Tommyinnit One Shots

By IceBearLuver

672 21 16

Tommyinnit angsty and fluffy one-shots for the soul! More

Always Come Back Home to You πŸ’•
I Can't See You If I Turn The Other Way πŸ’•
I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye (Cause This One Means Forever) πŸ’”
Your Adoring Brother πŸ’”
This Is Home πŸ’•
I'm Not a Good Person (You Should Know That By Now) πŸ’”
How to Plan a Wedding (Gone Wrong) πŸ’•
Promise That You'll Catch Me πŸ’”
Oops! My Sword Slipped! πŸ’”
An Angel Named Tommy πŸ’”
Sleepy Calls and Family Feels πŸ’•
Needle and Thread πŸ’”
My Words Fall on Deaf Ears πŸ’”πŸ’•
Don't Leave (I'll Stay For You) πŸ’”πŸ’•
Brother Dearest, I'd Give My Life For YouπŸ’”
Crack Post
Dear Past Self
Technoblade25 o7 King
Allium Duo: SweatersπŸ’•
The Guide to Achieving Immortality

And I'll Smile Again πŸ’”πŸ’•

32 1 0
By IceBearLuver

Characters: Bench Trio

TW: Self harm and panic attacks, descriptions of violence, but a happy ending!

Tommy needs to build up his pain tolerance.

The problem lies in the fact that Tommy doesn't know how to do it. He could probably try being even more reckless with his own well-being, but- well, it's not exactly a convenient way to go about it. Just thinking about the amount of travel he'd have to do to trip and fall enough times to actually help him gives him a headache.

And Prime knows he can't just ask someone else to hurt him- he doesn't want to give the satisfaction to the people who actually hate him, and that kind of request would just ruin his relationships with the few people he does trust.

Plus, he'd really rather keep it under wraps, as much as he can, anyway- though Tubbo and Ranboo have, unfortunately, already witnessed one of his panic attacks after falling off a bit of scaffolding and scraping his knees. It's just embarrassing. He used to be a brave soldier, always first to put his life on the line, and now he's- he's-


So he decides to take matters into his own hands.


It's by a stroke of luck (or misfortune) that Tommy finds the pack of unused razors in the back of one of his storage chests. They're marked as "for shaving" but he doesn't think that'll be too much of an issue- besides, he hasn't even gotten to the point where he would need to use them as intended. He doesn't know if he'll live to see it.

Days pass, and Tommy sleeps most of them away, rising in time to watch the sun set and make his move. He's taken to going to various flower patches in order to carry out his- his practice.

Secretly, he thinks the blood makes the flowers grow better.

Pieces of himself drip down into the earth and become part of it, blossoming into brilliant color as days and weeks pass.


He's getting stronger.

At least, Tommy thinks he is. The progress he's made in terms of getting over his panic attacks is disappointingly small, but the severity of his self-inflicted wounds has only grown, so it has to count for something, right?

He smiles as he breathes in the fresh air. It's pitch-black outside, his surroundings lit only by the moon and a few stars- he'd waited until later than usual this night, so he feels confident staying in his own front yard. The flowers need watering, after all.

The blonde kneels, fumbling a new razor out of the pack- it's a pain in the ass to keep using dull ones, and as he's discovered, flesh dulls blades exceptionally quickly. He presses it to his arm with as much force as he can muster- which, admittedly, isn't all that much- and slashes across the scarred skin.

A beat, then the pain sets in. Tommy bites back a whimper as the pain sears up his arm and through his body, frantically adding more slashes to his other arm before it becomes too unbearable for him to move. Blood splashes against flower petals as he keels forward, red standing out on purples and blues. The plants have been looking more beautiful than ever, and- fuck, it hurts, it hurts, he can't breathe-

His head cracking against blackstone and obsidian, skin splitting at the point of contact, blonde hair dyed red with his own blood-

It's not real. Stay in the moment. It's not real.

Hands gripping his throat, squeezing until his skin is purple and his breath is gone-

Stop panicking, it's not fucking real, don't be a crybaby-

A hand on his shoulder-

A hand on his shoulder?

