Ishq Wala Love

By rozepaul8

14.7K 680 181

Book 1 *Starts Raining.* "And when they looked at eachother, they knew it was hate at first sight." Aisha Fer... More

Goodbye Goa.
Bombay Train Tales.
Survival For The Fittest.
Sunshine Meets Storm.
That Movie Wala Moment.
Mr Saaru's Assistant.
The Kapoor Mansion.
The Arrangement.
Lights, Camera and Lots of Action.
The Aspiring Filmmaker.
Ishq Wala Love.
Bonfire Battles.
Let's Play A Game. It's Called Love.
Dark Secrets.
Without You.
Happy Birthday, Woman Child!
The Play and The Players.
Friend vs Boyfriend.
Ishq Wala Love Premier.
The Unveiled Star.
Drunk in Love.
Broken Hearts.
On A Mission.
Natasha Dobriyal.
Treat For My Readers
Last Note To My Readers.
The Sequel is Available.

The Enemy's Gift.

542 25 9
By rozepaul8

Aisha arrived late to the hostel. She looked at the time, realising it was past her curfew. She still had the shirt in her hand, while she was still distracted by Armaan's mystery gift. Was he being legitimate? Did he really get her something? And how did he know it was her birthday? She began speculating, until she reached her room. She placed her bag to the side, while throwing Armaan's shirt on the bed. Shreya was present, folding her clothes. When she saw Aisha and her face lit up.

"Oh hey girl! I have a surprise for you."



She protruded out a box, as Aisha eyes grew excited.

"This is for you, birthday girl! I didn't know it was your birthday until Ishika came by. She wanted to wish you personally, but you took a while coming back. What held you back? Because apparently you had the day off. Lucky, though. Because then I had ample time to get you something."

Armaan. And he literally did held her back, as she visualised his broad arms and muscles in the bathroom. After the office mishap, she went straight to Juhu Beach, to rewind for a bit. She was missing her family terribly, that the sand and water beneath her made her feel as if she was home celebrating with them.

Aisha just told Shreya about her beach trip.

"Aww, come here."

Aisha accepted Shreya's hug. Though her eyes travelled to the shirt on the bed.

"What's that?"

Aisha froze. She didn't want to tell her about Armaan yet.

"Oh, it's a shirt."

"I can see that. But why do you have a stained shirt?"

Shreya was very observant. Which explained how she always managed to sniff out the intentions of her prior ex boyfriends.

"It's actually a long story. Besides leave it. Let's see what you brought me."

Shreya didn't probe any further, as Aisha excitedly opened the red box. She peered inside, pulling out a beautiful baby blue gown.

"Shreya. This must have cost a ton. How did you get this?"

"I got a good deal from a designer friend. Besides it's not the value that counts, but the thought behind it. And before you reject it. Let me tell you, that I've shifted from modeling to ad shoots now. It's a big leap from just placing a hand on my hip and smiling like a fool."

"Oh my gosh! Congrats Shreya! I'm so happy for you. And thank you so much. I couldn't have asked for a better friend in Mumbai!"

"I wanted to bring a smile on your face. Since you've been working really hard these days."

Aisha smiled.

"Thank you once again! But that reminds me, I have to call Chris."

Aisha finally returned Chris's hundredth call as he scolded her on the phone.

"Aisha! I've been calling you all day. It's your eighteenth birthday. Your officially a grown up now."

"I had an eventful day. I'm sorry I didn't call you back sooner."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Off course! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because the Aisha I know would be jumping with joy knowing that she's turning eighteen."

Aisha realized her tone was way off.

"No. It's nothing like that. I was just thinking about you and my parents. If I was back home, we would have been cutting a cake at the Lurve Shack."

"That's exactly where I am at the moment. I'm sitting here with a beer in my hand, in your honour."

Aisha realized Chris was a little tipsy. If she was over there, she would have had her first alcoholic drink with him.
Chris began to sang happy birthday to her, then switching to her favourite Bollywood songs. Aisha chuckled, as she missed her buddy so much.

