Jupiter Rising

By SPenBooks

7.7K 813 206

*Being Written over 2024* The Sequel to Rowans Choice. Did it feel over?! No, of course it didn't, because it... More

Jupiter Rising
Chapter One - A new Dawn
Chapter Two- And so it begins
Chapter Three- The Summit
Chapter Four- Changeling
Chapter Five- Infuriated (again)
Chapter Six - A message
Chapter Seven - Duty
Chapter Eight - The Rowan age
Chapter Nine- Nearly upon us
Chapter Ten- Forgivness (for a price)
Chapter Eleven - A treaty
Chapter Thirteen- Our Princess
Chapter Fourteen- The Ball (part one)
Chapter Fifteen - The Ball (part two)
Chapter Sixteen- Wings
Chapter Seventeen - Domino effect
Chapter Eighteen- A Royal birth
Chapter Nineteen - Let it be me
Chapter Twenty - A Map
Chapter Twenty One- Strike One
Chapter Twenty Two- Addressing Olamoore

Chapter Twelve- Cuffed

229 33 8
By SPenBooks

I arrived back at the Oak with Eris mere moments ago. The entirety of Olamoore beneath us as we flew was decorated beautifully for Princess Jupiter, and I couldn't help but feel like I hadn't spent enough time today with her. It was my daughter's special day and yet I had had to spend the last hours working with my Mother.

My Mother as suspected would do anything to gain back my favour, and today that included committing treason against her Queen. The iron cuff that Jay would be fitting, it would be void of the iron that would usually hold my magic in a state of paralysis. My Mother had created the perfect fake, and her ability to mask herself, it allowed her access to the Oak, and access to the cuff that was created to imprison me. It would be done before Rowan even gave the order. I would go against my Queen today, my mate, and my love, and I would take my power back. A Mothers instinct is to protect her young, and I was more protective of my children than most Fae would be, knowing my child had been stolen from me once before. To hear of another threat to her... it boiled my blood... to the point I grit my teeth and my fists tightened painfully, the rage fanned the flames within. Come for my daughters.... And die.

If I ended up imprisoned or executed for my actions, so be it. The safety of the Princesses was worth any fate bestowed upon me.

Eris had left me in my chambers, after placing a few fly away hairs back into place on my head, and making me perfect once more. She had gone to collect my ceremony cloak.

Rowan was clearly not on the Branch, her guards were not present in the hallways. I wondered what she was up to. I knew she had a lot to do, facing a threat so large, and with the Kingdoms here she would no doubt be overwhelmed with the responsibility, but if she wouldn't let us face it together, and hide the very things I should know about, then let her suffer it alone. She infuriated me. Nothing new. My heart just made it harder to turn away from her now, despite how she maddened me. I loved her, my god I loved her. Ugh!

I opened my chamber door and was met with my own guards "Queen Consort" they bowed.

"Take me to the Nursery" I ordered.

We made our way quickly, and I was back in my daughter's orbit within minutes.

"Mummy" Jupiter squealed, running over and taking my hand "I got a new dress" she told me, twirling around for it to be admired.

I sighed, smiling so broadly it hurt my cheeks. "You look beautiful baby"

Jupiters eyes twinkled as she came to a stop "so do you Mummy"

I looked to the chair behind me, and I took two steps before sinking into it so that I was Jupiters level, my ability to bend down that far, now long gone. I reached for her "come sit with me. Tell me about your day, and how you're feeling about the Ball. Are you excited?"

Jupiter gently climbed up onto my lap "yes" she replied, sitting herself to the side of the bump and lying her hand on the top of it. "Hi Lee" she whispered, bending down and kissing the bump.

I smiled, brushing my hand over my daughter's golden locks before she sat back up "She will be with us tomorrow" Jupiter told me "I saw her arrive at dawn"

My eyes widened "that's not long"

Jupiter reached up and placed her hand at my temple, a calmness instantly washing over me "You will be okay Mummy, don't worry" she whispered.

"And Leda" I asked, more worried for my child's survival at birth than my own.

Jupiters features changed for a micro second, and if you weren't her Mother and hadn't obsessively studied her face for hours upon hours you may have missed it, but I have spent nights upon nights and day after day studying my baby.

I saw it, a flash, a second, a mere moment ... but it was there, she saw something, and knew something that worried her.