Tommy falls back with a strangled scream, scrambling away from Dream the person as if he'd been burned by their touch. Dark red smears the grass by his sides.

"Oh my god, Tommy-"

That's not Dream's voice. Tommy- Tommy knows this person, and he knows (does he?) that they won't hurt him. He looks up, gaze stopping at a familiar collar, necktie decorating a split black-and-white throat.


"Uh... Hey Ranboo, funny seeing you here!" Tommy attempts at a lighthearted tone and fails miserably, his voice crumbling even as he speaks. The blonde manages to shift his gaze up just in time to catch Ranboo's expression grow even more worried.

"Did you... do this to yourself?"

Ranboo's voice has dropped to a near-whisper. He doesn't look mad, but Tommy still can't bring himself to reply so he looks to the ground instead of letting the other boy see his face for any longer. While he's not exactly sure what expression he's making, he knows it's not a good one.


Tommy looks up with dull eyes. "Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters." Ranboo looks heartbroken, and guilt stabs at Tommy- sometimes it seems like he just can't stop hurting the people he loves. Despite his guilt, Tommy can't help the next question that tumbles from his mouth.


"Why?" Kneeling in front of Tommy, Ranboo gently, slowly puts his hand back on the younger boy's shoulder. "You matter, Tommy. I care about you- even if you don't believe that- and I really just- I really don't like seeing you hurt."

When Tommy fails to respond, Ranboo shifts slightly closer, eyes surveying the boy's downturned expression before eventually speaking again. "I really think we should check out those injuries of yours. Can you- please, come back with me to Snowchester? Me and Tubbo have healing stuff there."

"Okay." Tommy whispers after a pause, taking Ranboo's hand and letting him pull him to his feet as he stands.

"I'm- I'm going to try and teleport there, so get ready." Ranboo says, and with a flash and a puff of purple particles, Tommy finds himself in a new environment.

He stumbles when Ranboo begins walking forward again and the taller turns around, a concerned look flashing across his face. "Are you okay?"

Tommy nods and puts his foot forward, almost immediately falling into the snow when he takes his next step.

"Alright- Yeah, that's enough walking for you." Ranboo mumbles, suddenly scooping the blonde up in a bridal-style carry- Tommy can't even find it in himself to be alarmed, instead staring blankly at one of the ender hybrid's sleeves and tolerating the discomfort as he carries him in the direction of the house.

There's a faint hiss as the snow burns at one of Ranboo's ankles where the hem of his pants sits askew from kneeling on the ground and Tommy winces in sympathy at the noise, but the taller boy doesn't bat an eye at the sting as he trudges towards the house. He struggles slightly carrying Tommy up the stairs to the front door, but finally stumbles into the foyer.

"TUBBO!" Ranboo shouts, shooting Tommy an apologetic glance when he flinches at the noise. There's the rattle of a door closing upstairs, Tubbo emerging into the main room moments later.

"Hush, I just put Micheal to- Tommy!" Tubbo exclaims as his gaze finally shifts from his husband to the blonde, eyes catching on blood-smeared skin before turning helplessly to Ranboo. "What did he- is Tommy okay?"

Normally, Tommy would be offended that Tubbo had addressed the question to Ranboo instead of him (like he wasn't even there) but he can't find the energy to do much more than sit limply in Ranboo's arms, turning his face away from Tubbo to spare himself from the likely worried look being sent his way.

He already knows he's pathetic- he doesn't need his best friend's pity to confirm it. Ranboo skirts around Tubbo, placing Tommy on the couch before turning back to the brunette, murmuring something Tommy can't hear.

"I'll be right back with some stuff." Tubbo mutters before rushing from the room, barely looking at the blonde, who just blinks in confusion at the doorway he had disappeared through.

"What's he getting?" Tommy asks, leaning past Ranboo's shoulder to peer into the hallway Tubbo had disappeared into.

"Oh just- some stuff to heal you up."

"What, like gapples?"

