Chapter 13: The Turnip Twist

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The scene starts outside of the McGee's residence. Pete is shown waiting for something at the window. Molly and Nightwolf goes to him

Molly: Whatcha looking for, Dad?

Scratch: Oh! Is it the ice cream truck?!

Nightwolf: Whoo! Ice cream truck?!

Pete: It's here! It's finally here!

They go out to the mailbox

He picks up a magazine

Pete: Here she is: Midwest Monthly. I've waited four weeks for this!

Scratch: Is that a magazine, like, with staples?

Molly: You know you can read it way earlier online, right?

Pete: Ha! And miss out on that new magazine smell?

He smells a magazine

He sniffs

They look at each other

Pete: I don't think so! And now to find out which town has been named "Best of the Midwest"...

He exhales

Nightwolf: Ooh! I think Brighton's got a real shot!

Pete: I'm too nervous. You both do it. No, I'll do it. No, you both do it. No... You both do it.

They takes the magazine and opens it

Molly: Okay, We'll look. And the winner is...!

He crossing his fingers

Pete: Brighton, Brighton, Brighton...

Scratch: "Perfektborg... Scandinavian Hospitality in America's Heartland."

Pete: Noooooo!

He takes magazine angrily

Pete: Perfektborg wins every time! Look. Brighton's not even in here!

Nightwolf: Oh, it's not true, Pete! Brighton's in the magazine...

He points at the map in the magazine that says "Bright"

Nightwolf: Well, actually, just half of Brighton... But it still counts!

Scratch: When did half count?

Pete: For too long, Brighton has been counted out. But no more! The next edition of Midwest Monthly will crown the "Best Fest in the Midwest" and it's going to be Brighton. Who's with me?!

Molly: Ooh! Us! We are! We are!

They try to high five but fail multiple times

They both grunts

Molly: Wha? Okay. One more time.

They both grunts

Nightwolf: One, two...

They decided to connect elbows and high five from there

Molly and Nightwolf and Pete: Ah!

Nightwolf: Whoo-hoo!

Molly and Nightwolf and Pete: McGee's never give up!

They take their proposal to the mayor

Mayor Brunson: I love it, McGee's! Always wanted to take that smug Perfektborg down a peg or two. Wipe those "perfekt" smiles off their faces!

Pete: All we need is a festival that will draw a crowd...

He shows up next to the Mayor's goldfish, accidentally scaring it to death

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