Monster Under The Bed (Charli...

By mrmrrouge

60.5K 2.1K 543

"He's mine, he just doesn't know it yet." Charlie possessed the most sought after power in the universe yet n... More

List of Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Not An Update - Title Change
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 6

1.8K 74 12
By mrmrrouge

Vegas' (Charlie's dad) POV

Warm red colour, lighting the whole basement dimly which with the sight of any other person would definitely be difficult for them to see in here. Being a special alpha on the other hand gave us the advantage of having better vision than others which is why I could easily pinpoint where to go even in darkness.

Not to mention that I've designed and built this place myself so even with my eyes closed I could still be able to move freely in here. This is my safe space but only until I found out that the love of my life was pregnant with my son.

We've been taking care of Venice like our own son, taking him under our care but the truth is he's my half brother. However, he have no legal relation to my dead father because he's an illegitimate child and we didn't want any trouble if one day his real mother decided to claim him back so we adopted him as our own.

It's been a smooth ride ever since and I've grown a liking to him which is not something I could easily do with the state of mind of mine. But technically he's not our shared bloodline, the possibility of him to inherit anything from us would be impossible.

Thus when we're expecting a bloodline of mine and Pete, I got anxious of unforeseen circumstances.


Because people would usually describe me as the problem, the evil, sadistic, no empathy, calculating specimen who uses anything and everything to gain power. Which they're not wrong about but what they didn't know was that the the innocent, soft and kind omega right by my side is worse than me.

His facade will surprise you. He can be the sweetest person on earth but you can't get too close to his nerve or all hell will rain on you.

The public would say that we're not compatible with one another but the truth is, we're a match made in hell.

I enjoyed torturing people and he enjoyed watching me torturing others. I got possessive easily but he got very jealous easier. It's an eye for an eye with me but with him, forget your eyes because not only you but your whole entire family will not be able to breathe in the most painful way possible. All the while he never gets his hands dirty.


Just one look from his eyes, you'll die.

That is my special omega's power. Telekinesis. The ability to manipulate physical system without physical interaction.

Even as a prideful alpha myself I could say that's what makes him even more powerful than I am.

I only have the ability to control mind which allows me to read and manipulate the individual's behaviour but I couldn't kill them from the inside out. Unlike Pete who could utilise his power to break down someone's organ by pulling apart the nerves inside the system just within a minute of staring into someone's eyes.

However, his ability were never discovered by anyone other than our close family. If they do, they will immediately be killed.

Now you must be wondering what's the unforeseen circumstances that I mentioned.

Well... Powers are hereditary but it also depends on the combination of the type of blood and the turn an offspring will be born as.

If you're born from a special alpha and a normal omega then you'll most likely have a lower level of the alpha's power or sometimes none.

If you're born from a normal alpha and a special omega then you'll most likely have the exact same power as the omega.

If you're born from a special alpha and special omega then you'll likely either have both of their powers or only have either one of the power but ultimately you'll still have a similar power to one of your parents.

Usually, the first born gets the most power and the second will get less or sometimes even none.

My father was a normal alpha since he was the youngest in his family but my mother was a special omega which her power I inherited. However, my younger brother, Macau, is just a normal alpha.

Since Venice is an offspring from my father and a normal omega, he have no chance of having a power from the beginning.

Now, I think you already get the idea of why I'm anxious about my first born.

(AN: Reminder again that Paris is Charlie)

Paris is a first born of a special alpha-omega couple with extraordinary powers of our own to begin with.

He could read their minds to find the most vulnerable piece of information someone have while also able to destroy that someone without a trace of him being the culprit.

My power and Pete's combined could be highly lethal. And as wicked as I am, I don't want my child to not be able to control himself by having these powers.

But what I didn't expect was that my son was born with a power of his own. Undeniably he still have mine and Pete's power but it wasn't because he was born with it. He stole the powers from us, from anyone he touches.

We discovered it when he was 5 that he have the ability to absorb someone's power. At that age he wasn't able to absorb it fully so he only has taken some of it.

It was when Pai told us that Paris could run as fast as him too that we started investigating his power more. Pai's power is superspeed. It's impossible for him to beat Pai but with the increase of interactions they had with each other, Paris could almost catch up to Pai.

With that finding, Pete used his ability to go through Paris' nerve system while actually touching him and he noticed that Paris imitated him easily but only through touch. He tried it again without touching Paris and the kid didn't show any sign of power absorption.

Since then, I've been monitoring and trying to find ways that could help him control his power usage because I know that it'll caused him more damage than good. It has turned me into a very strict dad to Paris unlike how I behave towards Venice which he might find unfair overtime.

He's homeschooled and his friends were picked by me. His interactions with anyone is monitored 24/7 and if he needs to go out, a bodyguard will be circling him at all times.

Until he could control his power.

Because he showed me what those powers could do.

Just like 10 years ago today. On 21st April 2014.

I went down to the basement which I called my playroom where I tortured or kept hostages from other mafia clans that's trying to destroy the Theerapanyakul's family there only to find none of the hostages alive.

And a laughing 12 years old kid in the center of a pile of dead bodies under those dim red light.

I guess not only powers were hereditary but our psychopathic tendencies were too.

Paris enjoyed killing people after discovering how to fully utilised his power. Yet he still couldn't control it. Thus why I took the extra measures to keep him inside.

He lacks remorse, he have no empathy and he- not able to know how love feels like.

As cruel as I am the number one thing I'm grateful for was love. The love that I had for Pete, Macau and both my sons were the ignition of my calmer self. The drive to protect them and make them happy. It's almost indescribable how wonderful love make you feel.

But Paris seems to understand love in a different way.

"Paris, why did you kill them?", I asked after I cleaned him from the remaining blood stains of the hostages.

"Because... They called you bad names.", with his innocent face, you would never guess what he just did.

"Did they say it out loud?"

"No, I read their minds."

"Didn't I tell you, you shouldn't go around touching people?"

"But I want to."

"But you shouldn't, Paris. I've told you so many times already. It's dangerous for you."

"It's dangerous for them you mean... He called you bad names, dad, I should kill them because I love you. Love is protecting them. I'm protecting you. Are you proud of me?", Paris explained with his innocent puppy eyes and wide smile. Content that he protected his dad in the name of his love.

Ever since then, we've tried everything to help him. Eventually it worked, we found a way where he can now managed to control his own power easier and his unstable behaviour has gotten better with therapy.

Which was why, I finally let him go to the university on his own.

But little did I know, that I still know so little of him.....


Author's Note:

I know it's surprising to suddenly have Vegas' POV but I hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to leave a comment if my explanation wasn't enough about these whole thing.

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