Chapter 3: Howlin' Harriet

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The scene starts with Molly and Nightwolf popping up in the bottom of the screen. There is a board covered with a sheet behind them

Molly: Scratch, We need your help with the most important question of our life!

She gets close to Scratch, who is laying in a web hammock

She shakes him

Molly: Who will be our best friend? And don't be offended. You'll always be our number one or two.

Scratch: I'm cursed with you two. We are NOT friends.

Nightwolf: But We need a human bestie! You know, for human stuff.

Scratch: Physically impossible for me to care less!

He pulls off a sheet revealing a black board with pictures of three girls

Nightwolf: So, I've narrowed it down to three amazing candidates: Libby, Sheela 

Nightwolf: and Kat. 

[cats meows]

Nightwolf: And you know, they're all so different on paper, but guess what they have in common.

Scratch: That I don't care about any of them?

Molly: They are all Wilder Scouts! And we're going camping tonight! Four strong female trailblazers in the wilderness. This is how you make lifelong friends, Scratch!

 She moves around the room excitedly

Molly: We'll probably sit together at lunch, then be roommates in college, run for political office on a shared platform. I mean, we're basically choosing a future leader of our nation here!

Scratch: Camping? No, not happening. Besides, why are you so obsessed with this friend thing anyway? I don't have any best friends and I'm--

A male ghost appears behind Scratch making him fall from his hammock

(???): Scratch!

He picks up Scratch from the floor 

He hugs him tightly

(???): Oh, my best friend of friends!

Nightwolf: Wait a minute Scratch, you were saying?

He trying to escape the ghost hug

Scratch: This guy? Ah, no, no. Uh, he's not a friend. He's more like an annoying coworker.

Geoff: Hi, I'm Geoff.

He shakes Molly and Nightwolf's hand

Geoff: G-E-O-F-F.

Scratch: Nobody's spelling it, Geoff.

Scratch: Ahh!

Geoff: Not to be confused with Jeff. 

Geoff: J-E-F-F.

Scratch: No one's writing this down! What are you even doing here?

Geoff: Well, you promised we'd hang! Today! The second Saturday of "Never"!

He pulls out a calendar 

Scratch: Seems...doctored. Ok, whatever. Listen, I gotta rescheduled anyways 'cause I got a lotta balls in the air right now!

He fixes his hammock and lies on it again

Nightwolf: Scratch! That's no way to treat your best friend. Geoff, come camping with us. We're gonna roast marshmallows, learn about nature, tell scary stories and listening the campfire songs...

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