Fairy Tail: Kakarot

By ChildOfBeast13

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The Fiore Kingdom. A neutral country with a population of 17 million. It is a world of magic. Magic is bought... More

Season 1 Chapter 1 : Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 2 : Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull
Season 1 Chapter 3 : Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!
Season 1 Chapter 4 : Dear Kaby
Season 1 Chapter 5 : The Wizard in Armor
Season 1 Chapter 6 : Fairies in the Wind
Season 1 Chapter 7 : The Strongest Team
Season 1 Chapter 8 : Goku vs Natsu vs Erza
Season 1 Chapter 9 : The Cursed Island
Season 1 Chapter 10 : Moon Drip
Season 1 Chapter 11 : The Monster Roars!
Season 1 Chapter 12 : Reach the Sky Above
Season 1 Chapter 13 : The Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 14 : To Keep from Seeing Those Tears
Season 1 Chapter 15 : Son Goku vs Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 16 : The Two Dragon Slayers
Season 1 Chapter 17 : My Resolve
Season 1 Chapter 18 : The Next Generation
Season 1 Chapter 19 : The Eight Finalists
Season 1 Chapter 20: Wizards vs Warriors
Season 1 Chapter 22: The Rematch of Fate!
Season 1 Chapter 23: The Terror of King Piccolo
Season 1 Chapter 24: Demon King Piccolo Descends
Season 1 Chapter 25: King Piccolo's Wish
Season 1 Chapter 26: Prelude to Vengeance
Season 1 Chapter 27: Demon King Piccolo vs Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 28: Final Showdown
Season 1 Chapter 29: The Temple Above the Clouds
Season 1 Chapter 30: The Tower of Heaven
Season 1 Chapter 31: Jellal
Season 1 Chapter 32: Battle for The Future
Season 1 Chapter 33: Destiny
Season 1 Chapter 34: Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light
Season 1 Chapter 35: Home
Season 1 Chapter 36: Battle of Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 37: Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends
Season 1 Chapter 38: Goku vs The Thunder Legion
Season 1 Chapter 39: Clash at Kardia Cathedral!
Season 1 (Finale) Chapter 40: Fantasia
Season 2 Chapter 1: Goku's Birthday
Season 2 Chapter 2: Allied Forces
Season 2 Chapter 4: Reunions
Season 2 Chapter 5: Battle Between Brothers
Season 2 Chapter 6: Celestial Skrimish
Season 2 Chapter 7: Jellal of Days Gone By
Season 2 Chapter 8: March of Destruction
Season 2 Chapter 9: Fairy Queen
Season 2 Chapter 10: Zero
Season 2 Chapter 11: Memories
Season 2 Chapter 12: A Guild For One
Season 2 Chapter 13: 24-Hour Endurance Road Race
Season 2 Chapter 14: Gildarts
Season 2 Chapter 15: Earth Land
Season 2 Chapter 16: Edolas
Season 2 Chapter 17: Fairy Hunter
Season 2 Chapter 18: Key of Hope
Season 2 Chapter 19: Welcome Back
Season 2 Chapter 20: Nature and Nurture
Season 2 Chapter 21: Code ETD
Season 2 Chapter 22: We're Talking About Lives Here!!!
Season 2 Chapter 23: Bite it, Crush it
Season 2 Chapter 24: Pinnacle of Strength
Season 2 Chapter 25: Lisanna
Season 2 Chapter 26: No Time Like the Present
Season 2 Chapter 27: Best Partner

Season 2 Chapter 3: Enter the Oracion Seis

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By ChildOfBeast13

The scene opens up to the meeting point where all the four guilds who were working together to fight and defeat the dark guild known as the Oracion Seis. The member of the last guild, Cait Shelter, finally arrives on the scene as everyone was shocked and surprised it was a little girl.

Wendy : I'm from Cait Shelter. My name is Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet you all.

Goku : A kid?

Gray : A girl?

Ichiya : A-A child...?

Erza : I'm surprised. So this girl is...

Ren : Wendy...

Eve : Marvell.

Hibiki : Wow.

Jura : All the guilds are now present.

