Fairy Tail: Kakarot

By ChildOfBeast13

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The Fiore Kingdom. A neutral country with a population of 17 million. It is a world of magic. Magic is bought... More

Season 1 Chapter 1 : Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 2 : Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull
Season 1 Chapter 3 : Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!
Season 1 Chapter 4 : Dear Kaby
Season 1 Chapter 5 : The Wizard in Armor
Season 1 Chapter 6 : Fairies in the Wind
Season 1 Chapter 7 : The Strongest Team
Season 1 Chapter 8 : Goku vs Natsu vs Erza
Season 1 Chapter 9 : The Cursed Island
Season 1 Chapter 10 : Moon Drip
Season 1 Chapter 11 : The Monster Roars!
Season 1 Chapter 12 : Reach the Sky Above
Season 1 Chapter 13 : The Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 14 : To Keep from Seeing Those Tears
Season 1 Chapter 15 : Son Goku vs Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 16 : The Two Dragon Slayers
Season 1 Chapter 17 : My Resolve
Season 1 Chapter 18 : The Next Generation
Season 1 Chapter 19 : The Eight Finalists
Season 1 Chapter 20: Wizards vs Warriors
Season 1 Chapter 22: The Rematch of Fate!
Season 1 Chapter 23: The Terror of King Piccolo
Season 1 Chapter 24: Demon King Piccolo Descends
Season 1 Chapter 25: King Piccolo's Wish
Season 1 Chapter 26: Prelude to Vengeance
Season 1 Chapter 27: Demon King Piccolo vs Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 28: Final Showdown
Season 1 Chapter 29: The Temple Above the Clouds
Season 1 Chapter 30: The Tower of Heaven
Season 1 Chapter 31: Jellal
Season 1 Chapter 33: Destiny
Season 1 Chapter 34: Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light
Season 1 Chapter 35: Home
Season 1 Chapter 36: Battle of Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 37: Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends
Season 1 Chapter 38: Goku vs The Thunder Legion
Season 1 Chapter 39: Clash at Kardia Cathedral!
Season 1 (Finale) Chapter 40: Fantasia
Season 2 Chapter 1: Goku's Birthday
Season 2 Chapter 2: Allied Forces
Season 2 Chapter 3: Enter the Oracion Seis
Season 2 Chapter 4: Reunions
Season 2 Chapter 5: Battle Between Brothers
Season 2 Chapter 6: Celestial Skrimish
Season 2 Chapter 7: Jellal of Days Gone By
Season 2 Chapter 8: March of Destruction
Season 2 Chapter 9: Fairy Queen
Season 2 Chapter 10: Zero
Season 2 Chapter 11: Memories
Season 2 Chapter 12: A Guild For One
Season 2 Chapter 13: 24-Hour Endurance Road Race
Season 2 Chapter 14: Gildarts
Season 2 Chapter 15: Earth Land
Season 2 Chapter 16: Edolas
Season 2 Chapter 17: Fairy Hunter
Season 2 Chapter 18: Key of Hope
Season 2 Chapter 19: Welcome Back
Season 2 Chapter 20: Nature and Nurture
Season 2 Chapter 21: Code ETD
Season 2 Chapter 22: We're Talking About Lives Here!!!
Season 2 Chapter 23: Bite it, Crush it
Season 2 Chapter 24: Pinnacle of Strength
Season 2 Chapter 25: Lisanna
Season 2 Chapter 26: No Time Like the Present
Season 2 Chapter 27: Best Partner
Season 2 Chapter 28: Who's the Lucky One?

Season 1 Chapter 32: Battle for The Future

233 12 6
By ChildOfBeast13

The scene opens to the Tower of Heaven where Sho, Simon, Juvia, and the other Fairy Tail wizards are running up the stairs on the side of the tower.

While they were running, Simon tries to contact Wally and Milliana but wasn't getting through to them.

Simon: Damn! Both Wally and Milliana have shut off communication! I have no way of telling where they are now!

Lucy: Communication?

Juvia: Telepathic communication magic, no doubt.

Gray then starts to whisper to Goku as he had a hard time trusting Simon and Sho.

Gray: Hey, can we trust this guy? I accept that he didn't try to kill us and all, but...

Goku: He's working for Jellal and above all he's an ally with Piccolo, right?

Simon: I don't intend to make excuses.

Gray: You heard, huh?