"Thank you, Chris!"

"You don't need to thank me. You deserve to be spoilt on your special day. If only you were here. We could have the most adventurous night together."

"I can imagine. And I can also imagine Ma yelling at us for returning home so late. But she will probably put the blame on me, and then suck up to you. Sometimes I feel like she loves you more than she loves me."

Chris laughed.

"I can't blame her though."

"Chris! Anyway, thank you for calling. I really miss you."

"I miss you too Aisha. There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't think about you."

There was a eerie similarity between the way Chris and Armaan both shared their feelings towards her.

"So update me about Goa!"

Aisha spent the next two hours speaking to Chris as if they were present in the shack together. Chris told her about Goa while she updated him on Mumbai. They finally finished their conversation and bid each other goodnight.

Aisha grabbed the dress to try it on, when she noticed Shreya was asleep.
She decided to go take a shower in the common bathroom, as she took her belongings.

Once she was in the shower, a few seconds later. The power went off. Aisha stood there in the dark,
as warm water continued falling down her naked form. She suddenly panicked, wondering if there was a power failure. She could barely see anything, as she decided to stay rooted to the spot, incase she slipped and died in the bathroom. A few minutes later, the lights came back to life, as she sighed in relief. She quickly washed off the remaining strawberry scented conditioner in her hair. She stepped out, wiping herself dry, putting on her pink dotti print pyjamas. Although she was 18 now. She would still wear her fave pjs to sleep, no matter how old she would get.

She returned back to her room, as she placed her stuff into the cupboard. She kept her towel, drying her damp hair. Shreya was snoring loudly, when her snores were drowned out by a knock on the door. Aisha wondered who could it be at this time? Was it Sister Hitler. Perhaps she was here to assure her that the power failure had been fixed and that they could sleep in peace now. Aisha went to open the door, only to find herself staring back at a male outside her room, in a girl's hostel at the most inauspicious hour.

Aisha's eyes almost rolled out of her eyesockets.




Armaan observed Aisha's damp hair, while struck upon her pyjamas that never ceased to bemuse him. Aisha had finally become a woman, yet the child in her seems to never leave. Not that he had any complaints against her.

"Nice pyjamas, woman child."

"I'm not sure if your complimenting me or your insulting me?"

"How about both?"

He winked at her, while Aisha was pinching herself.

"Wait! How did you know where my room was? And how did you get here without getting kicked out? Boys aren't allowed to be here at the hostel, unless your my cousin or brother. Which you are obviously not."

"Well I'm glad I'm not either."

It suddenly clicked to Aisha.

"Wait. The power supply? You did that. You must have turned off the power, so that you can sneak your way in. But how did you know my number?"

Armaan eyed her, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Okay Sherlock you got me! And I got your room number through Ishika who came by to visit you earlier. It's the perk of being a girl and my cousin at this hostel."

Armaan smirked, as Aisha shook her head.


She dragged Armaan inside her room, closing the door behind. She turned to Shreya, who was still snoring away. She hoped she wouldn't get up. As she turned around, she found herself pressed up right against Armaan. They didn't have to say a single word, as they understood each other enough. Aisha could hear her heart hammering across her chest, as she stepped back. She kept walking backwards, as he followed her steadily. Her back met the wall, as she was pinned by Armaan's penetrating gaze.

"Why are you here?"

"I've come to give you your gift."

Aisha looked at him puzzled, noticing his empty hands.

"Where is it?"

He grinned, as he leaned in closer to her. His warm breath ran across her delicate face, as his lips inched closer to hers. She let out a small moan, when he captured her sound with his lip. He gave her a sweet peck, as he removed his lips. She leaned in to capture his lips again, as he moved a way a little to tease her. She came close again, as he moved again. She grunted, till he suddenly claimed her mouth with aggression. He took control of her mouth, as he gripped her waist to match the pace of his hunger. He slowly increased the pace of his tongue, as it grew urgent with desire. His cool, slender fingers slipped their way under her top, as he felt her hot skin beneath him. He slid his fingers around her stomach, then gripping her waist. His mouth was moving roughly, passionately, as she slid her hands in his hair to douse the fire that was burning in them.