Gray : You're just gonna move on like that?!

Lyon : Still...

Sherry : Sending such a tender child on a major operation like this... What in the heavens is Cait Shelter thinking?

??? : Oh. She isn't alone, gaudy woman.

Everyone in the room then hears another voice as well as some tiny footsteps walking towards them as they look down and see a white cat wearing a dress.

Gray : A cat?

Lyon : Looks like it.

Natsu : She's just like Happy...

Lucy : She talks...

Sherry : How terrible! I am not gaudy!

Lucy : That's what you're focused on?!

Goku : Two talking cats? That's awesome!

Wendy : Charle! You followed me?

Carla : Of course. I would never be able to rest easy if I let you go all alone.

Trimen : A cat!

Lucy : Only now you notice?!

Wendy : But I didn't come here alone. He was supposed to be following me here.

Everyone : "He"?

Wendy looks around and soon realizes that the person that was supposed to be following her all the way here was not in sight. She then runs outside to find any sign of this person as Happy stares at Carla before immediately falling in love with her, however, she simply looks away from him.

The blue cat then walks over to Lucy and grabs onto her leg catching her attention and making her look down at him.

Happy : Hey, Lucy. Go give her my fish...

Lucy : Huh? Is this love at first sight?! Oh, but now's my chance!

Lucy soon smiles deviously as she sees this as a perfect opportunity to get back at Happy for all his rude comments.

Lucy : You're in loooove!

Happy : You stole that from me! Plus you said it three times stronger than I do!

Everyone then hears the sound of Wendy's voice struggling as they look over at the door and see that the little girl was holding onto a white cape and was using all her strength to pull something or someone into the mansion.

Wendy : Come on! Get inside and say hello!

??? : Let go of me, brat!

Still pulling the white cape into the building, Goku and everyone else could only watch as they were confused by what Wendy was doing.

Lyon : I thought they only sent one member from the Cait Shelter guild to this operation?

Jura : It seems that we were wrong. Perhaps a last minute decision?

Goku : Hmm...

Erza : Is something the matter?

Goku : No. That voice sounds familiar is all.

Wendy then pulls on the white cape with even more of her strength as she falls onto her butt and drags the person she was talking to into the mansion. The Fairy Tail wizards' eyes widened in shock as they couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the person Wendy was talking to.

Erza, Gray, Lucy, Natsu : Piccolo!

Erza quickly summons her sword as the other members of Fairy Tail get into their fighting stances while Goku keeps his calm composure.

The other wizards stare at Piccolo for a few moments and recognize his face as Demon King Piccolo.

Jura: I've seen that face before. Demon King Piccolo?!

Erza : What are you doing here?

Piccolo : I followed her here.

Goku : You've already met Wendy?

Piccolo : That's right.

Goku : You joined a guild? Just what the hell has come over you?

Piccolo : Don't get me wrong. I never joined that pitiful guild and it's not as though I have become awakened to peace. I don't care what happens to any of you in this room, either. It's just that this Oracion Seis stands in the way of the world domination that I am after!

Lyon : What?!

Hearing this shocking news, the rest of the wizards in the room get into their fighting stances as it seemed that Piccolo would pose a problem.

Jura : World domination, you say? Despicable.

Sherry : I could never love you.

Ichiya : Man!

Hibiki : If that's really your goal, then I suggest it would be best for you to leave.

Eve & Ren : What he said!

Wendy : Wait!

Piccolo then cracks his knuckles and chuckles evilly as he saw no problem with killing everyone here before he dealt with the Oracion Seis. However, before a fight could begin, Wendy runs in between everyone and Piccolo and tries to calm them down.

Wendy : Wait! Please, don't fight! I know he sounds mean but he's really a good guy!

Natsu : But...!

The wizards see the determination in Wendy's eyes as she didn't show any sign of moving from in front of Piccolo. Jura then decides to not engage Piccolo as it would be best to have his help since it increases their chances against the Oracion Seis.

Jura : Fine. I'll allow it if Lady Erza and Sir Ichiya accept it as well.