Simon: A wizard that could be killed that easily would never stand a chance against Jellal. Plus, I'm certain that Natsu won't die...

Lucy: *scared* Umm... but what about me?

Simon: *to Goku* As for Piccolo, I understand that you and him have a score to settle between you both. If it means anything, I heard that you defeated his father and I'm grateful. I have a feeling that we have yet to see your true strength.

Lucy: Speaking of which... I know you said that you were going to train under Kami but I didn't think you would be back so soon. Are you sure you're prepared enough for that battle?

Erza: Now that I'm caught up, I've been wondering the same thing. A month of training doesn't ease me despite it coming from someone as prestigious as Kami.

Goku: It was less of a month and more like three years and a month for me.

The group continues to run up the stairs but look back at Goku confused as they had a hard time grasping the image.

Sho: Three years training...

Juvia: ...in one month?

Gray: How does that work?

Goku: Up on Kami's Lookout is a room called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Inside that room time passes differently; one day out in the real world is the same as one year inside the chamber.

Lucy: Really?!

Simon: That kind of magic is unheard of!

Goku: I don't really understand it myself, but it wasn't easy. I couldn't even last a month the first time because the atmosphere was different to the out here. But over time, I got used to it and could last the entire year. I went in there twice over this month and the last time I went in was yesterday. So I got three years of training!

Goku looks up at his comrades and gives them a confident response.

Goku: Don't worry. I've got this.

Everyone was soon won over by Goku's confidence and nod in agreement and continued to scale up the tower.

The group then enters the tower through a door on the side and were running down a hallway. Suddenly, the paintings on the walls eyes start to glow as a voice comes through them.

Jellal: *through speaker* Welcome, one and all, to the Tower of Heaven. I am Jellal, the ruler of this tower. Both sides have arranged their playing pieces.

Gray: What?!

Simon: It's Jellal. He's talking so the whole tower can hear him.

Jellal: *through speakers* So, shall we begin... "Heaven's Game"?

Goku: A game?

Jellal: *through speaker* The rules are simple. I wish to use Erza as a living sacrifice in a ceremony to revive Zeref.

Sho: *angry* Jellal...!

Jellal: *through speakers* In other words, once the door to heaven opens, I win. But, if you are able to prevent that, then you win. However, that by itself wouldn't make for a very fun game. So I have brought four warriors here.

Simon: Four warriors?! Piccolo is undoubtedly one of them but who are the rest?

Jellal: *through speakers* The only way to reach me is through them. In other words, this is a four-on-nine battle royal. One final note. There is a chance that the council will attack this location from the Satellite Square... using Etherion, the ultimate destroying magic.

Goku: I don't know what that is, but it sounds bad!

Jellal: *through speakers* It is unclear how much time we have left. However, should the Etherion hit, it will mean destruction... "game over" without any winners.

Lucy: What are they thinking...?!

Erza: Etherion, you say?! The council would do that...? It's not possible!

Suddenly, Sho raised his hand at Erza and uses his magic to trap her inside a card.

Gray: Erza!

Simon: Sho! What are you doing?!

Jellal: *through speakers* Now, then. Let us play.

The paintings' eyes stop glowing as Sho grips the card Erza was in tightly.

Sho: I won't let anyone touch Sis!

Erza: *from inside card* Hey! Sho!

Sho: I'll defeat Jellal myself!

With that said, Sho runs off while Simon runs behind him.

Simon: Stop! You can't do it alone!

Gray: Great. This is just what we need. I'm worried about Erza after all. I'm gonna follow Sho and that big guy. I'll leave you to find Natsu.

Goku: I guess I'll go and find Piccolo, then. Be careful!

Goku's friends nod their heads as the four disperse with their different objectives.


Goku was running down further into the tower while also tracking down Piccolo's Ki to find him. Eventually he reaches a room in the center of the tower as it was filled with bones and a large vacant space in the middle of the room.

Goku: I have to ask. Is the reason that you're coming after me and not Kami because you're afraid of me?

Piccolo: Yes, that just might be the case.

Goku hears Piccolo's voice and looks up to see him sitting on a throne on top of a pile of large animal and some human bones.

Piccolo: To be more precise, you, Son Goku, are an obstacle in my path. Nothing more. Much more than that Kami who neglected his training. But this time, I will put an end for you for sure. I'll warn you now. My strength now makes my strength a month ago look like nothing!

