How Long Is Forever?

By sidewardsdog

637 1 0

Progression of Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isle's relationship, starts during Season 6 and continues on throughout... More

Sibling Talks
Family Dinner
Date Night
Finally Move In Day
Just A Lazy Sunday
Otherwise Engaged
Yours, Mine and Ours
Engagement Party
For Richer or Poorer
Is This A Snapshot Into Married Life?
Coming To Terms With Moving On
New Addition
The Wheel Of Time Continues Turning
Wedding Bells
Mrs.and Dr. Rizzoli-Isles
Settling Into New Surroundings
The Next Big Case
Just Normal Everydays
Back to Boston
Next Steps
First Days
Frankie's Announcement
And A Baby Makes Three

The Future Is On It's Way

13 0 0
By sidewardsdog

As Jane and Maura embarked on their journey to Quantico in search of a new home, excitement pulsed through their veins, mingling with a tinge of nervousness at the prospect of starting a new chapter in their lives. With a sense of adventure and anticipation, they set out to find the perfect place to call home in their new city.

As they navigated the unfamiliar streets of Quantico, Jane and Maura marveled at the beauty of their surroundings, taking in the quaint charm of the town and the warmth of its residents. With each house they visited, they imagined the memories they would create within its walls, envisioning a future filled with love and laughter.

From cozy bungalows to spacious townhouses, Jane and Maura explored a variety of options, weighing the pros and cons of each as they searched for the perfect fit. With each new discovery, their excitement grew, their hearts filled with hope for the future that lay ahead.

As Jane and Maura explored the last house on their list, they felt a sense of anticipation building within them. With each step they took through the spacious rooms and lush backyard, their excitement grew, and they could feel the magic of the place enveloping them.

"This could be it, Maura," Jane whispered, her voice tinged with excitement as they stood in the backyard, taking in the sight of the sprawling lawn and the gentle rustle of the trees.

Maura's eyes sparkled with delight as she imagined the possibilities that lay before them. "It's perfect, Jane," she replied, her voice filled with awe. "Just imagine all the memories we could create here."

As they toured the rest of the house, they marveled at the spacious rooms and thoughtful layout, each space offering the perfect balance of comfort and functionality. From the cozy man cave where Jane could unwind after a long day to the bright and airy office where Maura could pursue her writing, every detail seemed to align with their needs and desires.

And as they stood in the master bedroom, hand in hand, they knew that they had found their home. With its ample bedrooms and inviting living spaces, it was a place where their love could thrive and their dreams could take flight.

After submitting their offer on the perfect house, Jane and Maura couldn't contain their excitement as they made their way back to the hotel. With the anticipation of starting their new life in Quantico hanging in the air, they were eager to savor every moment of their time together.

As they settled into their hotel room, the warmth and comfort of their surroundings enveloped them, casting a cozy spell over their evening. With a sense of contentment washing over them, they found themselves drawn to each other, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude for the bond they shared.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they reveled in the simple pleasure of being together, their laughter filling the room as they exchanged stories and shared dreams for the future. With each tender touch and whispered confession, their connection deepened, a testament to the strength of their love.

As the evening stretched into the night, Jane and Maura found themselves lost in the beauty of the moment, their hearts intertwined in a dance of passion and affection.

With their move to Quantico on the horizon, Maura was determined to make the most of her time and get acquainted with her new role at MEND. As they settled into their routine in the weeks leading up to the move, Maura took on additional shifts at the organization, immersing herself in the work and familiarizing herself with the ins and outs of her new responsibilities.

From attending meetings to shadowing colleagues, Maura embraced every opportunity to learn and grow in her role. With a sense of determination driving her forward, she approached each task with enthusiasm and dedication, eager to make a positive impact in her new community.

As she delved deeper into her work at MEND, Maura found herself inspired by the passion and dedication of her colleagues. With their support and guidance, she quickly acclimated to her new environment, gaining confidence with each passing day.

And as the move to Quantico drew nearer, Maura felt a sense of pride knowing that she was laying the groundwork for a successful transition.

As Maura immersed herself in her work at MEND, she found herself forging a deeper connection with Hope, her mother and now friend. With each lunch meeting they shared, they peeled back the layers of their relationship, uncovering hidden depths and discovering new facets of their bond.

Their conversations ranged from work-related matters to personal anecdotes, their laughter filling the air as they reminisced about old times and shared hopes for the future. With each passing day, Maura felt a sense of warmth and camaraderie growing between them, a testament to the strength of their relationship.