Erza : Yes.

Ichiya : Man.

With that said, everyone else gets out of their fighting stances and goes along with Jura, Ichiya, and Erza's wishes. Piccolo then jumps into the air and passes over everyone as he lands on the second floor of the mansion and sits down on the railing with hands and legs crossed while Wendy introduces herself.

Wendy : U-Umm, I can't fight at all, but I can use all kinds of helpful support magic... So please... So please don't leave me out of the group...

Carla : That timid attitude is why people look down on you!

Wendy : I-I'm sorry...

Carla : Quit being so quick to apologize.

Wendy : S-Sorry!

Erza : My apologies. I was a bit surprised, but I didn't mean to offend you. It's a pleasure to meet you, Wendy.

Wendy : *amazed* It's Ms. Erza! It's really her, Charle!

Carla : She's prettier than I expected.

Ren : That girl is going to be gorgeous when she grows up.

Eve : She's already very cute! 

Hibiki : *to Wendy* Come, Miss. Right this way...

Wendy : Oh, uhh...

Lucy : Talk about fast!

Meanwhile with Ichiya, he was looking at Wendy as he notices that her scent was much different than everyone else's.

Ichiya : That girl... What a parfum she has. She is no ordinary person...

Jura : So you've noticed, Sir Ichiya... She possesses magic somehow different from our own. It appears Lady Erza has taken notice as well...

Ichiya : *looks at Goku & Piccolo* It isn't just that little girl, but her "companion" and Ms. Erza's companion. Both of their parfums are far different than our own as well. They are not average people.

Jura : I see...

Back with Wendy, the Trimen had brought back the brown couch from earlier as they, for some reason, started their routine on her, making Wendy uncomfortable.

Eve : Is orange juice okay with you?

Ren : Honestly, you're too cute.

Hibiki : Have a wet hand towel.

Wendy : Umm... Uhh...

Carla : What's with these males?!

Goku : All right, all right. Enough with your weird routine.

Goku then walks over to Blue Pegasus' Trimen and Wendy as he picks the little girl up off the couch before walking away from the three wizards.

Goku : They're weirdos, huh?

Wendy : Y-Yeah... Thanks for that.

Goku puts Wendy back on the ground while Natsu was staring at Wendy as he was sure that he had heard her name somewhere before.

Gray : Huh? What's wrong, Natsu?

Natsu : Wendy... I could swear I heard the name somewhere before...

Gray : Huh? You know her?

Natsu : Can you remember her for me?

Gray : How am I supposed to do that?!

The Fire Dragon Slayer looks back over at Wendy and stares at her for a few seconds before Wendy notices and looks over at Natsu before politely smiling at him.

Natsu : *to Gray* So, who is she, again?

Gray : Oh, geez...

Carla : You shouldn't smile at men so much.

Wendy : I-I didn't mean to...!

As Wendy nervously responds to Carla, the three Trimen go over to Wendy as they try their routine on her once again. Seeing these three, Wendy becomes uncomfortable once again as she goes behind Goku to hide.

Hibiki : What kind of man is your type?

Eve : Would you like some cake, too?

Ren : Seriously, you're too cute.

Goku raises his fist at the three wizards causing them to back away in fear as Ichiya orders them to clean up once again.

Ichiya : I told you before! They aren't here to pay a visit! Clean up at once!

Trimen : Certainly, our dear master!

Ichiya : Man...

Lucy : They called him something different again...

Gray : It's remarkable how consistently inconsistent they are...

Now that everyone was here and the mess was cleaned up, Ichiya was now standing in front of everyone as he was getting ready to brief them about the operation.

Ichiya : Now, then. As it appears everyone is here, allow me to explain the operation.

Lucy : Are those poses really necessary?

Ichiya : First is the location where the Oracion Seis— the "six demon generals"— have gathered... But first, I require use of the toilet parfum.

Ichiya then waddles away from everyone and heads to the bathroom while the Trimen applaud him.

Gray : Hey! Don't add the "parfum" to the end of that!

Trimen : That's our sensei for you!

Lucy : They changed his title again.

