Life with the Avengers

By highandhappy

42 3 0

When Amber, the new psychiatrist enters the compound, she meets an old friend. Natasha's past stares at her a... More

Chapter 1 : my arrival
Chapter 2 : injuries
Chapter 3 : drinks and a lot of dancing
Chapter 4 : nightmares
Chapter 5 : flashbacks and massages
Chapter 6 : tension is in the air
Chapter 7 : it takes two to tango
Chapter 8 : what have I gotten myself into?
Chapter 10 : date night

Chapter 9 : I get those goosebumps every time

3 0 0
By highandhappy

Wanda's pov

I entered the compound after being away for a week, everything was exactly where it was when we left. "Hey Wanda!" Peter says as I enter the kitchen. I put my bags on the floor and jumped into his arms. "Peter!" He hugs me back and we talk about his date for a while. "It went really well, we had so much fun," he says with a huge smile. This conversation reminds me that I can't wait to see a certain someone too. I didn't think she would occupy my mind so much but she just makes me feel safe and understood. "Have you seen Amb?" He turns around to stir his soup. "No, I haven't seen her in a few days actually."

"What?!?" My heart starts to beat faster and louder. "We're home!" Tony, Natasha, Steve and Bruce join us. "Hi guys," he says as I try to bring him back to our conversation. "You didn't ask yourselves questions when you saw she was gone?" The others take a few beers and drinks. "What are you guys talking about?" Steve asks. "Amber is missing," I say with worry. "She's not missing, she left me a note." He takes it out of the drawer. "She said she was at a friend's house in the city," Peter finally explains. "I just didn't think it would be for that long." My breathing slows down and I can feel my panic slowly fading away. "You might want to lead with that next time," Natasha says.

"Sorry," he says. "At least we know she's okay," Bruce adds before leaving the room to go work in the lab. ''Yeah,'' I say as I grab a drink. ''Do you want to come for a run with me?'' Peter asked me with excitement. ''I'm actually feeling a bit tired, I think I'm gonna head in early.'' We exchange a few sweet words before I go up the stairs.

I was about to open my door when my eyes adverted to her room. An idea popped into my head so I went into Amber's room instead. I channeled my powers to speak with her telepathically. ''Amber, when are you coming home?'' I can't sense anything from her. I try again with full force. ''Amber, where are you?'' I ask again but no signal. She must be very far away or she must be blocking her mind. I channel my powers again to access the history of movements in her room. If I could trace back her activity maybe I could see where she was going.

I see her dressing up in sweats and carrying her suitcase. Maybe her friend lives in another state. I take a moment and I decide to take back my powers. What am I doing? She has a right to privacy.


Amber's pov

"I think we need to run," I say as I point behind him. He turns around quickly and comes back to me. "Yep," he says as he takes me in his arms. "What are you doing? I can run by myself." He tells me to shut it while he carries me out of the airport. "I know somewhere safe." He puts me down and sits on a motorcycle. "Jump on," he says as he starts the engine. We drive around the city until we reach the mountains. ''Couldn't we just teleport ourselves?'' He turns his head. ''I didn't want to draw more attention. They would've kept looking.''

''We need to use another transportation,'' he says as I look at the thick snow that covers the ground. We walk for a while in the forest until we meet a couple on a ski-doo. ''Are you guys lost?'' The tall man asks. Loki lifts his hand and hypnotizes them. ''You're gonna walk back to where you came from,'' he says to them and they nod before leaving us alone with their engines. ''Jump on this one and follow me,'' he says. I drove one once when I was in Canada but I have to admit it was a long time ago.

We drive for a good hour until we reach a small wooden cabin. ''Is this your place?'' I ask. ''Not totally,'' he says. We enter and a familiar voice echoes from the kitchen. ''Brother!'' Thor says as he hugs him. He looks at me and lifts an eyebrow. ''Amber?'' He lets go of his brother and hugs me too. ''What are you doing here?'' I look at Loki and back at Thor. ''It's complicated,'' I answered. "Take a seat. I'm bringing you a beer." It was weird to see him outside of the compound. He was not like the other Avengers since he didn't live with us permanently. He is always coming and going so I don't always have the opportunity to be this close to him.

