How Long Is Forever?

By sidewardsdog

160 1 0

Progression of Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isle's relationship, starts during Season 6 and continues on throughout... More

Family Dinner
Date Night
Finally Move In Day
Just A Lazy Sunday
Otherwise Engaged
Yours, Mine and Ours
Engagement Party
For Richer or Poorer
Is This A Snapshot Into Married Life?
Coming To Terms With Moving On
The Future Is On It's Way
New Addition
The Wheel Of Time Continues Turning
Wedding Bells
Mrs.and Dr. Rizzoli-Isles
Settling Into New Surroundings
The Next Big Case
Just Normal Everydays
Back to Boston
Next Steps
First Days
Frankie's Announcement

Sibling Talks

16 0 0
By sidewardsdog

Still puzzled over the current case Jane Rizzoli sat on her sofa with ESPN humming in the background, her mind preoccupied with the events of the day. She absentmindedly flipped through a case file, her thoughts drifting to potentially moving in with Maura.

A sudden knock at the door broke the silence, pulling Jane from her reverie. She rose from her seat, crossing the room to answer it. To her surprise, Frankie stood on the doorstep, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Hey, Janie," Frankie greeted, his tone nervous.

Jane raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What are you doing here? I thought you were working late."

Frankie shuffled his feet, avoiding Jane's gaze. "Yeah, about that... I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Jane's interest deepened, concern flickering in her eyes. "Ok, do you want a beer? What is it, Frankie? Is everything okay?"

Frankie took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "Umm..yeah I'll take a beer. It's about Nina. We're... we're dating."

Jane's eyes widened in surprise, her mouth forming a silent 'O' of astonishment. She blinked a few times, trying to process the revelation as she opened two beers handing one to Frankie and taking a long drag from hers. "You and Nina? Since when?"

Frankie scratched the back of his neck, a nervous laugh escaping him. "Uh, for a few weeks now. It just kind of... happened."

Jane felt a whirlwind of emotions swirl within her—surprise, disbelief, and a hint of concern for her brother's happiness. She knew Nina was a good person, but the idea of her brother dating a colleague caught her off guard.

"I... I don't know what to say, Does Ma know?" Jane admitted, struggling to find the right words.

Frankie's expression softened, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I know it's unexpected, Janie, but... we really care about each other. I hope you can be happy for us. We planned on telling Ma and everyone else soon. Looking for the right time, I guess"

Jane sighed, realizing that her brother was all grown up and capable of making his own decisions. "Of course, Frankie. I want you to be happy. Just... promise me you'll be careful, okay?"

Frankie nodded, relief flooding his features. "I promise. Thanks, Janie. We were thinking of telling everyone at family dinner Sunday. What do you think?"

"I think everyone is going to be happy for both of you" Jane smiled as she pulled her younger brother in for a hug.

Frankie finished his beer, "Well I need to run I actually have a date with Nina tonight."

Jane smiled as she sat back down on her sofa "Have fun... and don't do anything I wouldn't do" laughing.

Frankie rolled his eyes as he opened the door "Really Geez, night Janie."

Maura's home provided a comforting backdrop as Jane Rizzoli paced back and forth, her mind consumed by the weight of the news she carried. Maura sat on the couch, a concerned expression etched on her features as she watched her friend's restless movements.

"Jane, you seem agitated. Is everything alright?" Maura inquired, her voice soft and gentle.

Jane halted her pacing, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "It's Frankie. He... he told me something today, and I don't know how to feel about it."

Maura's brow furrowed in curiosity. "What did he tell you?"

Jane took a deep breath, steeling herself for the revelation. "He and Nina... they're dating."

Maura's eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting in astonishment. "Frankie and Nina? I... I had no idea."

Jane nodded, her expression a mix of emotions. "Yeah, me neither. It's just... it's a lot to process, you know? I mean, Nina's a good person, but she's also his colleague."

Maura reached out, placing a comforting hand on Jane's arm. "I can understand why you'd feel conflicted, Jane. But ultimately, if Frankie is happy, isn't that what matters most?"

Jane sighed, her shoulders slumping with resignation. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just... it's hard to see my little brother all grown up and dating someone, you know?"