A few seconds then passed by before Ichiya returned from the bathroom and continued to brief everyone on the operation.

Ichiya : To the north lies the enormous Worth Woodsea. The ancients sealed a powerful magic deep inside it. It was known as... Nirvana!

Gray : Seriously, we can do without the poses.

Goku, Lucy, Natsu : Nirvana?

Lyon : I've never heard of it.

Sherry : Have you, Master Jura?

Jura : No, I haven't.

Ren : All we know is that it was a destructive magic so powerful that the ancients had to seal it away...

Eve : But we don't know what kind of magic it actually is.

Natsu : Destructive magic?

Lucy : I got a bad feeling about this...

Hibiki : We can only assume the Oracion Seis have gathered in the forest in order to obtain Nirvana.

Ichiya : To prevent that from happening...

Trimen & Ichiya : ...we will destroy the Oracion Seis!

Goku : Why do they always have to strike a pose...?

Gray : I've given up complaining about it.

Ren : There are fourteen of us, and six of them.

Eve : But we mustn't take them lightly.

Hibiki : Those six are tremendously powerful.

Hibiki then snaps his fingers and summons a holographic keyboard and screen as he starts to type on the keyboard.

Jura : Archive...! That's magic you don't see everyday.

Sherry : I've never seen it before.

Hibiki then uses his Archive magic as he brings up pictures of the Oracion Seis up in front of everyone so that they could see what they were up against.

Hibiki : Only recently did we manage to obtain these shots of them.

Hibiki : Cobra, a wizard who uses a poisonous snake.

Natsu : Man! That slanty-eyed jerk looks mean!

Gray & Lyon : You don't look very different yourself.

Hibiki : Next is Racer, who, judging from his name, likely uses speed-related magic.

Gray : Oh? For whatever reason, I don't like the way he looks.

Lyon : I agree.

Hibiki : Next is a wizard so powerful that he'll annihilate an entire military unit if the money is right... "Divine Eyes" Hoteye.

Goku : So he fights for money, huh?

Jura : Despicable.

Hibiki : Next is Angel, a woman who's said to peer into people's hearts.

Lucy : I dunno why, but I think I'm probably naturally weak against people like her...

Hibiki : We have little information on this man... but he's known as Midnight.

Erza : Midnight? That's an odd name.

Hibiki : And this is Brain, their commander. On their own, they each possess magic powerful enough to destroy an entire guild. We'll have to rely on our numerical advantage.

Lucy : *raises hand, scared* Umm, could you please leave me out of the count?

Wendy : *scared* Fighting isn't really my thing, either...

Goku : *excited* This is no time to be scared, you two! This is gonna be awesome! Six super strong wizards! The excitement alone is killing me!

Lucy : Only someone like you would be excited!

Ichiya : Never fear. There is more to our operation than just fighting. You can help us locate their stronghold.

Natsu : Stronghold?

Ren : Yes, that's right. We still have yet to locate it...

Eve : But it would be logical to assume they have a temporary base of operations somewhere in the woodsea.

Ichiya : If possible, we would like you to gather them all in that base. 

Gray : How?

Natsu : Beating their brains out, obviously!

Lucy : So it does all boil down to fighting... 

Erza : Why do you want to gather them?

Ichiya : We will use our guild's prized Pegasus, which we call Christina, to utterly annihilate their base and them with it! 

Lyon : Oh!

Goku : Are you talking about the magic bomber?!

Lucy : More importantly... you'd go that all-out on other people?!

Jura : That's the type of people that we're dealing with!

Lucy : Y-Yes, sir!

Jura : Listen! If you do find yourself in battle, whatever you do, do not fight alone! There must always be at least two people when taking on a foe!

Everyone nodded their heads while Wendy and Lucy were still scared.

Lucy : This sounds too dangerous...

Wendy : Th-This is too much...

Carla : Stop acting pathetic!

Natsu then surrounds his fist in flames before he punches it into his palm, ready to fight the Oracion Seis.

Natsu : All right! I'm all fired up! I'm gonna take on all six of you jerks together! 