Ranboo's face scrunches slightly. "I don't know if we have any of those, I meant more like-"

"Boo, I've got the potions!" Tubbo calls as he returns to the duo, bottles and rolls of bandages threatening to slip out of his grasp.

"Wha- potions?" Tommy stumbles across his words, watching his friends busy themselves with setting out first-aid supplies.

Someone mumbles a confirmation, not noticing the way the blonde stares with glazed eyes at the small pile of bottles. He startles slightly when they turn to him again, holding up a washcloth, but his gaze remains unchanging- they haven't yet taken any potions from the pile. He hopes they won't.


Blinking hard, Tommy turns his eyes back to a worried-looking Tubbo. "Hm?"

"Wanted to know if I could try and wipe some of the blood off, big man."

Tommy doesn't know if he can handle that, but his mouth betrays him. "Go for it."

Sitting stiffly as Tubbo dabs at his arms- being as gentle as possible, but it still fucking hurts- Tommy stares at the ground, holding back tears and whimpers at the sharp stabs of pain whenever the cloth rubs one of his cuts. He's shaking, the motion clearly visible even to himself, but he's already holding back all he can so he doesn't bother trying to still his trembling limbs.

Eventually, Tubbo pulls away from him, placing the cloth somewhere behind himself. Tommy's arms are, while not completely clear of blood (a few of the wounds are still sluggishly bleeding, he notes) a lot cleaner than they were before.

Glass clinks, and Tommy's head snaps up to track the movement of Ranboo drawing a bottle from the supply of potions. "Ranboo? What's that..?"

Ranboo looks up, a little startled by Tommy's sudden question. "Oh- uh, it's regen. Since you're still bleeding a bit... Plus, if you drink it you won't pass out in the middle of us fixing your wounds."

The blonde doesn't have time to respond before the duo is moving again, Ranboo pouring part of the potion onto a clean cloth while Tubbo scoots next to him and takes one of his arms in gentle hands. Finally he finds the nerve to speak.

"I don't- I don't want that."

Tubbo turns toward him with a confused frown. "Why not?" When Tommy fails to respond, he continues. "You're probably gonna get an infection if we don't use anything."

Ranboo draws slightly closer to the couch, holding the bottle in one hand and the damp cloth in the other. Tommy presses back into the couch- as far as he can get from the taller boy. Tubbo's grip on him tightens slightly- though not to the point of being painful- and he turns to Ranboo, the taller hybrid hovering with a hesitant look on his face.

"Can you just- try and dab some on his arms, so they stop bleeding?"

Ranboo hums an affirmative, setting the half-full bottle by Tommy's leg- blue eyes turn to look at it with a horrified stare.

Cold glass pushes harshly against his lips, sickly sweet liquid slipping down Tommy's throat against his will.

"Drink up." Dream smiles, holding the boy's jaw open in a bruising grip. "We wouldn't want you passing out before your punishment is over, would we?"

A hand wraps around his bloody wrist and Tommy wails, body twisting in Tubbo's grasp. He's scaring them, he can tell by the look on Ranboo's face and the warbling tones of Tubbo's voice as he chokes out a litany of apologies- the thought washes away when Tubbo hooks an arm around his waist, every point of contact searing Tommy's skin as he thrashes and shrieks.

He's undoubtedly trapped, Tubbo's grip never wavering even as he shakes against Tommy, Ranboo dabbing a damp cloth against the blonde's arm. The residue of the potion makes his hands slip slightly, and the ender hybrid yelps in surprise when Tommy yanks his arm out of his grasp, immediately lashing out with renewed vigor.

"Fuck, Tommy- You need to calm down!" Tubbo gasps out, catching his flailing arm by the bicep and pinning it to his side.

"No- No- NO!" The blonde half-screams, choking on his gasps for air as his vision sways. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" The arms wrapped around him burn- he can practically feel his flesh melting away-

Ranboo's eyes widen in alarm at the noise of Tommy's labored gasps and wheezing. "Tommy, breathe-" He begins, reaching towards the younger boy who in return jolts backwards, nearly knocking Tubbo and himself to the ground.

