Chapter 6: The Greatest Concert Ever

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We start the scene close to where the last episode left off. Patty, Scratch, Molly and Nightwolf, and the rest of the family are reviewing some of the town's people music talents for the concert, to which Patty constantly rejects

Group of men: ♪ My dear Doreen my dear Doreen ♪

Group of men: ♪ She stole my spleen ♪

Patty: Nope!

She ringing the musical triangle

Patty: Pass!

She tells the 4 dogs to bark rhythmically

Patty: Hard pass!

[4 dogs whine]

He plays bassoon out of tune

Patty: Get off the stage!

They stepping in

Molly: Okay, thank you! That were...that were really something. We'll be in touch!

Scratch: Well, I'm glad I don't have eardrums, 'cause they would be bleeding!

Pete: I don't think they were all bad, and Darryl clearly liked it. Right, Darryl?

He dancing with this hood up

Darryl: Huh? Sorry, I was listening to Atomic Pink. Didn't hear any of that.

Nightwolf: Look, those acts were fine, but is fine really good enough for the first concert in Brighton's new and improved bandshell?

Patty: No! We need something that'll rock this town! 

She dances

Molly: Exactly! Like Kenny Star.

Sharon: Who's Kenny Star?

They jumps in the screen and pulls down a projector screen, transitioning from the bandshell to her room

Nightwolf: Kenny Star is Brighton's biggest celebrity. Well, technically he was born in Tuscaloosa, but his great-great grandmother's second cousin once removed did summer school here, which means Kenny's basically a Brightonian! Check him out!

He staring at the ceiling

Scratch: When did you both get a projector?

They pulls him out of the way

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just a red-blooded ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ Hard-working regular guy ♪ 

Kenny Star: ♪ Don't need no caviar ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ Just give me ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ Burgers and fries ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I ain't ever shopped

Kenny Star: ♪ On Rodeo Drive ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just an ordinary guy ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just a sports-lovin' ♪

They crowd cheering

Kenny Star: ♪ Truck-drivin' average dude ♪

Kenny Star: ♪ I'm just an ordinary guy ♪

[Eagle screeches]

Kenny Star: ♪ Work in a cubicle

Kenny Star: ♪ Ordinary guy ♪

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