The Dragon Slayer charges forwards and bursts through the front door and destroys it as he was going head-first towards the Oracion Seis, leaving everyone behind.

Lucy : Hold on, Natsu!

Erza : He's unbelievable...

Goku : I guess we should've seen this coming...

Lucy : I'm not sure if he's impatient or something else altogether...

Gray : Man, he didn't even listen to the strategy.

Happy : That's Natsu for you.

Goku : Well, we can't let him hog all the glory. Let's go!

Goku was the first to act as he runs forwards to chase after Natsu and catch up to him while Erza and everyone else follow after him. Piccolo then sees that everyone was gone as he jumps down from the second floor and flies through the door following them.

Jura : Sheesh...

Ichiya : Man...

Jura : In any case, the operation has begun. Let us go, too.

Ichiya : First things first, Mr. Jura... I hear you're one of the Ten Saint Wizards.

Jura : Indeed, I am.

Ichiya : Meaning that your skill is on par with that of Master Makarov?

Jura : Nothing of the sort. The council decides who is granted the title. I'm only at the bottom rug. Although we share the same title, comparing me with Master Makarov would be like comparing the heavens with the earth.

Ichiya : Ah. I'm relieved to hear that. I wasn't sure what to do if you were as powerful as Makarov.

Hearing Ichiya's comment, Jura quickly becomes confused when Ichiya suddenly takes out a vial and takes the cork off as a vulgar scent flies out of it which causes Jura to drop his staff and fall to his hands and knees.

Jura : Wh-What is this smell?!

Ichiya : A magic parfum that causes one's opponent to lose the will to fight.

Jura : S-Sir Ichiya...! What on earth are you...?

Ichiya : Piri... Piri...

Ichiya then takes out another vial and flicks the cork off as another scent flies out of it and heads over to Jura as the Wizard Saint shouts in immense pain.

Ichiya : Additionally, the entire body is subjected to every manner of pain, all courtesy of this fragrance... I mean, parfum! Or so we're told!

Suddenly, smoke surrounds Ichiya's entire body and when the smoke clears out it reveals that there were two blue creatures floating in the air who were posing as Ichiya.

Mini : Back to normal!

Gemi : Perverted stuff is all that Ichiya guy thinks about.

Mini : That's for sure! He's hopeless as a grown up!

Jura : Wha...?!

??? : Now, now. No complaining.

Jura then hears footsteps walking over to him as he looks up as he sees that it was one of the members of the Oracion Seis, Angel.

Jura : Wh-What is this...?!

Angel : Ah. We took the liberty of copying that filthy man. Now we know all about your little mission.

Gemi : When we copy someone...

Mini : ...we can even read their thoughts!

Jura : *shocked* What...?!

Angel : Okay! That's two down now!

Not being able to handle the pain any longer, Jura's consciousness finally gives out as his vision fades to black as he passes out.

Angel : *darkly* I won't let you interfere, children of light. Angel will bring down judgment on those who stand in our way.


Meanwhile with the Fairy Tail wizards, they finally caught up to Natsu as they were now reaching the Worth Woodsea.

Natsu : There it is! The woodsea!

Gray : Wait, Natsu!

Natsu : Nope!

Erza : You fool! Don't rush ahead by yourself!

Natsu : You hate the idea of me one-upping you that much?!

Erza : *irritated* What?! How dare you suggest that I...!

Erza gives out an irritated expression at Natsu who jumps out of fear and continues running forwards but doesn't realize that he was running towards a cliff.

Goku : Hey, Natsu—!

However, it was already too late as the Dragon Slayer already flew over the cliff as he landed into the dense forest below.

Goku : There's a cliff...

Gray : Oh, man! He fell over!

Erza : That hotheaded fool!

Sherry : I see he hasn't changed at all...

Lyon : I'm filled with confusion when I stop to think about how I once fought that imbecile.

Sherry : That's just another form of love!

Gray : Uhh, not really!

Goku : Well, might as well catch up to him before he falls into a ditch or something.