"No potion, don't, please! I've been good!" Tommy doesn't understand why they're doing this. Dream never punished him for hurting himself, he encouraged it, so why, why are they holding him down, why are they trying to give him a regen potion that he clearly doesn't want? He doesn't want them to beat him. He could barely handle it when it came from Dream- he thinks he'll break if his friends hurt him too.

Tommy doesn't understand the panicked voices speaking to him- they may as well be speaking a totally different language for all he can hear them over the sound of his own wheezing.

His world tilts a final time, and goes still.


Tommy's eyes blink open to an unfamiliar room. Glancing down, he can clearly see that Ranboo and Tubbo managed to get the potions on him after all- though, it seems they opted to pour the rest of it over his injuries rather than attempt to make him drink it while unconscious. He frowns, wiping at the slightly sticky residue over freshly healed scars only to flinch when the wounds twinge in phantom pain.

"Oh- you're awake!"

Jolting, Tommy squeaks in surprise before his head snaps up to look at an equally startled-looking Tubbo, who's carrying a bowl of what seems to be soup.

"Shit, sorry, sorry- Didn't mean to scare ya, big man. Just gonna put this soup here and go get Ranboo, okay?" He places the bowl on the bedside table and darts back out of the room before Tommy can even respond. Even the ten-second interaction is enough to tell Tommy that he's majorly stressing Tubbo out.

Probably Ranboo too, judging by the disheveled look of the ender hybrid as he follows Tubbo back into the room. "Hey, Tommy."

"Hey." Tommy mumbles, looking at his lap while his face burns red with shame. Burden. Stressful. Bad friend.

"You feeling up to eat right now?"

Tommy hesitates then shakes his head. Nuisance.

Both Ranboo and Tubbo frown, then. "That's okay, but you need to eat later. I- I think the three of us need to talk." Ranboo says, hesitating between words. "What's going on, Tommy? Did you- what I saw, did you do that to yourself?"

Tommy nods and tries to ignore Tubbo's stricken expression.


"I..." Struggling to find the proper words, Tommy picks at his blanket. "I need to be stronger."

Ranboo just looks confused at that. "What do you mean?"

"My fuckin'- pain tolerance, whatever it's called. It's been shit, ever since I got- you know. Prison. Needed to try and build it back up somehow."

"Tommy..." Tubbo breathes. "Surely there's a better way than to- do that!"

"Is there though? I don't want to have a fucking panic attack every time I trip over, Tubbo! Hell, I can't even touch someone without getting all scared and trembly- if another war breaks out, I'm fuckin' done for!" Tommy hiccups, and realizes with a sudden wash of humiliation that he's crying. Tubbo reaches out, but stops when Tommy flinches, jumping back at the motion. The brunette doesn't look far from tears himself- at least Tommy can take consolation in the fact that he's not the only crybaby here.

Finally, Tubbo speaks again. "The touch thing... Is touch painful to you, Tommy?"

"Uh, it's- only sometimes, I can, I can usually be okay if I initiate it but if I'm already all fucked in the head it hurts like a bitch." Tubbo nods slowly in understanding. Ranboo blinks, eyes widening in alarm.

"Oh, crap." The ender hybrid suddenly says with the air of somebody who's just realized they fucked up. At Tommy and Tubbo's confused stares, he continues. "I kinda carried you here without your permission, didn't I? I'm sorry man, that's my bad."

Frowning, Tommy replies. "What for? You were tryin' to help me, you did what you had to do."

"Still... I'll try not to let that happen again."

Tommy just shrugs in response, turning to look at Tubbo (the goat hybrid's been awfully quiet) only to realize that he's gone pale, looking guiltily back at the blonde.

"Tubbo, wh-?"

"I- Fuck, that panic attack you had was our faults, wasn't it? You were already so scared, and we kept grabbing you, I'm- I'm so sorry Tommy, I... God, I'm sorry for hurting you."

