Zodiacs on Crack

By BrazilianDoll

17.7K 68 721

REVAMPED VERSION Yeah to sum it up it's just your average zodiacs doing absolute stupid shit except a little... More

Important Intro
Finding Everyone
Momo Motel
KFC Time
Everyone is Finally Here!
How the Mansion is Like
Never Have I Ever
Random Day
Cooking Contest
Karaoke Night
1st Day of School
Air Time
Rio de Janeiro Part 1
Rio de Janeiro Part 2
The Guys are Crazy
The Girls are Equally Bad
Returning Back
Back to School
Bulls Make the Best Hype Men
Beach Day
The Bull and the Scorpion
Aquarius' new Invention
Food Fight
Pool Party
Sick Day
Everyone Goes Nuts
Camping Part 1
Camping Part 2


55 0 4
By BrazilianDoll

It was a normal day until Sagittarius jumped in Aries' lap.

"UwU" said Sagittarius

"Fuck off" said Aries

"UwU" said Sagittarius

Aries punched Sagittarius in the arm and he giggled.

"I love you" said Sagittarius

"Look sag I love you too" Aries sighed, "but I'm tired as fuck"

"So no smash?"

"Of course no"

"Lemme smash"

Aries facepalmed. "Get out"


"Annoying people again, bro?" asked Leo

"Shut up, you're equally annoying" said Sagittarius

"no u"

Leo mentally facepalmed as he left the room, as he left the room he saw Aquarius' face.

"OMG A WILD GORILLA" gasped Aquarius

"I-What even" said Leo

Leo jumped into the kitchen and grabbed some PB&J when he saw Scorpio open up a bottle of bleach.

"What" said Scorpio

"Lol, what's the bleach for?" asked Leo

"You already know what" said Scorpio

Scorpio opened her mouth and poured the remaining bleach into her mouth. Leo just stared at her.

"..." said Leo

"What? Bleach is tasty" said Scorpio



"That was for the rest of us you piece of shit"

"No bleach for you"

"Why not?"

"Because you   s u c k "


"And I thought Taurus was bad enough"

"Mega oof"

Leo pretended to faint and jumped onto the sofa. Sagittarius was running away from Aries who was so pissed off at Sagittarius for no apparent reason.

"Seems like a normal day" thought Scorpio

Scorpio ignored everything while blasting MCR through her headphones and chugging gallons of milk. Virgo sat on the sofa bored while Aquarius tried to turn on the TV.

"BiTcH" said Aries

'NOOOOOO BE GONE THOT" said Sagittarius

Aries threw a bowling ball at Sagittarius.

"Oof" said Aquarius


"WHACHU JUST CALL ME?!?!" screamed Aries

"Guys, let's do something I like to do" said Libra

"Getting no bitches?" asked Leo

"Fuck you Leo" said Libra

"Selling fent to kids" asked Gemini

"for the love of god . . . n o " 


"Shut up"

"So what's your idea, honey boo boo" asked Aquarius

"I was thinking that we should go bowling" said Libra

"Wow, so inspiring!"

"I was inspired by Aries trying to kill Saggy with a bowling ball lmao"

Aries looked up.

"Where did I even get the bowling ball from?" asked Aries

Libra facepalmed.

"Wot" said Aquarius

"The logic all 4 of you have sure is interesting"

"True, I've lost hope in the 4 of them" said Capricorn

"I'm pretty sure you lost hope in all of us a long time ago" said Leo

"She probably loves me" said Sagittarius

"Do not!" said Capricorn

"Guys, when are we leaving?" asked Aries

"When we die lol" said Aquarius

"We are not dying end of story" said Capricorn

"Dying is bad" said Pisces

"Okay I change my mind and am gonna be alive then" said Aquarius



Capricorn sighed and decided to drive then and everyone followed and went there with her. Once they reached, Capricorn was discussing the teams with everyone and trying to prevent everyone from fighting, which actually worked.

"Me, Taurus and Cappy will be 1 team!" announced Gemini

"NO" said Capricorn

"Me, Aries and Cappy" announced Aquarius

"NO" said Capricorn

"Me, Leo and Moto Moto" said Leo

" N O " said Capricorn

"I think Moto Moto likes you" said Gemini

"Oh my fucking godddddd...." groaned Capricorn

"Lol" said Pisces

"Why do y'all like me so much?" asked Capricorn

"Because you're our mommy!" said Gemini

"Mommy Cappy!" said Pisces

"I-no tf I'm not"

"I guess me, Scorpio and Pisces are 1 team" said Cancer

"Sisterhood" said Scorpio

Leo looked at Sagittarius.