Goku: Same goes for me!

Piccolo: *chuckles* I'm sure you're showing off at best! Once I kill you, this world will be mine in the blink of an eye! A magnificent world of evil awaits!

Piccolo stands up from his throne and leaps into the air and lands inside the vacant space.

Piccolo: Don't regret not saying goodbye to your friends. I'll be sending them all to the next world shortly after killing you.

Piccolo grabs his cape and takes it off as he throws it to the side. Goku does the same and takes off his tuxedo and throws it as well.

Piccolo: You ready?

Goku: Ready for what?

Piccolo: Ready to die, of course!

Goku and Piccolo charge towards each other while shouting a battle cry and go for a strike and a knee. The two counter each other as Goku goes for a punch but Piccolo blocks it with a punch of his own.

Piccolo pushes Goku off of him and throws a punch and Goku blocks by receiving it in his palm. The two soon start to trade blows with each other at amazing speeds.


Goku throws a punch at Piccolo's face but the son of the Demon King catches it and counters with an uppercut.

At the same time, Piccolo gets behind Goku and was about to attack, but Goku recovers from the punch and back kicks Piccolo in the chin.

Piccolo lands on the ground and the two run at each other once more before vanishing out of sight. The two move at incredible speed as they continued to trade blows with each other.

They become visible once more as Piccolo smiles evilly and extends his arm at Goku, surprising the warrior since King Piccolo didn't do this in their last fight. Goku dodges by shifting to the right and grabs Piccolo's arm and throws him up into the air.

Piccolo stops his velocity from being flown with the levitation technique, as Goku throws a strike at Piccolo, firing a shockwave which hits Piccolo in the face.


Goku leaps into the air and heads straight for Piccolo, but Piccolo smiles and immediately looks down at Goku and shoots a Ki blast at him.

Goku gets pushed back down to the ground as Piccolo fires another Ki blast that hits the warrior. With no mercy, Piccolo aims both his hands at Goku and unleashes a barrage of blasts. As soon as Goku hit the ground, the blasts rain down on him as he shouts.

Piccolo levitates towards the ground and lands in front of the small crater he made with his attack. The son of the Demon King looks inside the crater and sees Goku lying down and saw through his facade.

Piccolo: Son Goku. Enough barefaced faking. I highly doubt you'd kick the bucket that easily.

Goku soon sits up from the ground and was surprised that Piccolo knew he was pretending.

Goku: *surprised* So you could tell I was pretending?

Goku gets up from the ground by doing a kick up and rips off his torn dress shirt.

Piccolo: You're putting up quite the fight. Looks like you're just testing the waters right now.

Goku: Doesn't the same go for you?

Piccolo: *laughs* I'll be showing you more from now on. More of the world of terror, that is.

Goku: *excited* I'll admit you're a really bad person, but you're so strong that I'm excited!

Piccolo chuckles at Goku's words since it sounded like he was glad Piccolo was so strong.

Piccolo: Your nonsensical joke sounds more like an expression of gratitude!

Goku: Maybe so... Now then, guess I'll come at you with everything I've got!

Piccolo: I won't overlook even the briefest of openings!

Both Goku and Piccolo soon start to slowly raise their power as a strong breeze starts to blow outside the tower and cause waves to be formed. The two then charge at each other but don't make contact as their Ki was keeping them from reaching each other.

Goku and Piccolo throw an elbow strike at each other as their attacks stop their opponents'. The two soon start to attack each other at superhuman levels of speed as Piccolo hits Goku in the stomach, and the hero of Earth responds with a punch to the face.

Both fighters continue to trade blows with incredible speed before they grab each other. The two try to overpower the other and create and opening, but it is made clear to both of them that they had the same level of strength.

Piccolo fires his eye lasers at Goku as he dodged it by ducking. Goku then kicks Piccolo in the face from below and makes him slide backwards while he also extends the length of his arms.

Piccolo used this distance created to flip Goku to the ground and starts to slam him on the ground repeatedly.

Goku then leaps into the air and breaks free from Piccolo's grasp. He starts to perform backflips across the alien-like fighter's arms and as he gets to his face, he knees butts him with a good amount of strength.

Goku lands beside Piccolo and quickly vanished from Piccolo's sight. Piccolo's arms returns his arms to their normal length as he looks around for Goku who had vanished perfectly without a trace.

