Chapter 12: No Good Deed

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The scene opens at school. Darryl is pushing a janitor's cart, positioning it for his next stunt. He stops the cart at the edge of the stairs, puts on motorcycle goggles and jumps in the cart

Darryl: Three, two, one.

He balances himself forward, rides downstairs and out the building

Darryl: Whoa!

[Cart tumbling]

He whoosh

All cheering

He takes a leaf blower 

He chuckles

He uses leaf blower to gain more speed for his last stunt, to the other kids' amusement

All cheering

They are seen playing basketball as Darryl passes through

He chuckles

Scratch: That's my man! You go, D-Dawg!

All cheering

He finally uses a damaged fence as a ramp

Darryl: Whaa––! Whoa!

He jumps out the cart 

Darryl: Ha-ha-ha-ha!

He land on the ground and causes an explosion behind him

Everyone praises him

All: Darryl! Darryl! Darryl!

He chuckling

When someone blows a whistle, making the kids run away and leaving Darryl behind

He groans

They looking at Darryl

When Darryl, along with his parents and three other teachers, are deciding on Darryl's punishment

He sighs

Principal O'Connor: Considering this is the 27th report...

He moves stack of previous reports aside

Principal O'Connor: in your file in three weeks, the punishment will have to be severe.

Darryl: Why does this keep happening? I'm just trying to be awesome.

Mr. Bates: We have no option but to expel him!

Miss Lightfoot: Expulsion, Mr. Bates?

Mr. Bates: He's a clear and present menace!

Mrs. Roop: Oh, come on. He's a kid. The only menace around here is Miss Lightfoot and that stinky salmon she microwaves in the teachers' lounge!

She gasps

Miss Lightfoot: I have a vitamin D problem.

Mrs. Roop: Take a supplement!

Mr. Bates: Supplements are a lie.

Miss Lightfoot: I'm sorry that you––

Mr. Bates: It's all about the industry.

The teachers start arguing

Principal O'Connor: I really need to schedule a teacher team-building day.

The teacher arguing continues

He shown now spying on their conversation

He yelps

They pulls him out

Molly: So, what's happening in there?

Scratch: Oh, they're fighting. It's chaos!

Nightwolf: Fighting?! Who's winning? Is it Darryl? He's taken at least one-and-a-half Taekwondo classes.

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