His mouth then trailed down to her neck, as he sucked on her skin, leaving his territorial mark.

They finally stopped to catch their own breath, as Armaan leaned his forehead towards Aisha's, who was panting wildly.

"That was your gift. I wanted to make up for your first kiss. I'm sorry I took it the wrong way. But this time, this kiss was real and meaningful."


"What? You don't approve of it?"

"No. It was the most perfect kiss I could have ever asked for. But I still see cracks in our relationship. And I'm afraid to fall in them."

Aisha moved away. She didn't want to get herself hurt again, like last time. Especially right after the most amazing kiss of her life.

"I understand. But trust me, I'm trying to seal those cracks."

Aisha just nodded.

"Can I stay the night?"

"Kya? Look sneaking is one thing. But staying is another. If Sister Hitler finds you here, she will kill you and take my life as well."

Armaan looked at her amused.

"Killing is a big sin."

He folded his hands together.

"She's really scary, though. Hence, Sister Hitler."

"She can't be scarier than me."

"It's no contest. I would rather deal with you than her."

"How can a nun be scary? Isn't it the opposite?"

"Well, there was a case where a girl was caught in bed with her boyfriend by Sister Hitler."

"Woah! Then what happened?"

"She committed suicide. Not because of Sister Hitler. But because the boy only had sex with her over a bet. She fell pregnant, and Sister Hitler told her parents. She was then disowned by them for corrupting their values, and because she had no support. She took her own life."

"What about her boyfriend?"

"He dumped her, out of fear of being a father. Especially when whatever happened between them was only make believe love. It's disgusting."

Aisha was enraged, as Armaan looked at her with concern.

"I'm sorry to hear that. In fact, I know what being a disappointment feels like."

Armaan's expression shifted.

"But honestly. I can't leave. Else I will be caught for sure. I didn't exactly make an exit plan."

"You should have thought about that, before deciding to come to a girls' hostel!"

"There's a first for everything, right?"

He winked at her, as Aisha blushed.

"Then how are you going to leave?"

"We have the entire night to think about that."

Aisha rolled her eyes.

"You always have to get your way, don't you?!"

Armaan bit his lip, dragging Aisha towards him.

"It's a Kapoor trait."

Aisha grunted in annoyance, as Armaan chuckled. Aisha had been noticing that Arman had been awfully smiling a lot today. It was like she was meeting a whole new different person. Sometimes she was scared to say something nice, without expecting to be scolded or insulted at in return. But the dynamics were changing between them.

Aisha took his hand, leading him to her bed. She went inside first, as Arman fit in like a glove, to her side.
She turned her back to him, as he placed his arms around her waist. He snuggled right into her neck, huskily whispering into her ears.

"Happy Birthday, woman child!"

Aisha smiled, as he pecked her cheek.

Her eighteenth had started on the right note.


Aisha fluttered her eyes open, as she looked at the gorgeous man before her. He was still sound asleep. Aisha observed how peaceful and angelic be looked, unlike the angry, aggressive demeanor he carried at times. He took in deep breaths, as she studied his face. Her eyes landed on his stubble, that always pricked her soft skin, when ever they kissed. She recalled the way it grazed across her last night. The memory itself gave her chills, as she traced the line with her finger; until his eyes sprung open. He looked back at Aisha, staring deeply into her light brown eyes. He could see himself through her eyes, as he imagined all the pain and suffering he had given to this angel the time they had met. How her beautiful, twinkling eyes reflected all of the solutions to his problems. However how would these eyes feel once they found out about his dark past. Will these eyes accept him or discard the potential of being good? He grabbed Aisha's hand and placing a swift kiss on it.

"Good Morning, baby."

Aisha stared at him with disbelief.

"What? Am I going too fast?"

Aisha sighed.