Suddenly, Piccolo yells before throwing an elbow to his left and hits Goku in the face, sending him crashing into a wall.

Goku: Behind ya!

Piccolo: What?!

Goku, who had gotten behind Piccolo the second he got knocked into the wall, kicks the son of the Demon King in the face. Piccolo regains his posture and looks back at where Goku was, but doesn't see him as Goku had followed Piccolo while hiding in his blind spot and punched him in the gut.

This attack stunned Piccolo for a moment but was more than enough for Goku to unleash a torrent of blows at him.

Goku gets behind Piccolo once more and as Piccolo turns around, Goku high kicks him in the face.

As Piccolo was sent flying back, he regains his posture and pushes himself into the air. He then floats in the air and glares at Goku intensely while Goku was shocked that the only took slight damage from his attacks.

Piccolo: Damn you...!

Goku: No good! That didn't hurt him!

Piccolo: *furious* You will pay for shedding the blood of a member of the great Demon Clan! I'll blast you to pieces, even if it means destroying the tower in the process!

Goku becomes shocked from hearing this as Piccolo aims his hands at Goku.

Goku: Not good! Everyone here'll get caught in the blast!

Energy starts to emit from Piccolo's hands as the fighter started to laugh evilly.

Piccolo: Die!

Goku: No good! I can't warn everyone!

In order to avoid the attack obliterating the tower, Goku jumps into the air to redirect the attack's aim at himself.

Goku: I'm over here!

Piccolo: Fool! Trying to protect the pathetic little humans?!

Piccolo redirects his aim at Goku and fires his attack as the superhuman knew he can't dodge it in time. As the attack was right in front of him, Goku fires another shockwave which pushes him out of the way as the boat goes through the wall and out of the tower.

The blast flies out into the sea and lands in the ocean which creates a massive explosion and puts a giant hole in the ocean.

Goku: *irritated* The bastard's just as heartless as ever! Everyone here would have been flash-fries if I hadn't done something!

Piccolo: What do you think? But that wasn't even a fraction of my full power!

Goku: Alright! Now it's my turn!

Goku goes into his Kamehameha stance as he keeps his eyes locked on Piccolo.

Goku: The Mega Kamehameha!

Piccolo: *confused* What?

Goku starts to charge up a Kamehameha but it had even more strength than it had originally. Piccolo senses this and responds by charging some of his ki into his arms and gets ready to unleash his own attack.

Piccolo: Time to die!

Piccolo shoots his powerful attack first and Goku shoots his Mega Kamehameha afterwards. The two beams clash as the two fighters struggle to push each other back, but Goku wins the beam struggle as his attack pierces through Piccolo's beam.

Piccolo: What?! He reflected it back!

The Kamehameha speeds towards Piccolo and engulfs him as the beam causes an explosion that shakes the entirety of the tower.

The explosion from the attack causes a smoke cloud to appear in the area that Piccolo was levitating in. The smoke cloud soon starts to settle as it was revealed that Piccolo withstood the attack with only his clothes being damaged.


Goku: *shocked* What in the...?! He withstood it!

Piccolo grits his teeth as veins of anger appear on his head and fists and starts to yell at Goku.

Piccolo: Damn you...! Even though it was only for a split second... you had me terrified!

Goku: Impressive. And that Mega Kamehameha was my trump card, too...

Piccolo floats down to the ground and glares daggers at Goku while growling like a wild animal.

Piccolo: You will pay! I'm going to smash you into pieces!

Goku: I'll tell you right now, there's no way I'm letting you win this fight!

Piccolo: Save that line of confidence until after you've seen my next technique!

Goku: What?

Goku gives off a confused look as he had no idea what to expect next. Suddenly, the ground under Piccolo's feet cracks as blue energy starts to emit from his entire body as he starts to bring out his technique.

The son of the Demon King's body starts to grow larger and larger as a shadow gets cast over Goku. Piccolo finished growing and laughs as Goku looks up at him and couldn't believe the situation in front of him.


Goku: N-No way...!

Piccolo: It looks as if your end is finally near.

Goku: Whoa! Talk about huge!

Piccolo: Die!

Piccolo drops his fist down at Goku who evades it by jumping. Piccolo swipes his other hand horizontally at Goku as he dodged it as well.


Goku lands on the ground and Piccolo roars and tries to stomp on the warrior who swiftly dodges. Goku jumps away from Piccolo and the alien-like warrior stomps towards him and throws his fist down at Goku who jumps out of the way.