We talk and we laugh, everything is going well. I have to say that this is much needed after being on the run for two days. We had to take multiple flights before coming here. Loki explained that people could retrace his prints when he uses teleportation. That's why we had to come here this way. "So, you're helping destroy this thing?" Thor asks as he gets up. "Yeah! How do you know about this?" He locked eyes with his brother. "We always help each other when needed," Thor says. "It's a new thing for us," Loki adds. I lift my eyebrow while smiling. "That's nice," I say. I miss my sister, I wish it could be safe for us to coexist in this world.

"You should go get some sleep. We're gonna start in two hours when the sun gets down." I get up and thank them for the beers and the good conversations. I get up the stairs and a small but cozy bed welcomes me. My head touches the pillow and I am out like a light.


I enter the building with Thor. He decided to bring me back himself since we almost killed ourselves trying to destroy that thing and I think he felt bad. "Remember? Not a word to anyone," he tells me as Tony joins us in the main hall. "Yep," I say. "Where have you guys been?" He asks, exhausted. "We weren't together, we just came back at the same time," Thor answers nervously. "I was visiting a friend," I say with a smile as I take my bag from Thor's arm. "And I don't have to explain myself," Thor answers with confidence. "Okay," Stark says as we walk away from him.

"That was really smooth," I say quietly. "Shut up," he answers and we both laugh. "Amber!" Bruce says as he turns the corner of the hall. "Hey, Bruce! How's it going?" He looks at the papers in his hands and reads them nervously. "I need your help," he says as he lifts his glasses to look at me. "Why were you gone so long?" He asks as Thor leaves us alone. "It's nice to see you too," I say while a chuckle leaves my mouth. "Right, sorry. I'm really happy to see you but I really need you. Can it be now?" I look at his papers. "Yeah! Let me just go put down my bags and I'll join you." He nods as he walks back to the lab. I'm really glad that I can work and help him but I could use a little nap.

I walk up to my room and as soon as I see my bed, I jump in it. The little cabin was really nice but I really missed my bed. I was exhausted from all of the physical activity I had to do in the last few days and this bed just feels like a cloud. Okay, I have to get up or else I'm gonna fall asleep. I wonder what happened at S.H.I.E.L.D, I think that's another thing I'll have to sort out. I take a hot shower and I change into clean clothes. I open the door of the bathroom and someone's on my couch. "Oh my god!" I say because of the jump scare. "Where have you been?" I see a very worried Wanda nervously moving around on the cushions. "Wanda!" I say as I sit next to her and pull her into a hug. "I was worried," she says as she hugs me tighter. I think my little witch knows something.

She pulls me away to take a good look at me. A moment of silence installs itself as she looks into my eyes, she's trying so hard to read me. "Your powers are stronger," she says with a smile. "What makes you say that?" We look at each other, both hesitating on how much information we're giving the other. "I'm just glad you're safe," she adds. "Why wouldn't I be?" I look into her eyes as she bites her lips. I try not to look at them because then I would be tempted to untrap them with mine. "Why would I answer your questions when you don't answer mine?" Her tone is playful but she seems nervous.

"Are you free tomorrow night?" I ask and her anxious expression turns into an excited one. "Yes, what do you have in mind?" She asks. "Wait. How about I take care of tomorrow's plans and you just relax and look pretty?" She adds before I can answer her. "Deal," I say as I put my hand in front of her. "Deal." She takes my hand and pulls me into her. Her other hand slides on my cheek, her touch is soft and hot. I look into her eyes before closing the gap between us. Her lips claim mine passionately and our breaths synchronize. My hands move to her waist as she puts her other hand on the side of my neck. She uses her magic to heal the tension in my neck and my back. I hum against her lips and she pulls back. "You have a lot of tension dear," she says with a smirk.

"Thank god you're here to take it away." She laughs as she gives me one last peck. "Can I ask you something?" She says as she sits more comfortably. "Sure," I say as I give her a warm smile. "Have you told Nat? About us?" My heart skips a beat in my chest. Nat. "Not yet. I think I'll have to talk to her tonight." She puts her hand on my thigh and gives me the sweetest smile. "That's a good idea, I think it's better for everyone. You know, I wasn't the only one worried about you." I raise an eyebrow. I know my absence was longer than what I told them but It's not like they knew I was on a mission. Or did they?