"No, it's just that yesterday I would have never imagined you sleeping in my bed."

He tucked a piece of her hair away from her face, as he traced his finger slowly on her cheek, while grazing her lip with his thumb. She gasped.

"I never expected it too."

Aisha frowned at him.

"Lies. You planned to finally meet me a week before your premier. And then you planned to come to my hostel. So I think you expected this to happen."

"True. But I guess our priorities were different at the time. So we couldn't make ends meet."

"True. I guess there is a timing for everything."

"How exactly did you spend these four months without me?"

Armaan was curious.

"I could say the same for you."

Aisha nonchalantly noted.

"Your memories kept me somewhat alive, just like your presence."

Aisha gave him a half smile, as Armaan continued stroking her lip.

"And now I want to relish your existence, before you slip away."

Armaan immediately replaced his thumb with his lips, as went straight for her mouth. She let out involuntary gasps as he explored her mouth with his tongue. He took his time tasting her, tantalizing her senses.

As soon as they stopped, Aisha opened her eyes trying to catch her breath. How did he always have this effect on her? He grabbed her face in his long slender hands, as his stubble lightly grazed her soft cheeks, just the way she liked it. Armaan licked his lips.

"How old are you, by the way?"

"Why? You concerned about the age gap?"

"No. Just getting to know you."


"But your an adult now. So it shouldn't be a problem right? Besides, you will still be woman child to me."

"And used to be Mr Saaru. But now.."



Aisha blushed, as Armaan smiled.

"I will tell you everything about myself at the Premier."

"So basically all the good things, since I've already been exposed to the bad."

Aisha poked her tongue at Armaan, teasing him.

"Oh, there is still bad stuff involved."

"Like what?"

"Like I said, that night will change everything."

Armaan's stance went cold, as he looked on tense. Aisha wanted to know everything now, when her phone alarm went off.


"Oh no. I have to go. There's some important clients coming from China to meet your uncle. I need to be there asap!"

Aisha ran out of bed, while Shreya stirred from her sleep, when she found a stranger in Aisha's bed. l

"Eeeek! Armaan Kapoor. What are you doing in my best friend's bed?!"

"I was sleeping, in case you didn't know."

Aisha wasn't in the mood to face an one on one interrogation with Shreya. Especially when she had lied about Armaan. She decided to sneak out, before she could face her rapid fire round.

"Miss Fernandez, where do you think you're going?!"

"To get ready for work."

"I think you owe me an explanation for this?"

"Your best friend lost her virginity last night."

Aisha's gaped at Armaan. Shreya looked at Aisha with shock, yet excitement.

"Armaan! He's lying, Shreya. You know me. I think twice before even going on a date with someone."

"So that's where that shirt came from?"

Shreya looked at her intently.

"You weren't at the beach. You were too busy getting it in with someone, ayee."

Aisha face palmed herself. Yes, the shirt. Armaan looked on amused.

"Shirt? The one you spilled coffee on."

Aisha grew red.

"You kept my shirt? I didn't know our love was so deep Aisha that your keeping memorabilia of me now."

Armaan chuckled, enjoying himself. Aisha threw her pillow at him.

"I met him at my office. I dropped coffee on his shirt. So by mistake I must have put it in my bag."

Aisha pleaded with Armaan to go along with her.

"I'm pretty sure I left it right next to you when you helped me clean it up. Do you remember how wet it got?"

Aisha gave Armaan the death stare, as Shreya couldn't help but snicker.


Shreya eyed her.

"Nothing happened. I just came to wish her on her birthday. And I got stuck here for the night."

"So personally?"

"Yes, she was my personal assistant."

"Was. But now?"

Armaan didn't want probe any further.

"Just my date to the Premier."

"Oh. Well, I hope this turns into something serious. Because Aisha deserves to be with someone who will keep her nothing but happy. And with what happened last time.."

"I know. I can't guarantee. But I won't hurt Aisha again."

"Shreya, I have to go soon. Can you help Armaan get out of the hostel?"