Goku backs up a bit from the cliff before running forwards and jumping high up into the air as he falls down towards the Worth Woodsea forest below. He then lands on a tree branch as he jumps through the trees without losing his momentum as he sees that Natsu was back on his feet and running.

Suddenly, Natsu smells an odd scent in the air while Goku felt a strange sensation coming from the forest.

Goku : Hey, Natsu, you felt that too, right?

Natsu : Yeah. Man, this place sure smells weird...

The two wizards then leave the forest and continue to charge forwards while Erza, Gray, Lyon, and Sherry manage to catch up with the two.

Natsu : Pick up the pace, you guys!

Gray : You're one sturdy freak, you know that?!

Suddenly, Natsu soon realizes that he was underneath a large shadow that was passing by which makes him stop running as he looks up, but this makes Gray crash into him. Before the two could start arguing, Erza pushes them apart as everyone looks up to see what made the shadow.

Erza : The magic bomber, Christina!

Natsu : *amazed* Whoa!

Gray : That's the "heavenly horse" I've heard so much about?!

Goku : Those guys really took "Pegasus" really seriously! How big is that thing?!

Piccolo and everyone else finally catches up to Goku, Natsu, Erza, Gray, Lyon, and Sherry as they see that the magic bomber is flying through the air.

Erza : All right! Let's split up and search for their base of operations!

Natsu : *confused* Huh? We're doing what now?

Gray : Oh, jeez...

Out of nowhere, a part of the magic bomber explodes and starts to fall through the air while other parts of the machine start to explode as well.

Lucy : Huh?!

Hibiki : Christina!

The ship known as Christina continues to fall through the air before it finally crashes into the ground causing a large explosion to emit, shocking everyone.

Lyon : What's going on?!

Goku and Piccolo soon feel someone's presence as the green-skinned warrior lands on the ground next to Goku.

Piccolo : Hey.

Goku : Yeah. Someone's here.

Everyone gets into their fighting stances and prepares to engage whoever took down Christina while Wendy went behind a large rock to hide.

When the smoke starts to settle down, the wizards soon see six figures start to emerge from the smoke. The six figures fully emerge from the smoke as it was revealed to be the Oracion Seis, the ones who took down Christina.

Brain : Lowly maggots, all swarming together...

Angel : We know exactly what you have in mind.

Gemi : We even took care of Jura and Ichiya!

Mini : Whadya think of that?

Lyon : *shocked* What?!

Hibiki : *shocked* That can't be!

Piccolo : *tsks* Weakling humans.

Cobra : You're flustered. I can hear it...

Racer : The quicker the work, the better. And you people are in our way.

Hoteye : Money gives one strength! Yes! Let me give you a tip: money is everything in this world. And...!

Cobra & Racer : Shut up, Hoteye!

Lucy : Umm, one of them is asleep...

Erza : I never imagined you would show yourselves to us...

There was a brief moment of silence between the two groups before Natsu and Gray were the first ones to act as they charged straight towards the Oracion Seis.

Brain : *to Racer* Get them.

Racer : Okay.

Racer does as his leader says and speeds over to Gray and Natsu who were still charging towards the Oracion Seis. He then slips behind the two before they could even notice before spinning around and kicks them in the face.

Lucy & Lucy #2 : Natsu! Gray!

Suddenly, Lucy soon realizes that she heard her voice twice and turns her head and sees that there was another Lucy standing right next to her. The Lucy standing next to her then takes out her whip and attacks Lucy with it.


Lucy #2 : Dummy!

Lucy : Wh-What the...?! How am I...?! Wha...?! Huh?!

Lyon : Sherry!

Sherry : Right!

Lyon and Sherry then charge towards the Oracion Seis member, Hoteye, as the dark wizard looks at the two while using his Eye Magic. Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet softens as both Lyon and Sherry start to sink into the ground as he commands the softened ground to envelop them.

Hoteye : Money is all you really need, not love! Yes!

The three wizards from Blue Pegasus then charge forwards towards the Oracion Seis when suddenly, Racer speeds over the Trimen and attacks them so fast that they couldn't react in time or even see him.