"Bro, let's team up" said Leo

"Sure bro" said Sagittarius

Leo and Sagittarius brofisted.

"Aight but 1 question" said Leo

"yea bro"

"Who else is on our team?"

"Wait wait wait, we don't need teams" said Virgo

"Wasit what" said Capricorn

"We can just put all of us in 1 lane" 

"Isn't that-"

"Nah it's not long, I tried it before"

"H-ok, fair" said Capricorn

"Let's go in zodiac order!" said Sagittarius

"Nice!" said Aries

"Okay say less, lemme go set it up" said Leo

Leo gave an evil grin and ran to the machine like a toddler and started typing when the screen appeared.


BBL <3


"SAGGYTITS?? bro what the fuck" said Sagittarius

"FEMINI?? Piss off!" said Gemini

"Scorp...emo...? Boy what in the hell?" said Scorpio

"Mommy, ugh...why are you all so obsessed with calling me your mommy?" asked Capricorn



"Taurection hehe" said Taurus

"Library boy is kinda fitting ngl" said Libra

Everyone was cussing Leo out when Cancer had a question.

"Uh, what's a BBL?" asked Cancer

"Oh that?" Hehe, it's means beautiful blonde lady!"

"But my hairs orange..."

"Who gon tell her?" said Gemini chuckling

Cancer looked at him confused.

"Cancer, he called you a Big booty latina" said Scorpio

"Whoa whoa, keep it PG" said Leo

"Your entire existence isn't PG" said Scorpio

"Leoooooo..." whined Cancer

Cancer buried her face into Leo's chest in embarassment.

"And you said I was an unhinged boyfriend" whispered Taurus

"You still are" whispered Scorpio

" = I "  said Taurus

"Anyways...alrighty then i'll go first" said Aries

Suddenly the name ANGRY BIRD popped up.

"Okay angry bird" giggled Sagittarius

"Fuck you" said Aries

Aries rolled the ball and she got a strike.

"OH SHIT BABY LET'S GO!!" said Aries

"NICE ONE" said Aquarius

"Nice!" said Sagittarius

"Hmph" said Leo

"LIke you can do better" said Aries

"I can"

"Wanna bet??"


"Aight my turn" said Taurus

Gemini tried laughing to distract Taurus and it worked.

"Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh" snickered Gemini

" B O I " said Taurus

"hi there" said Gemini

The ball went into the gutter and Gemini laughed. 

"Aw what the hell?" said Taurus

"Haha you suck!" said Gemini

"YOU distracted me, ahem" 

"I what?"

Taurus got triggered and took a bowling and tickled Gemini with it.

"Bitch how do you tickle someone with a bowling ball???" asked Gemini

"Idk" said Taurus distracted

"You turn motherfucker" said Aquarius

"Oh?" said Gemini


"Watch me beat Taurus, which I'm sure anyone can do" 

"Oh shut up" said Taurus

Gemini chuckled and rolled the ball but it went into the gutter.

"Aw what?!" said Gemini

"HAHAHA! YOU ALSO GOT 0!!" said Taurus

"I-for fucks sake"

"Karmas a bitch huh"

"You're a bitch!"

"Tee hee"

Cancer picked up the ball and tried 


After another round, Aries hit 8 pins, Taurus hit 0 pins, Gemini hit 0 pins, Cancer hit 3 pins, Leo got a strike got a strike, Virgo hit 7 pins, Libra hit 8 pins, Scorpio hit 6 pins, Sagittarius got a strike, Capricorn hit 5 pins, Aquarius got a strike and Pisces hit 0 pins. Leo and Aquarius were winning. 

"Bro we are trash at this game" said Gemini

"Nah how do we both still have 0?" asked Taurus

"Maybe we are cursed" said Gemini

"Nah, you both just suck" said Scorpio


"I'm not wrong, am I?"

"Even Pisces has 0 points"

"Oh yeah, true" said Scorpio

"Speaking of Pisces, wtf is she doing?" asked Gemini

Scorpio turned behind and saw Pisces and Aquarius tapping something on the machine.