"I was just going to ask you about that."

"Well, what can we do?"

"I have to turn Armaan into a girl."

Armaan looked at her.

"Whatever it takes. Just get him out, before we end up on the streets."

"You can always come back to the Mansion."

Armaan suggested.

"Not unless you get out."

Aisha rolled her eyes, storming out of room to head towards the bathroom.

"I don't have to wear a frock, right?"

Shreya chuckled, as she rummaged through her belongings. She threw Armaan a set of her clothes and a dupatta to cover his face.

As Aisha showered, all she could think about was the day before. The casual, breezy way Armaan had been with her and Shreya bedazzled her. In these four months, Armaan had changed. A lot. But what did he mean by the bad stuff? The night will change everything. What did he mean by that? Did he do something regretful that would impact the way she would see him? She relayed all the potential things he could have done. What if it was related to Natasha's murder? Aisha got chills down her spine, as she finished her shower. She changed into her work outfit, as she put her tame hair into a bun and kept her makeup simple. Once she was done, she walked back to her room

Armaan had left with Shreya, as ordered. She sighed, knowing she had a lot to tell Shreya. As she put her stuff away, she noticed a paper on top of her planner. Armaan had scribbled a note for her,

Your birthday isn't over yet. Let's celebrate properly tonight. I'll see you at 9.

P.s I think that shirt will look better on you, than it does on me.

- Your beloved A. ;)

Aisha smiled to herself. A? Yes, it was his official trademark now. He even drew a wink face, called her baby and showed off his cheeky side. Who was this man? Aisha was curious as to how the rest of the night would turn out, if he kept up like this.


Aisha spent the rest of the day dealing with the guests from China, supporting Abhinav. Once the meeting was over, Aisha realized that her class was in a hour's time.

She made her way to the academy, immediately involved in today's lesson. Padma her acting mentor; was talking about Armaan Kapoor's next film. Aisha blushed at the mention of his name, while trying to get a grip of herself. Could she trust him again? Was he actually changing? Or was he going to hurt her again?

Aisha decided to distract herself, as she focused on rehearsals. She was expected to showcase her acting skills in a play that was going to occur tomorrow night. Aisha had already asked Shreya to attend, who was beaming with joy. And Aisha worked extremely hard, knowing that there were going to be potential producers, writers or directors that might drop in to see the potential amongst the students here at the most prestigious acting academy.

Aisha vigorously rehearsed her lines the rest of the day. Once her class was over, she made her way back to the office. She had to some last minute stuff to do, until she reached her hostel by 8. She had an hour left, till the rest of night that was going to be spent with Armaan. Aisha wasn't sure what to wear, when Shreya joined her.

"Now you have to tell me everything?!"

"Yes. That.."

Aisha told Shreya everything. From the time Armaan rocked up to her office until now.

"Wow! What have you done to that man?!"

"That's exactly what I'm wondering. It's like he's this whole new person. I don't even recognize him. But he did tell me this morning, that he has something really important to tell me at the Premier. And he mentioned that it's potentially bad. Like what? Do you think it's related to Natasha?"

"Seems likely. What if it is something that will change the way you see him?"

"Maybe that's why he's been so close to me. What if it just another build up for nothing? Maybe, he knows that he will break my heart. I don't know. Perhaps I'm overthinking this. Especially since last time."

"Well, I think he just wants you to know about him and his past. Especially when he's putting in all the effort to be with you this time."

"I don't know. I guess I have to wait till the Premier. But perhaps I should ask him tonight."

"Nope. Your not doing that. For once, you guys get to spend a night where your both aren't at each other's necks. Truth or no truth. Just have fun, tonight."

"I guess you right. I honestly like this playful side to him."

"Then let him be in his element. Let him show you his good side."

Aisha smiled.

"By the way, can I help you get ready?"

"Yes, please put me out of my misery!"

Shreya smirked, choosing a dress that Aisha would not want to be caught dead in.

"You did mention playful, right?"

Aisha cringed. Oh boy!

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