My Dr. Beloved (Yoongi Ff)

By epitomixoxo

1.4K 82 13

"I thought I healed myself, until you came, treating the wounds I didn't know I had" When an unfortunate acc... More

1. Appointment
2. You Are...!!
3. Boiling Noodles
4. Cut
5. The Eyes
6. Interest
7. Ringing
8. A Date?
9. Closer View
10. Tteokbokki
11. Unwanted Message
12. Watching You
13. I.C.U
14. Feelings
15. Hometown
16. part i: Blush
16. part ii. Seaside
17. Waves
18. Behind Your Eyes
19. Official?
20. A Trip
21. Lost
22. Imposter
Author's Note
23. Into His Den
24. The Last Fight
25. Healing him
New Story!
27. Warmth
28. A Year with You
29. Luke Warm
30. Gift!
31. Confronted
32. Demeaned
33. The Preparation
34. Under The Stars

26. 'Stay Alive'

16 1 0
By epitomixoxo

Yoongi enters the I.C.U. room, slowly, afraid of getting to near. What if he trips and touches any of the complex machines and it stops working and....

He takes a deep inhale and stops himself from panicking. I see him looking at me through the small window of the door. He is masked. So I just can see his face. And he is scared.

I nod hik assuringly with a smile. He closes his eyes gathering himself to finally talk to him, to face the past, the ghosted past. He's finally ready to unwind the wrapped cloth around the wound and treat it. Let it heal. It'll sting. Maybe a lot. And he knows it. But he's still gonna face it.

And I'm SO SO Proud of him. He's a very strong man. And this is the man in front of me, who first stole my attention, following the heart and then soul.

I feel a tiny droplet of tear in my eye, when I watch him taking the seat beside Kwan, warily.

Yoongi: Hey, it's me. Yoongi.

Kwan: ....

Yoongi: I know you can hear me. Yn told me. So don't pretend like you can't and try to listen to me properly.

Kwan: ....

Yoongi: *chuckle* I guess trying and talking to you would've been so hard. And that's why GOD made you lay like that, just so you can listen.... Yeah, God.
       Isn't it funny? When I first met you, and you told me, "God must've seen your talent and sent you to me." I scoffed so hard. I've never believed in some Almighty. Who can just say whatever and that will just happen. But...

I guess, someone made me believe, he exists.

Kwan: ....

Yoongi: When you told me about your sister, I almost thought, I was wrong to believe in him. But, when he saved you... Dude, YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO LIVE, WITHOUT THAT WOMAN! *giggles* she saved you, and... I don't think I can ever unlove her anymore.

Kwan: .....

Yoongi: If... This much can happen to me, when I can get the chance to heal my abundant past, the dusty corridors of my mind... Why can't You?

Kwan: .....

Yoongi: Hyung, I know what happened to you, your sister and throughout your life in general isn't the best thing we wish for. But... The life goes on with whatever shit we collect.
        I loved your sister, so much that I couldn't even think of getting into another relationship with anyone else. And what happened to her, is pure shit, unfare. And there's so many people who are suffering from this... Hyung!!

Kwan: ....

Yoongi: Think. You're such a badass and a Good person at heart. Everyone agrees to that. If you go away, I don't think I can execute what I'm planning on.

Yn: (in mind) What is that he's planning?

Yoongi: I thought, we can start an organization, that will help the woman or any person in need. Actively. It'll be a local police station like thing, but more active. It won't work on any govt. rules so actions taken will be faster. Whoever will need help, can be private about it and take the help. And it'll stay hidden. What do you say?

Kwan: ....

Yoongi: Why aren't you talking Hyung???

Kwan: .....

Yoongi: Hyung, don't just stay layed there!! Get up and help me. I don't know much things about how to sneakily work behind the govt. You're a pro at it. WAKE UP AND HELP ME HYUNG!!! *eyes tearing up*

Kwan: ....