"I didn't really start... panicking until you guys got the potions out, I would've been fine- I was being a bit dramatic, to be fair, there's really no need to apologize."

Ranboo tilts his head slightly. "What do you mean by that? The potions?"

"Um-" Tommy glances away. "Any chance we can just forget I said that, lads?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. I won't force it out of you, but it'll probably help in the long run if you let us know what's up."

After a pause, Tommy finally agrees. "Okay... I- um-" He glances guiltily at Tubbo before looking away just as quickly. "It was Dream, during um- e-exile, he... he used to make me drink potions so I would- so I wouldn't pass out before he was done with his... his punishments."

"What..." Tubbo whispers, horrified. "What punishments..?"

"I- I can't-"

"Okay, okay, that's good, thank you for telling us. You've done so well, Tommy." Ranboo cuts in, voice rushed but deliberately soft. Tommy glances up at him, quickly looking away when he remembers that the taller boy doesn't like eye contact- how could he forget?

Shitty friend.

For fuck's sake- Tommy knows that already, thank you very much. The last thing Tubbo and Ranboo need right now is for him to spiral into another panic attack just because he agrees with his own damn thoughts.

Sniffing quietly, Tommy looks up again, facing Tubbo this time- the brunette looks like he wants to say something, but doesn't. Instead he glances over at Ranboo before looking back to Tommy, seemingly redirecting his own thoughts before speaking.

"So... about that touch thing you mentioned- would you want to work on that? Me and Ranboo could help you deal with it in a way that doesn't involve grievous self-injury."

Ranboo grimaces at the lack of tact in Tubbo's statement, but Tommy doesn't mind, really- he likes it better when his best friend is direct with him.

"Uh, yeah- yeah, I'd really like that."

"Can you put your hand in mine?" Ranboo asks, voice totally calm and without a single hint of impatience or anger, unlike anyone else who would just demand.

Tommy hesitates, reaching forward in stuttering motions, before slowly placing his hand palm-down over Ranboo's. An odd, static-shock like sensation runs through him, but there's almost no hint of the excruciating pain he'd experienced before.

Ranboo smiles slightly, looking up at the blonde. "Good job. Now, I'm going to close my hand around yours- feel free to stop me at any point." He shuts his hand slowly, lacing his fingers between Tommy's, who tenses but doesn't pull away.

It- doesn't hurt. Tommy closes his hand, and he's- he's done it! He's holding hands with his good friend Ranboo, and it doesn't hurt! A warmth takes root in his chest- how long has it been since he was able to have simple affection like this? Tommy can't remember- but the realization that he can have it again is almost enough to bring him to his knees.

"...You good, Tommy?"

Nodding furiously, the blonde tightens his grip on Ranboo's hand. "Yes- yeah, I'm doin' great. Can we just- can you stay here? For a bit longer?"

"Of course I can- I'm really proud of you."

Tommy scrunches up his face, forcing away his own happy tears. "Don't- don't you pat-roo-nize me, bitch."

Ranboo laughs quietly. "No, really though- I think if we keep re-introducing touch like this, you'll be feeling better in no time."

"I hope so." Tommy says, and for the first time in a while he truly means it.


Tommy's reading a book on the couch (or at least trying to- it's really boring and he keeps getting distracted) when Tubbo suddenly asks to braid his hair.

He can't help but tense up- not because of Tubbo, Prime he would never, but his hair- well, it's a sensitive subject to say the least. Both Tubbo and Ranboo know this already, though Tommy spared them the more violent details. Details like the way Dream had used it as leverage when he bashed Tommy's head into the walls of his cell- the way the white streak cutting through the front of golden locks serves as a haunting reminder of the things that had happened within the prison.

Needless to say, Tommy hasn't done much with his hair in a while.

Though, now that he comes to think of it, it's a bit longer and more unkempt than he'd usually like, strands brushing over his shoulders irritatingly instead of cutting off just above them. And a braid would look nice, he thinks, so with that he replies with an "Okay."

Tubbo smiles, more warmth in the expression than his usual grins and smirks. "Alright! I'll be back, just gonna get a brush and an elastic for that hair of yours."