"I know, I'm sorry." I look down at her hand and put mine on hers. "It's okay. It's just that agent Hill came two days ago looking for you. I'm here if you want to talk about it." I pull her into a hug. The events of day five actually popped in my head.

All three of us were fighting in the forest as soldiers tried to retrieve the precious space jumper. Bullets flying around my head as I try to control the enemies. Blood poured down my nose because my powers were too weak for the number of men. "I'm here too," I say before telling her I need to go see Bruce for an urgent matter.

"See you at dinner?" She asks before I open the door. "See you tonight," I say before leaving my room. I join Bruce and he explains to me that he had to go out of town to visit his wife. He is working on artificial intelligence and I needed to take over. I had to supervise the loading and I had to double check the codes. "Don't worry," I say as I put my hand on his shoulder. "You can leave with a peaceful mind. I'm gonna take good care of our baby." He laughs and his shoulders lowers, I can feel how relieved he feels now. "Thanks, I'll go pack my suitcase." He leaves the room and I get started with work.

I check all of the old data to make sure everything is uploaded right. After an hour, I decided to go train while the IA was rebooting.


"Are you sure this is the smartest way?" I ask as I stand away from Loki. "Do you have a better idea," he says with a harsh tone. I know we've been working on this for a long time and he must be irritated. "Let's take a break, shall we?" He turns towards me and sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm just so tired of this." He puts his hands down, his use of power must be exhausting. "Let me try!" I walk to the object and I try to channel my deepest and most powerful power. I try to sense a weakness at the stone and a bunch of flashbacks appear in my mind.

"Woah," I say and Loki immediately approaches me. "What is it?" He asks as I sense his curiosity appear. "It has a mind of its own," I say.

"Amber?" Someone says behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turn around and look at her while she jumps in the ring. "You were gone for so long," she says as she walks to me. She puts her hand on my cheek and our lips find themselves back to each other. I grab her waist and I push her towards the corner of the platform. I pull back and look into the most beautiful eyes I've seen. I didn't know how much I missed her, it's my body that tells me how much I ache for her.

"I have to tell you something." I break this sweet reunion to jump right into the hot topic. "What is it? Did something happen while you were away?" Her eyes turn into worry, she inspects my features closely. "Nat." I take her cheeks into my hands and bring her attention back to my face. "Do you remember when you got back to the quinjet on our latest mission together?" She nods as she looks confused. "Wanda kissed me right before you guys got there." She leans back from me, I can't quite figure out if she's mad. "And she asked me out on a date last week."

"And what did you say?" She crosses her arms on her chest. I look down at the floor, I really don't want to lose her but I have to explore these feelings I have for Wanda. "I said yes." I looked back at her and to my surprise, a small was portrayed on her face. "You're not mad?"

She takes me by the waist and throws me on the floor. "Thank you for your honesty," she says as she gets down on top of me. "But she's not right for you. You'll see that eventually." She grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. "All I care about is us and if that means I have to bring you on dates to show you how much you mean to me. I will." I am flabbergasted by her reaction, the jealous person I used to know is now someone who's so sure of herself. She leans into me and she places her lips on the side of my neck.

"I'll make you mine sooner or later anyways." She slides her finger down my chest and my arm, shivers and goosebumps appear on my skin. "You're sure you're fine with it?" We make eye contact and she leans to steal a kiss from me. "I'm sure. Look, even your body tells me how right we are for each other." I take her by the chin and I reach for her lips again, because that's all they are meant to do. "So, when are you bringing me on a date?" She leans to whisper in my right ear. "That's a surprise." She gets up and gives me her hand.

"The only thing I can tell you is that you're not gonna be able to resist touching me." She takes my waist from behind and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "We're gonna see about that," I say with a smirk. She kisses my neck and I grab her head to make her stay there. "I missed you," I say as she continues to kiss down to my collarbone.

"I'll let you finish your training now, darling." I turn around and I give her one last kiss. "Thank you Natasha," I say and she walks away. How can I feel so strongly about two different women? Yes, Natasha and I sometimes have trouble communicating and being vulnerable but I feel so passionately about her. She makes me look out for her in every room I walk in. She makes me feel things I never thought I could feel. With Wanda it's so different, I like her and I feel safe with her. She makes me want to reach my full potential and she makes me grow in confidence. I feel like we understand each other and care for each other. This is so confusing but maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's gonna help me figure out a couple of things. 

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