Piccolo quickly turns around and continues to try and crush Goku who dodges each of his attacks with his amazing speed.

However, as Goku continues to dodge the incoming attacks, Piccolo slaps Goku out of the air as he crashes on the ground.

Piccolo chuckles evilly and walks over to the downed Goku. Once he reaches him, Goku raises his leg and gets ready to step on and kill Goku.

Goku: ( Despite growing in size, his speed hasn't changed one bit! But... )

Piccolo stomps his foot down at Goku and crushes the area that Goku was in, creating a shockwave in the room. The son of the Demon King raises his leg to see Goku's dead body, but he saw that Goku was not there and there was no blood.

Goku: Even at your size now, you're still nothing to worry about!

Piccolo then suddenly hears a voice behind him and glances behind him. He then sees a figure behind him as it was revealed to be Goku.

Piccolo quickly turns around and exhales a powerful breath at Goku but Goku evades it by speeding between Piccolo's legs.

Goku then turns around and jumps towards Piccolo's leg and kicks him right behind his knee, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground.

Goku grabs Piccolo's finger and uses all of his strength to lift the enlarged Piccolo into the air. He then shouts a battle cry before he slams him on the ground.

Piccolo sits up from the ground and looks at Goku who had a cocky smile.

Goku: I don't care if you are that big—you don't scare me at all!

Piccolo: You puny brat...!

Irritated, Piccolo shrinks back down to his normal size and speeds towards Goku. The two vanish from sight but the sounds of fighting could still be heard echoing inside of the destroyed room.

It was revealed that the two were fighting in the air as they trading blows and landing clean hits on each other.

Piccolo gains the upper hand in the battle and punches Goku in the face so hard he launches him towards the ground.

Goku: Kame... ha... me...

As Goku was falling he soon starts to charge up a Kamehameha wave. However, instead of  shooting it at Piccolo, he shoots it out of his feet, boosting himself towards Piccolo and attacks him from below.

Piccolo was staggered from the blow as he and Goku start to fall back towards the ground. The fighter then raises his head and shoots a beam from his antennae at Piccolo which hits him directly.

Goku: N-Not good... I let my guard down...

Goku lands on the ground while Piccolo regains his posture in the air and flies at his opponent. Goku tries to stand up and dodge the attack, but the attack did enough damage to where he couldn't move out of the way in time as Piccolo punches him in the face with immense strength as he crashes into a wall as rubble falls onto him.

Piccolo: *laughs* Finally, it looks like exhaustion is starting to set in for you.

Goku then bursts out of the pile of rubble as he didn't seem to be too badly injured from Piccolo's punch.

Goku: As if you're one to talk. The fire behind your punches is going out!

Piccolo: You say that is if it makes you confident you can beat me! What a load of crap!

Goku: It isn't crap at all! I've seen enough of your techniques!

Piccolo: W-What?! You've seen enough of my techniques...?!

Veins of anger appear on Piccolo's face as he starts to yell at Goku.

Piccolo: You can beat me, Demon King Piccolo?! You can beat me?!

Goku: I can!

Piccolo: Absurd! There is no possible way for you to beat me! My power is many times greater than it was when I fought you a month ago! My power has increased so much, it's almost as if it's been three years!

Goku: I've grown just a little bit stronger than that, then!

Piccolo: *angry* Nonsense!

Piccolo shoots a Ki blast at Goku who easily dodges it by jumping into the air. Goku lands on the ground and at the same time, the Ki blast loops back around and speeds towards Goku from behind.

He quickly jumps into the air once again and dodges it but the energy blast changes trajectory and flies after Goku up into the air.

It charges towards Goku once again as he barely dodges it before it circled back around and charges towards him once again. Goku quickly reacts by shooting a Kamehameha to boost himself out of the way, but the energy blast keeps on following him.

Piccolo : *laughs* It's useless, no matter how much you run! It'll keep following you wherever you go!

Goku: Oh, yeah?

Goku then gets an idea on how to evade the energy blast as he boosts himself into the air  before he stops performing the Kamehameha.

Piccolo: Give up, have you?

The Ki blast loops back around and chases after Goku who immediately starts running away from the attack and heads straight towards Piccolo. This shocks Piccolo as Goku avoids Piccolo as the ki blast follows Goku's movements and slams right into Piccolo, creating an explosion.