Meanwhile with Goku and Piccolo, even though Goku wanted to help his friends, he and Piccolo were carefully watching the situation and the Oracion Seis' movements carefully so that they could grasp their abilities.

Back with the fight, Erza quickly jumps into the air and switches into her Heaven's Wheel Armor and summons a bunch of her swords before firing them at Cobra. As they were about to hit him, Cobra slightly moved his body and easily dodged Erza's entire attack.

Erza : What?! He can see through my swordsmanship?!

Racer then circles behind Erza's back and attacks the wizard with a kick but Erza was able to block the attack with her swords. Erza then switches to her Flight Armor and starts to attack Racer with her enhanced speed but Racer was still able to easily dodge all of her attacks.

Racer : Oh, you're fast! Fast is good!

Cobra: Unfortunately, I can hear them, Titania...

Cobra dashes over to where Erza was fighting Racer and attempts to attack her while she was focused on Erza, when suddenly, he feels a presence behind him. Cobra then turns to see Piccolo who was mere inches away from him.

Cobra quickly reacts by gripping his hand into a fist and throws a punch at Piccolo, but the warrior easily catches the attack in the palm of his hand, causing a small shockwave.

Cobra : Oh?

Meanwhile with Erza, she continues to attack Racer but even with the enhanced speed of her armor she couldn't even graze Racer with her attacks. Suddenly, Erza was hit by Racer with incredible speed as she stopped herself and tried to regain her posture.

Racer continues to speed towards Erza and attacks her from various directions while Erza couldn't defend herself as she couldn't even see Racer's movements. Racer then speeds towards Erza once again and was mere inches away as he throws his fist at her, leaving her to time to react, when someone suddenly blocks his fist.

Erza then looks up to see who had blocked the incoming attack and saw that it was Goku who was standing in between her and Racer.

Erza : Goku!

Goku : Sorry for interfering so late.

Goku then pulls Racer towards him before he elbows the dark wizard in the face landing a clean hit on him knocking him back a couple feet. Goku then remains in his original position as he tells Racer to come at him.

Goku : What are you waiting for? Come. I'm itching to fight.

Racer : Nice speed you've got there. If you're slow, then you'll eat my dust!

Racer then speeds towards Goku and starts to attack him with incredible speed, but Goku was able to evade each and every one of Racer's attacks.

Goku : You're really fast. I see why Erza was havin' trouble with you.

Racer takes a step forwards and throws a quick straight punch at Goku's head, however, Goku was able to dodge it just in time by leaning to the left before attacking Racer with a kick to the head. The attack connects with Racer's head as Goku follows through with the attack and slams Racer into the ground, knocking him out.

Goku : Your speed's pretty impressive, but your movements are too linear. So as long as I time it right, it ain't too hard.

Meanwhile with Piccolo, he was trading quick blows with Cobra who was able to keep up with the warrior's attacks with his amazing sense of hearing.

Piccolo : You can read my moves?

Cobra : I'm not reading your moves. Unfortunately for you, I can just hear you. I can hear your next moves!

Cobra then dashes towards Piccolo and starts to attack with all of his strength behind while Piccolo was able to block his attacks.

Cobra : I can hear it all... Your movements, your breathing, your muscles contracting, even your thoughts...

Piccolo : You've got a good pair of ears on your head, but you're not the only one who can hear well. I'm not one to brag but I can hear just about anything across the universe.

Cobra : *shocked* What?!

Hearing this causes Cobra to be shocked as Piccolo uses this opportunity to aim an uppercut at Cobra's face which sends him flying backwards. Cobra performs a backflip and lands on the ground as he rubs his chin in pain as he looks at Piccolo, irritated.

Cobra : You bastard...!

Cobra quickly stands up and rushes towards Piccolo as the warrior does the same and dashes towards Cobra. Cobra then uses his amazing sense of hearing as he hears the movement of Piccolo's muscles and predicts his next move would be a punch to the face.

As soon as the two were in front of each other and Piccolo brings his fist back, Cobra starts to move towards the ground to dodge Piccolo's punch and counter by sweeping his legs. However, Piccolo simply punches Cobra in the gut with immense force causing the dark wizard to cough up blood.