"You can tell me anything baby" I reminded her, holding her securely. "Tell me what's on your mind. A Mummy's job is to take away your worries"

"I'm not worried" Jupiter replied reassuringly "Leda will be fine Mummy"

She jumped down, and left the room. A whisper slipped from her lips, a whisper I didn't hear, but one that was spoken all the same, purposefully so I wouldn't hear it "I'll just, miss you"

Willow appeared in the doorway "Good evening Andromeda. It is a pleasure to see you so well. My goodness look at that bump" she observed, looking to me with nothing but love and affection.

"Good Evening Willow" I greeted back, struggling to stand from the chair.

Willow came to my aid and assisted me to stand up "You seem deep in thought" she mused "Rowan told me things have been hard, and she warned of the threat. You must know she will do everything in her power to keep the Kingdom safe. You, and these little Princesses are her entire world, and I know it may seem as if she is putting everything above you sometimes, but it isn't so, she has you at the forefront of her mind always"

I ignored all of that and gestured to the doorway that Jupiter had exited through "Has she mentioned anything that's on her mind" I asked. "I know she's been having nightmares, but there's something else, I know it, she's seeing something that she's not telling us about. I wish she wasn't afflicted with the sight. My child is too young to see the things she is seeing, and endure the knowledge of the morrow, before it is done"

Willow nodded, " I wished many times the same thing, but Jupiter sees for a reason, and I think it is paramount to the survival of our race. If she's sees the enemy before he arrives upon our door, than she is always one step ahead of him. Our child is leading the story Andromeda, and if she doesn't like a chapter, she has the ability to change it"

"But she's not even six Willow. She shouldn't have such responsibility"

Willow sighed and wrapped her arm around my shoulders, giving me a reassuring squeeze "A Queen will always be a Queen... from the moment she is born... she leads"

It wasn't fair "Rowan is finding her crown heavy, and she is an adult, my child will surely be crushed by it"

Willow shook her head and smiled "That won't happen Andromeda. Jupiter will rise..."

The Prophecy. The Fae child that shouldn't be. A Queen born to lead them all. Powerful beyond belief.

She will rise.


Jupiter seemed fine for the next hour, she played with Willow whilst I joined in every now and again, laughing and smiling like she hadn't a worry in the world. Perhaps I was being paranoid, and perhaps she was fine after all. I just couldn't help that gnawing sense that something was wrong.

The time came to place the Princesses Crown, and I saw her displeasure at having to wear it. Sycamore had arrived with it on a velvet red pillow, with golden edging "for my Princess" he announced in his squeaky voice.

I considered kicking him out of a window, but the feeling was fleeting as Jupiter hugged him tightly and I saw her love for him had grown. Sycamore to my horror was now my child's most loved friend.

His squeaky voice was higher pitched than normal as he tried to place the dainty crown "bend down a little" he asked her, up on his tippy toes and still not reaching her head.

"Let me" Willow asked, reaching for the crown.

Sycamore backed away with it, looking like he was holding it hostage. "No, I'm doing it, it's my job" he told her a little madly.

"Guard" I called into the hallway.

My guard rushed in, sword drawn "My Queen"

Sycamore looked like he had spoken out of turn and I was about to have him killed for it.

I gestured to the wooden stool by the bed "fetch Sycamore a stool so he may place the crown"

Sycamore was surprised at my act of kindness "thank you" he squeaked.

I nodded "It is your duty. I know what it's like to want to perform your duty's but something gets in your way"

I looked accusingly at Leda's little butt, it was currently sticking up from my bump like she was about to escape out of my belly button backward. "To be hindered by your own body's restrictions... it's frustrating"

He frowned "but I'm not hindered"

I looked down to his small stature, sometimes far too small for this world he was asked to work within "It's nothing to be ashamed of"

"I don't need a stool" he protested.

I flicked my wrist and gestured for him to keep on his futile attempts "whatever... as you were"

The sounds of guards coming down the hallways had us all look to the Nursery doors, whilst Sycamore attempted and failed to throw the crown up onto the Princess's head.

The doors were flung open, and Rowan entered. She took my breath away, holy smokes she looked incredible. I shook my head and my naughty thoughts away, and lifted my jaw from the floor.

Rowan scanned the room as she walked, her eyes lit up to see me too "Andy" she greeted warmly, perhaps surprised to see me. She was much warmer than when we last saw one another.

"Your majesty" I greeted in return, wanting so badly to say "My love" and yet reminding myself we were not in a good place. My mate was not currently on my team.

"Hi Mama" Jupiter greeted.

Rowan lifted her, and kissed her on the nose. "Where is your crown my darling?" She asked.

Jupiter giggled and pointed behind her to Sycamore. He was spitting feathers, his little face all red from exertion, his shiny shoes creased up from the tip toes he was attempting repeatedly.