As they confided in each other and shared their dreams and aspirations, Maura and Hope found solace in the familiarity of their connection. With each lunch meeting, they discovered new layers to their relationship, slowly piecing together the puzzle of their past and laying the foundation for a stronger, more meaningful bond.

— — —

As Maura and Angela sat down for dinner while Jane worked late, the conversation naturally turned to the upcoming wedding and plans for the future. Angela's excitement for the wedding was palpable, but as the conversation progressed, she couldn't help but broach a more sensitive topic.

"So, dear, have you and Jane thought about starting a family?" Angela asked, her voice filled with curiosity as she glanced at Maura.

Maura paused, her fork hovering over her plate as she considered her response. While she and Jane had discussed their future together, the topic of children hadn't come up yet in their relationship, and Maura wasn't sure how to navigate the conversation.

"We haven't really had that talk yet," Maura admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "We're focused on the wedding and settling into our new home in Quantico right now."

Angela nodded understandingly, her expression softening with empathy. "Of course, dear. It's just something to consider as you and Jane build your life together," she replied, her tone gentle.

Feeling the weight of Angela's persistent questioning about children, Maura took a deep breath, trying to find a gentle way to address the topic without dismissing Angela's concerns. As they continued their dinner conversation, Angela continued to highlight the joys and benefits of having children, her excitement evident in every word she spoke.

"Maura, you and Jane would make such wonderful parents," Angela remarked, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Just think of all the joy and love a child would bring into your lives."

Maura offered a small smile, grateful for Angela's enthusiasm but still uncertain about broaching the topic with Jane. "I appreciate your perspective, Angela," she replied diplomatically. "Starting a family is a big decision, and Jane and I want to make sure we're fully prepared for it when the time comes."

As Maura pondered the questions swirling in her mind regarding the issue of having children, she found herself grappling with a mix of emotions and uncertainties. Sitting alone in the quiet of her thoughts after dinner, she couldn't shake the weight of Angela's persistent questioning and the realization that she and Jane had yet to have a serious conversation about starting a family.

With a sigh, Maura picked up a pen and a notepad, determined to organize her thoughts and explore the questions that had been weighing on her mind. As she jotted down her concerns and uncertainties, she couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelm wash over her. Did she want to carry a child herself? How many children did she envision having? Would adoption be a better option for them? And most importantly, was Jane on the same page as her?

The more Maura delved into these questions, the more she realized just how complex and deeply personal the decision to start a family truly was. She knew that she needed to have an open and honest conversation with Jane, one where they could explore their hopes, fears, and dreams for the future together.

As Jane stepped through the door, the sight of Maura relaxing in the tub greeted her, but the concerned look on her fiancée's face immediately caught her attention. Sensing that something was amiss, Jane approached Maura with a gentle smile, her curiosity piqued.

"Hey, babe. Everything okay?" Jane asked softly, crouching down beside the tub to meet Maura's gaze.

Maura sighed, her expression reflecting the turmoil of her thoughts. "I've just been doing a lot of thinking lately," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Concern flickered in Jane's eyes as she reached out to gently stroke Maura's hand. "About what?" she prompted gently, wanting to offer her support and understanding.

Maura hesitated for a moment before meeting Jane's gaze, her eyes filled with vulnerability. "About us, and our future," she confessed. "I've been thinking a lot about... children."

Jane's heart skipped a beat at the mention of such a weighty topic, but she maintained her calm demeanor, giving Maura space to express herself. "Okay, what about them?" she asked softly, wanting to understand Maura's concerns fully.

Maura took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "I have so many questions and uncertainties," she admitted. "Do I want to carry a child? How many kids do I want? Would adoption be a better option for us? And... are we on the same page about this?"

Jane listened attentively, her heart swelling with love and understanding for Maura. She reached out to gently cup Maura's cheek, her gaze filled with warmth and reassurance. "We don't have to have all the answers right now," she said softly. "But we can figure it out together, one step at a time. And whatever we decide, I'll be right by your side, every step of the way."

Jane's gentle inquiry drew Maura's attention, prompting her to meet Jane's gaze with a mixture of vulnerability and resolve. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Maura spoke with honesty and openness, her voice soft yet determined.