The smoke caused from the attack clears out and reveals that Piccolo was breathing heavily and his arm was also badly injured from taking the attack.

Goku: Give up! You can't fight anymore with your arm like that!

Piccolo simply responds by smiling as he grabs onto his arm and grips tightly before ripping it off with his immense strength, shocking Goku greatly. Piccolo then goes into a deep concentration before letting out a battle cry and a few seconds after his arm grows back.

Goku: ( H-He's like a lizard or something! )

Piccolo: You'll pay for that! That you would drive me this far...!

Piccolo crosses his arms in front of himself as he starts to charge up a large amount of his energy as the room starts to shake.

Goku: *amazed* ( What tremendous ki energy! I've never felt power this intense before! This really must be his last resort! )

Despite being the target for an attack with monumental amounts of power, Goku stands his ground and decides to withstand it. The son of the Demon King finishes charging his attack as his ki layered itself on his body.

Piccolo: Fool! Do you really think you can withstand my final technique, the Mega Exploding Evil Wave!

Goku: I bet I can... and I will!

Piccolo: *laughs* You can regret your mistakes when you get to Hell! Die!

Goku crosses his arms in front of him and at the same time Piccolo unleashes all of the Ki he had kept stored in his body.

The giant wave of energy spreads throughout the entire room as its destructive nature causes a giant explosion.

Suddenly, magic runes appear on the walls and create a forcefield that contains the explosion and prevents it from destroying the tower.

The massive smoke cloud soon settles and reveals that Piccolo's ultimate technique had obliterated everything inside the room. The Demon King's son then smiles as he was sure that his technique killed Goku.

Piccolo: It's over.

Goku: Sure about that?

Piccolo's eyes widen in shock as he lowers his head and sees Goku who was still alive and in one piece.

Goku: W-What do you think? Looks like I managed to withstand it!

Piccolo: *shocked* I-Impossible!

Goku: You have no choice of winning now! You must've used up all of your remaining ki to do that one attack!

Goku clenches his fist and smiles as he was sure that victory was in his grasp.

Goku: Here I come! Now it's my turn!

Goku gets into a running stance and lets out a battle cry and sprints towards Piccolo who goes to block the attack. However, Goku hits Piccolo in the face with his elbow.

Goku then attacks Piccolo with a barrage of powerful kicks as he doesn't give Piccolo any time to think. The hero of Earth then follows up with a punch to the gut with immense strength which makes him cough up blood.

Piccolo fell to the ground and was dazed from the punch as Goku jumps into the air and looks down at Piccolo. He then charges up a Kamehameha and fires it down at Piccolo which causes another explosion.

Goku lands on the ground and exhales as he looks down at Piccolo who was in the middle of a crater caused by the Kamehameha and sees that he was unconscious and was still alive even if by a hair's breadth.

Goku sighs with relief now that the battle was over and relaxes for the first time since the battle begun. However...

Goku falls to the ground and coughs up blood as he holds his injury while he shouts in agonizing pain.

Piccolo who was panting heavily puts his hand on his knee and uses it to lift himself off the ground. He then climbs out of the crater and walks towards Goku and that he was still alive.

Piccolo: Oh... Stubborn bastard... Still alive, are you? You really put me through a lot of trouble. I'm impressed. But unfortunately, this is the end. Demon King Piccolo will avenge Demon King Piccolo!

Piccolo raises his foot and stomps repeatedly on the injury he opened up near Goku's chest with no mercy while laughing. As he was about to stomp on it again, Goku opens his eyes and pushes past the pain and sits up and kicks Piccolo's right leg with enough strength to break Piccolo's leg.

The Demon King loses his balance and soon started to fall to the ground, and at the same time, Goku uses his good arm and lifts himself up off the ground. He then jumps at the falling Piccolo and cocks back his fist and punches Piccolo in the center of his throat and slams him into the ground.

Putting all his strength into this last attack, the cloud of dust created around the two soon clears out as it revealed Goku who was standing over an unconscious Piccolo.

When Goku threw his final strike, he targeted Piccolo's windpipe. Once the air supply to the brain is cut off, a person's tenacity doesn't matter. Thus, rendering Piccolo unconscious.

Goku starts to pant heavily and was now certain that he could relax as he walks out of the room and goes to search for Erza.

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