Cobra : What the?!

Piccolo : I used the same muscle movements as a normal punch to lure you in.

Cobra : You pretended to use a punch to get me to dodge and countered?!

Piccolo : That's right.

Piccolo then uses his free hand and grabs Cobra by the collar of his shirt and throws him away as Cobra lands on the ground. The dark wizard gets even more irritated as he stands up and dashes towards Piccolo and throws another punch at him, only for it to go through him before he gets punched in the face.

Cobra : An afterimage?!

Piccolo : *menacingly* That's right. Which will it be next? Use your ears and listen carefully.

Goku, who sees that Cobra was open for an attack, quickly dashes over to the dark wizard when suddenly the ground in front of him rises up and blocks him off from Cobra. Goku then turns around and sees that Hoteye was the one who stopped him.

Hoteye : I saw it! Yes! Money is stronger than your might! Yes!

Goku : *smiles* That so, huh?

Lyon : Careful! He's—

Goku : Already saw it!

Goku quickly charges directly towards Hoteye who uses his magic to soften the ground underneath Goku's, turning it into quicksand, as the wizard starts to sink into the ground.

Goku : ( Quicksand? )

Hoteye then commands the softened ground to rise up into the air and envelop Goku's entire body and crash into him. However, Goku lets out a battle cry as he quickly fires a ki blast at the softened ground and destroys it as he flies up into the air as he puts his hands close to the center of his face with the fingers spread toward his eyes.

Goku : Solar Flare!

Suddenly, a bright and blinding light then emits from Goku as it blinds Hoteye causing him to look away from Goku.

Goku who doesn't waste this opportunity to dive towards Hoteye as he spins around in the and raises his leg into the air before bringing it down onto Hoteye's head, slamming him into the ground.

Back with Piccolo, he was standing a few feet away from Cobra who hasn't made a move yet since he had no idea what to do against him. Piccolo then takes a step forwards making Cobra flinch as he makes him take a step backwards as Piccolo chuckles from the sight.

Piccolo suddenly feels a presence from behind and turns to see the celestial spirit known as Gemini who transforms into an identical version of him. Gemini then prepares to fire a ki blast at Piccolo who quickly jumps out of the way of the attack and lands on the ground.  

Piccolo : ( That was the spirit that was following that woman. )

Piccolo then looks over to the left and sees Angel and wastes no time as he dashes straight towards her while Gemini stands up and chases after Piccolo to protect Angel. However, Erza quickly slashes Gemini with her swords, catching the celestial spirit off guard and stopping it in its tracks.

Erza : *to Piccolo* Go!

Piccolo continues to dash towards Angel who quickly reacts by taking out another one of her keys to summon another one her spirits, however, Piccolo was able to reach her first as he stopped in front of her. Piccolo then aims his hand at Angel as his palm starts to glow brightly before releasing an energy blast at Angel.

Angel, who took the energy blast from Piccolo, immediately falls unconscious resulting in Gemini returning back to the celestial spirit world.

Erza : Be careful not to kill them.

Piccolo : She's just slightly injured.

Goku, Erza, and Piccolo then turn around to the remaining three members of the Oracion Seis, Cobra, Midnight, and Brain.

Brain : It seems I underestimated you wizards, especially those two. Prepare to be no more.

Brain then raises his staff at the three as he summons a magic circle as green energy starts to swirl around Brain's staff.

Sherry : Wh-What is this magic power...?

Hibiki : The air is shuddering...

Ren : This isn't good.

Brain finishes charging up his spell and is about to unleash it onto Piccolo, Goku, Erza, and the rest of their comrades behind them, however, Brain soon stops his attack as everyone feels an intense presence coming towards them.

Goku : ( A-Awesome! I feel an awesome power! What is it?! )

Piccolo : It's here!

Everyone then looks up to where they could feel the intense power coming from and see a figure who was flying towards the scene. The figure finally reaches the scene and descends down to the ground as he lands in between the wizards and in front of Goku as it was revealed to be Raditz.

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