Rowan rolled her eyes "for the love of Fae" and she placed Jupiter down, and instead, very unlike a Queen, she bent down and picked a very unimpressed Sycamore up under his arms.

"Put me down" he demanded. "Row... My Queen... put me down"

Willow took Jupiters hand "stand tall now Princess"

Jupiter stood taller, and she tried not to smile as Rowan held Sycamore outward toward her.

"Don't bite the hands that lift you Sycamore" Rowan teased.

Sycamore stopped squirming and held the crown out, placing it perfectly on Jupiters head.

Rowan put him down, and he fought the urge to kick her shoes. Puffed up little bulldog.

Rowan and I seemed to drift together, as my shoulder suddenly pressed to her own.

"Our daughter is perfect" Rowan whispered.

I gazed sideways, avoiding her eye contact as she looked to me too. "She is everything" I returned.

We both looked to Jupiter, to avoid the awkward moment, she was dancing in the mirror with Willow.

I felt finger tips brush mine, and a warmth that was not my own ran through my body. Rowans magic wound its way through me and throbbed within my heart. I almost gasped at the sensation of her love coursing through my body, delicately dancing with my own magic inside of me. She wanted me to feel her, and offer myself in return, and yet when the moment came to dance... I tugged my hand away.

She closed her eyes, attempting to hide the way it hurt. Opening them a moment later "Will you come with me please" she asked.

"To be cuffed" I threw back.

"Because I want to speak with you in private" she corrected "but if you want to get straight to the cuffing then I understand that too"

"Do it" I ordered, leaving the room and having her follow me.

Eris appeared up the hallway with my cloak, and as soon as she saw the mood we were in she ducked out of sight. I didn't blame her. Once we were out of ear shot I spun around "get it over with. Do what you wish. Just so you know, this is worse to me than cheating on me, or never caring at all, and this will be a betrayal I might never forgive"

"Andy"she argued "how many times ...this isn't a punishment. It's to protect us all"

"Protect whom?!" I argued in return "because as far as I see it you won't be protecting anyone. Let me have my magic, and I will assist you with destroying the threat"

Rowan stood for a moment, just looking upon me, wishing to say something and yet not letting herself lose the crown for the second she needed to be my mate instead. "You can assist me in destroying the threat Andy. You can lead the charge, and choose the army you believe is the strongest. Just not this night. I need you to deliver Leda safely, and survive this birth. We all need to survive this pregnancy. I can't lose you!"

"You wouldn't" I promise, taking her hands and holding them to my chest "just let me be free"

Rowan inhaled deeply "I can't" and then an emotional switch tripped and she gestured for Jay to approach.

"Cuff her" she ordered.

Jay lowered and cuffed me, the snap of metal almost clipping my skin. I still felt my magic running through my veins, and so the plan had come to fruition. My Mother had completed her task.

"Let us celebrate our daughter this night" Rowan asked "Please, just take my hand and let us walk our daughter to the Great Hall, unified"

My nostrils flared, but I tried so hard to dampen my flames. I closed my eyes and let the flames in them simmer. Taking deep breaths.

"Andy, I love you" Rowan declared, taking my cheeks in her hands and kissing my forehead. "It's one night" she kept telling me "after tonight I'll throw the cuff away"

The heat in my veins dissipated, and I opened my eyes once more, safe now they weren't glowing. I agreed "We will always be united in our daughters. Even if that is all, that in itself is everything. Our children come first"

Rowan let me go slowly, and she looked me up and down, her hand falling to my belly "You look beautiful"

I let out a sigh that made her smile "and you are looking ... annoyingly perfect"

"Compliment me again" Rowan teased.

"It wasn't a compliment" I returned. "You're so annoying it hurts"

"Let me kiss it better" she asked with a smirk, lifting her eyebrows up with intent. She licked her lips in a way that would once make me melt under her.

"That's not happening" I told her, stepping away from her and gesturing to my ankle "you did that" I remind her "and I'm not cuffed to a bed post Rowan..."

She sighed "Don't remind me"

"Let us take our daughter's hand and lead her to her place in the Kingdoms" I suggested, walking away and back to the Nursery.

"Only if you will one day again, take mine" Rowan called after me.

I couldn't promise that, for the night had not begun, and anything could happen in the hours between dusk and dawn.

Jupiter foresaw only her sisters entrance into the world, and so I felt certain the Ball would go well, but after her birth... in the weeks that followed... I wasn't so sure.

Jupiter knew something that none of us did, and she was already going about changing the story, we just had to wait for it to unfold, to see how.


"I'll just, miss you"


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