The brunette returns in record time, motioning for Tommy to sit on the floor in front of the couch and clambering onto the furniture himself so that Tommy's head is just in front of his legs.

"You ready, big man?"

Tommy nods minutely, tensing up when he feels Tubbo's hand brush against a stray curl. Tubbo pauses for a moment, beginning to hum a calming tune as he returns to his work, motions practiced and gentle, and before Tommy knows it he's relaxing into the older boy's touch. The brush occasionally snags on a tangle, the small burst of pain making Tommy jolt every time, but Tubbo only pauses slightly before pinching at the hair above it and brushing it out so as to stop it from pulling at the blonde's scalp.

It's slow- incredibly slow, taking the goat hybrid probably half an hour just to finish brushing Tommy's hair, not even braided yet- but the patience is worth seeing his best friend slowly re-acclimate himself to receiving a friendly touch rather than a hurtful one. When he finally does finish braiding Tommy's hair, it's a bit lopsided.

He thinks it looks beautiful.


"'Ommy! Mommy!"

"Wha-" Tommy splutters. "No- Tommy!"

"Mommy." Michael says sagely, drawing muffled laughter from Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Well, Tommy, looks like you're a mum now." Tubbo snickers, grinning as Tommy flips him off before turning back to the piglin child.

"Don't you worry, Big M- not only am I the best of men, I am also... the best of mothers."

Michael happily blinks up at him, clearly not understanding anything the blonde had just said, and lets out a high-pitched squeal. Tommy tried to conceal the adoring, melty expression his face wants to make- though judging by the knowing look Tubbo sends him, he doesn't do a very good job of it.

"You loooove him~" Tubbo sings, returning Tommy's immediate glare with a smug smile.

"He's okay at best."

"You're clingy."

"OI!" Tommy stands up, poised to spring at a giggling Tubbo. "What did you just call me?!"

"Clingy!" Tubbo shouts, running from the room as Tommy gives chase. Ranboo winces when Tubbo almost hits the corner with one of his horns, then again when he hears a loud thud from the other room, finally relaxing when he hears the duo's laughter.

"Welp. Guess this is our life now, Michael."


Tommy wakes up in the water. He's-

Where is he?

Where is home?

The bottom of the sea is cold.

Will he ever go home?

Will he-

Tommy wakes up with a gasp. Shooting up into a sitting position he grasps at his chest and coughs experimentally, relieved when no water comes up from his heaving lungs. A nightmare, then- he glances around. Normally, he'd be able to deal with this on his own but the room he stays in warps around him- unfamiliar- and suddenly he can't stand the thought of being alone.

He stumbles out of bed, uncaring of the thud of his footsteps, and makes the trek down the hall (really, it's only a few doors) to the room he knows Tubbo and Ranboo share.

The blonde hesitates in front of the door, swaying slightly where he stands in the hallway. He feels humiliatingly like a child going to wake up their parents after a nightmare- he's seventeen, for fuck's sake. Really he shouldn't have even gotten up in the first place, but he had been half-asleep and panicked, and now he's here. Prime, Ranboo and Tubbo are going to think he's so stupid-

The door swings open, Tommy stepping back with wide eyes at the sight of a tired-looking Ranboo standing in the doorway.

"I knew I heard someone out here- Oh!" He blinks, only just fully noticing the blonde standing before him. "I'll be honest, I was kinda expecting Michael. You okay?"

"I... It's stupid, I can just go back to bed."

Ranboo's voice softens as he notices Tommy's eyes, red-rimmed from crying. "No, you're good! Do you... want to come in? I'm sure Tubbo won't mind, though he is asleep right now."

Stepping in hesitantly, Tommy hovers near the door even after Ranboo has closed it and stepped back towards the large bed. "'M sorry for wakin' you up."

"Oh, you didn't. I was about to get up anyway."

Frowning suspiciously, Tommy replies "At three in the morning?"

"Hey- man's gotta pee."