"It's just... after dinner with Angela tonight, I found myself thinking a lot about the future," Maura admitted, her words coming slowly as she tried to articulate her feelings. "Her questions about children... they made me realize how many uncertainties I have, and how important it is for us to have this conversation."

As Maura leaned into Jane's touch, a sense of relief washed over her, knowing that she didn't have to navigate these uncertainties alone

As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, Maura broached the topic of adopting a dog with Jane over breakfast. Her heart brimming with hope, Maura saw the opportunity for them to take a step forward in their relationship and explore the responsibilities and joys of caring for another being together.

"Hey, Jane, I was thinking... What do you think about adopting a dog?" Maura asked, her voice laced with enthusiasm as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

Jane paused, her fork mid-air, as she considered Maura's suggestion. While she wasn't entirely sold on the idea, she couldn't deny the earnestness in Maura's eyes. "I'm not sure, Maura. I mean, I love dogs, but... It's a big commitment," she replied cautiously.

Maura nodded, understanding Jane's reservations. "I know it's a big decision, but I think it could be a great way for us to explore the topic of children," she explained earnestly, her gaze meeting Jane's with unwavering determination.

"Maura, I'm not sure if now is the right time for us to adopt a dog," Jane began tentatively, her brow furrowing with concern. "It's a big responsibility, and with everything else going on—"

"Can you at least think on the idea, Jane" Maura pleaded.

As they continued their conversation over breakfast, Maura's enthusiasm for adopting a dog remained palpable, her eyes shining with excitement as she shared her vision for their future with a furry companion. Jane couldn't help but admire Maura's passion, but she still couldn't shake her reservations about the idea.

"Maura, I just want to make sure we're both fully prepared for the responsibility of having a dog," Jane expressed, her tone gentle but firm. "It's not just about having a pet; it's a commitment that requires time, energy, and resources."

Maura nodded in understanding, her expression thoughtful as she considered Jane's concerns. "I understand, Jane, and I appreciate your honesty," she replied sincerely. "But I truly believe that having a dog could help us explore the topic of children in a way that feels more real and tangible. It's not just about having a pet; it's about creating a loving and nurturing environment for our future family."

Jane listened attentively, her heart softening as she recognized the sincerity in Maura's words. She knew that Maura's desire to adopt a dog wasn't just about fulfilling a childhood dream; it was about building a foundation for their future together. With a sigh, Jane offered a small smile. "Okay, Maura. Let's start looking into it," she conceded, her voice tinged with warmth. "But let's make sure we're both on the same page about this and that we're ready for the responsibility."

A sense of relief washed over Maura as she reached out to squeeze Jane's hand, her heart filled with gratitude for her fiancée's willingness to compromise.

— — —

As the wedding day drew closer, Maura's excitement bubbled over, and she couldn't contain her eagerness to see Jane in her tuxedo. With a sense of determination, she enlisted the help of Jane's brothers to ensure that everything was in order for the big day.

Gathering Tommy and Frankie together, Maura emphasized the importance of the task at hand, her tone firm but filled with warmth. "Now, boys, this is a crucial mission," she declared, in all seriousness. "You need to make sure Jane's tuxedo is perfect for the wedding."

Her brothers nodded in agreement, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. With a shared sense of purpose, they set out for the tailor, ready to assist Jane in finding the ideal ensemble for her special day.

Maura gave Jane the freedom to decide but made it clear that she expected nothing less than a sophisticated choice.

"Remember, boys, this is a wedding, not a costume party," Maura admonished gently, her gaze sweeping over them with a mix of amusement and affection. "Let's think long and hard before making any crazy decisions."

At the tailor's shop, Jane and her brothers were greeted by an array of elegant tuxedos in various styles and colors.

With Jane's decision made, she opted for a classic black tuxedo with a crisp white shirt, accented by a bold red pocket square in a nod to her beloved Red Sox. Frankie and Tommy followed suit, selecting more traditional suits but matching Jane's choice of pocket square to show their solidarity and support.

As they finished up at the tailor's shop quicker than expected, the group decided to make the most of their free time and head over to the Dirty Robber for some well-deserved relaxation and drinks.

Arriving at the familiar watering hole, they were greeted by the lively atmosphere and the familiar faces of friends and regulars. Finding a cozy corner booth, they settled in, ready to unwind after a productive day of wedding preparations.

With glasses raised in a toast to Jane and Maura's upcoming nuptials, they shared laughter and stories, enjoying each other's company as they basked in the excitement of the occasion.

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