Nightwolf: ♪ Do the Turnip Twist ♪

All cheering

They laughter

Eva: Well, that was a delight. I know I shouldn't say this, but I'm so tired of writing about Perfektenborg. They win everything!

Pete: Tell me about it! We get it. Perfect is in their name!

Eva: They're not as perfect as you think.

She whispers to Pete

Eva: Their meatballs... were a little dry this year.

He gasps

Pete: The nerve!

Eva: Now excuse me, I'm needed at the Turnip Mascot contest.

She walks away

He gasps

Nightwolf: Pete! You're doing it!

Pete: Ha ha! I gotta go

They walk off screen

Pete: tell your mom the good news! This is it, Molly and Nightwolf! Things are really turning around for Brighton!

He appears, pulling at his own face in concern

[Light booms]

Pete: Now it's time to...

He presents a giant turnip-shaped pinata hanging above the bandshell

Pete: "Trash the Turnip!"

[Crowds ooh]

Pete: Ms. Eva Hernandez of Midwest Monthly Magazine,

He gives her a blindfold and a stick

Pete: care to start the trashing?

Eva: Oh! I never get to do anything like this 

She wear blindfold and get a stick

Eva: in not-so-Perfektborg! 

He walks her to the right spot

She whispers to Pete

Eva: You didn't hear it from me, but Brighton could be pretty happy with next month's magazine.

Pete: Yes!

Scratch and Geoff POV

He floating around in a manner that resembles pacing

Scratch: Geoff, this is getting serious. The clock is ticking here!

He staring into space, completely unconcerned

Geoff: Oh, I heard.

She swings at the pinata and misses

Eva: Er... ya!

Scratch: And I'm running out options. The Ghost Council is not

He waves his arms in a "no way" manner

He still unconcerned

Geoff: Sure.

She swings at the pinata and misses

Eva: Whoo!

She laughs

Scratch: I mean, if I don't

He scratching his head, trying to think

Scratch: find a way to stop this Fest, they're gonna send me to

He noticing Geoff's eyes widen at his confession of the upcoming danger

Scratch: the Flow of Failed Phantoms!

He snapping out of it upon hearing the worst case scenario

Geoff: Ahh! Flow of Failed Phantoms!

He getting serious

Geoff: That is not happening or my name is not G-E- No time to spell it--

He flies off

Geoff: Gotta go!

Scratch: No! Don't! Geoff, wait!

Geoff: I am not losing my best friend!

He knocks loose the giant turnip pinata, which rolls off the stage

Eva: Ooh! Ooh! Oh, my heels!

Eva: Whoa! Whoa!

Pete: No!

Eva: Ahh!

The giant turnip pinata crushes all the booths in the festival

Eva: Oh! Ahh!

The giant turnip pinata gets knocked around town like a ball in a pinball machine

[Pinball chiming]

Until it splats open right at Town Hall, where Eva and Molly and Nightwolf get spilled out with a two bunch of raw turnips and some gray mush that appears to be under-cooked turnip soup

They belches

Pete: Perhaps it was a bad idea to fill the piñata with turnips.

She sighs and grunts

Pete: Yeah, it was a bad idea.

She pen clicks

Pete: Here, let me help you.

She clicking

He gasps

He pulls Scratch into a side hug

Geoff: I solved all your problems, buddy! You know it feels good to do good?

Scratch: Yeah. Thanks. I guess.

Molly and Nightwolf and Pete and Scratch POV

Molly: See, Dad? Midwest Monthly available at the click of a button.

Pete: Okay, I will admit the layout is very convenient. Just click this button and...

Perfektenborg wins Best Fest of the Midwest yet again, while the article on Brighton's Turnip Fest is mostly about the Pinata disaster

He grabs a pillow 

He wails into it

Nightwolf: Aww...Okay. Yeah. That's all right, Pete. Just let it out. Ooh. Let us not...

He seated next to Molly and Nightwolf the entire time

Scratch and Geoff POV

He floats through the wall

Scratch: I just feel bad about sabotaging the festival... but I can honestly say it wasn't my fault.

He points at Geoff

Scratch: Because it was yours.

He looking around

Scratch: You know, sometimes being friends with a colossal screw-up isn't so bad.

He pulling Scratch into a hug

Geoff: Aww, anything for you, buddy!

He quickly pulls away

Scratch: And now, the Ghost Council doesn't have any excuse to send me away. I mean, this place is as miserable as it gets and that ain't changing anytime soon!

Dianne POV

Dianne: Looks like the Turnip Fest was a real turn down

She removes her Turnip Festival hat

Dianne: for business. Gonna have to close down

She starts throwing away her office supplies

Dianne: this old place--

[Phone rings]

She answer the phone

Dianne: Brighton Motor Lodge. Uh-huh. You want to...

She smiles in excitement over what she's hearing

Dianne: book a room for next year's Turnip Fest?! You think that sounds like fun? Well... sure!

She starts digging through the trash

Dianne: Let me get my pen.

[Computer beeping]

Dianne: Wait. More bookings?! 

Dianne: Whoo-hoo! 

Dianne: The Motor Lodge is saved!

The Ghost Council and Chairman POV


The Brighton's Misery Meter, which was on it's farthest red before, starts to rise a few joy points. The ghost council and the chairman are not amused

[Thunder claps]

♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee! ♪

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