Tommy snorts, covering his mouth to muffle the laughter spilling from him. "Seriously, man, I did not need to know-"

"Yeah, I'll- I'll be right back." Ranboo says, managing to be even more awkward than usual as he leaves the room. Tommy deigns not to mention it when he comes back, looking up from where he sits on the edge of the massive bed as the hybrid re-enters the room.

"'Ow do?"

Ranboo squints. "You okay?"

"I'm- well, jus' had a nightmare and all, you know how it is." Tommy mumbles, scratching the back of his head sheepishly as the taller boy sits down next to him.

"Well if you ever wanna talk about it, I'm here."

"Thanks, Ranboob."

"Hey- whatever man, just lay down." Ranboo shuffles past Tommy, laying down in the middle of the bed and patting the large space still left next to him. Tubbo snores away on his other side.

"Ugh, you're so fuckin' affectionate." Tommy says, rolling his eyes like it's an insult but obliging anyway, worming his way under the covers while Ranboo settles in and closes his eyes. His eyes snap back open in surprise at the feeling of hair against his neck, looking down to see that Tommy's tucked himself under his chin, hands twisted into the front of Ranboo's sweater. He blinks, then carefully drapes an arm over the younger boy, a rumbling purr bursting from his chest when Tommy doesn't even flinch at the action.

"Yeah, yeah- go to sleep, enderboy." Tommy mumbles, muffled by the wool pressing against his face- and so Ranboo sleeps, content with the weight of his two favorite people (other than Michael, of course) tucked against his sides.


"So, uh- we'd like to ask you something."

Tommy fidgets nervously with his hands as he sits at the kitchen table across from Tubbo and Ranboo- he feels oddly like he's being interrogated. Trying to ignore the inherent anxiety stemming from Ranboo's statement, he looks up.

"I- yeah? What is it, big man?"

Tubbo and Ranboo glance at each other nervously- Prime, Tommy hopes they're not kicking him out.

"Do you wanna move in with us?" Tubbo blurts.


"Huh?" Tommy says, dumbfounded.

"Like, full-time." Ranboo clarifies, tail swishing behind him. "'Cause you've been staying here a while, but- we'd like to make it a more permanent thing."

Tommy stares at him.

"I-if you don't want to that's fine, I don't know if you had other plans or like-"

"I'd love to move in with you guys, just- are you sure you want me here... like all the time?" Tommy cuts him off, wincing when he realizes the interruption. The anxiety fades when he looks up and sees both Tubbo and Ranboo looking both incredibly relieved and incredibly happy all at the same time.

"We'll always want you here." Tubbo smiles, and somehow- for the first time in forever, it feels like everything might be okay, as long as the three of them are together.

They've got each other's backs, after all.


Settling down in his bed at Tubbo and Ranboo's (and his) house is far easier than it ever was back in his dirt hut. The sheets are clean and untorn, and Tommy feels safe, not like his home in L'manberg where it seemed like someone or something could walk in at any moment.

Tommy's felt unusually safe lately. He would be more skeptical about it, but Puffy says that it's a good thing- that he's finally in an environment where he can heal. So he tries to let it go, sinking into the covers and closing his eyes- he's tired down to the bone from attempting to teach Ranboo how to farm earlier in the day. Seriously, the lanky fucker just cannot seem to stop trampling the vegetables.

A few moments pass of Tommy laying still before the door creaks open, someone stepping in. The blonde can immediately tell it's Tubbo without even opening his eyes- at this point he's memorized the footsteps of practically anyone he's been close with. Something (partially fatigue, but there's a curiosity there too- what is Tubbo doing?) tells him to keep his eyes closed, face lax as the brunette approaches his bed. There's an almost hesitant pause before Tubbo moves again- a barely-there brush of lips against Tommy's forehead, and the older boy is padding out of the room just as quietly as he entered.

Tommy lets himself settle into the warmth left by the gesture and smiles.

Tubbo and Ranboo have now learned their lesson on Don't Start Grabbing a Panicking Person :O
Hope you enjoyed! 💕 Comments fuel me if you did :D

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