Maura squeezed Jane's arm gently, offering her support. "I know it's not easy, but change is a natural part of life. And no matter what, you'll always have each other."

Jane managed a small smile, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks, Maura. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Maura returned the smile, her own eyes shimmering with warmth. "You don't have to do anything alone, Jane. I'm here for you, always."

As they sat there, enveloped in the quiet comfort of Maura's apartment, Jane felt a sense of peace wash over her. No matter what challenges life threw their way, she knew that with Maura by her side, they could face them together, with courage and love. And as she leaned into Maura's comforting embrace, Jane couldn't help but feel grateful for the unwavering bond they shared.

— — —

The relentless tick of the clock echoed through the quiet corridors of the Boston Police Department, each passing second a reminder of the elusive nature of the case that consumed the thoughts of Detective Jane Rizzoli and Dr. Maura Isles. They sat huddled over a mountain of evidence, their brows furrowed in concentration as they sought to unravel the mysteries hidden within the shadows of the past.

"We're missing something," Maura murmured, her voice tinged with frustration as she scrutinized the forensic reports spread out before her.

Jane nodded grimly, her mind racing with the weight of the unsolved murders that plagued the city. "I know. But what?"

Just then, Detective Vince Korsak entered the room, a sense of urgency etched into the lines of his weathered face. "Hey, guys. We got a break in the case."

Jane and Maura exchanged a glance, a flicker of hope igniting within them. "What kind of break?" Jane asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Korsak handed Jane a file, his expression grave. "We found a connection between the victims. They were all members of the same support group for survivors of violent crimes."

Maura's eyes widened in realization, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. "So the killer is targeting survivors. But why?"

Korsak shrugged, a troubled frown marring his features. "That's what we need to find out. But at least now we have a lead."

With renewed determination, Jane, Maura, and Korsak delved deeper into the investigation, combing through witness statements, analyzing forensic evidence, and piecing together the shattered fragments of the victims' lives. As they worked tirelessly to unravel the truth, the shadows of the past loomed ever closer, casting a dark pall over their efforts.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of light emerged. A survivor came forward with crucial information, shedding new light on the killer's twisted motives. Armed with this newfound knowledge, Jane and Maura raced against the clock to track down the perpetrator before they could claim another innocent life.

In a heart-pounding showdown, they confronted the killer, unmasking the demons that drove them to commit such heinous acts. And as the sirens wailed in the distance, signaling the end of their ordeal, Jane and Maura shared a silent moment of relief, knowing that justice had been served and the shadows of the past could finally be laid to rest.

The crisp sound of a bouncing basketball echoed through the neighborhood park, where Jane Rizzoli and her younger brother Tommy engaged in a spirited game of one-on-one. With each dribble and pass, they reveled in the familiar camaraderie that came with their sibling rivalry.

As they took a breather, Jane wiped the sweat from her brow, her eyes sparkling with determination. "You're not getting any younger, Tommy. I can still school you on the court."

Tommy chuckled, his competitive spirit undiminished. "Dream on, Janie. I've still got some moves left in me."

As they resumed their game, Jane's mind drifted to a topic that had been weighing on her lately. She hesitated for a moment before broaching the subject with her brother.

"Hey, Tommy, can I ask you something?" Jane began, her voice laced with uncertainty.

Tommy dribbled the ball, shooting a quick glance at Jane. "Sure, what's up?"

Jane took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "It's about Maura. I've been thinking about... moving in with her."

Tommy's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his dribbling faltering for a moment. "Moving in with Maura? That's a big step, Janie. Are you sure?"

Jane nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Yeah, I think so. I mean, we practically live together already, and I just... I feel like it's the right move for us."

Tommy considered her words for a moment before responding. "I get it, Janie. Maura's been a huge part of your life for a long time now, and it makes sense that you'd want to take that next step together."

Jane sighed, a weight lifting off her shoulders as she confided in her brother. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it, Tommy. You and Ma."

Tommy smiled, a warmth shining in his eyes. "Of course, Janie. Ma and I just want you to be happy. And if Maura makes you happy, then we're all for it."

Relief flooded Jane's features as she embraced her brother, gratitude welling up within her. "Thanks, Tommy. You always know how to set my mind at ease."

As they continued their game, laughter rang out between them, the bond of sibling love stronger than ever

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