Yoongi: HYUNG, You're really are planning to leave me? You'll really don't give me ONE chance to treat you like the kind king you are? You... really... Hate me that much? *a tear drops*

Yn: *teary eyes*

Yoongi: Hyung, all these years, I felt so alone, and an animal without his master, asking everyone if they know how it can help it's master. Please Hyung! Don't leave me, now that I can finally stay under your guidance. PLEASE!!! PLEASE DON'T LOOSE YOUR LIFE.. IT'S SO PRECIOUS TO ME. PLEASE HYUNG!! PLEASE!! *sobs*

Kwan: .....

Yoongi: *crying* Please you stay alive Hyung!!! PLEASE!!!! For me, for your dead sister, *sobs* who wanted nothing but your warmth at her last moments. *sobs* Please... *whimpers* YOU'RE SO PRECIOUS TO EVERYONE. PLEASE HYUNG!! *loud sobs*

Yoongi breaks down in crying inside the ICU room. And me outside is flipping cause it's not the exact thing I can allow. But if I take him out of there, Kwan will may not revive again. Should I allow him, or not?

Yoongi: Hyung, you remember? How we planned we'll bring justice to the discrimination happening in the world! How we planned to comfort our listeners with our music so that they can find a home after a long day of war!!
   Do You Remember Our Promises Hyung?? *sob*

Kwan: ....*heart beat slightly increasing*

Yn: ?? The monitor just showed... A Change!

Yoongi: You made me Promise that whatever happens I'll stay alive. Then, what happened to you Hyung?? Why are you loosing the grip?? You were the refugee I needed. You were the oasis in my desert. YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HYUNG, PLEASE WAKE UP!!!

Yoongi rests his crying figure on his palm that's on Kwan's bed. I'm already crying outside. And waiting for any response shown by Kwan. His hearted increased. And that means Yoongi is succeeding. So I don't disturb them.

Yoongi: Please Hyung... Please wake up. And hold my shaking hand. I can't take this anymore... I'm so alone, and cold in this. Please!

Kwan's finger just moved...


I enter inside right away. Yoongi doesn't feel my presence. He's still chanting the same thing, "Please wake up".


I look at his face with so much anticipation. My eyes are sparkling. If Kwan comes back to life, it'll be a miracle. Cause, he was really giving up!

Kwan: i..s.. yo..ur..


He just spoke up!




Yoongi snaps his head faster than lightning, hearing my suppressed excited voice. I didn't talk very loudly cause he's still very tender right now.

Kwan's eyes were still closed. But he's smiling. Smiling though the bandages. And holding up his shaking and weak hands to Yoongi.

Yoongi is messy with the tears and sobs and the shock of him waking up. His wide eyes and slightly open mouth says it all. He's tensed but excited at the same time. He grips his hand ever so gently. Careful not to hurt him.

Under Yoongi's touch, Kwan's grip tightens. He's still weak, but he's holding onto Yoongi's hand like he needs it. He's holding onto his own life by holding onto and trying to save others.

Sometimes to find yourself, you need to find the people who's going through similar shit.
That's when you see yourself in them, they show you the mirror, where you finally see the cuts and wounds all over yourself. And you find yourself in them.

At this moment, I realized the importance of other people in your life. And your own importance in other's life.

Shit happens, but they're just a way to grow yourself out of it. To strengthen yourself. To modify yourself. And if you can't do it yourself.. Looking around, there will be someone who will be able to and will he willing to help you out.

And there's no shame in taking the hand, either to save them, or to save yourself through them.

There's always an end of the chapter you're reading. It's your choice if you close it here, or read until you find the closer.

Or, you write what you wanna read.

Just like Yoongi did.

Getting out of the ICU room, the first thing he did was..

To write some lyrics. I sat beside him. He was smiling the whole time. He was so excitedly saying, "I THINK I FOUND ANOTHER SONG YN! KWAN IS A GENIUS!"

And that's the day, when he wrote,

Stay Alive.

And Today, a month later it was released. Jongkook did a great job as always singing it and expressing all the emotions Yoongi went through that day.



[A.N:  please note everything written in this ff is a product of imagination. The author doesn't claim anything to be true. It's a fan'fiction' for a reason.

Love y'all ❤🌸

Don't loose hope. You got this! 🌸]


To Be Continued....

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