"What are you both doing?" asked Virgo

"Tings" said Aquarius

Aquarius whispered into Virgo's ears and he nodded.

"Oh yeah, sure" said Virgo

"Nice" said Aquarius

"Okay, round 3!" said Aries

After another round, Aries hit 8 pins, Taurus hit 0 pins, Gemini hit 0 pins, Cancer hit 0 pins, Leo got a strike, Virgo hit 8 pins, Libra got a strike, Scorpio got a strike, Sagittarius hit 9 pins, Capricorn hit 3 pins, Aquarius got a strike and it was Pisces turn and once her name popped up bumpers appeared.

"Hey That's cheating!" said Gemini

"I'm not!" 

"We both still on 0 why shouldn't we also have bumpers??"

"Pisces is baby" said Aquarius

"Yeah" said Pisces

"Gemini is baby too" said Taurus

"No he's not..." said Scorpio

"But Pisces is the baby of babies" said Cancer

"I don't know what that means but I love that nickname" said Pisces

"Heehee" said Cancer

Pisces grabbed Cancer's waist.

"Hey hey, we're in public..." said cancer

"Protect me, babes" said Pisces

"Okay babes"

"Yee, thanks!"

"You both are weird" said Gemini

Cancer and Pisces turned around and glared at him.

"Hey!" said Cancer and Pisces

"Not as weird as you" said Scorpio

Gemini gave them a weird stare and continued with his life. Pisces giggled and rolled the ball, which bumped of the bumpers and gave her a strike.

"Strike, yay!" said Pisces

"LETS GO MY GIRL" said Aquarius

"Nice one, sis" said Cancer

After another round, Aries hit 8 pins, Taurus hit 2 pins, Gemini hit 0 pins, Cancer hit 1 pin, Leo got a strike, Virgo hit 7 pins, Libra hit 8 pins, Scorpio got a strike, Sagittarius got a strike, Capricorn hit 5 pins and it was Aquarius' turn.

Aquarius picked up a ball.

"Watch and learn, noobs" said Aquarius

Aquarius put the ball on the floor and rolled it slowly and gave an evil grin. The ball rolled fast and hit all the pins and gave her a strike.

Aries and Virgo looked at the ball Aquarius just rolled.

"Damn, how are you this good at bowling?" asked Aries

"Yeah, teach us" said Pisces

Aquarius whispered the answer into both of their ears and they both stared at her like she was high.

"You trippin!" said Aries

"I'm not" said Aquarius

"That's hard to pull off"

"Yeah but it took time"

"Tru" said Pisces

The signs were playing another round and everything was normal until it was Leo's turn. Leo chuckled and threw the ball but it flew upwards and hit the TV.

"Omg Leo wtf" said Cancer

"What's wrong?" said Leo

"Look up babes"

Leo looked up and gasped.

"Holy shit" said Leo

The bowling ball had cracked a hole in the TV.

"Ya rig-oooohhhh my goddddd..." said Leo

"WOw Leo, you fucked up" said Scorpio

"So?" asked Leo

"Leo!" said Capricorn

"What? What's wrong?"

"Leo, you do realise were gonna have to pay a shitton of money for what you just did, right?" 

"Quick, guys! Let's abandon Leo!" suggested Sagittarius, everyone glared at him, "Or maybe not..."

"Terrible friend much?" said Leo

"Stfu" said Sagittarius

Suddenly, a staff worker appeared.

"Ahem" she said

"Hey gurl" said Leo

"BE GONE THOT" said Sagittarius

Taurus and Gemini laughed until Gemini fell on the floor.

"d00d you dont say these to a worker" said Aries

"Be gone thot" said Sagittarius

Aries facepalmed and walked away.

"Sir, you have violated the rules of not damaging property-" said the staff

"It was an accident, I swear" said Leo

"-and because of this we have to ask all 12 of you to leave"


"Have a nice day, sir"

The staff walked away.

"So much for winning" said Leo

"Hey, at least we won" said Aquarius

"Oh yea" 

"Cappy owes us chocolate" 


"I do NOT" said Capricorn

"Sure" said Aquarius

"I blame Sag for all this" said Aries

"FUCK YOU" said Sagittarius

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